3.6 Kiribati Additional Services



Whilst there is adequate availability of basic services likely to be required by an aid agency, this is limited to Tarawa and, to a lesser extent, Christmas Island. All the outer islands are supplied from these two areas by regular coastal shipping services (often only every one to two months). In the case of a large humanitarian response involving multiple agencies, agencies should be prepared to bring all their immediate requirements with them (particularly in the case of any specialist electronic equipment and the service requirements thereof). The vast majority of goods used in Kiribati are delivered as sea cargo and delays in shipping inevitably result in shortages.   

For more information on company contact details, please see the following link: 4.11 Additional Services Contact List


Tarawa, Fanning and Christmas Islands have adequate accommodation to cope with current demand. This ranges from lodges and bungalow style accommodation to hotel/motels. They generally provide dining service. The outer islands have minimal private guesthouse accommodation. Accommodation currently caters to visiting business people and tourists. In case of a large influx due to a humanitarian action, the country could probably accommodate humanitarian staff given these other two categories of visitors would most likely not be present. Most accommodation meets minimum-security criteria for agencies.

Electricity and Power 

240 volt power is produced at two locations in South Tarawa, Betio and Bikenibeu. Generation is owned and managed by the Government Public Utilities Board (PUB). Power generated is not adequate for the local requirements, and currently supplies around 75% of households in South Tarawa, and the Southern 25% of North Tarawa Island. There is no supply to outer islands from the central grid. All generators are constantly operating at their maximum capacity and as the machinery is over 50 years old, this results in frequent breakdowns. Outages occur for a few hours every month or two. 

Diesel usage is 20,000 litres per day. Storage capacity on site is 390,000 litres.  


Electricity and Power Summary Table

Production Unit


(Hydroelectric, Thermal, etc.)


Capacity (MW)

Current Production (MW)

3 x Daihatsu powered

Diesel-powered Generators

1.4 MW

1.25 MW

1 x Daihatsu powered

Diesel-powered Generators

1.2 MW

0.8 MW


Financial Services 

The only bank present in Kiribati is the ANZ. It has branches on South Tarawa and Christmas Islands. Branches provide all banking services. The parent bank provides mortgages, bank accounts, credit facilities and foreign exchange. 


ANZ Bank 

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) is a large international banking and financial services organisation with more than 95 billion dollars in assets, over 23,000 staff and an extensive network, which are based in their home markets of Australia and New Zealand. ANZ also stretches to Asia, the Pacific and the major financial centres of the world.


ANZ Kiribati
Country Head Rufus Pinto
Established 2001
Status Full banking licence
Branches 3
ATMs 6
POS terminals 19


Company Overview

Company Name

ANZ Bank


ANZ Bank (Kiribati) Limited

Main Street

Bairiki, Tarawa

Republic of Kiribati




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.)

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number?




Provides currency exchange?



Will initiate / receive wire transfers?



Provides Loan / Credit services?



Other Comments or Key Information


 *Basic details for the main office should be shown here, additional contact details for local/regional offices and full contact details for the main office to be included in 4.11 Additional Services Contact List.


Other Locations


Service Location(s)


Main Road London   Tel. 081224 / 081341

Location of ATMs


Bairiki Branch


USP Centre


Nanoi Shopping Centre


Nawerewere Hospital


Betio Branch


JMR Shop at Takoronga


Kiritimati Branch


House of Parliament


LDS Headquarter


Police Station at Airport


Clearing and Forwarding Agents

Tarawa and Christmas Islands have shipping agencies that perform clearing and forwarding duties for overseas freight to and from Kiribati and to the outer islands.

Handling Equipment

There is limited handling equipment available for use generally. There are some smaller forklifts (1-2 mt) owned by wholesale food distributors, and the main ports of Betio and Navy Harbour (Tarawa & Christmas Island) have larger forklifts (up to 30 mt) that are used in their operations. Handling in the islands is generally done by manual labour. There are very few pallets available. They are generally back loaded on cargo ships to be reused.

Postal and Courier Services

International courier company DHL is represented in Tarawa and can be used for international deliveries. UPS based in Fiji services Kiribati.

There is a government-run postal service that provides domestic and international postal services – receipt, transport and delivery of mail, specialised mailing services, operation of postal facilities and sale of postal products, philatelic and mailing supplies. It also facilitates domestic money transfers to and from outer island locations. It maintains four main post offices at Bikenibeu, Bairiki, Betio, Kiritimati Island and 23 outer island postal agencies across the Republic of Kiribati. It also offers EMS,  an international postal Express Mail Service for documents and merchandise, offered by postal operators of the Universal Postal Union (UPU).

Printing and Publishing

The Government Printing is a division of MICTTD established to offer and deliver printing services to Government ministries, divisions and to the general public. It provides on-demand and fast printing on small quantity of booklets, mass production, and reproduction of book products and publications. It is located in Bairiki behind the Broadcasting & Publication Authority (BPA) and opposite the Ministry of Taxation and Finance. 

Taxi Companies

There are taxis in South Tarawa, however the more common form of public transport is by vans that run regular routes during daylight hours. These are cheap and well used however often overloaded.   Outer islands do not have taxi or van transport.

Vehicle Rental

There are rental vehicle outlets on the main islands (Tarawa, Christmas) that provide good late model cars for rental. Outer islands lack both cars and roads in many cases so motorbikes are the norm but are generally privately owned and not for hire.

Waste Management and Disposal Services

Waste is collected in Tarawa by the government service and taken to landfill. In the outer islands it is the responsibility of individuals. There are few attempts made at recycling. Aluminium cans are collected in some areas.


Waste goes to landfill on the islands with varying amounts of administrative direction between locations. Litter and waste is present in quantity around all urban areas.  


No provision is made for hazardous waste disposal. It is generally sent to landfill with other waste. Waste oil is mixed with diesel and burnt as fuel in the electricity generators. 

Grey and black water goes either to sea via outfall or to ground via soak pit and basic septic tanks. It has caused some degradation to groundwater and the lagoon waters in heavily populated Tarawa. An Asian Bank-funded project is underway to extend and modify outfall and septic tank facilities to all households in South Tarawa. Expected completion is late 2019. On Christmas Island they are moving residential development off-area of subterranean fresh water to avoid contamination. Groundwater where present, is generally only 3–5 metres below surface ground level.


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.