3.5 Viet Nam Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Viet Nam Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Main Food Suppliers

In the last 10 years, achievements in agricultural production have met the country’s domestic needs for food and additional food products for export. Viet Nam became the second largest exporter of rice and coffee and ranked fourth worldwide in cashew exports. The long-term objective of the agricultural sector is to build a diversified commercial base by maximizing comparative advantages, applying new technologies, and improving competitiveness in domestic and international markets.

Therefore, in the coming years, instead of increasing the exploitation of natural resources and expansion of the production scale, the objective will be better quality and increased competitiveness. Although food processing technology and biotechnology are considered necessary for this purpose, the research, development, and application of these technologies are just at the starting point.

The development of new agricultural technologies for value-added food production is critical in Viet Nam. Over the past decade, government policies in Viet Nam have encouraged farmers to invest in agricultural production, especially food production, to meet domestic demand and for export. These policies have been so successful that Viet Nam no longer has a food shortage, and instead has a rice surplus for export. In 1989, Viet Nam was able to export 1.4 million mt of rice. By 1992, this had risen to 1.9 mt, plus 100,000 mt of corn and cassava. Important food crops in Viet Nam include rice, corn, sweet potato, cassava and several kinds of bean.

Rice Suppliers

There are hundreds of rice suppliers that can be found in the yellow pages and commercial directories. In 2009, the rice export quantity reached 6 million tons. Viet Nam is the second largest rice exporter worldwide. The production standards are set by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Suppliers of other commodities

The non food items market in Viet Nam is fully provided. There are no shortages nor scarcity of good as the market is developing on the open market model. The availability and the reliability of the goods is comparable to those that can be found on the western market.


Plentiful in Viet Nam: the country has a very developed tourist industry that offers all range and types of accommodation across the whole country.