Libya - 2 Libya Logistics Infrastructure

Generally, Libya suffers from the absence of sophisticated management that uses the appropriate means for obtaining data. Moreover, the lack of systematic and organised statistics has led to a noticeable failure in the transportation facilities and insufficient investments in infrastructure financed by the Libyan Central government. Decision and policy making require intensive amount of data and complex analyses. 

The national logistics infrastructure has been suffering from the war and the instable situation mainly due to lack of security guarantees in Libya, however there is still a good infrastructure available in the big cities: Tripoli, Misratah, and Benghazi…etc. 

There are governmental plans in place to improve the infrastructure in Libya such as: 

  • Implementing 400km coastal road project. 
  • Plans for a new railway network is still under construction. There is no progress on it due to security issues. 
  • Plans for a large power capacity expansion programme.
  • Investment in infrastructure by the foreign and private investors is still unthinkable because of the current absence of stability.    

In 31st Aug 21, Prime Minister of GNU announced to launch of the development programme for the last quarter of 2021 under the name ‘‘Reviving Life’’, projects will target roads, schools, hospitals, clinics, digging water wells, installing desalination plants, and others. 

In Aug 2021, the coastal road from Tripoli to Benghazi was reopened for public signalling a major unity indicator between the factions in the east and West. The road link Tunisian and Egyptian border crossing through Libya.