2 Tuvalu Logistics Infrastructure

Air travel in Tuvalu is limited and there is only one airstrip, located in Funafuti. There is no internal air service.  

There are long term concerns for the viability of the airstrip and apron with rising sea levels. Water table levels and sea tidal fluctuations are factors that can cause sub-surface pressures that may lift the pavement surface. Blistering on the surface is observed during spring tides especially when it coincides with heavy rainfall. Remiadial work is ongoing 

There is a small road network (15km) The main road that runs from the length of Funafiti is paved secondary roads are compacted coral and dirt tracks.  

Tuvalu’s usual forms of transport are small pickup trucks, motorcycles and bicycles. 

Due to Funafuti’s small size, transport logistics there are not a major issue, however, the logistics of interisland transportation given the considerable distances, limited berthing options for larger vessels and the absence of airstrips present a significant challenge in the event of a disaster response. 

Through its shipping agent, Trade Pacific Shipping Agency Ltd., the Government of Tuvalu operates an inter-island shipping service, consisting of two passenger/cargo ships and an ocean going barge based at Funafuti 

The ships move cargo and passengers to the outer islands and occasionally call at Suva, Fiji.  

Unloading fuel drums, outer island

Beach access, outer island