3.5 Belize Food and Additional Suppliers

Natural disasters have contributed to a reduction in agricultural production and exports and to short-term increases in food imports. The aggregate impact from Tropical Storm Roxanne in 1995 and Hurricane Keith in 2000 in Northern Belize, together with Tropical Storm Chantal and Hurricane Iris in 2001 in Southern Belize, resulted in more than US$ 200 million in losses and damages to the agriculture sector alone. These natural disasters caused short-term shortages of domestic commodities such as rice, corn and beans, and contributed to reduced exports of shrimp, lobster, papayas and bananas in the corresponding years. Damage to agriculture and fisheries infrastructure contributed significantly to the resulting shortfalls in production.


Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a general overview of country data related to the service and supply sectors, please consult to following source: The Observatory of Economic Complexity–MIT (OEC)

For more information, please visit the following sites:

World Bank - World Integrated Trade Solution - Belize 

Trading Economics - Belize

Index Mundi - Belize

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