1.2 Indonesia Regulatory Departments

Indonesia Regulatory Departments

For information on Indonesia regulatory department contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Indonesia Government Contact List

The following agencies are involved in the regulatory framework in Indonesia :

Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanam National (BPOM) National agency of food and drug control

The agency is responsible for the legislation, regulation and standardisation of food and pharmaceuticals in Indonesia. This includes pre-market evaluation of goods and post-marketing monitoring of product samples, production and distribution facilities. Additional responsibilities include public communication and education in cases where a public warning may be required.

Directorate of Social-Cultural Affairs and International Organizations of Developing Countries

The Directorate of Socio-cultural Affairs and International Organization of Developing Countries carries out duties regarding socio-cultural issues and international organizations of developing countries. This includes the registration of International Non-Government Organizations (INGO’s).

Directorate General for Post and Telecommunication

The Directorate General for Post and Telecommunication (Direktorat jenderal Pos dan Telekomunikasi) ( is part of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika) and is the regulatory authority for telecommunications.

Ministry of Transportation

In Indonesia, civil aviation is placed under the management of the Directorate General Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transportation. It is split into two directorates – Directorate of Air Transport and Directorate of Airports. The Ministry is also responsible for the management of the national road network. At a provincial level, roads are managed by the Department for Public Works.

Directorate of Customs and Excise

Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai is responsible for the implementation of customs and excise duty within Indonesia both via sea, land and air ports.

Directorate of Immigration

The Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi is responsible for all immigration matters within Indonesia.

Ministry of Agriculture

The Ministry is responsible for all quarantine issues for cargo entering into Indonesia.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

As part of the Ministry, the Badan Geologi via the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard mitigation has the responsibility to research, investigate (monitor, evaluate and report) and provide other services in the field of volcanology and geological disasters.

Meteorological, Climatology and Geo-Physical Agency

Badan Meteorology, Klimatologi, Dan Geofisika (BKMG) is responsible for the monitoring for meteorology, climatology, air quality and geophysics within Indonesia. The agency is also involved in the development of government policy in these areas and the transmission of data and information in regards to climate issues.

Central Bureau of Statistics

The Badan Pusat Statistik has responsibility for the provision of data requirements for the Indonesian government and wider society.

Ministry of Finance

As part of the Ministry of Finance, the Directorate General of Taxation (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak) is mandated to formulate and implement matters in regards to taxation within Indonesia.

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