1.2 Chad Regulatory Departments

In Chad, there are number of government agencies that are responsible for administering licensing and regulating capacity. The list below, although it is not exhaustive, identifies some of the key regulatory departments in the government of Chad.  

  1. Chad Downstream Petroleum Sector Regulatory Authority: Ministry of Energy and Petrol (ARSAT) 

ARSAT is responsible for controlling the quality and quantity of petroleum products at the refinery level. In practice, ARSAT must regulate and monitor standards of refineries, stations, and points of sale deposits. Also, ARSAT has the constitutional duty to maintain the inventory and security of strategic stocks.  

  1. Chad Livestock Research Institute for Development: Ministry of Agriculture (IRED) 

IRED is the premiere livestock research institute in Chad. IRED analyzes and maintains quality control of the biological factors of food for human consumption.  Chad is Africa’s 4th largest producer of livestock with over 100 million heads as of 2018. Despite the importance of livestock in the Chadian economy, Chad currently has no functional industrial slaughterhouses and makes limited use of valued-added animal products.   

  1. Electronic Communication Regulation Authority (ARCEP): Ministry of Technology and Communication  

ARCEP conducts market analysis and publishes information for the regulation of telecommunications tools to provide relevant data to investors and organizations.  

  1. Chadian Water Agency: Ministry of the Environment  

The water agency collects information on the quality of water being distributed and ensures that the beneficiaries of the water service are informed on developments of the agency.  


Chad’s only food testing and quality control organization is the Center for Quality Control of Foodstuffs (CECOQDA). CECOQDA conducts testing on items ranging from food commodities to water. The agency is equipped to conduct both microbiological and physio-chemical tests and is mandated to do conduct pre-shipment inspection at the border. Despite this mandate, CECOQDA mainly tests and inspects products within Chadian borders and does not engage as much in pre-shipment inspection at border areas.  

The Directorate of Plant Protection (DPVC) is the government’s primary agency concerned with phytosanitary regulations. DPVC regulates all agricultural commodities nationally (imports and exports) and controls for plant disease and infestation.  

The Chadian Standards Agency (ATNOR) is the government body concerned with the development and implementation of national standards. As a National Standards Body (NSB) and conformity assessment body, ATNOR's mission is to contribute to the development and implementation of government policy in the field of standardization and quality in Chad. To this end, it is responsible for: 

  1. The development, publication, and dissemination of national standards;

  1. The approval of international standards;

  1. Centralization and coordination of standardization work; 

  1. Training and awareness in the fields of standardization; 

  1. Certification of conformity to standards; 

  1. Promotion of standards to public and private sector organizations; 

  1. Cooperation with international organizations and specialized committees in the field of standardization; 

  1. Conducting studies related to standardization and developing proposals for measures to improve the quality of products and services, and compliance with standards; 

  1. Management of the WTO Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Enquiry Point and the National Codex Alimentarius Committee. 

ATNOR is administered by two governing bodies, the board of directors and a general management.  


For more information on regulatory departments and quality, please see the following link:  

4.1 Chad Government Contact List  

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