Democratic Republic of Congo
Democratic Republic of Congo - 3.6 Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Additional Services

The Congolese Ministry of Environment, Tourism and Nature Conservation (Ministère de l’environment, de la nature et du tourisme) is responsible for solid waste Management.  

This task is carried out through various services such as: 

  • The National Cleaning Programme (Programme National d’Assainissement) 

  • Office of Road and Drainage (Office des Voiries et drainage) 

  • National service of Rural Hydraulic (Service national d’Hydraulique Rural) 

Solid waste management activities are decentralized at Provincial level and fall under the responsibility of the Provincial Government through the environment unit. 
At the Kinshasa level, a new service called Régie d’Assainissement et des Travaux Publics de Kinshasa has been created and aims at managing all activities pertaining to cleaning and sanitation of the city. Several transitional disposal sites have been constructed in the city before the waste is evacuated to the final disposal site. 

For more information on the Régie d’Assainissement et des Travaux Publics de Kinshasa, please see the following website: Régie d’Assainissement et des Travaux Publics de Kinshasa Website 

For information on Democratic Republic of Congo Waste Management and Disposal Providers contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Democratic Republic of Congo Additional Service Provision Contact List 

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