2.1 Algeria Port Assessment

The vast majority of Algeria’s commercial trade moves through the national port network. The most significant port in terms of traffic is Arzew in Oran, which handles mostly petrochemical traffic, followed by Skikda. For container traffic, Algiers is the most important port after Arzew, handling almost 60% of the country’s container traffic. Algiers is a congested port and delays are common, as in other major Algerian ports. Congestion surcharges are regularly implemented by shipping lines.  DP World (Dubai Ports World) is responsible for port operations in Algiers as well as Djen Djen.

Major Algerian Ports

  • Port of Algiers
  • Port of Annaba
  • Port of Arzew
  • Port of Bejaia
  • Port of Oran
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