1.2 Kiribati Regulatory Departments and Quality Control


Office Responsibilities
Office of  Te Beretitenti (OB) /  Office of the President  
  • Head of Civil Service Functions
  • National Security and Civil Defense
  • National policy coordination
  • Disaster management
  • Climate Change Policy
  • Government Information and Public Relations
  • Ministerial coordination
  • Police and prison
  • Central Procurement Board Chairmanship
  • Cabinet Task forces Chairmanship
Public Service Office (PSO)
  • Public Service Management and Improvement
  • Public Service Performance & Service Delivery Managment
  • Develop and update Public Service Personnel Information database, staff list, professional training and development of Civil Service
  • Professional training and development of civil service
  • Kiribati Housing Corporation
  • Managing expatriate assistance to civil service (Overseas Volunteers and Technical Assistance)
Kiribati Police Service  
  • The control and regulation of traffic
  • Fire and rescue service
  • Maritime policing
  • Maintenance of law and order

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI)

  • Manage affairs with Regional and International Organisations (UN and its agencies, Commonwealth Secretariat, Forum Secretariat, Secretariat of the Pacific Commission)
  • Coordination of national positions in relation to International Agreements and Conventions
  • Provide and oversee Diplomatic Services, Immunities and Privileges to Resident Foreign Missions
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MFED)
  • Development Planning and Aid Administration
  • Procurement regulations
  • Taxation
  • Kiribati Provident Funds
  • Freight levy subsidy
Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy
  • Construction and maintenance of roads and highways
  • Technical and Civil Engineering Services
  • Regulating provision of electrical services
  • Water and sanitation engineering
  • Energy planning
  • Quality assurance and building codes enforcement
Ministry of Communications, Transport and Tourism Development (MCTTD)
  • Regulation of communications and transport (land, aviation and maritime) sectors
  • Civil aviation
  • Airport fire and security
  • Air terminal facilities and services
  • Search and rescue
  • Radio/TV Licensing
  • Air Kiribati Limited
  • Kiribati Shipping Services Ltd
  • Communications Commission Kiribati
  • Telecom Kiribati Services Ltd
  • Kiribati Ports Authority
  • Transport Services
  • Navigational Infrastructure
  • Reef passages
  • Maritime Authority
Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS)
  • Health and medical services
  • Paramedic services
  • Public health and sanitation
  • Communicable and non-communicable disease control
  • World Health Organization
  • Pharmaceutical and Medical Stores Services
  • Preventative and Public Health Programs
Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development (MELAD)
  • Waste and Pollution Management
  • Integrated coastal and foreshore management and protection
  • Monitoring scientific debates on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
  • Maps and mapping
  • Quarantine and Bio-security
  • Wildlife conservation and protection
  • Phoenix Islands protected areas - Kanton ecotourism development
Ministry of Line and Phoenix Islands Development (MLPID)
  • Assisting in Land Management in Kiritimati and the other islands in the Groups in consultation with the Minister concerned and cabinet
  • Line and Phoenix Islands administration
Ministry of Women, Sports and Social Welfare (MWSSW)
  • Womens Affairs
  • Social Welfare Services and Probation
  • Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
  • Non-Government Organisations
  • Kiribati Sports Authority
  • Kiribati National Olympic Committee
Ministry of Justice
  • Prisons
  • Customs

 Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Development (MFMRD)
  • Maritime Safety
  • Competent Authority
Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA)
  • Local Government Act
  • Bylaws
  • Auditing and maintenance of local government's assets
  • Kiribati Local Government Association


Other Ministries


Ministry of Education (ME)


Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives (MCIC)


Ministry of Labour and Human Resources Development (MLHRD)


For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List here.