3.5.1 Solomon Islands Food Suppliers

Main Food Suppliers

The staples of the Solomon Islands include root crops (taro, yams, sweet potato and cassava) and rice. Bread is also eaten but grain and flour are imported. Canned meat and fish are popular and fresh fish and other seafood is available. There is a wide variety of tropical fruits as well as vegetables available from local markets.

There are a number of stores/companies that import and sell goods. Much of what is sold in the supermarkets/shops is imported.  Most of these stores are able to supply the staples. As there is a reliance on imported goods, obviously any break in the supply chain can result in shortages of certain items. There have been times when certain items, such as rice have run out.

 Solomon Islands does not have a food security issue.


Additional information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For more specific and detailed overviews of food availability and market conditions, please consult the following sources:

WFP Vulnerability and Analysis Mapping (VAM): INSERT a link directly to the VAM country page if available (http://vam.wfp.org/) Not available

USAID Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET): INSERT a link directly to the FEWS NET country page if available (http://www.fews.net/) Not available


For more information on food supplier contact details, please see the following link: HQ staff will input a link to section 4.10 Supplier Contact List here.

Retail Sector

There is a robust retail sector in Honiara supplying all basic items to the market. Supplies are imported principally from NZ, Australia and China. Whilst there are no global retailers present, global brands are. Wholesale importers often have retail outlets direct to the public.

Credit is generally not used by / or offered to, all locals. It is available to larger recognised entities (i.e Humanitarian agencies)

Types of Retailers Available

Type of Retailer



Supermarket – concentrates mainly in supplying a range of food, beverage, cleaning and sanitation products; have significant purchasing power; are often part of national/regional/global chains.


Convenience Store/Mini Market – medium sized shop; offers a more limited range of products than supermarkets; usually has good/stable purchasing power; may be part of chain or cooperative.


Permanent shop with strong supply capacity individually/family owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; good storage and reliable supply options.


Permanent shop with limited supply capacity individually/family owned store; offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; limited storage and unstable supply options.


Mobile Shop/Market Stand individually/family owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; may be found at outdoor markets, camps or unstable environments.


Note: The above table relates to Honiara. in outer and smaller islands supply will be predominantly market and small stores/stalls. They are largely self sufficient for food

There are a number of wholesalers/retailers in Honiara.

All and every food product can be sourced and supplied by these merchants. They are generally of Chinese ethnicity and have been running their businesses as family concerns for several generations. They have their own storage facilities and capacity to transport to wharf side, they then use the local coastal shipping facilities to transport goods to small outer island retailers.

For more information on food supplier contact details, please see the following link: HQ staff will input a link to section 4.10 Supplier Contact List here.

Wholesale – Central Developments Ltd


Supplier Overview

Company Name

Central Developments Ltd


Old Chinatown

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?

Yes. Can supply direct to the public

Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Approximate Turnover in MT


Figures not available

Payment Methods Accepted

Cash, credit card, credit by prior arrangement

Other Comments or Key Information


Honiara based only.

Other Locations


Service Location(s)




Primary Goods / Commodities Available

Commodities by Type**

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title)


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.)


Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

01 - Meat and meat preparations

Meat. Sausage.


Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs

UHP or powdered milk

Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs…

Canned fish

Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

04 - Cereals and cereal preparations

  Wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta.

Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

05 - Vegetables and fruit

 Fruit , vegetables ,Nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juices

Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations. Also fresh local fruit and vegetables

06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

Sugars (beet or cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar …

Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof

  Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, mate, pepper, all spices

Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

  Ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeasts, soft drinks

Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

41 - Animal oils and fats

Lard, fats and oils…

Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

  Soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil

Imported. No limitations on availability or season or variations

**For non-FOOD products please see section 3.5.2 Additional Suppliers, and for FUEL/PETROLEUM products please see section 3.1 Fuel.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.