2 Panama Logistics Infrastructure

The logistics infrastructure of Panama consists of ports, airports, duty free zones, one railroad and road infrastructure adapted to facilitate the mobilization of cargo between these nodes, bringing with it a high level of regional and global connectivity. Majority of the logistics infrastructure is concentrated in the metropolitan areas of the country, consisting of the Provinces of Panama and Colon.    

Given that the majority of logistics nodes are concentrated in the metropolitan area, high levels of congestion can be observed in the capital city’s highways and primary and secondary arterial roads,  that is experienced by freight/cargo and urban transport alike.

The metropolitan area connects the west of the city with the countryside, through the Bridge of the Americas and the Centennial Bridge. Both connect with the Pan-American Highway, which extends along the countryside till it reaches the Costa Rican border. Currently there are no communication routes or border crossings between Panama and Colombia.

The capital city relies on a metro system which began operations in 2014, with the purpose of diminishing urban transit times. The metro has two lines one distributed to the north-south bound and the other to the east-west bound, developed in areas with highest population density.  A total travel time of approximately 25 minutes is estimated. The metro is complemented through its network of buses, as well as non-formal collective transport and selective transport.   

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