
Name of Country Peru
Official Name Republic of Peru / República del Perú  
Assessment Details
From July 2021
To October 2021
Name of Assessor Jose Vargas
Title and Position Consultant

Table of Contents

Chapter Name of Assessor Organization Date
1 Peru Country Profile Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
1.1 Peru Humanitarian Background Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
1.2 Peru Regulatory Departments and Quality Control Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
1.3 Peru Customs Information Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2 Peru Logistics Infrastructure Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.1 Peru Port Assessment WFP WFP October 2021
2.1.1 Peru Port of Matarani (English) Jose Vargas WFP October 2021 Peru Puerto de Matarani (Español) WFP WFP

2.1.2 Peru Port of Callao - Terminal de Contenedores Muelle Sur Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.1.3 Peru Port of Paita Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.1.4 Peru Port of Iquitos (Amazon River) Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.1.5 Peru Port of Callao - Muelle Norte Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.1.6 Peru Port of Yurimaguas (Amazon River) Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.1.7 Peru Port of Pisco Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.1.8 Peru Port of Salaverry Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.1.9 Peru Puerto De Ilo (Español) WFP WFP

2.2 Peru Aviation Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.3 Peru Road Network Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.3.1 Peru Land Border Crossing of Zarumilla Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.3.2 Peru Land Border Crossing of Santa Rosa Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.3.3 Peru Land Border Crossing of Desaguadero Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
2.3.4 Peru Land Border Crossing of Iñapari Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
3 Peru Services and Supply WFP WFP October 2021
3.2 Peru Transporters Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
3.3 Peru Manual Labour Jose Vargas WFP October 2021
3.6 Peru Additional Services Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4 Peru Contact Lists Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.1 Peru Government Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.3 Peru Laboratory and Quality Testing Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.4 Peru Port and Waterways Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.5 Peru Airport Companies Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.6 Peru Storage and Milling Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.7 Peru Fuel Providers Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.8 Peru Transporters Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.9 Peru Railway Companies Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.10 Peru Supplier Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
4.11 Peru Additional Services Contact List Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
5 Peru Annex Jose Vargas WFP November 2021
5.1 Peru Acronyms and Abbreviations Jose Vargas WFP November 2021