3.6 Liberia Additional Service Providers

The service providers in Liberia are limited due to the small economy. The market is small and not all items are available in the country.  

For information on Liberia Additional services providers contact details, please see the following links:

4.9 Liberia Additional Service Provision Contact List

4.10 Liberia Producers, Wholesalers and Retailers


Accommodation/housing are available in the country and the country has the capacity to house and support a large influx of demand (as was shown during the Ebola outbreak and the influx of international humanitarian agencies in the country). The prices are high and it is more difficult to find accommodation outside Monrovia. There are a number of hotels with a good quality of services and facilities. 

Financial Service Providers

Banks, Forex, accountancy companies are present in Liberia. 


The Ecobank Group is a full-service bank focused on Middle Africa. It provides wholesale, retail, investment and transactional banking services to governments, financial institutions, multinationals, local companies, SMEs and individuals. It is a leading pan-African bank with operations in 36 countries across the continent, more than any other bank in the world. It currently operates in countries in West, Central , East and Southern Africa, namely Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Group also has a licenced operation in Paris and representative offices in Beijing, Dubai, Johannesburg, London and Luanda.

See more at: http://www.ecobank.com/

Main Office Details


Ashmun and Randall Street

Contact Name

Client Engagement Management

Phone Number




Main Office Hours of Operation:


9:00 AM–2:00 PM


9:00 AM–2:00 PM


9:00 AM–2:00 PM


9:00 AM–2:00 PM


9:00 AM–2:00 PM


9:00 AM–12:00 PM


Non-banking day

Other Locations

Region(s) [Level 1 Admin. Districts]

Major Regional Cities with FSP Locations


MONROVIA, Head Office, Tel. 0886525870


BUSHORD ISLAND, Vai Town, Tel. 0886552315


MONROVIA, Randall street, Tel. 0886538184


BUCHANAN, Buchanan, Tel. 0886554009


SINKOR, Sinkor, Tel. 0886412316


DUALLA, Dualla, Tel. 0880656108


VOINJAMA, Voinjama, Tel. 0886563730


KAKATA, Kakata, Tel. 0886548589


ASHMUN STREET, Corporate, Tel. 0880539898


MONROVIA, Waterside, Tel. 0886896388


SUAKOKO, Cuttington, Tel. 0886553029


GANTA, Ganta, Tel. 0886771010


PLEEBO, Pleebo, Tel. 0886544183


REDLIGHT, Paynesville, Tel. 0886570340


ZWEDRU, Zwedru, Tel. 0886553639

Financial Services Offered


Available (Yes/No)

Other Comments (maximum/minimum transfer amounts, limitations on currency exchange, etc.)

Currency Exchange


The Central Bank of Liberia do not have any definite limitation on FX deals or outgoing transfers.

Ecobank only transfers for individuals who bank with Ecobank and not walk-in customers.

Wire Transfers



Remittance Capabilities



Loan Transfers






Freight Forwarding Agents

Freight forwarding agents are available in the country and they offer a good quality of service. They are mainly based in Monrovia.  

Handling Equipment Rentals

There are available companies for Handling equipment rentals and also for heavy equipment.  

Postal and Courier Services

The Liberian post provides the services of receiving and delivering postal services in the country, and for this objective, a total of 25 post offices so far have been either rehabilitated or newly constructed in thirteen of the 15 Counties. Saclepea, Nimba County and Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County are being made ready for use by the Liberian people. It takes between 5 to 10 days to deliver a post. International couriers are available in the country.  

Publishing/Printing Service Providers

There are few publishing/ Printing service providers in Liberia.  

Taxi Companies

There are no taxi companies in the country. Taxi cars are usually old and poorly maintained.  

Vehicle Rental

There are a good number of vehicle rental companies in Monrovia with all type of vehicles which can be rented with a driver.  

Electricity and Power 

In order to overcome the critical situation of the electricity sector in Liberia, the Government, with support from donor community, has been engaged in a number of development projects in the sector. Funding (US $230 million) has already been secured from the Governments of Norway, Germany and Liberia, and the European Investment Bank to restore the Mount Coffee Hydro plant. The 80MW (wet season peak) plant is expected to become fully operational by June 2016 with the first commercial power unit capable of producing up to 22 MW of power restored in December, 2015. 

Production Unit

Type [1]

Installed Capacity (MW)

Current Production (MW)

4 HSD in Monrovia

High Speed Diesel (HSD) generating stations

22 MW

16 – 18 MW

[1] Hydroelectric power, Thermal power… 

Waste Management and Disposal Providers

Monrovia is the capital city of Liberia and is better organized in the service delivery and management of municipal solid waste compare to other cities in Liberia. Waste Collection services provided by the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC) extends to the Cities of Paynesville and Brewerville. This metropolitan area is referred to as the Greater Monrovia Area. With co-funding from the World Bank and the Government of Liberia, in 2007- 2015 under works executed by the MCC two solid waste transfer stations and a sanitary landfill were completed and have remained functional. The Greater Monrovia Area is divided into 2 regions. The Northern Region is managed by private contractor Caspean Holdings and the Southern Region is managed by a private contractor, LIBRA Sanitation. The landfill is operated and management by ZBJ Inc. These efforts combined to collect approximately 50 percent of the total estimated generation of 720 tons per day in greater Monrovia.

The current landfill in Whein Town is approximately 18 kilomeers from the city center and has a remaining airspace for 1.5 years. Suitable land for a new landfill site for Monrovia is being acquired from private owners. The land is located along the western drive from Monrovia approximately 24 kilometers.  Whein Town Landfill is the only sanitary landfill site known of in Liberia.

Out of Monrovia, only two cities have started using private waste service providers who signed MOUs with the City Corporations. Kakata in Margibi and Buchanan in Grand Bassa are the two cities serviced by private waste service providers: NC Sanitors and Zoomlion Liberia respectively. The rest of the cities are serviced by the city corporations with inadequate or often no capacities to do the job. There is a complete lack of waste collection facilities and professional staff. In these cities the practice is uncontrolled and open dumping there is no managed dump sites. Access to open dump sites is also difficult because of the bad road conditions and the lack of the appropriate transport systems. These opened dump sites are also poorly located and are likely to trigger serious environmental impacts.

Primary solid waste collection in Monrovia is the responsibility for Community Based Enterprises (CBEs) contracted by the MCC or the City of Paynesville. These CBEs are restricted to locations and the types of clients, (i.e. Households and small businesses by MCC standard). They often carried pushcarts or wheelbarrows form door-to-door to collect waste and empty into them into skips / bins provided by secondary collected hire by the MCC to collect and empty the skips through the transfer stations to the landfill. Secondary waste contractors in Monrovia are requires to provide specialized equipment specified by the City for service delivery.     

Recycling in Liberia is very limited and has just started getting off the ground. The purchase of metals (iron) and hard plastic scraps have attracted the recycling industry.

Waste Disposal - Non Hazardous 

There are a few solid waste collection service providers in the Liberia. Their capacities at all levels require strengthening in order to be competitive with regional counterparts. These firms are, however, confined to Monrovia and not willing to venture in other cities.

Waste Disposal - Hazardous 

There are no restrictions regarding the disposal of used motor oil, fuel, electronics, computers.

There are no procedures nor processes for disposing of waste water.