El Salvador - 1.2 Regulatory Departments & Quality Control


The tables below show the governmental entities that oversee collecting revenues, ministries that control the entrance of medical or agricultural products to the country and import exemption taxes.   

The import process starts by requesting tax exemption to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then authorization of Customs in order to collect the products at customs warehouse. When food is being imported, the permission needs to be requested to the Ministry of Health and Agriculture, depending on the type of food.  

This document also provides a list of requirements and certificates to obtain permission to import. 


Dept/Agency Name and address 

Contact Names / Email 

Tel / Fax 



MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK (MAG) Address: Final 1ª. Av. Norte, 13 calle Oriente y Avenida Manuel Gallardo, Santa Tecla. La Libertad 

Name: Lic. Oscar Enrique Guardado Calderón 

Title: Agriculture and Livestock Minister 

E-mail: info@mag.gob.sv 

Tel. (503) 2210-1700, ext.2355 

Tel. (503) 2210-1755 Min. Off. 

Fax (503) 2534-9850 Min. Off. 


Summary of Role and Services: 

The roles of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock are set out in the Regulations of the Executive and special laws. Its general functions are:  
Develop, direct and control the political development of the agricultural sector; assess the impact of their implementation, as well as the impact of macroeconomic policies in the sector.  

  • Coordinate the implementation of policies that relate to public sector agriculture.  

  • Propose the agricultural sector legislation and issue the necessary rules for compliance with them.  

  • Control the enforcement of the agricultural sector and promote the participation of operators in the economic and social development of the country 

  • Monitor and evaluate agricultural damages/losses after natural disasters  

  • Services: agricultural information, support for rural development, development of agricultural infrastructure, agricultural education, management of fisheries and aquaculture, guidance of agribusiness, guidance forestry and irrigation, health protection, legal certainty agricultural, technological transformation 


Main UN counterparts in Country: WFP, FAO 

Other Governmental counterparts: IICA 



Dept/Agency Name and address 

Contact Names / Email 

Tel / Fax 


FINANCE  DEPARTMENT Boulevard "Los Héroes" No. 1231, San Salvador, El Salvador, C.A.  

Name: Mr. José Alejandro Zelaya 

Title: Treasurer 

Tel. (503) 2244-3000 PBX  

       (503) 2244-3001 Min. Off. 

Email: ministro@mh.gob.sv 


Summary of Role and Services: 

Carry out technical assessment of economic projects or programs pre-investment and public investment requiring funding of public money and other powers as are prescribed by law or regulation. Within the powers previously understood, especially the incumbent Deputy Minister of Finance, there are following:  
- Management of revenue, including Internal Revenue and Customs;  
- Handle the budget, including special budgets;  
- Management of funds;  
- Management information system required for relations with the International Monetary Fund;  

- Ministry of administrative management, including matters relating to buildings and equipment; 

- Monitor and evaluate the overall damages/losses after natural disasters; 

- Management of FOPROMID fund (Civil Protection and Military Fund for Disaster management). 


Dept/Agency Name and address 

Contact Names / Email 

Tel / Fax 



Calle Arce No.827 ,San Salvador, El Salvador  

Name: Mr. Francisco Alabi Montoya 

Title: Health Minister 


Tel.: (503) 2591-7000 PBX 

        (503) 2591-7551 

Email: francisco.alabi@salud.gob.sv 


Summary of Role and Services: 

The below list describes the information on the formalities or services that the Ministry of Public Health offers in relation to the supervision and control of food and beverages.  
1. Rates of payment for services.  
2. Extension certification free sale.  
3. Registration health and / or renewal of imported foods and beverages.  
4. Registration health and / or renovation of food and beverages.  
5. Authorization to import food, raw materials and food additives.  
6. Recognition of Health Register for Members of the Customs Union.  
7. Provides permissions to users to produce or import alcohol.  
8. It provides technical opinion on the conditions of handling and storage of chemicals.  
9. Provides permissions to install and operate Extended Health by health units. 

The Ministry is also in charge to monitor the increase of diseases in emergency situations, being part of the Emergency Technical Health Commission.  

Main UN counterparts in Country: PAHO (WHO) 



Dept/Agency Name and address 

Contact Names / Email 

Tel / Fax 


OIRSA (International Regional Organization for Agricultural Sanitation) 

Final Pasaje Isolde, Calle Ramón Belloso 1,Colonia Escalón, San Salvador, El Salvador, Centroamérica 

Name: Mr. Efrain Medina Guerra 

Title: Executive Director 


Tel.: (503) 2209-9200 Ext 102        

(Dir. Office)  

        (503) 2228-7841/7899 

Email: comunicaciones@oirsa.org 

Fax: (503) 2263-1128 




Summary of Role and Services: 

Oirsa strategy recognizes the importance of working to strengthen, maintain and manage an information system on agricultural health and food safety; for the prevention, control and eradication of pests and diseases, facilitating agricultural trade and knowledge of current legislation.  
As a cooperating agency, OIRSA is interested in promoting strategic alliances with networks of producers, exporters, academies, unions and professional associations and similar institutions (both locally and internationally), whose assistance will produce greater benefits for agricultural health and food safety in the region and boost the chances of productive agricultural sector. 

All incoming food to El Salvador must be inspected and cleared by OIRSA. 


Dept/Agency Name and address 

Contact Names / Email 

Tel / Fax 



Calle El Pedregal, Blvd. Cancillería. Ciudad Merliot, Antiguo Cuscatlan, El Salvador. C.A. 

Name: Mrs. Alexandra Hill Tinoco 

Title: Minister of Foreign Affairs 

Tel.:  (503) 2231 1001 

Fax: (503) 2231-1180 

Email: webmaster@rree.gob.sv 



Summary of Role and Services: 

Provide guidance and support to the Humanitarian organizations for what regards to bi-lateral and multi-lateral agreements/MoUs/contracts with Government institutions. 

It is the main counterpart for the import/export of commodities/items/equipment in/out of the country. 

Consular services, scholarships, authenticates govt. documents, step visas for foreigners, libraries, step income for Salvadorans, historical archive. 


Dept/Agency Name and address 

Contact Names / Email 

Tel / Fax 


Division of Food Assistance 

10 Avenida Sur y Calle Mexico Barrio San Jacinto, frente a ex casa Presidencial, San Salvador 

Name: Ms. Wendy Rogel de Fuentes   

Title: Chief Department 



Tel.: (503) 2133 1206 

        (503) 7288 3531 



Summary of Role and Services: 

Responsible for coordinating humanitarian food assistance in country. Through DAA manages the 4 Government warehouses in Zapotitán, Santa Ana, San Rafael Cedros and San Miguel. It provides assistance to vulnerable groups and emergency response rations. 

Dept/Agency Name and address 

Contact Names / Email 

Tel / Fax 


Civil Protection 

Lotificación Las Americas, KM 23.5 Carretera de San Salvador a Quetzaltepeque, Municipio de Nejapa, San Salvador, El Salvador 

Name: Mr. Luis Alonso Amaya Durán 

Title: Director 


Building E-mail: prensa@proteccioncivil.gob.sv 

Tel.: (503) 2201-2440 
Fax: (503) 2201-2460   





Summary of Role and Services: 

Manage and coordinate with the institutions of the National System of Civil Protection, the actions of Prevention and Mitigation of Disasters and Emergencies throughout the country, in order to safeguard the life and protect the assets of the inhabitants of El Salvador, through an optimal use of resources in order to assist affected people, guaranteeing an immediate and effective response to the needs derived from a catastrophic event.: It is responsible to procure for the Emergency Technical Commissions for: 

  • Shelter 

  • Infrastructure 

  • Logistics 

  • Health 

  • Security 

  • Emergency services 


Dept/Agency Name and address 

Contact Names / Email 

Tel / Fax 



Boulevard y Urbanización Santa Elena ,Antiguo Cuscatlán, La libertad, El Salvador 


Name: Lic. Javier Castro 

Title: Director Ejecutivo 

Name: Ms. Mirian Santos 

Title: Laboratory contact 

Tel.:  (503) 2248-5600 PBX 

Fax:  (503) 2278-3356 

Tel.:  (503) 2248-5681 Lab Off. 

Fax: (503) 2248-5669 Lab Off. 

Email: laboratorio@fusades.org.sv 





Summary of Role and Services: 

The Quality Laboratory Comprehensive FUSADES is a research center and laboratory services, characterized by excellent quality, reliability and credibility, and whose objective is to contribute to sustainable development of El Salvador. It is a key support for the agricultural sector, food and beverages sector and in the area of environment.  
The analysis services and technical assistance offered by its five units:  
Soil, Water and Foliar;  
Phytopathology and Entomology;  
Physical and Chemical food; have conferred prestige nationally and internationally.  
Its units are staffed with highly qualified and its operation is the most modern in Central America. Its infrastructure and their teams let you deliver the best quality. Actually this research centre has capacity to perform more than 300 types of analysis. 




Dept/Agency Name and address 

Contact Names / Email 

Tel / Fax 



Name: Mr. Edgar Morales Barahona  

Title: General Manager 

Tel. & Fax: (503) 2262-1510 

Cell.:  (503) 7643-4871 



Summary of Role and Services: 

Supervise and certify the quality and quality (Q&Q) of the food at origin in Country and upon to the arrival to the different warehouses; pest control for maize, beans, rice, flour, sorghum, among others. Also, supply of equipment, installation of fumigation systems and calibration of lab equipment.