3.4 Algeria Telecommunications

Landline and Internet services are provided by the public sector. There are two internet service providers; Algerie Telecom and ICOSNET. The internet connection at Tindouf is relatively slow regardless of the size of the bandwidth. Registration is required for those services as well as for mobile phones in which three providers are available in Algeria (Mobilis, Nadjma & Djezzy). At Tindouf as well as the camps, mobile phones network are not reliable, and mainly busy from 5:00 to 11:00 pm as well as on weekends. Apart from Rabouni, mobile network at the camps (Smara, 27 February, Elyoone & Awsered) are only provided by Mobilis and at Dekhla, there is no network coverage.

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?


Does it allow international calls?


Number and Length of Downtime Periods (on average)


Mobile Phone Providers




Approximate Percentage of National Coverage


Telecommunications Regulations

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications is the implementer of national telecommunications policies and is responsible for the regulatory framework, ensuring the monopoly remains unthreatened and assigning spectrum and frequencies. It also oversees the development and management of the general network according to specific technical standards, established by itself. Its role in the supply of consumer equipment is now limited to defining technical standards and the approval of imported equipment.

Only Algerian citizens are allowed to provide Internet services for commercial purposes. Requests to provide such services must be addressed to the Minister of Telecommunication setting out details of proposed services and modes of access. A technical study will specify the architecture, facilities, software, partners as well as modes of connection. The users of foreign provider services are submitted to these same conditions. The Minister of Post and Telecommunications defines the entire development policy for the sector and proposes all relative regulation. The Ministry monitors the activity of the private enterprises active in the sector, proposes technical regulations, establishes employment legislation and lays down standards for the sector.

No telecommunications installation can be established or used without permission from the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication.


A new permanent commission has been set up and oversees examining license demands and of formulating recommendations in matters of service development. The representative of the Minister of Telecommunications heads the Commission.

Tariffs and policies

The Minister of Post and Telecommunications laid down tariffs in 1983. Inter-city calls of newspapers and press agencies are given a special tariff, while public servants are also given reduced rates.

Privacy, data protection, and consumer protection

The Internet provider is obliged to keep confidential all information relative to the private life of its subscribers. It is also held accountable for the contents of pages and data servers that it develops and hosts. (Article 14 of the ministerial decree no 98-257 of August 25, 1998 defining conditions and appropriate modes for using and operating Internet services). Section 303 of the penal code (see Art. 47 and 48 of the Post and Telecommunication code: legislation) punishes all violations of secret correspondence trusted to the service of telecommunication. The confidentiality of conversations through shared lines is assured (Art. 311 of the Post and Telecommunication code: regulation).

Electronic protection, legal protection and security

The distribution of broadcast and frequency utilisation subject to the authority of the Superior Council of Information. (Art. 56 of law no 90-07, 3 April 1990 relative to information).

Regulations on Usage and Import

Regulations in Place?

Regulating Authority



Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications

HF Radio


 Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications

UHF/VHF/HF Radio: Handheld, Base and Mobile


 Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications

UHF/VHF Repeaters


 Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications



  Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications



  Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications

Individual Network Operator Licenses Required

File the application for authorization of exploitation of sensitive equipment classified in the sub-section 3 of section (equipment and encryption software) consists of the following elements:

  • A certified copy of identification for individuals copy;
  • A certified copy of the register of commerce for corporations and a copy of the identity card of the custodian of the record copy people;
  • A technical description of the equipment and software encryption. This description will include:
  • The technical specifications of the equipment and / or the subject of the application software;
  • The list of cryptographic algorithms to be used;
  • Key size to be used by the algorithms mentioned;
  • The type and nature of the data to be operated by the equipment and / or the subject of the application for authorization software.
  • A certified copy of the authorization to acquire appropriate;
  • Demand operating properly completed authorization;
  • Payment by bank transfer or by certified check or bank check in the amount of 7020 DA TTC corresponding to the tax constitution folder payable to:

Regulatory Authority of Post and Telecommunication (ARPT)

Bank CPA Agency Hussein Dey: No. 004 00118 40 10004695 40

  • To accommodate the custodians of records in the best conditions, they are asked to make an appointment by phone at 021 47 78 28 or by e-mail at the following address:

Frequency Licenses Required

The provision of services VOIP activity concerns the establishment and operation of a VOIP network and the provision of related services.

Some obligations specifications:

  • Ensure continuity of service and interoperability with other existing operators.
  • Offer in its coverage area, according to the available capacity, access to VOIP services to all applicants by implementing the most reliable technical means.
  • Keep confidential any information relating to the privacy of its customers and to share that in the cases provided by law.
  • Give its subscribers a clear and precise indication on the object and access modes and VOIP services to assist whenever they ask.
  • Payment of the fee:
    • Fixed part of the amount of Thirty Million Dinars (30,000,000 DA) , operators are required to pay dice issuing the authorization.
    • Annual variable part based on the rate of 10% on the turnover of the operator. 

Existing Humanitarian Telecoms Systems

Existing UN Telecommunication Systems



VHF Frequencies


HF Frequencies


Locations of Repeaters




Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?


If yes, are they privately or government owned?


Dial-up only?


Approximate Rates (local currency and USD - $)





Max Leasable ‘Dedicated’ Bandwidth

no data available

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)

ISP services are government controlled. Two service providers are available; Algerie Telecom and ICOSNET

For information on MNOs please visit the GSM Association website.


Number of Agent Outlets by Area

Network Strength by Area

Contracted for Humanitarian or Government Cash Transfer Programmes?

Services Offered (i.e. Merchant Payment, Bulk Disbursement, Receive & Make Payment)

Algerie Telecom

no data available

no data available


no data available


no data available

no data available


no data available

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