Burkina Faso - 4.12 Waste Management Companies Contact List

Name of Company Physical Address Focal Person Telephone Number Email Address Website Does the company have an Environmental, Health and Safety certification (e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or equivalent) or self-certified management plan for facilities and personnel? (List all available) Business License Validity Dates  Years of experience Campany main business Facility is well maintained (roof/walls)? (Y/N) Hazardous materials are processed and stored separately from non-hazardous waste? (Y/N) Facility has adequate ventillation? (Y/N) PPE provided to staff (hard hats, overalls, boots, etc.)? (Y/N) Processing capacity (e.g. max tonnes/day or month)* Collection provided (Y/N) Any transport capacity constraints (geographical, volumes, frequency)? Non hazardous waste accepted Select from dropdown menu Non hazardous waste Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Hazardous Waste Accepted           Select from dropdown menu Hazardous waste disposal Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Admin Waste Accepted    Select from dropdown menu Admin Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Comments
BURKINA ECOLO TECH SARL 4 BP 9592, Ouagadougou OUEDRAOGO Assamy WhatsApp 00 226 68512277 Tel : +226 25657092 / 70762599 / 68512277 - Burkina.ecolo.tech.sarl@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/BURKINAECOLOTECH       Recycling           Y       Tyres physical recycling     Upcycling used typres (flower pots, bins etc)
      Recycling           N   Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  physical recycling         makes cobblestones 
      Recycling           N   Steel physical recycling         Upcycling metal 
Africa ecologie  01 BP 5579 Ouaga 01 - 70369036 (located in Ouaga and Bobo) Azize HEMA  00226 70 36 90 36 aaecologie@gmail.com https://fr-fr.facebook.com/africaecologie/ Solar energy is used to provide energy to the factory in Ouagadougou.      Organic waste recycling        Y approx 30 à 40 T per month (all waste included) Y Transport paid by the humanitarian organisation Organic waste physical recycling         Making "green coal'  
          Y Y Transport paid by the humanitarian organisation Glass other         collected and sent to the  recycling center of ouaga " Centre de Valorisation et Traitement des Déchets de Ouaga.'
          Y Y Transport paid by the humanitarian organisation Corrugated Cardboard other         .collected and sent to the  recycling center of ouaga " Centre de Valorisation et Traitement des Déchets de Ouaga.'
          Y Y Transport paid by the humanitarian organisation Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  other         .collected and sent to the  recycling center of ouaga " Centre de Valorisation et Traitement des Déchets de Ouaga.'
Ets Keita ahmed (EKA) Bassinko, Ouagadougou, Burkina  Ahmed Keita  70265676/78376050           plastic waste collection and  transformation          160 tons platic/year      Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  exported         Types of plastic: PET, PP, PE, PVC . The company makes plastic pellets which are then exported to Ghana. 
                      Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  physical recycling         Makes buckets, cups and other plastic based materials.
Ets FASO RECYCLAGE  Ouaga TANGHIN TOUDWEOGO, and Bobo LAFIABOUGOU  M. Semde Saidou  tel : 7836 54 33 semdesaidou125@gmail.com         waste colletion       y 60 t / month in the Ougadougou site and 10-15 t/month in  Bobo. Y   Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  other         Types of plastic: PET, PP, PE, PVC and plastic sachets- main activity is shredding & making pellets   
                Paper and cardboard other         paper/cardboard is collected and then sold to a egg manufacturer
Groupe de femme de femme pour la relance économique - GAFRETH Rue Bakary Kassamba, Porte N 1204, Coté ouest école Sadec Koko. 01BP 2730 Bobo Dioulasso 01, Burkina Faso, also present in Bobo Ilboudo Haoua Tél: +226 72 16 86 94 / +226 20 98 41 60 gafreh@yahoo.fr  www.gafreh.org       plastic upcycling association        y 40 t/month  y   Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  physical recycling         Makes bags, buckets,, toothbrush and other plastic items. Very dynamic group of women   
                        E waste  other     Collecting e-waste although no real use of this type of waste for the moment
Association Burkinabè pour la Promotion des Emplois Verts (ABPEV) 01 BP 5579 Ouaga 01    tel 70369036 asso.abpev@gmail.com https://fr-fr.facebook.com/people/Association-Burkinab%C3%A8-pour-la-Promotion-des-Emplois-Verts-ABPEV/100064486698655/       E waste collection association                    E waste   repair/recycling/export to France      Working with international and Africain NGOs (Action Against Hunger, Emmaus)
Association pour une Jeunesse Intègre et la Restauration de l’Environnement (AJIRE)  Dori, secteur 04      ajiredori@yahoo.fr          Environmental awareness & plastic collection association           N   Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)             
Faso Propre SARL Dori, secteur 02  Dicko Boubacar  +226 70 86 17 81 Fasopropredori@gmail.com          Association         1/t per day Y   Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)            A lot of different type of waste accepted plastics (HDPE, polystyrene, PP, PET, Aluminium, Steel, Cardboard, Paper, Wood etc…
Faso Brico Ouagadougou  Compaore Thierry +226 66 20 20 41  tcompaore@fasobrico.com https://fasobrico.com/       digital recycling           Y     physical recycling for digital waste         repair digital objects 
Soud Zaka Koupèla, secteur 04 Sandwidi Judicaël +226 65 28 26 45 gnjudicael@gmail.com         Recycling       Y   Y   Plastic PT physical recycling         transforms hard and soft plastic to make tiles and trash cans
Wave Energy Ouagadougou  Owusu Tony +226 53 43 04 65 taowusu053@gmail.com         recycling used engine oil       Y   Y     physical recycling          
Guida Boota Garango SEKONE Boubacar 76 11 09 71 / 61 18 70 74 -         Recycling (hard waste)           Y   Plastic PT physical recycling         Recycle Plastics, steel, aluminum
Yilgmde Vision Koupèla, secteur 04 M.BELEMKARYAN Vincent de Paul 70 57 20 06 / 66 57 23 66  belemvdpol@gmail.com         Recycling           Y   Plastic PT physical recycling         Transforms plastic bags in women purses, table cloth, laptop bags or school bag
Etablissement Dayno Garango M.BANTANGO Boukaré 67 02 26 32 / 72 76 60 64           Recycling           Y   Plastic PT physical recycling         Recycling of hard and soft plastic, scrap metal and used batteries in exchange of tables, chairs, buckets etc…