Democratic Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo - 3.5 Democratic Republic of Congo Food and AdditionalSuppliers

Democratic Republic of Congo Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

For information on Democratic Republic of Congo Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets contact details, please see the following link:

4.2.9 Democratic Republic of Congo Additional Service Provision Contact List

Main Food Suppliers

The most commonly eaten food is cassava (also known as manioc). The leaves are also eaten as a vegetable.

In addition, there are:

  • Wheat (flour);
  • Vegetables (fresh leaves)
  • rice
  • alcoholic beverages (beer)
  • Fresh and preserved fish (frozen mackerel, especially mpiodi)
  • plantain
  • oils and fats, especially palm oil,
  • corn grain
  • chicken
  • Sugar
  • The beef
  • beans
  • peanut.
  • Smoked fish, salted and dried

Local markets in general in the conflict-prone eastern part of the country are generally very thin (poorly supplied) as people are often afraid to travel to distant markets and thus mostly live on their own subsistence crops. Furthermore, given the generally insecure conditions, there is very little storage of food maintained for fear of theft and looting of supplies. For all practical purposes, the DRC is virtually a landlocked country. Situated on both sides of the Equator, seasons alternate between the north and south in the country, ensuring a more or less steady supply of food. One consequence of the geography and seasonality of the DRC is that almost no basic food stocks (cereals) are maintained in the country, and the availability of cereal stocks may last for at most a maximum of one month. Although there is plentiful storage capacity, most of the capacity is poorly utilized and poorly maintained. (Source: Profil des marchés pour les évaluations d’urgence en sécurité alimentaire)


There are many hotels and hotels in Kinshasa

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