Türkiye - 2.7.3 Milling Assessment - Eksun Un

The final agricultural production estimates by the Turkish Statistical Institute, issued in December 2022, put the 2022 cereal output at 38.4 million tonnes, 10 percent above the five‑year average and over 20 percent above the 2021 drought‑affected harvest. In Türkiye, the Turkish Grain Board (TMO) plays an important role in the grain market. TMO, founded in 1938, is a limited liability and autonomous state economic enterprise running on state capital in accordance. The mission of TMO is defined as “taking protective measures for producers and consumers by regulating agricultural products markets, especially the grain market, within its field of business and keeping stocks for states of emergency.” TMO acts as a buffer stock agency to stabilize producer and consumer prices in wheat production.

The Government of Türkiye applies high tariffs on grains to protect the domestic market and therefore there is a considerable price difference between domestic and international grains.

However, the government encourages flour exports by exempting wheat imports from tariffs under the Inward Processing Regime policy if the value-added processed flour is exported. According to the World Customs Organization, “inward processing” means the Customs procedure under which certain goods can be brought into a Customs territory conditionally relieved from payment of import duties and taxes, on the basis that such goods are intended for manufacturing, processing, or repair and subsequent exportation. The purpose of the Inward Processing Regime can be expressed as boosting exports by providing raw materials prices on world markets, bringing exporting products a competitive edge in the international markets, and improving and diversifying export markets.

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See attached milling assessment here: 2.7 Milling Assessment - Eksun Un