

Country name:


Official country name:

Republic of Kazakhstan

Table of Contents

Chapter  Name of Assessor  Organization Date Updated 

1 Kazakhstan Country Profile

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
1.1 Kazakhstan Humanitarian Background Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
1.2 Kazakhstan Regulatory Departments Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
1.3 Kazakhstan Customs Information Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13

2 Kazakhstan Logistics Infrastructure

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.1 Kazakhstan Port Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.1.1 Kazakhstan Port of Aktau Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.2 Kazakhstan Aviation Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.2.1 Kazakhstan Aktau International Airport Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.2.2 Kazakhstan Almaty International Airport Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.2.3 Kazakhstan Astana International Airport Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.3 Kazakhstan Road Network Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.4 Kazakhstan Railway Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.5 Kazakhstan Waterways Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.6 Kazakhstan Storage Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
2.7 Kazakhstan Milling Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13

3 Kazakhstan Logistics Services

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
3.1 Kazakhstan Fuel Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
3.2 Kazakhstan Transporters Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
3.3 Kazakhstan Additional Service Providers Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
3.4 Kazakhstan Telecommunications Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
3.5 Kazakhstan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13

4 Kazakhstan Contact Lists

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
4.1 Kazakhstan Government Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
4.2 Kazakhstan Humanitarian Agency Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
4.3 Kazakhstan Railway Company Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
4.4 Kazakhstan Port and Waterways Company Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
4.5 Kazakhstan Airport Company Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
4.6 Kazakhstan Storage and Milling Company Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
4.7 Kazakhstan Fuel Provider Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
4.8 Kazakhstan Transporter Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
4.9 Kazakhstan Additional Service Provision Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13

5 Kazakhstan Annexes

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13
5.1 Kazakhstan Acronyms and Abbreviations Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Oct-13

1 Kazakhstan Country Profile

Kazakhstan Country Profile

"Kazakhstan, officially theRepublic of Kazakhstan, is a contiguous transcontinental country in Central Asia, with its smaller part west of the Ural River in Eastern Europe. Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country by land area and the ninth largest country in the world; its territory of 2,727,300 square kilometres (1,053,000 sq mi) is larger than Western Europe. It has borders with (clockwise from the north) RussiaChina,Kyrgyzstan,Uzbekistan, andTurkmenistan, and also adjoins a large part of the Caspian Sea."

Source: Wikipedia (publisher), Kazakhstan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakhstan Date Last Accessed: 29 Nov 2013

Generic Information:

Wikipedia Informaiton on Kazakhstan

IMF Information on Kazakhstan

Economist Intelligence Unhit information on Kazakhstan*

(*note - this is a paid service)


Humanitarian Info:

UNOCHA Information on Kazakhstan


Facts and Figures:

Wolfram Alpha Information on Kazakhstan

World Bank information on Kazakhstan

World Population Review information on Kazakhstan

1.1 Kazakhstan Humanitarian Background

Kazakhstan Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Disasters

Yes / No

Comments / Details


n/a n/a


Yes 23-May-2003 , No. Killed : 3 , No. Affected : 36,626


Yes 9-Dec-1998 , No. Killed : 7

Extreme Temperatures


Jan-2001 , No. Killed : 3

Nov-1997 , No. Affected : 600,000



9-Apr-2011 , No Killed :2 , No. Affected 16,000

Feb-2010 , No. Killed : 44 , No. Affected : 16,200

20-Feb-2008 , No. Killed : 1 , No. Affected 13,000

26-May-1993 , No. Killed : 10 , No Affected : 30,000

Insect Infestation

n/a n/a


n/a n/a

Volcanic Eruptions

n/a n/a

High Waves / Surges

n/a n/a


Yes 17-Aug-1997 , No. Affected 8,000

High Winds

n/a n/a

Other Comments


20-Dec-1995 , No. killed : 112

Mass movement wet:

14-Mar-2004 , No. Killed : 48

Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife

n/a n/a

International Conflict

n/a n/a

Internally Displaced Persons

n/a n/a

Refugees Present

n/a n/a

Landmines / UXO Present

n/a n/a

Other Comments


Industrial Accident:

11-Jan-2008 No. Killed : 30 , No. Affected :161

20-Sep-2006 , No. Killed 41 , No. Affected : 3

Miscellaneous accident:

13-Sep-2009 , No. Killed : 39 , No. Affected 12

13-Sep-2009 , No. Killed : 39 , No. Affected 12

Transport Accident:

5-Jul-1994 , No. Killed : 37 , No. Affected : 4

25-Dec-2012 , No. Killed : 27

29-Jan-2013 , No. Killed : 30

For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters:

EMDAT Information on Kazakhstan

Calamities and Seasonal Affects

Seasonal Affects on Transport



From (month) to (month)

Primary Road Transport

average temperature ranges between -18C in the North to -3єC in the South, disrupting Primary transport Dec - Jan

Secondary Road Transport

average temperature ranges between -18єC in the North to -3єC in the South, disrupting secondary road transport Dec - Jan

Rail Transport

average temperature ranges between -18єC in the North to -3єC in the South, disrupting rail transport Dec - Jan

Air Transport

fog , snow / low temperature cause the delay , cancellation for flight trips or even the closure of airports Oct - Mar

Waterway Transport

fog , snow / low temperature affect the waterway transport Oct - Mar

Seasonal Affects on Storage and Handling (economic, social, climate...)



From <month> to <month>


average temperature ranges between -18єC in the North to -3єC in the South, disrupting storage

Dec - Jan


average temperature ranges between -18єC in the North to -3єC in the South, disrupting storage

Dec - Jan


The vast size of Kazakhstan and distance from the ocean creates a sharp continental climate with a lack of rainfall. The foothill areas receive 500 to 1600 mm precipitation per year, 200 to 500 mm in the steppe and 100 to 200 mm in the desert.

The average temperature for January ranges between -18єC in the North to -3єC in the South and the average temperatures in July ranges from 19єC in the North to 29єC in the South. Winter in the North of the country is long and cold – in some years the frosts reached - 52°С (Astana), but there are also thaws up to 5 °C. In the North, the highest near surface temperature in July does not exceed 41°С, and 47 °С in the South (the Kyzylkum desert). The daily temperature difference reaches 20-30є C.

The four climate zones:

  • Forest - the moisture plain area is in the North of the country. The shortest season is spring at 1.5 months, summer lasts 3 months and winter extends from October to April;
  • Steppe is a vast territory in the North of the country, distinguished by high wind speed. Compared with the forest zone the length of winter is shorter and the summer is longer. Spring is short and the lasts less than two months;
  • Semi-desert is a zone of arid steppes occupying central Kazakhstan, with harsh winters and hot summers;
  • The Desert zone occupies most of Kazakhstan’s plain. Its climate consists of long hot summers, cold winters and high air aridity.
  • Most regions experience strong blizzard causing winds. Snow primarily falls in November and can continue until April.

The extreme weather conditions of Kazakhstan have business and economic implications for the country. The frequent heavy blizzards disrupt transport and hinder work. Severe frosts of result in the re-planting of grains and crops.


Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


The main tasks and functions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

The main tasks of the Ministry are: the formation and realization of state policies in the field of prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergency situations, civil defense, fire and industrial safety, the state material reserve, inter-sectoral coordination of state control in the field of fire and industrial safety, the implementation of the civil defense activities, organization of prevention and fire fighting, operation and further development of the state system for prevention and elimination of emergency situations.

The Ministry, in accordance with law currently in force and its objectives carries out the following functions:

development main directions of state policy on prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergency situations, civil defense, fire and industrial safety, the state material reserve, operation and further development of the state system of prevention and elimination of emergency situations;

development, approval of policy papers that address task solution of preventing and eliminating emergency situations, civil defense, fire and industrial safety, the state material reserve, disaster medicine service;

preparing and submitting to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan state reports on the protection of population, environment and economical facilities of emergencies.

For information on Khazakhstan Ministry of Emergency Situations additioanl information, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan Additional Information on Government Emergency Response

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For  information on Kazakhstan Government contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Kazakhstan Government Contact List

Humanitarian Community

 For  information on Kazakhstan Humanitarian Agency contact details, please see the following link: 

4.2 Kazakhstan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

1.2 Kazakhstan Regulatory Departments

Kazakhstan Regulatory Departments

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan passed on the republican referendum in August 30, 1995 the Parliament of two Houses of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a high representative organ of the Republic, realizing legislative functions. The organization and activity of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legal position of its deputies are determined by the Constitution, Constitutional Law "Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and status of its deputies" and other legislative acts. The authorities of the Parliament begin since the moment of the opening of its first session and end with the beginning of the work of first session of the Parliament of the new convocation. The term of the Parliament authorities is defined by the term of the Mazhilis deputies authorities of the regular convocation. The Prior cessation of the Parliament authorities can be only realized in the case and order provided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Parliament consists of two Chambers: Senate and Mazhilis acting on a constant basis.

The Senate is formed by the deputies elected on two persons from each region, cities of the republican importance and capitals of the Republic of Kazakhstan on a joint meeting of the deputies of all representative bodies according to the region, city of the republican importance and capital of the Republic. Seven deputies are designated by the President of the Republic for the term of Senate authorities. The half of elected Senate deputies is re-elected each three years. The term of authorities of the Senate deputies is six years.

The Chair person leading the Chamber, elected by the Senate from the number of deputies and by the secret voting majority from the total number of deputies of the Chamber. The candidature on a post of the Chair person of Senate is nominated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Mazhilis consists of seventy seven deputies. Sixty seven deputies are elected on one-mandate territorial electoral district formed with taking into account administrative-territorial division of the Republic and with approximately equal number of the voters. Ten deputies are elected on the basis of party tickets on a system of proportional representation and on a territory of united national electoral district. The term of authorities of the Mazhilis deputies is five years.

The Chair person leading the Chamber, elected by the Mazhilis from the number of deputies with a fluent speaking state language, and by the secret voting majority from the total number of deputies of the Chamber. The candidature on a post of the Chair person of the Mazhilis is nominated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For information on Kazakstan Regulatory contact details,  please see the following links: 

4.1 Kazakhstan Government Contact List

Kazakhstan Parliment and Government Contacts


1.3 Kazakhstan Customs Information

Kazakhstan Customs Information

For information on Kazakhstan Customs contact details, please see the following link:

4.2.1 Kazakhstan Government Contact List

Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC). Membership in the EAEC includes Russia, Kyrgyzstan,Belarus, and Tajikistan, Uzbekistan with Moldova , Armenia and Ukraine having observer status. Trade among the five EAEC countries is generally duty-free, but protective measures, including tariffs, may be applied in selected areas. The countries have not yet established a common external tariff. Kazakhstan is also (with Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus) part of the Single Economic Space (SES), a nascent common market. Kazakhstan is committed to deeper integration with its neighbors through the SES.

All goods and vehicles moving across the borders of Kazakhstan's must be registered by customs. To carry out foreign economic activities (FEA), residents of Kazakhstan must register with the customs authorities and receive an FEA participant's card. If a contract with a foreign partner exceeds $10,000, a transaction certificate has to be drawn up at the customs body as foreign exchange department. Customs registration of exported/imported goods for residents and non-residents may be carried out through a customs broker. A customs brokers is a Kazakhstan-based legal entity set up under Kazakh law that holds a license from the central customs authorities to operate as a customs broker.

For information on Kazakhstan Customs additional details, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan Customs Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to 'crisis' times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes - 30 Jun 1992

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

Yes - 2010

OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response): 

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

For information on Kazakhstan Customs Excemption Regular Regime, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan National Customs Legislation and Regime

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

Kazakhstan Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Application Procedure Information

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

For Kazakhstan Exemption Certificate document requirement details, please see the following documents: 

Kazakhstan Exemption Certificate Document Requirements Table

Kazakhstan Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Customs Clearance

General Information 

Mark the waybills very clearly “Used Household goods and personal effects”.

Packing list should be in English or Russian.

Do not attach the inventory list used for the insurance purposes with the documents enclosed with the shipment.

Pre-alert along with the copies of the rated waybill or transportation cost on the letterhead of the shipper, detailed packing list, valued inventories for customs purposes with origin country & value per item, contact details of consignee and shipping schedule should be sent to your agent by e-mail or fax well in advance, at least 5 days prior to the shipment’s arrival.

Please ask for the consignment instructions before sending the shipment in order to avoid any extra storage / demurrage charges.

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

For information on Kazakhstan Customs Clearance Socument Requirements, please see the above table on Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Transit Regime

For information on Kazakhstan Customs Transit Regime, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan Transit Customs Regime for Goods

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.


2 Kazakhstan Logistics Infrastructure

Kazakhstan Logistics Infrastructure 

The following sections contain informaiton on the logistics infrastructure of Kazakhstan

2.1 Kazakhstan Port Assessment

Kazakhstan Port Assessment

Aktau port is situated on the eastern coast of the Caspian sea and is only one sea port of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed for international shipping of different dry cargos, crude oil and oil products. Creation of new peripheral industrial centers, economic recovery and growth of ethic peripheries culture, as well as interests of strengthening the defense capability of the former Soviet Union country, required an appropriate transport service, in particular, sea links.
Aktau port was built up in 1963 for transportation of the uranium industry and oil fields products of the Mangyshlak region.
Later, Aktau port played a significant role in construction of the nuclear power plant BN-350, factories of the chemical industry sector and directly of Aktau city itself.
For information on Khazakhstan Port contact details, please see the following link:

2.1.1 Kazakhstan Port of Aktau

Key port information can also be found at: Maritime Database Information on KJazakstan Port of Aktau

Port Overview:

At present time the Aktau Port is the modern multipurpose terminal, having the technological resources, which provide future development of the port, as follows:

Availability of extensive areas (over 50000 m2 of open areas and covered transit storehouse - 6000 m2), enabling to safely store any goods and materials, including heavyweight goods, and providing effective management for containers park, which is a key link in the modern port operation.

Reconstruction has provided the port with three multifunctional berths for handling of general and bulked cargoes, one berth for grain export and heavy goods handling and service «PO-PO» type vessels, with total length of new berths - 550 м and possibility of four vessels simultaneous handling.

Ferry complex, enabling to process any wagons for the special-purpose ferries.

Four oil-loading terminals, which enable to provide handling of 4 tankers with 12 000 tons of displacement.

The Aktau port has renewed the equipment that provides with possibility to operate using all types of general and bulked cargos and cargos in containers.

The port has the characteristics in terms of vessel draft as follows:

  • Permissible vessel draft in vessel channel is - 6 м.
  • Permissible vessel draft to oil berths (4,5) - 6 м.
  • Permissible vessel draft to oil berths (9,10) - 7 м.
  • Permissible vessel draft to dry cargo berths (1,2,3)- 6,7 м.
  • Permissible vessel draft to ferryboat passage (8th berth) - 5,3 м.

Port website: Website for Port of Aktau

Port Location and Contacts



Province or District

Mangystau Province

Town or City (Closest location) with Distance (km)

Name: n/a

km: n/a

Port's Complete Name

Port of Aktau





Managing Company or Port Authority (If more than one operator, break down by area of operation)

“NC “Aktau ISCP” JSC

Management Contact Person

Uandikov Berik Kusmanovich

Mangystau region, Aktau, 130000, Umirzak settlement

Tel: 7292 514549

Fax:  7292 445101


Web: http://www.portaktau.kz/eng

Closest Airport and Frequent Airlines to / from International Destinations

Airport Name: n/a

Airlines: n/a

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

For information on Kazakhstan Port of Aktau contact details, please see the following link: 

4.4 Kazakhstan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Performance

In April 2013, “NC “Aktau ISCP” JSC handled 649,000 tons of dry and oil-bulk cargoes, what came up to 83,5% of the target, including:

  • Oil-bulk cargo – 409 ,000 tons
  • Metal products – 49,000 tons
  • Ferry cargoes – 93,000 tons
  • Grain – 17,000 tons
  • Other cargoes – 81,000 tons
  • Number of ships’ calls – 122

Since the beginning of 2013 Aktau international sea commercial port has handled over 4,157,000 tons of dry and oil-bulk cargoes that came to 106,3 % of the target.

Total volume of shipment of oil and oil products came to 2,968,400 tons, dry cargoes 1,118,500 tons, including shipment of metal products 299,300 tons, other cargoes 255,200 tons, grain 193,000 tons.

The volume of ferry transportations came up to 441,000 tons.

In December of the 2012, RSE AISCP transshipped 799,000 tons of dry and oil-bulk cargo, what came up to 86,7 % of the target, including:

  • Oil-bulk cargo – 540,000 tons
  • Metal products – 59,000 tons
  • Ferry cargoes – 93,000 tons
  • Grain – 74,000 tons
  • Other cargoes – 33,000 tons
  • Number of ships’ calls – 146

Since the beginning of 2012 Aktau International Sea Commercial Port has handled over 10, 950,000 tons of dry and oil-bulk cargo, what came to 105.3% of the target.

Total transshipment of crude oil and oil products came to 7,591,000 tons, dry cargoes 3,359,000 tons, including transshipment of metal products 1,398,000 tons, other cargoes 381,000 tons, grain  644,000 tons, the volume of ferry transportations came up to 936,000 tons.

Number of ships’ calls since the beginning of 2012 is 1,855.

Handling Figures

Year 2012

Vessel Calls


Container Traffic (TEUs)



Total Cargo Handling: 10,950,000 tons (2012)

Total Annual Capacity of the Port: 22,000,000 tons (2012)

Discharge Rates and Terminal Handling Charges

Conventional Cargo  - Fees for cargo storage at port

Payment for storage of goods arrived at the port shall not be collected during 60 days (non-full days are accounted as full days when storing in storage yards and 20 days, when storing in the covered storehouse).

After expiration of the mentioned time and up to the moment of cargo removal from the port, payment for storage of goods shall be collected from cargo owner:

29,16 tenge per 24 hours for first 30 calendar days of storage ;

43,74 tenge for every following days of storage after 30 calendar days.

For storing of perishable cargos arrived at the port (flour and other foodstuff) payment shall be collected at the same rates beginning from the first day of storing.

For containers storing arrived at the port payment shall not be collected during the first days from the moment of their arrival (non-full days are accounted as full days).

After expiration of the mentioned time and up to the moment of containers removal from the port, payment for storage shall be collected from cargo owner at the following rates:

Containerised Cargo  - Fees for cargo storage at port

For the containers weighing from 3 to 10 tons :

145,79 tenge for 1 container per 24 hours during first 10 calendar days of storage;

291,59 tenge for 1 container per 24 hours during following 20 calendar days of storage;

583,18 tenge for 1 container for every following days of storage after 20 calendar days.

For the containers weighing 20 tons:

291,59 tenge for 1 container per 24 hours during first 10calendar days of storage;

583,18 tenge for 1 container per 24 hours during following 20 calendar days of storage;

874,77 tenge for 1 container for every following days of storage after 20 calendar days.

For the containers weighing 40 tons:

583,18 tenge for 1 container per 24 hours during first 10 calendar days of storage;

1166,35 tenge for 1 container per 24 hours during following 20 calendar days of storage;

1457,94 tenge for 1 container for every following days of storage after 20 calendar days. All rates of payments of the present regulation are given without VAT.

For information on Kazakhstan Port of Aktau Tariffs, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan Port of Aktau Tariffs

Berthing Specifications

For information on Kazakhstan Port of Aktau berthing detasil, please see the following link: 

Port of Aktau Website

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Maximum Draft (m)

Conventional Berth:

General cargo/containers

General cargo /ore

Oil-loading berth

Multipurpose (grain loading, heavy-weights and berthing of "Ро-Ро" type ferry)

Fleet of the port

Ferry berth

Oil-loading terminal


Small size vessels


































Container Berth

n/a n/a n/a

Silo Berth

n/a n/a n/a

Berthing Tugs


Water Barges



Collecting vessel of bilge and feces waters

Oil skimmer

Ecological equipment for oil spill response





General Cargo Handling Berths

Regarding Branch Cargo area of RSE AISCP the Commercial Sea Port Bautino, Sea commercial port Bautino – is a branch of the Republican State Enterprise «Aktau International Sea Commercial Port» situated in Bautino village, of Tupkaragan district, of Mangystau oblast, in the water area of the Bautino bay of the Tubkaragan creek.

In the present form the port exists since 1997, built up on the basis of the Bautino sea commercial port (which existed in different forms since 1887).

The port is a point of passage across the State border of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Border, customs, sanitary control and port control offices are situated directly in Bautino village. Ships of overseas routes have the opportunity to execute border, customs, port’s and other formalities at one time, directly on the berth of the port.

The port area is fenced and protected.

Natural protection of the port’s water area from wave disturbance, enables to perform vessels handling in any weather conditions.

The port’s operation is possible for a full year, with few exceptions (in the period January-February in specially severe winters).

The port is able to accept vessels for handling in length up to 150 m and with a draft up to 5 m.

The port within the bounds of its allocated premises and water area on the basis of contracts (agreements) with companies effects the following services:

accept vessels for handling in length up to 150 m and with a draft up to 5 m;

effect transshipment of all kinds of goods weighing up to 25 tons (containers, scrap metals, shell stone, crushed aggregate and other bulk goods, vessel’s supply, provisions, equipment, rabbet, metal-roll, pipes, goods in small and big packages etc.) according to schemes vessel-warehouse, vessel-motor transport and vice versa;

cargo storage on the port’s premises (for storage of containers a payment shall not be collected within first 20 days, in storage of other goods in open yards a payment shall not be collected within first 60 days;

providing a berth:

  • for ship’s agency service (bunkering, supplying vessel with water, ship’s supply, discharge of garbage, sewage and bilge waters and the like);
  • for moorage in inter-navigation period (October-March);
  • for execution of border, customs and other formalities to ships of overseas routes.

Port Handling Equipment

Is the port equipment managed by the government or privately? n/a




(Yes / No)

Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage

Dockside Crane


4 x 10-20 t

1 x 16/20/32 t.


Container Gantries




Mobile Cranes


1 x 36t (Mobile Dock Crane)

1 x 64t (Mobile Dock Crane)

1 x 80t






RoRo Tugmaster (w/ Trailer)




Grain Elevator w/ Bagging Machines










Fork lift truck (Sisu) 1 x 28t

Fork lift truck (Kalmar) 1 x 28t

Fork lift truck (Komatsu) 2 x 16t

Fork lift truck (Kalmar) 5 x 16t

Fork lift truck (Komatsu) 2 x 5t

Fork lift truck (Komatsu) 2 x 3.5t

Fork lift truck (Komatsu) 4 x 1.8t


Other Yes

Semitrailer (Buiscar) - 12 x 50t

Dock movers (Sisu) - 4 x 35t

Bucket auto-loader (Komatsu) - 1 x 28t


Container Facilities


20 ft

40 ft

Container Facilities Available



Container Freight Station (CFS)

Yes Yes

Refrigerated Container Stations

no no

Other Capacity Details

Daily Take Off Capacity (Containers per day)


Number of Reefer Stations (connection points)


Emergency Take-off Capacity (Give an indication)


Off take capacity of gang shift (in Containers per shift)

n/a n/a

Customs Guidance

For information on Kazakhstan Port of Aktau Customs, please see the following link: 

Website for Port of Aktau

Terminal Information

Multipurpose Terminal

At present time the Aktau Port is the modern multipurpose terminal, having the technological resources, which provide future development of the port, as it has Four oil-loading terminals, which enable to provide handling of 4 tankers with 12 000 tons of displacement.

The port has the characteristics in terms of vessel draft , as follows :

Permissible vessel draft to oil berths (4,5) - 6 м.

Permissible vessel draft to oil berths (9,10) - 7 м.

The port has the following berths:

Length Draft Assignment
2 x 188m 5.5m Oil-loading berth
2 x 150m 6.2m Oil-loading terminal
150m 4.6m General cargo/containers
150m 4.6m General cargo/containers
100m 4.6m General cargo /ore

Grain and Bulk Handling

The port has a grain and bulk handling berth of:

150m length, 4.6m draft suitable for grain loading, heavy-weights and berthing of "Ро-Ро" type ferry

Main Storage Terminal

Availability of extensive areas (over 50000 m2 of open areas and covered transit storehouse - 6000 m2), enabling to safely store any goods and materials, including heavyweight goods, and providing effective management for containers park, which is a key link in the modern port operation.

Reconstruction has provided the port with three multifunctional berths for handling of general and bulked cargoes, one berth for grain export and heavy goods handling and service «PO-PO» type vessels, with total length of new berths - 550 м and possibility of four vessels simultaneous handling.

Four oil-loading terminals, which enable to provide handling of 4 tankers with 12 000 tons of displacement.

Availability of extensive areas (over 50000 m2 of open areas and covered transit storehouse - 6000 m2), enabling to safely store any goods and materials, including heavyweight goods, and providing effective management for containers park, which is a key link in the modern port operation.

Reconstruction has provided the port with three multifunctional berths for handling of general and bulked cargoes, one berth for grain export and heavy goods handling and service «PO-PO» type vessels, with total length of new berths - 550 м and possibility of four vessels simultaneous handling.

Four oil-loading terminals, which enable to provide handling of 4 tankers with 12 000 tons of displacement.

Port Security


ISPS Compliant

(Yes / No)


Current ISPS Level


Level 1 = Normal, Level 2 = Heightened, Level 3 = Exceptional

Police Boats


Fire Engines


2.2 Kazakhstan Aviation

Kazakhstan Aviation 

Key airport information may also be found at: World Areo Data Information on Kazakhstan

For information on Kazakhstan Airport contact details, please see the following link: 

4.5 Kazakhstan Airport Company Contact List

Air Transit corridors of Kazakhstan are attractive for the flights of foreign airlines between Europe and the South-East Asia which allows shorten significantly the flight path. The development of regions considerably resulted in the increase of needs in regional transportation, as well as the rise of population;s income promote growth of necessity in flights to near and far destinations .

Kazakhstan has a total of 97 airports (2012)

The large area of the country and the associated long distances makes air travel a very important component in domestic travel.

Airports - with paved runways (2012) Quantity
over 3,047 m 10
2,438 to 3,047 m  25
1,524 to 2,437 m  16
914 to 1,523 m: 5 5
under 914 m 8
Airports - with paved runways total 64
Airports - with unpaved runways (2012) Quantity
over 3,047 m 5
2,438 to 3,047 m 7
1,524 to 2,437 m 3
914 to 1,523 m 5
under 914 m: 13
Airports - with unpaved runways total 33
Heleports 3

For information on Kazakhstan Civil Aviation Regulations, please see the following document:

Kazakhstan Civil Aviation Commitee Regulations

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft

Flight Clearance Requirements:

1. Issuance of non-scheduled (charter) flight clearances to foreign operators is performed in accordance with Order by Minister of Transport & Communications, Republic of Kazakhstan No. 359 of Aug. 13, 2010 ”On Approval of Rules for Issuance and Grounds for Denial to Issue the Clearances for International Non-Scheduled Flights”.

2. Sample form for application for non-scheduled (charter) flight:

  • operator name and full postal address;
  • ICAO code and flight number;
  • aircraft’s type, registration number and radio call sign;
  • country in which the aircraft is registered;
  • last name of aircraft commander (main and alternate), number of crew members and their nationality;
  • flight goal;
  • presence of passengers/cargo and the number thereof;
  • departure and arrival points of passengers/cargo and intermediate stop points;
  • date, full route and schedule of aircraft flight, with indication of air routes over the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and points of entering/exiting the air space of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • consignor (full name, address, telephone);
  • consignee (full name, address, telephone);
  • type of navigational and communicational equipment;
  • presence of foreign states’ military units, weapons and military equipment, hazardous cargo, photographic equipment;
  • proposed form of payment for airport services and for air-navigation ones;
  • signature of official,

2.2.1 Kazakhstan Aktau International Airport

Location Details
Country Kazakhstan Latitude 43.86005
Province / District Aktau Longitude 51.09198
Town or City (Closest)

21 km NW of Aktau

Elevation (ft and m) 73 feet 22 meters
Airfield Name Aktau Airport IATA and ICAO Codes ICAO : UATE , IATA : SCO
Open From (hours) 00:00 Open To (hours) 00:00


For information on Kazakhstan Aktau Airport Runways additional details, please see the following documents:

Runway 12 Information

Runway 30 Information

Runway 12L Information

Runway 30R Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Runway #1 - 12

Runway Dimensions

2704m x 45m (Usable length - 2652m)


120 ° South East



Runway #1 - 12L

Runway Dimensions

2935m x 46m


120 ° South East



Runway #2 - 30

Runway Dimensions

2704m x 52m (Usable length - 2652m)


300 ° North West



Runway #2 - 30R

Runway Dimensions

2935m x 46m


300 ° North West



Helicopter Pad(s)

No details are available for helipads

Helipad #1

Present (Yes / No)


Largest helicopter that can land


Width and Length (metres)




Airport Infrastructure Details

For information on Kazakhstan Aktau Airport indrastructure details, please see the following document:

Aktau Airport Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Airfield Cost

Kazakhstan Airport Charges

Kazakhstan Airport Ground Handling Service Charges

Kazakhstan Airport Cargo Warehouse Charges

Kazakhstan Airport Warehouse Charges and Secutiry Card Charges

Cargo Terminal Charges

Domestic Warehouse receives and delivery of baggage, cargo, mail, and notifies consignees regarding cargo arrival.

International Warehouse produces International Cargo in accordance with the Customs Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as notifies consignees regarding cargo arrival

For information on Kazakhstan Aktau Airport Cargo Terminal Charges, please see the following documents:

Aktau Airport Cargo Terminal Rates (Without VAT)

Aktau Airport Commercial Freight Terminal Rates (Without VAT)

Kazakhstan Airport Rates of Entry of Vehicles and Specialized Equipment

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.


Level: Good

Companies Available 

For information on Kazakhstan Aktau Airport contact details, please see the following link: 

4.5 Kazakhstan Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found atAZ Freight information on Kazakhstan 

2.2.2 Kazakhstan Almaty International Airport

Location Details
Country Kazakhstan Latitude 43.35528

Province / District Almaty Longitude 77.04472
Town or City (Closest) 15 km (9.3 mi) northeast of Almaty Elevation (ft and m) 681 meters
Airfield Name Almaty International Airport IATA and ICAO Codes IATA: ALA , ICAO: UAAA
Open From (hours) 00:00 Open To (hours) 00:00


For information on Kazakhstan Almaty Airport Runway details, please see the following documents:

Almaty Airport Runway 5 Details

Almaty Airport Runway 23 Details

Runway #1 - 5

Runway Dimensions

4397m x 45m


50° North East



Runway #2

Runway Dimensions

4397m x 45m





Airport Infrastructure Details

For information on Kazakhstan Almaty Airport details, please see the following document:

Almaty Airport Details

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

In 2012, the airport serviced 23 524 flights, of which 4428 were delayed. Flights regularity amounted to 81.1%.

As compared to the same period in 2011, within 12 months, 21 886 flights were serviced in the airport, of which 4504 were delayed. Flights regularity amounted to 79.4%. The number of the serviced flights grew by 1638, and regularity grew by 1.7%.

Performance for 2012

Annual Figures

Monthly* Daily*

Total aircraft movements

23,524 1,960 64

Total passengers

4,003,004  333,584 10,967

Total capacity of the airport (metric tonnes)

n/a n/a n/a

Current activity of the airport (metric tonnes)

n/a n/a n/a

Current use by Humanitarian flights (UNHAS)

n/a n/a n/a

*Please note monthly and daily figures have been calculated using the annual figures provided in the old DLCA

Airfield Cost

For information on Kazakhstan Almaty Airport Charges, please see charges for Kazakhstan Aktau Airport on the following link: 

2.2.1 Kazakhstan Aktau International Airport



Companies Available 

For information on Kazakhstan Almaty Airport contact details, please see the following link: 

4.2.5 Kazakhstan Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found atAZ Freight information on Kazakhstan 

2.2.3 Kazakhstan Astana International Airport

Location Details
Country Kazakhstan Latitude 51.02222
Province / District Astana Longitude 71.46694
Town or City (Closest) 16.7 km (10.4 mi) southeast of the capital Astana Elevation (ft and m) 355 meters
Airfield Name Astana International Airport IATA and ICAO Codes IATA: TSE, ICAO: UACC
Open From (hours) 00:00 Open To (hours) 00:00


For information on Astana International Airport Runway details, please see the following documents: 

Astana Airport Runway 04 Details

Astana Airport Runway 22 Details

Runway #1 - 04

Runway Dimensions

3500m x 45m


40 North



Runway #2 - 22

Runway Dimensions

3500m x 45m


220 South West



Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

In 2012, the airport serviced 12 595 flights, of which 1728 were delayed. Flights regularity in the capital city airport amounted to 86.2%. As compared to the same period in 2011, within 12 months, 11 067 flights were serviced, of which 1572 were delayed. Flights regularity amounted to 85.8%. The number of the serviced flights grew by 1528, and regularity grew by 0.4%.

For information on Kazakhstan Astana Airport Performance details, please see the following document: 

Astana Perfromance Data

Astana Cargo Performance Data


Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Performance for 2012

Annual Figures

Monthly* Daily*

Total aircraft movements

 12,595 1,050 35

Total passengers

2,303,000 191,917 6,310

Total capacity of the airport (metric tonnes)

12,000 n/a n/a

Current activity of the airport (metric tonnes)

 8 432 703 23

Current use by Humanitarian flights (UNHAS)

n/a n/a n/a

*Please note monthly and daily figures have been calculated using the annual figures provided in the old DLCA

Storage Facilities

Area of cargo apron makes 8400m2, with coating toughness PCN 68. Total area of cargo terminal building is 2200m2, usable area is 1 401m2; height is 10,65m. Usable area consists of following areas:

1. Storehouses of arrival and departure – at S-950m2 V=3 800m3;

2. Special storehouses – at S=82,4m2 V=346m3;

3. Cold stores – at S=106,8m2 V=342m3;

4. Office premises – S=261,7m2

5. Area under awnings makes – at S=1064m2 V=7100m3;

Special warehouses consist of premises for storage of biological and radioactive substances - S=34,4m2 and premises for storage of especially valuable and perishable cargoes - S=48 m2.

Sending the dangerous, special goods, requiring the temperature mode, it’s necessary to conform it with Astana airport, with the indication of the weight, size and temperature of mode.

Carrying capacity of the terminal makes 600 tons of a cargo per day, the cargo apron can simultaneously accept four AC.

Airfield Cost

For information on Kazakhstan Astana Airport Charges, please see charges for Kazakhstan Aktau Airport on the following link: 

2.2.1 Kazakhstan Aktau International Airport



Security Service Security Service provides total complex of preventive measures, rules and procedures producing security of civil aviation against unlawful interference acts, takes special measures during period of raised threat or of force majeure, provides security of objects located at the Airport’s territory and safe keeping of the Airport’s property and its fire fighting condition.

Companies Available 

For information on Kazakhstan Astana Airport contact details, please see the following link: 

4.2.5 Kazakhstan Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found atAZ Freight information on Kazakhstan 

2.3 Kazakhstan Road Network

Kazakhstan Road Network

For information on Kazakhstan Road Network contact details, please see the following link:

4.1 Kazakhstan Government Contact List

For information on Kazakhstan Motor Roads Committee Regulations, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan Regulation on Motor Roads Committee Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

The thriving east-west trade that once spanned Central Eurasia along the famed Silk Road may soon be restored to its former glory thanks to growing transport and trade links being rolled out. Central Asian countries have been working closely together to construct transport corridors, promote energy security, and remove trade barriers. They have shed outdated trade policies and adopted new rules to increase commerce. Trade between East and West is booming again, the government has decided it needs to upgrade its infrastructure. A country of vast expanses, and huge distances, it is a major logistical challenge for those trying to do business here, it is the largest landlocked country in the world. But a new highway is under construction that will span the entire country and replace many of the bumpy back roads that make travel here such a chore. The road from Almaty, the largest city and former capital, flows through the mountain of Eastern Kazakhstan, a rural area which is believed to have large economic potential with huge oil, gas and mineral reserves. To make it more accessible for businesses, Kazakhstan plans to spend about $19 billion on transport infrastructure by 2014, especially on links from China to Europe that could help revive towns like Taraz..

Distance Matrix

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km)








1173.21 km

997.79 km

975.26 km

Karagandy 1173.21 km   1421.05 km 1839.48 km
Shymkent 997.79 km 1421.05 km   608.33 km
Almaty 975.26 km 1839.48 km 608.33 km  

Road Security

Level: Good

Roads in Kazakhstan are in poor repair in rural areas. Poor signage is common. Street lighting, especially on side streets, may be turned off at night. Drivers often ignore lane markings. Potholes are common, and are often dangerously deep. Pedestrians frequently dart out in front of cars. Visitors should drive defensively at all times as many local drivers do not follow traffic laws. Special caution should be taken if driving at night. Road rage can be a problem, especially in and around Almaty, and a non-confrontational response to such behavior is strongly recommended. Accidents involving severe injury and/or death are common. Traffic police have reportedly stopped cars to extort bribes on main city streets and at periodic checkpoints on major highways.

The road between Almaty and Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, is especially treacherous at night or during poor weather. U.S. citizens and other travelers have been killed in traffic accidents on that road, and travel at night or during poor weather should be avoided.

Travelers should be particularly careful when using public transportation and taxis. Buses tend to be very crowded and can be unsafe and unreliable. Due to the danger of theft or assault, travelers should be selective regarding which taxi they contract and always avoid entering a cab that already contains persons other than the driver.

Kazakhstan has a zero-tolerance policy for driving under the influence of alcohol. A driver may be detained by police and convicted of drunk driving for driving a vehicle after consuming one drink of alcohol, regardless of whether the driver is actually intoxicated. ( Source : http://travel.state.gov )

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

The Semei Bridge is a gravity-anchored suspension bridge that crosses the Irtish river in Semei, Kazakhstan. It has a main span of 750 meters and a total length of 1086 m. It was built between 1998 and 2001 and is currently in use by road traffic.

Type LCA Country Kyrgystan
Truck with 2 axles 11 : 15 Tons 11 : 17 Tons
Truck with 3 axles 15 : 20 Tons 15 : 24 Tons
Truck with 4 axles 18 : 32 Tons 18 : 32 Tons
Semi-trailer with 3 axles 36 Tons 36 : 44 Tons
Semi-trailer with 4 axles 36 Tons 36 : 44 Tons
Semi-trailer with 5 axles 36 Tons 36 : 44 Tons
Semi-trailer with 6 axles 36 Tons 36 : 44 Tons
Truck & drawbar trailer with 4 axles 36 Tons 36 : 44 Tons
Truck & drawbar trailer with 5 axles 36 Tons 36 : 44 Tons
Truck & drawbar trailer with 6 axles 36 Tons 36 : 44 Tons
Truck & drawbar trailer with 7 axles 36 Tons 36 : 44 Tons

Road Class and Surface Conditions

Basic indicators of status of public roads in the Republic of Kazakhstan (January to December 2012):

Description Measuring unit Status
    Nation-wide Regional and district Total
Length of roads in total in the RK: km 23 484 73 932 97 416
By technical category        
I km 1 069 72 1 141
II km 4 016 781 4 797
III km 16 505 14 564 31 069
IV km 1 808 46 571 48 379
V km 86 11 944 12 030
By types of road topping        
cement-concrete km 178   178
asphalt-concrete km 10 398 7 731 18 129
black macadam km 4 012 11 704 15 716
black gravel km 7 071 18 990 26 061
black top-soil km 34 593 627
gravel-macadam km 1 684 24 672 26 356
top-soil km 107 10 242 10 349
By condition:        
good % 30 16 19
satisfactory % 49 47 47
unsatisfactory % 21 37 34
Encompassed with all types of repair, including:        
building and reconstruction km 1 621 196 1 817
capital repair km 65 456 521
medium repair km 1 100 2 971 4 071
current repair and maintenance km 21 798 73 280 95 078

For information on Kazakhstan Road Network additional European Route details, please see the following documents:

Kazakhstan Road Network European Route Information

E004 European Route

E011 European Route

E012 European Route

E013 European Route

E014 European Route

E015 European Route

E016 European Route

E018 European Route

E38 European Route

E40 European Route

E121 European Route

E123 European Route

E125 European Route

E127 European Route

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

2.4 Kazakhstan Railway Assessment

Kazakhstan Railway Assessment

Transportation by rail in Kazakhstan is very important. Kazakhstan Railways provide 68% of all cargo and passenger traffic to over 57% of the country. 15,079 km in common carrier service, excluding industrial lines.

Economic and geographic features of Kazakhstan (its vast territory, uneven spatial distribution of population clusters and of natural resources) make the transport component of the economy one of the most size able in the world and determine high dependence of the economy on the transport networks.

Being sandwiched between Europe and Asia, Kazakhstan boasts of a great transit potential, as there is no alternatives for Asian states to link to Russia and Europe.

Relatively diverse landscape and availability of natural stone reserves allow unrestricted development of railways and automobile routes.

Automobile and railways routes account for a major share of the total above-ground transport routes (about 88.4 & 14 thousand km respectively). Total length of navigable waterways makes up 3.9 thousand km, and the total of air routes makes up 61 thousand km. Density per every 1000 km 2 stands at 5,1 km for railways, at 32,4 km for automobile routes with hard surface, and at 1,5 km for in-land navigable waterways.

At the current stage, there is a problem of poor condition of the transport sector fixed assets, obsolete infrastructure and technology.

The share of transportation costs in the final cost of the goods makes up 8% and 11% for in-land railways and automobile traffic respectively, while in industrialized countries these indicators normally make up 4-4,5%. As a result, the transport burden on the economy exceeds that on the major industrialized nations twice on average. By cargo intensity index Kazakhstan’s economy is about five times less efficient, as transport component of every 1 USD of GDP makes no less than 9 ton-km, while in EU cargo intensity is less than 1 ton-km/dollar of GDP.

As the Kazakhstani rail system was designed during the Soviet era rail routes were designed ignoring intersoviet borders and to the needs of Soviet planning. This has caused anamolies such as the route from Ural'sk to Aktobe briefly now passing through Russian territory. It also means routes might not now suit modern day Kazakhstani needs.

International transport corridors cross the territory of Kazakhstan and are formed on the basis of transport infrastructure existing in the country:

Northern Corridor of Trans-Asian Railway Main (TARM): Western Europe – China, Korean Peninsula and Japan via Russian and Kazakhstan (section Dostyk – Aktogai - Sayak – Mointy – Astana – Petropavlovsk (Presnogorkovskaya)).

Southern Corridor of TARM: South-Eastern Europe – China and South-Eastern Asia via Turkey, Iran, Central Asian states and Kazakhstan (section Dostyk – Aktogai – Almaty – Shu – Arys – Saryagash).

TRACECA: Eastern Europe – Central Asia via the Black Sea, Caucasus and the Caspian Sea (section Dostyk – Almaty – Aktau).

North-South: Northern Europe – Gulf States via Russia and Iran, with Kazakhstan’s participation in the following sections: sea port Aktau – Ural regions of Russia and Aktau – Atyrau.

Railway Companies and Consortia

For information on Kazakhstan Railway company contact details, please see the followinng link:

4.3 Kazakhstan Railway Company Contact List

For information on Kazakhstan Railway Regulations details, please see the followinng document:

Kazakhstan Railway Regulation Information

For information on Kazakhstan Railway Projects, please see the following documents:

Rail Projects

Rail project Eraliyevo - Kuryk

Rail project Korgas - Zhetigen

Rail project Uzen - Gorgan

Rail project Uzen - State Boundary

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.


2.5 Kazakhstan Waterways Assessment

Kazakhstan Waterways Assessment

River shipping is performed in Irtysh, Ural – Caspian and Ili – Bakhash basins with total length 3983.5 km.. The construction of Shulba sluice in Eastern Kazakhstan was completed and resulted in reopening of navigation on Irtish river between China, Kazakhstan and Russian with up to 3 million tons cargo transportation capacity.

Company Information

For information on Kazakhstan Waterways company contact details, please see the following link: 

4.4 Kazakhstan Port and Waterways Company Contact List


2.7 Kazakhstan Milling Assessment

Kazakhstan Milling Assessment

Agriculture in Kazakhstan remains a small scale sector of Kazakhstan's economy. Agriculture's contribution to the GDPis under 10%, it was recorded as 6.7%, and as occupying only 20% of labor. More than 70% of its land is occupied in crops and animal husbandry. Compared to North America, a relatively small percentage of land is used for crops, with the percentage being higher in the north of the country, 70% of the agricultural land is permanent pastureland. Kazakhstan's largest crop is wheat, which it exports. It ranks as the sixth largest wheat producer in the world. Minor crops include barley, cotton, sugar beets, sunflowers, flax, and rice.  In 2011 the country had achieved record grain harvests of 26.9 million tonnes, exceeding the previous record of 21mn tonnes recorded in 2009. For 2012, the Kazakh Agriculture Ministry cut the crop forecast to only 14 million tons because of dry weather.

For information on Kazakhstan Milling company contact details, please see the following link: 

4.6 Kazakhstan Storage and Milling Company Contact List

3 Kazakhstan Logistics Services

Kazakhstan Logistics Services

Disclaimer: Registration does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities. Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse,comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

The following sections contain information on the logistics services of Kazakhstan.

3.1 Kazakhstan Fuel

Kazakhstan Fuel

For information on Kazakhstan Fuel Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.7 Kazakhstan Fuel Provider Contact List

With total liquids production estimated at 1.6 million barrels per day (bbl/d) in 2012, Kazakhstan is a major producer; however, key to its continued growth in liquids production will be the development of its giant Tengiz, Karachaganak, and Kashagan fields. Furthermore, development of additional export capacity will be necessary for production growth.

Largest currently producing oil fields:

Tengiz is currently Kazakhstan's largest producing oil field with an output of approximately 520,000 bbl/d through June 2012, accounting for nearly a third of total production. The field is located onshore northwestern Kazakhstan and it is the world's deepest operating giant field at 12,000 feet. It has been in development since 1993 by the Tengizchevroil (TCO) joint venture, which includes Chevron (50 percent), ExxonMobil (25 percent), KMG (20 percent), and LukArco (5 percent). According to Wood Mackenzie, production at Tengiz is expected to increase to 844,000 bbl/d by 2020. Tengiz output is currently exported through the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) oil pipeline, which runs from Tengiz to Novorossiysk, Russia on the Black Sea.

Information may also be found at: My Travel Cost Information on Kazakhstan which is updated monthly. 

Fuel Pricing

Fuel Prices as of: Oct 2013 (local currency and US$)

Petrol (per litre)

107.16 KZT / 0.71 US$

Diesel (per litre)

98.11 KZT / 0.65 US$

Paraffin (per litre)


Jet A1 (per litre) n/a

Seasonal Variations 

Despite being a significant oil exporter, Kazakhstan experiences regional and seasonal oil product shortages. Because most of the country's oil and gas is produced in the western part, its industrialized northern and southern regions (lacking pipeline connections to the western oil and gas fields) rely on imports from neighboring Russia and Uzbekistan, respectively. Until recently, the refining sector in Kazakhstan had not received the high levels of foreign direct investment that other parts of the oil sector have. Since domestic prices for refined products have remained low, oil producers have more incentive to export crude oil to international markets instead of refining it locally.

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel, e.g. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military? (Yes / No)


Is there a rationing system? (Yes / No)


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized? (Yes / No)


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? (Yes / No)


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs? (Yes / No)


Fuel Transportation

Oil Pipelines

Kazakhstan's pipeline system is operated by the state-run KazTransOil, a subsidiary of KazMunaiGas, which runs approximately 5,300 kilometers. Development of additional capacity, particularly export capacity that would remove Kazakhstan's dependence on Russia, is key to its future ability to increase production.

For information on Kazakhstan Oil Pipelines, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan Oil Pipeline Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Rail and Sea Transportation

Kazakhstan has an extensive rail network, which it increasingly used to transport liquid fuels both for domestic consumption and for exports. According to Wood Mackenzie, Kazakhstan has the capacity to export about 340,000 bbl/d of oil via rail. Tengizchevroil is the largest oil user of the rail network. The increasing use of rail network for oil transportation has had an effect on the cost, as price of rail has increased since the 1990s, making it the most expensive transportation option.

Two main ports used for oil exports are Aktau and Semey. Aktau is located in the Caspian Sea and has a loading capacity of 240,000 bbl/d of oil and oil products. The port has four berths capable of accommodating 12,000 tonne tankers.

Semey is located on the Irtish river in the northeastern part of the country. The port is important because during summer months, ship traffic can travel the entire length of the Irtish and Ob rivers to the Arctic Ocean and connect to the rail network.

In addition to Aktau and Semey, a smaller port of Atyrau is also operational. The port can accommodate barges of up to 120 tonnes, however this port is ice bound in the winter. It is located at the northern coast of the Caspian Sea.

Downstreaming and Refineing

Kazakhstan had a crude oil distillation capacity of 345,100 bbl/d as of January 1, 2012, according to the Oil and Gas Journal. There are three oil refineries in the country: Pavlodar, Atyrau, and Shymkent.

The Pavlodar refinery is supplied mainly by a crude oil pipeline from western Siberia, since Russian supplies are well placed geographically to serve that refinery. It processed approximately 100,000 bbl/d in 2010. Currently, the refinery is undergoing a reconstruction and modernization, which is due to be completed by the end of 2014.

The Atyrau refinery runs solely on domestic crude from northwest Kazakhstan and it processed about 90,000 bbl/d in 2012. The Shymkent refinery currently uses oil from the oil fields at Kumkol and the nearby area in central Kazakhstan. It refined approximately 95,000 bbl/d in 2010.

Natural Gas Pipelines

Kazakhstan has two separate domestic natural gas distribution networks, one in the west, which services the country's producing fields, and one in the south, which mainly delivers imported natural gas to the consuming regions. The lack of internal pipelines connecting Kazakhstan's natural gas-producing areas to the country's industrial belt between Almaty and Shymkent has hampered the development of the country's natural gas resources. Southern Kazakhstan receives much of its natural gas supplies from Uzbekistan via the Tashkent-Shymkent-Bishkek-Almaty pipeline even as the country exports gas from its northwestern region. KazTransGas, a subsidiary of KMG, controls and manages the country's gas pipeline transportation system.

For information on Kazakhstan Natural Gad Pipelines, please see the following documents: 

Kazakhstan Natural Gas Pipelines

Kazakhstan Natural Gas Consumption


Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel

(Yes / No)


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft

(Yes / No)


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks

(Yes / No)


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment

(Yes / No)


Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority? (Yes / No)


If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? (Yes / No)


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No)


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory

Company SGS




SGS Kazakhstan Ltd. BNC Business Centre 30, Saina Str. Almaty 050031 Kazakhstan

Telephone and Fax

Tel: +7 (727) 2 58 82 50/51

Fax: +7 (727) 2 58 82 52

Web: http://www.sgs.com/en/Office-Directory.aspx



Standards Used


For additional informaiton on Kazakhstan Fuel, please see the following documents:

Kazakhstan Fuel Exports

Kazakhstan Liquid Production

Kazakhstan Gas Production

Kazakhstan Natural Gas Imports and Exports

Kazakhstan Fuel Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

3.2 Kazakhstan Transporters

Kazakhstan Transporters

For information on Kazakhstan Transporters Company contact details, please see the following link: 

4.8 Kazakhstan Transporter Contact List


3.3 Kazakhstan Additional Service Providers

Kazakhstan Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs

For information on Kazakhstan Additional Service Provider contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Kazakhstan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Taxi Companies

Taxis usually cost (€2 to €6 within city). There is no need to use official taxis in most cities, basically it can be stopped almost any car on the street by raising your hand. but in Karaganda the best way is one of taxis by phone.

Taxis to the airport vary greatly in price. Any foreigner will be quoted a very expensive rate but usually cabs will come down once they see they aren't going to be able to get that much. Do not accept the first price as it will result in your being overcharged. It should be less than USD10, although it can never be guaranteed that a foreigner will get that price. A better option are the minibuses and buses that go to the airport. The word "airport" is very similar in Russian and English.

A common way to get around is by unofficial taxis. Any time of day, just wave your hand and someone will stop. Locals do this all the time. Negotiate the price and destination before you agree to go. About $2-$4 is fair for a ride within the center of Almaty. If your Russian is poor or non-existent, you will be charged a lot more than locals; to avoid this, try to use public buses as much as you can and don't hesitate to tell the driver how much you are ready to pay. Do not get in a car if more than one person is driving. Also, do not take these kind of taxis for long distances or anywhere that goes through remote areas, as there are frequent robberies, especially of foreigners. Always try to have exact amount of money in cash since usually they will not give you change. 

Electricity and Power 

Kazakhstan is one of the first countries of former Soviet Union that has developed a functioning electric power market. As a result of the reforms in the 90s:

  • Division of power sector into competitive entities and regulated monopolies
  • Large scale privatization of generation
  • Creation of the Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company (KEGOC)
  • Formation of regional distribution companies (RECs.

The Concept of further development of market relations in the Kazakhstan power sector was approved in February of 2004. The Kazakhstan Electricity Law was passed in July 2004, providing framework for power market development.

  • Total installed electricity capacity (2010): 19,127 MW
  • Available capacity: 1,821 MW.
  • Power Generation (2009): 78.4 billion kWh
  • Fossil fuel 90.7 %
  • Hydro: 9.3 %

There are 71 power stations, including five hydroelectric plants. This represents an installed capacity of approximately 19,400 MW, and available output 15,300 MW. At the moment, 85.5% of Kazakhstan’s electricity comes from coal-fired plants and 8.7% from hydroelectric sources. The coal fired plants are located in north coal producing regions. Hydroelectric facilities are located mostly along the Irtysh River. The southern regions of Kazakhstan do not have an enough energy resources and electricity consumption is covered by import from the Kyrgyz Republic.

Kazakhstan total primary energy supply (excluding electricity trade) was 65,835 ktoe in 2009. Share of TPES was the following:

  • Coal/peat: 47.9%
  • Gas:29.1 %
  • Oil: 21.8%
  • Hydro: 0.9%
  • Combined renewable and waste: 0.2%.

Production Unit

Type [1]

Installed Capacity (MW)

Current Production (MW)



19,12 MW

15,300 MW

[1] E.g. Hydroelectric power, Thermal power...

For information on Kazakhstan Power additional details, please see the following documents: 

Kazakhstan Electricity Generation

Kazakhstan Power and Electricity Distribution

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Liberalization of the telecommunications market in 2004 increased competition among the five licensed operators: KazakhTelecom (the former state monopoly, now with 51 percent state participation), Transtelecom, Kaztranscom, Arna (DUCAT), and Astel. The first-tier ISPs with international Internet connections and their own infrastructure are KazakhTelecom, Nursat, Transtelecom, Kaztranscom, Arna, Astel, and TNS Plus.

There are approximately 100 second-tier ISPs that are purchasing Internet traffic from the first-tier ISPs. They include:

  • Kcell (3G)
  • INTELSOFT (cable)
  • AlmaTV (cable access)
  • Beeline (3G, cable)
  • DigitalTV (WiMax)
  • Jet3G (3G)
  • Nursat
  • Sekatel
  • SputTV (satellite access)
  • 2Day telecom (Dial-UP)

Market liberalization has not been completely carried out, as there are restrictions on foreign ownership for fixed-line operators providing long-distance and international services. In addition, KazakhTelecom retains dominance over the telecommunications market, making it difficult for other operators to compete. KazakhTelecom is also launching an interactive IP TV service (11 of March 2009), as it attempts to maintain its dominance in the fixed-line market. Other leading first-tier ISPs, Nursat and Astel, operate terrestrial and satellite-based infrastructure. There are five mobile operators in the country. Three operators are offering GSM services and two CDMA. The government estimates that 60 percent of the population uses mobile services. One of the largest ISPs, Arna (DUCAT), accused KazakhTelecom of breaching the Law for Promoting Competition and Limiting Monopolist Activities. Arna claimed that KazakhTelecom used uncertified systems that monitor and interfere with the telecommunications of customers who are using services offered by competing companies. An investigation of the Kazakh government revealed that such systems indeed existed and were used by KazakhTelecom, but no evidence was found to prove KazakhTelecom was intentionally interfering with competitor activities

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government

Private and Government

Dial-up only (Yes / No)

Kcell (3G) , INTELSOFT (cable), AlmaTV (cable access),Beeline (3G, cable) DigitalTV (WiMax) Jet3G (3G) Nursat ,Sekatel , SputTV (satellite access) , 2Day telecom (Dial-UP)

Approximate Rates


No , there is also 3 G , Satellite & Wimax



Max leasable 'dedicated' bandwidth


3.4 Kazakhstan Telecommunications

Kazakhstan Telecommunications 

For information on Kazakhstan Telecommunications company contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Kazakhstan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Although growth slowed significantly in 2009, Kazakhstan has continued to experience a booming telecom market and coming into 2013 it included a mobile penetration of 170% and an impressive 49 internet users per 100 people. This healthy market has come about on the back of a growing economy (despite a few recent setbacks) and a program of positive regulatory reform within the telecom sector. Legislation adopted in 2004 largely laid the foundation for liberalisation and development of the country’s telecom industry and put an end to the monopoly enjoyed by Kazakhtelecom, the state-controlled telecom operator.

The rapid and successful development of telecommunications in the country encouraged a number of foreign companies – both service providers and suppliers - to establish a presence in this emerging market. Since 1992, international operators and manufacturers have been active in Kazakhstan in providing services and installing state-of-the-art equipment, especially as part of the country’s international telecom network. Companies such as Motorola, Lucent, Siemens, Alcatel, Nokia, Daewoo and Nortel Networks have all been active in the market. Recognising the long-term potential of this market, many foreign telecom companies have been looking to invest and form partnerships with local telecom enterprises.

By 2005 four private operators had been licensed to provide international and long-distance services in competition with the incumbent Kazakhtelecom. They were state-railway subsidiary TransTelecom, KazTransCom (a subsidiary of the national oil company), Ducat and Astel. Up to 1,500 new telecom service providers of various kinds had been licensed by 2005.

Kazakhstan has a relatively strong fixed-line penetration (27 fixed lines per 100 inhabitants by 2012), with six operators providing fixed-line telephone services to about 4.5 million subscribers. There had been long waiting lists for fixed-line telephone services over the years. Despite the opening up of the market the bulk of the country’s fixed services (93% in 2012) were being provided by Kazakhtelecom.

The country’s mobile market has been booming since 2000 (no doubt boosted to some extent by the long delays in obtaining fixed-line services). The number of mobile services had exceeded fixed-lines by 2004 and has raced on to surprisingly high levels of penetration. Demand for mobile services was so strong that in 2006 that the government went on to auction a third GSM licence (and fourth mobile operator licence), which was duly awarded to NeoTelecom, a subsidiary of Kazakhtelecom. NeoTelecom then launched its mobile service in 2007.

Of special note has been the recent healthy growth in internet activity in Kazakhstan, with the move to broadband access in particular taking place at a rapid rate. Fixed broadband subscribers as a proportion of the population had reached a healthy 6% by 2011, with the market likely to continue its current rapid expansion. (Note: It was difficult to obtain a full statistical picture of the internet market in Kazakhstan, with indicators often not being unavailable or the information was conflicting.)

After a decade of particularly strong growth in Kazakhstan’s mobile market, there has been a marked slowing;

With mobile penetration over 160% in early 2013, the market was continuing to grow but was expected to start saturating in the next few years. Broadband internet was quickly expanding on top of a general upturn in demand for internet services;

There had been a significant shift to broadband access in 2009 and by 2012 an estimated 60% of internet subscribers were using broadband (Note: there were some inconsistencies in the publicly available market statistics for internet services);

Incumbent Kazakhtelecom continues to maintain a considerable presence across the market; however, this strong presence has not stopped the development of a diversified market that offers an energetic and competitive business environment, especially in the mobile sector. GSM Kazakhstan (K’Cell) went with an IPO in late 2012, selling off some 25% of shares in the company; 

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?

(Yes / No)



Does it allow international calls?

(Yes / No)


On average, number and length of downtime periods


Mobile phone providers (List)

K-Cell , Beeline , Tele2 , Altel

Estimated availability and coverage

(Approximate percentage of national coverage)

100 %


NOTE: To Obtain subscription ID (the original of ID or passport) , home address; mailing address , e-mail is required

Telecommunication Regulation

The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) is the main policymaker and regulator in the telecommunications market. The Agency for Informatization and Communication (AIC), a central executive body in the IT field, is authorized to implement state policy in telecommunications and information technology development industries, exercise control in these sectors, and issue licenses to every type of telecommunications service. The Security Council (SC), a body chaired by the president, is responsible for drafting decisions and providing assistance to the head of state on issues of defense and national security. The SC also prepares a list of Web sites every six months that should be blocked or forbidden from distribution. A 2005 SC decision made it illegal for key national security bodies to connect to the Internet (namely, the Ministries of Emergency Situations, Internal Affairs, and Defense, and the National Security Committee). However, despite this prohibition, ONI field researchers found evidence that state officials access forbidden Web sites using dial-up accounts and anonymizer applications.

For information on Kazakhstan Telecommunications Regulations additional details, please see the following document:

Kazakhstan Telecommunications Regulations

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.


Regulations on usage or import of:

Yes / No

Regulating Authority



Ministry of Transport and Communications

HF Radio


Ministry of Transport and Communications

UHF/VHF/HF radio: handheld, base and mobile


Ministry of Transport and Communications

UHF/VHF repeaters


Ministry of Transport and Communications



Ministry of Transport and Communications



Ministry of Transport and Communications

Individual Network Operator Licenses Required
Frequency Licenses Required

For information on Kazakhstan Telecommunications company contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Kazakhstan Additional Service Provision Contact List


3.5 Kazakhstan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Kazakhstan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

For information on Kazakhstan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Kazakhstan Additional Service Provision Contact List

4 Kazakhstan Contact Lists

In the following subsections the contact details for Kazakhstan will be presented. 

4.1 Kazakhstan Government Contact List

Kazakhstan Government Contact List

Ministry Department Street / Physical Address Name & Title Email Phone Number (Office)
Ministry of Emergency Situations n/a

010000 Astana, Beibitshilik str., 22, city code (7172) 

n/a mchs@emer.kz

 8 (7172) 60-21-33

Hotline: 8 (7172) 32-32-86 

n/a Department of Emergency Prevention n/a

Expert, Division of Anthropogenic

emergency prevention




n/a Department of Emergency Mitigation n/a

Chief, Division of Arrangement rescue


n/a 60-21-08
n/a Department of Civil Defence n/a

Chief, Division of Civil defence planning

and public education


n/a 60-21-02

Department of Strategic planning,

information and analysis, science

and new technologies


Expert, Division of Information

and analysis


n/a 60-21-13
n/a Department of Informatization and Communication n/a

Chief, Division of Informatization

 Mr. Yevgeniy NESTERENKO

n/a 70-17-22
n/a Department of Internal Control and Audit n/a

Deputy Director


n/a 94-80-10

Department of Economy andFinance

n/a n/a n/a 60-21-19
n/a Department of Logistics n/a

Acting Director


n/a 60-21-22
n/a Department of Logistics n/a

Chief, Division of Logistics and assets

 Mrs. Sholpan IDRISSOVA

n/a 60-21-23
n/a Department of Legal Affairs n/a

Expert, Division of Legal expertise

and development of normative

legal acts


n/a 60-21-24


Department of Staffing

n/a n/a n/a


n/a Department of Administrative work n/a

Expert, Division of Document

processing and control


n/a 60-21-33

Department of International cooperation

n/a n/a n/a 60-21-37

Division of Disaster medicine and

psychological service


Medicine issues 

 Mr. Rustem ABILOV 

Psychology issues

 Mrs. Yelena MALAYA

n/a 93-46-11
n/a Press service n/a


 Mrs. Svetlana MURATBEKOVA

n/a 94-80-03
n/a Fire Fighting Service Committee n/a reception n/a 74-15-29


National Audit Comittee

of Emergency Situations

and Industrial Safety

n/a reception n/a 74-15-39
n/a State Material Reserves Committee n/a reception n/a 27-44-59
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
n/a ndex 010000, Astana city, Tauelsizdik avenue, 1 n/a





Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
n/a MZ RK (qorod Astana, Levıy bereq, ulOrınbor 8, Dom Ministerstv podezd 5.) n/a



+7 (7172) 74-32-43 

+7 (7172) 74-32-40,

Fax: +7 (7172) 74-36-50

Ministry of Industry and new tehnologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
n/a «Transport Tower» building, 32/1 Kabanbay batyr av., Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan 010000 n/a



+7 (7172) 24-04-75, 24-04-76, 24-12-13

Fax: +7 (7172) 24-08-51

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
n/a 31, Kunayeva str. 010000 Astana Kazakhstan

Head of the UN Division , Dept. of Multilateral Cooperation

 Didar Temenov

astana@mfa.kz ;



 7 7172 720 518 ,  

+7 7172 72 0349

Fax: 7 7172 720 516

Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
n/a 010000, Astana, Left bank, Special economic zone, building 2 n/a



+7(7172) 72-13-84 

+7(7172) 72-13-85

Fax: +7 (7172) 50-41-97

Ministry of Education and Science
n/a 010000, Астана қаласы, Орынбор к-сі, 8. n/a



+7 7172 74-24-28

Fax: +7 7172 74-24-16

Ministry of Environment Protection
n/a 010000 Astana city, Orynbor str., 8 The House of Ministries Block “A” entrance 14, n/a



 8(7172) 74 08 09 / 8(7172) 74 08 33

Fax: 8(7172) 74 00 16

Ministry of Agriculture
n/a  010000, Astana, st. Kenesary 36


 Mamytbekov Asylzhan



 8 (7172) 555995, 555763 , 555803

Fax: 8-7172 555763

Ministry of Transport and Communications
n/a n/a

Assistant to Minister

 Akimzhan Akylbekov



240077 557749

Fax: 557758

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
n/a n/a


 Tamara B. Duissenova



Ministry of Finance
n/a 010000, Astana city, Pobeda avenue, 11. n/a



 8(7172) 71 77 64 , 8(7172) 71 77 65

Fax: 8(7172) 71 77 85

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
n/a n/a


 Dossaev Erbolat Askarbekovich



Fax: 74-28-09 74-31-48 

Ministry of Culture and information
n/a  8 Orynbor Street, "House of Ministries" Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



 +7 (7172) 74-04-29 

+7 (7172) 74-04-54

Ministry of Justice
n/a  Астана қ., Орынбор 8 көшесі, Министрліктер үйі №13 кіреберіс n/a



+7 (7172) 74 06 37 

Fax: +7 (7172) 58 00 58

Ministry of Oil and Gas
n/a  Республика Казахстан, 010000, г. Астана. пр.Кабанбай Батыра, 19

 The Minister

 Sauat Mynbayev



  8 (7172) 97-69-81

Fax:  8 (7172) 97-68-88

Ministry of Regional Development
n/a Astana, 'Yessil' district, Orynbor st, 8, 'House of Ministries', 10 entrance ,4 floor. n/a



+ 7 (7172) 74-22-43

Fax:  +7 (7172) 74-21-78

Kaznex Invest (National Export & investment agency , Joint stock Company .. Ministry of industry and new technologies of Kazakhstan)

n/a  2nd Floor , 25 Syganak Str., Snsar , Business Center , 010000 , Astana

Managing Director

 Jalil Bulatov



+7 7172 79 93 93

Fax:  +7 717279 9392

Main Custom-Houses & Posts CUSTOMS COMMITTEE AT THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE n/a 166 Pushkin str., Astana, 473000 n/a n/a

(3172) 75 04 47; 75 31 09

Fax: (3172) 75 30 16

MAIN ALMATY CUSTOM-POST n/a 127 Jibek Joli str., Almaty, 480091 n/a




 (3272) 39 35 40; 39 24 71

Fax: (3272) 39 29 56

"JETYSU" CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 2 Mailin str., Almaty, 480040 n/a n/a  (3272) 57 23 12
AKTUBINSK REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 7 Dzerjinskiy str., Aktubinsk, 463022 n/a n/a

(3132) 24 08 89; 24 28 34

Fax: (3132) 24 35 89

EAST-KAZAKHSTAN REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 7/2 Novatorov str., Ust-Kamenogorsk, 492000 n/a n/a

(3232) 64 06 05; 64 58 60

Fax:  (3232) 26 79 81

"ULYTAU" CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a Abay-Libknekht str. Intersection, Jezkazgan, 477000 n/a n/a  (3102) 72 19 77
KOSTANAI REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 183 Gogol str., Kostanai, 458003 n/a n/a

: (3142) 53 65 80

Fax: (3142) 53 67 93

AKMOLA REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 21, 50th anniversary of VLKSM str., Kokshetau, 475000 n/a n/a

(31622) 5 54 81

Fax: (31622) 5 14 88

KARAGANDA REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 14 Khmelnitskiy str., Karaganda, 470031 n/a n/a

(3212) 52 42 16

Fax: (3212) 52 65 53

KZYLORDA REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 6 Esenov str., Tasboget village, Kzylorda, 468520 n/a n/a (32422) 7 72 47
SOUTH-KAZAKHSTAN REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 33 Teatralniy str., Shymkent, 486008 n/a n/a

(3252) 56 08 35

Fax: (3252) 56 02 38

NORTH-KAZAKHSTAN REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 120 Mira str., Petropavlovsk, 642015 n/a n/a

(3152) 46 33 29

Fax: (3152) 46 98 18

PAVLODAR REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 6 Chaikovskiy str., Pavlodar, 637042 n/a n/a

(3182) 46 33 37

Fax: (3182) 46 56 90

JAMBYL REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 81 Tole-bi str., Taraz, 484000 n/a n/a

(32622) 7 15 77; 7 16 00

Fax: (32622) 7 19 35

WEST-KAZAKHSTAN REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 6, 2nd Zavokzalniy tupik str., Uralsk, 417014 n/a n/a

(31122) 3 05 67

Fax: (31122) 4 70 22

CUSTOMS POST IN TALDYKORGAN n/a "Vneshtrans" bld., Eastern promzone, Taldykorgan, 488000 n/a n/a (32822) 6 29 33
"ASTANA" CUSTOMS POST n/a 44 Bokeykhan str., Astana, 473000 n/a n/a

(3172) 32 32 11

Fax: (3172) 32 78 35

SEMEY" CUSTOMS POST n/a 1 Melkombinat plaza, Semipalatisnsk, 490038 n/a n/a

 (3222) 44 34 86

Fax: (3222) 44 27 58

ATYRAU REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 8 Abai str., Atyrau, 465002 n/a n/a

(31222) 5 42 09; 5 42 03

Fax: (31222) 5 42 10

MANGISTAU REGION CUSTOM-HOUSE n/a 13-a district 36, Aktau, 466200 n/a n/a  (3292) 51 10 01
ARKALYK CUSTOMS POST n/a 14 Gorbachev str., Arkalyk, 459830 n/a n/a (33022) 7 19 53

Motor Roads Committee

n/a n/a


 Zamir Saginov



+7(7172) 24-33-83

Fax: +7(7172) 29-90-65

Construction & Reconstruction Office

n/a n/a

Deputy Chairman

 Amangeldy Bekov



Fax: +7(7172) 29-90-65

4.2 Kazakhstan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Kazakhstan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Organization Physical Address Name & Title Email & Website Phone Number and Fax Number


 26, Bukei Khan str.,

Astana, 010000,





 7 7172 592 550

Fax: 7 7172 592 540

NGO Moldir

solnechnaya str. 9,

Almaty 480035,



 lyazzat ishmukhamedova,


+7 3272 984751

Fax: 984811

Kazakhstan International Bureau on Human Rights

Masanchi str. 83,

office 2,

Almaty 480072,



 evgeniy Jovtis

n/a +7 3272 784800


Zhandosova str. 36,

Almaty 480057,



 Ulzhan Kanzhigalina

reception@cpart.kz +7 3272 980608

Association of Young Leaders

Klochkova str. 18,

office 4,

Almaty 480008,



 natalia bakhmutova

ayl_leader@nursat.kz +7 3272 435316


 67 Tole Bi Street

050000 Almaty ,


Head of Regiona Office

for Caucasus and central Asia

 Marcel Vaessen



+7 727 258 2643

Fax: +7 727 244 7148

4.3 Kazakhstan Railway Company Contact List

Kazakhstan Railway Company Contact List

Company Physical Address Name & Title Email & Website Phone Number (office) Fax Number
Ministry of Transport and Communications

Assistant to Minister

 Akimzhan Akylbekov



240077 557749 557758

Infrastructure Development Office


Head of Office

 Yerkin Meirbekov

meirbekov@mtc.gov.kz 242427 Ext.257  242427

Qazaqstan Temir Zholy

010000, Republic of Kazakhstan Astana city,

Konaeva street, 6




+7 (7172) 93-01-13 n/a

4.4 Kazakhstan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Kazakhstan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Name Company Physical Address Name & Title Website  Phone Number (office) Key Role
Port of Aktau
“NC “Aktau ISCP”

Mangystau region, Aktau, 130000,

Umirzak settlement

Authorized person

 Uandikov Berik Kusmanovich



(7292) 514549,

Fax: (7292) 445101

Port Authority

Port of Aktau

CF&S Kazakhstan

BC 'SAT-Business' Manas str 32A

Office 504A Almaty 050008

General Director

 Anvar Barakhunov



+7 727 237-83-20

Fax: +7 727 237-83-19

Clearing Agent
Port of Aktau

Globalink Logistics


301-310, 3rd Floor,

Block B Micro-district 3-B DIAS

Business Center Aktau 130000

Branch Manager

 Shahid Bashir Wani



+7 729 220-17-61/2

Fax: +7 729 220-17-65

Clearing Agent
Port of Aktau


 Alma Ata Business Center of

Rixos Hotel Seifullin Street 506/99,

8th Floor Almaty 050012

General Director

 Vasiliy V Ni



+7 727 326-99.99

Fax: +7 727 326-90-19

Clearing Agent

Port of Aktau

Formag Almaty

Alma Ata Business Center

FORUM 202 Av Dostyk,

6th Floor Almaty 050051




+7 3272 37-50-71

Fax: +7 3272 37-50-73

Clearing Agent
Port of Aktau


Alma Ata Manas Street 22b

Almaty 050008


 Asset Kurmatayev



+7 727 258-88-47

Fax: +7 727 258-41-19

Clearing Agent
Port of Aktau

Interlink Global


Alma Ata Bldg 83, Tole Bi Str

Almaty City

 Chief Executive Officer

 Bulat Janabayev



+7 727 244-92-65

Fax:  +7 727 244-92-65/6

Clearing Agent

Ministry of





Assistant to Minister

 Akimzhan Akylbekov



 240077 557749

Fax:  557758

Government Ministry

4.5 Kazakhstan Airport Company Contact List

Kazakhstan Airport Company Contact List

Airport Company Physical Address Name & Title Email

Phone Number (office) and Fax Number

Description of Services

Civil Aviation Committee

 Ministry of Transport

and Communications Kabanbay Batyr

ave. 47, 14th Floor Transport

Tower 010000 Astana Kazakhstan


 Beken Seidakhmetov




 242605 243165

Fax: 243165

Aktau AIRPORT Clearance Group n/a n/a cdskga@mtc.gov.kz

+7 (7172) 290870 

Fax: +7 (7172) 241976 

Clearance Group







+7 (7292) 609746 

  +7 (7292) 60 97 45

Aktau AIRPORT Cargo Services n/a

Head of Cargo Terminal

Domestic Cargo

International Cargo


+7 (7292) 609640

+7 (7292) 609670

+7 (7292) 609665


Tarlan Aero

Off. 3, 145 Kurmangazy

Str. Almaty 050008, Kazakhstan




+7 727 239 3017

Fax: +7 727 239 3012




2, B. Mailin Street,

050039 Almaty,




+7 (727) 270-33-33

Fax: +7(727)2703391


Air Astana

4A Zakarpatskaya street

Almaty 050039 Kazakhstan




+7 (727) 258 41 35/36

Fax: +7 (727) 259 87 01


Almaty Airport Co.

Republic of Kazakhstan,

050039, Almaty, street. B.Mailin 2

n/a n/a

+7 (727) 270-3333

Fax: +7 (727) 388-89-22


Nomad Cargo LLP

050039 Almaty 51,

Akhmetov street Almaty

International Airport




+ 7 (727) 321 82 69

Fax: +7 (727) 388 89 46


Customs Control

n/a n/a n/a +7 (727) 270-31-06, 270-31-54 n/a

Astana Airport

Astana Airport

 International Astana

Airport Airport 14 Astana, 010014 Kazakhstan




+7 717 2 777 040

Fax: +7 (727) 388 89 46

Astana Airport

Chief accountant

 Kulzhan Tabildinova

k.tabildinova@astanaairport.kz +7 (7172) 777 – 110 Customs
Astana Airport Cargo Agents n/a n/a maa-cargo@astanaairport.kz

+7 7172 777 572

Fax: +7 7172 777 574

Cargo Agents
Astana Airport
Astana Airport Handling Service


 Nurlan Shugayev

pdsa-plan@astanaairport.kz +7 (7172) 777 – 997 Airport Handling Service

4.6 Kazakhstan Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Kazakhstan Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Company Physical Address Name Website  & Email Phone Number (office) and Fax Number Key Role
Dariya, IP
Kazakhstan, Astana, 010000, st. Akzhol 30


 Tohtar Zhumabekov


+7 (707) 3616038

Fax: +7 (7172) 532191

SZC Astana Agro
 Kazakhstan,Astana,010000, st. Bajyrkum (st. Ugolnaya), 7 n/a http://47379.kz.all.biz/en

+7 (701) 4975980

Fax: +7 (7172) 971420

Kazakhstan,Almaty,050000, st. Kazybaeva, 24 n/a



+7 (702) 8713066

Fax: +7 (727) 2336289

Realbaza AK Zhol
 Kazakhstan, Karagandinskaja oblast, Karaganda, st. Kazahstan, 3 n/a



+7 (7212) 512417 Storage
Kazakhstan,Almaty,050004, st. Furmanova, 65


Van Yuli



+7 (727) 2662150   

+7 (775) 8561945,

+7 (777) 1392393

Fax: +7 (707) 3098926

Kazakhstan,Akmolinskaja oblast, Kokshetau, st. Pushkina 22 n/a



+7 (7162) 763553

FaX: +7 (7162) 763628

Shuskij Mukomolnyj Kombinat
 Kazakhstan,Zhambylskaja oblast, Shu,080500, st. Satpaeva, 44 n/a



+7 (72643) 21716

FAx: +7 (72643) 21716


JSC “Holding KazExportAstyk”

1/1 Otyrar str., Astana, 010000 Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



+7 /7172/ 320432 

FAx: +7 /7172/ 322657



34 Ulyanov Street, Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan, 150000 n/a



n/a Mill
JSC KOSTANAY AGRO TRADE  Al-Farabi 65 City Center 1101, Kostanay, Kazakhstan n/a






Fax: 7-7142-522433


4.7 Kazakhstan Fuel Provider Contact List

Kazakhstan Fuel Provider Contact List

Company Physical Address Email Phone Number (office)

Description of

Services Provided


SGS Kazakhstan Ltd. BNC Business Centre 30,

Saina Str. Almaty 050031 Kazakhstan



+7 (727) 2 58 82 50/51

Fax: +7 (727) 2 58 82 52

Fuel Quality

Testing Labatory


19, Kabanbay-batyr Str., bloc B, Astana



+7 (7172) 555-144 ,  

+7 (7172) 555-142

Fax: +7 (7172) 555-148



17, Kabanbai Batyr ave. Astana, 010000,

Republic of Kazakhstan




+7 (7172) 97-99-97

Fax: v


Chevron Eurasia Business Unit

CDC-1 Center, 8th Floor 240G Furmanov St. Almaty,

Kazakhstan 050059




Caspian Services Inc.

2nd floor, 134 Azerbayeva str., Almaty 050010



+7 727 321 80 90/92/93

Fax: +7 727 321 80 90/92/93 ext 160



66 abulkhair khan ave., corp. 1, ap. 1 aktobe, 030019 n/a (3132) 51-15-06 , (3122) 32-96-77

Services in oil


by tank-train

94 Shevchenko Street Almaty, 050000 Kazakhstan n/a

7 3272 63 05 35

Fax: 7 3272 50 77 46


"KB Petroleum" LLP

ZIP: 030011 Republic of Kazakhstan,

Aktobe Railway junction 41, building 231



+7 (7132) 40-28-56, 40-28-57

Fax: +7 (7132) 40-28-56

Caspi neft JSC
1, Druzhba str., Atyrau, Republic of Kazakhstan, 060011;



(7122) 20-19-67

Fax: (7122) 20-19-25


Chevron Eurasia Business Unit

CDC-1 Center,

8th Floor 240G Furmanov St. Almaty,

Kazakhstan 050059




Fax: (3272) 98-06-28, 50-58-05



17, Kabanbai Batyr ave. Astana, 010000,

Republic of Kazakhstan




+7 (7172) 97-99-97

Fax: +7 (7172) 97-74-26



Kazakhstan, 050059,

Almaty. Furmanov street 244a


+7-727-2581848 /

Fax: +7-727-2581860



Republic of Kazakhstan 010000 Astana,

6 Sary-arka avenue Business Center "Arman", 5th floor



+7 7172 550333

Fax: +7 7172 790379



4.8 Kazakhstan Transporter Contact List

Kazakhstan Transporter Contact List

Company Physical Address Name Email Phone Number (office and fax) Description of Services Provided

Transatlantic Kazakhstan LLP

Alma Ata Orbita3,

52 Almaty 050043


 Vadim Kudrya

Logistic Manager

 Chingiz Babamuratov



+7 727 226-65-25

Fax: +7 727 226-69-26


Trans Team Company

Alma Ata 37 Zheltoksan Street Office

405-409 Almaty 050004






+7 727 279-38-31

+7 727 279-96-34

+7 727 279-96-43


+7 727 258-40-43


+7 727 279-64-41




(Europe Asia Transit

Logistic and Transport)

Alma Ata Business Center of Rixos Hotel 

 Seifullin Street 506/99,

8th Floor Almaty 050012

General Director

 Vasiliy V Ni




+7 727 326-99.99

Fax: +7 727 326-90-19


ARI Cargo

Alma Ata 7A Kabanbai Batyr Street 

 Almaty 050010

 General Director

 Timothy Moore



+7 727 356-40-00

Fax: +7 727 259-77-71


Alem Cargo

Alma Ata Furmanov str 103,

office 606 Almaty 050000




+7 727 333-97-97

Mob:+7 701 551 6255


Access World Transport

Alma Ata Bloc #4A,

Office #83 Business Centre 'Nurly Tau' 

 Al Farabi Avenue #7 Almaty City050059




 +7 727 352-72-77/8

Fax: +7 727 352-72-79


«Car Go Truck» LLP

4 Komunalnaya Street, Office 205, Almaty

Contact Person

  Allena Cherepanova



+7 727 317 73 45

Mob: +7 701 3326787

Fax: +7 727 382 78 06

Recommended by the Government "

LLP «GEFCO Kazakhstan»

19 Al Farabi, BC Nurly Tau, Office 906, Almaty

Contact Person

 Mukatov Ilyas



+7 727 311 53 65

Mob: + 7 771 779 55 21

Recommended by the Government "

LLP «Globalink»

52 Kabanbay Batyr Str, Almaty

Contact Person

  Zhunushalieva Asel





+7-727-258 8880


+ 7-727-258 8885


+7-727-258 8880 ext.319


Recommended by the Government "

"AsstrA Almaty" LLP

151/115 Abai Ave, BC “Alatau”, Office 201, Almaty

Contact Person

 Kuanish Kunakov




+7 727 266 98 41

+7 727 266 98 41 ext. 1706

Fax:  +7-727-3110429

Recommended by the Government "

Kuehne + Nagel Ibrakom L.L.P.

13 Al Farabi, BC Nurly Tau

, Almaty

Contact Person

 Eltay Tokushev

Yeltay.tokushev@kuehne-nagel.com +7-727-3110432+7-727-3110432 ext. 200 Recommended by the Government "

KazTemirTrans and

KazInterFreight JSC

10 Kunaev Str., Floors 9-15,







(7172) 930-438, 930-439 Recommended by the Government "

4.9 Kazakhstan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Kazakhstan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Type of Service Company Physical Address Name & Title Email & Website Phone Number (office) & Fax Number

Description of

Services Provided

Vehicle Rental

Europcar almaty Car Rental Stations

ASTANA AIRPORT n/a n/a +7 7272 703072 Vehicle Rental
Vehicle Rental

Europcar astana Car Rental Stations

ASTANA AIRPORT n/a n/a +7 7172 286534 Vehicle Rental
Vehicle Rental

Caspian Car Rental

 2/21 Z.Kosmodemyanskoi str., Almaty 050013 Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



+7 (727), 261 33 60,  

+7 777 355 66 55

Fax: +7 (727) 227 53 13

Vehicle Rental
Taxi Company

Nettaxi taxi cab

 Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN n/a n/a 780333 Taxi Company
Taxi Company

City Taxi

 Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN n/a n/a 792727 Taxi Company
Taxi Company

Airport Taxi

 Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN n/a n/a 2571300 Taxi Company
Taxi Company


Karaganda, KAZAKHSTAN n/a n/a 87212910354 87011206889 87022736101 Taxi Company

CF&S Kazakhstan

  Alma Ata BC 'SAT-Business' Manas str 32A Office 504A Almaty 050008

General Director

  Anvar Barakhunov



+7 727 237-83-20

Fax: +7 727 237-83-19


Globalink Logistics Group

Alma Ata 52 Kabanbai Batyr Street Almaty 050010

 President & CEO

 Siddique Khan



+7 727 258-88-80

Fax: +7 727 258-88-85


ICS - International Cargo Services

 Alma Ata Manas Street 22b Almaty 050008 n/a



+7 727 258-88-47

Fax: +7 727 258-41-19


Interlink Global Services

Alma Ata Bldg 83, Tole Bi Str Almaty City

Chief Executive Officer

 Bulat Janabayev



+7 727 244-92-65


M&M Logistics LLP

Alma Ata 38 Tulebaev Street Business Center Zhetysu Office 201 Almaty 050004 n/a


+7 727 356-38-01

Fax: +7 727 356-38-02



Alma Ata Begalina 13B Almaty 050010


 Tanya Krasnova


+7 291-53-84  

UTi Kazakhstan LLP

Alma Ata Almaty International Logistics Park Guldaly Talghar Almaty 050010 n/a



+7 727 259-73-20

Fax: +7 727 259-73-21

Handling Equipment Companies

Nomad Aero AC

Alma Ata Office 275, Block 3 Bukhar Zhyrau str 27/5 Almaty n/a



+7 727 337-58-97

FaxL +7 727 337-58-97

Handling Equipment Companies
Handling Equipment Companies

Tarlan Aero

Off. 3, 145 Kurmangazy Str. Almaty 050008, Kazakhstan n/a



+7 727 239 3017

Fax: +7 727 239 3012

Handling Equipment Companies
Handling Equipment Companies

Astana Airport Handling Service



 Nurlan Shugayev

pdsa-plan@astanaairport.kz +7 (7172) 777 – 997 Handling Equipment Companies
Handling Equipment Companies

Air Astana

4A Zakarpatskaya street Almaty 050039 Kazakhstan n/a



+7 (727) 258 41 35/36

Fax: +7 (727) 259 87 01

Handling Equipment Companies
Power Producers

KEGOC " Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company "

The Republic of Kazakhstan 010000 Astana 37, Beibitshilik Ave. n/a



+7 (7172) 319 522, 97-04-55

Fax: +7 (7172) 970 455


KAZATOMPROM " National Atomic Company"

10, Kunaev St, Astana, 010000, the Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



+7 /7172/ 55 13 98

Fax: +7 /7172/ 55 13 99



Almaty str., Building 1 (Asyltau Business Center) n/a



8 (727) 258-80-00 , 8 (727) 258-70-21*

Fax:  8 (727) 258-89-14







+7 (727) 3000 501

Fax: +7 (727) 2500 536



n/a n/a




+7 (727) 3500500 

+7 (727) 3500600



 Republic Ave 5. , Astana n/a  

8 (7172) 466-333

Fax: 8 (7172) 439-541



010000, 19A Gabdullin str., Unit B , Astana n/a



 8 (7172) 971 020

Fax: 8 (7172) 971 411



Republic of Kazakhstan, 050022, Almaty , etc. Seifullina 597 n/a






Fax: +7-727-2324302

Local Supplies Markets

IVOLGA Holding

170 Gagarin st. Kustanay n/a



+7 314 2 532891

Fax: +7 3142 542027

grain, high-quality wheat , durum , Vegetable production is represented by potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets , milk, cheese and butter, sausages and delicatessen trade mark "Special", vegetable products hothouse "Ak-Kuduk", flour and cereals 

Local Supplies Markets

 JV DAN Almaty, Furmanov str. 273-273а. Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



+7 727 2-506-000 /

+7 727 2-597-233

Fax: +7 727 2-507-508

The Company has 3 Silos , in northern part of the country , operating only for Wheat Grain

Local Supplies Markets

 Agro-Star Grain LLC n/a n/a


+7 727 269 4839, 269 4859

Fax: +7 (727) 315-48-91, 315-48-58

The basic activity is trading wheat , <span>Barley 2nd class ,</span> and wheat flour

Local Supplies Markets

Batt Corportaion 91/2 Dostyk Avenue Almaty, 050051, Republic of Kazakhstan n/a




(+7 727) 2508 338,

Fax: +7 727) 2508 339

Large grain holding group encompassing several companies in agri-business , including production farm of wheat , silos , mills and trading CO. the company owns three mills : Mamlyutskiy located in Mamlyutks , Kzyltuskiy Located in Kishkenekoli &amp; the third is located in Akmola 
 Local Supplies Markets


LTD ZHSHS, Respublikasy Kazakhstan, 040900, Almaty bald, Қaskelen қalasy, Abylai Khan kөshesі, 3a. n/a


8 (727) 2983485/8 (72771) 24081, 21109

Fax: 8 (727) 2983489/8 (72771) 21792

Wheat Flour , <span style="text-align: justify; ">biscuits with capacity 30 MT per Day , Wafer &amp; Cake 
 Local Supplies Markets

Concern Tsesna Astyk LLP

24, Akjol Str. Astana, 010000 Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



+7 (7172)70-05-00, 54-61-00

Fax: +7 (7172) 54-60-92

wheat flour, pasta, cereals  (inspected by WFP)
 Local Supplies Markets

Darzhan Group LLP

Apt. 79, Bldg. 8 Zataevich Str. Astana, 010000 n/a

 Marchenko3333@mail.ru ;


+7 (7172)52-58-69

Fax: +7 (7172) 30-25-37

wheat flour  (inspected by WFP
 Local Supplies Markets

Altyndan LLP

 7, Tsuryupa Ave., Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



+7 (7252)44-30-66,


Fax:  +7 (7252) 44-30-66

wheat flour (inspected by WFP)
 Local Supplies Markets

Asia Agro Food LLP

 1, Suynbay Str., Shamalgan station, Almaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan n/a

zerno@asiaagro.kz ;



+7(727) 298-33-90, 298-33-99

Fax: +7 (727) 298-33-90

wheat flour (inspected by WFP)
 Local Supplies Markets

Grain Industry

103, Chekhov Str. Kostanay , 110000 Republic of Kazakhstan n/a

export@gi.kz korona@gi.kz


+7 (7142)56-85-70,


Fax: +7 (7172) 56-86-48

wheat flour, pasta
 Local Supplies Markets

Sultan Marketing

 Proezd Truda Str. Petropavlovsk, Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



+7 (7152) 31-13-55,


Fax: +7 (727) 290-23-37

wheat flour, pasta, biscuits
 Local Supplies Markets

Maslodel LLP

276, Ryskulov Ave Almaty, 050061 Republic of Kazakhstan n/a

 fd@maslodel.kz; export_tender@maslodel.kz


+7 (727)258-49-90

Fax: +7 (727) 381-36-53

 vegetable oil (sunflower, canola others) (inspected by WFP)
 Local Supplies Markets  Eurasian Foods Corporation LLP  20, Bytovaya Str. Karaganda, 100004 Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



 +7 (7212)44-08-38,


Fax:  +7 (7212) 44-09-85

 vegetable oil (inspected by WFP)
 Local Supplies Markets  

Khamle LLP

 3A, Abylay Khan Str., Kaskelen city, Almaty region, Republic of Kazakhstan n/a



  +7(727) 2983485, +7 (72771) 24081, 21109

Fax: +7(727) 2983489 / +7 (72771) 21792

 biscuits (inspected by WFP)

Worldhotel Saltanat Almaty

164 Furmanov Street 050021 Almaty, Kasachstan n/a http://www.worldhotelsaltanat.com/ +7 727 2590935 Accommodation

InterContinental Almaty

Zheltoksan St, Almaty 050013, Kazakhstan n/a n/a +7-727-2505000 Accommodation

Rixos Almaty

 Seyfullin Ave 506/99, Almaty 050012, Kazakhstan n/a




+7 727 300 3300

Fax: +7 727 300 33 66


Radisson Hotel, Astana

Sary Arka 4, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan n/a




+7 7172 99 00 00

Fax:  +7 7172 99 22 22


Rixos President Astana Hotel

n/a n/a



 +7 7172 24 50 50

Fax:  +7 7172 24 27 60


Renaissance Atyrau Hotel

15 B, Satpayev Street, Mosque District · Atyrau, 060011 Kazakhstan n/a





Fax: 7-7122-909606


5 Kazakhstan Annexes

The following section contains annexes for additional information for the  Kazakhstan LCA

5.1 Kazakhstan Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym Full name of the Agency / Organization
AIC Agency for Information and Communication
AWB Airway Bill
BL Bill of Lading
C&F Cost & Freight
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CFS Container Freight Stations
DLCA Digital Logistics Capacity Assessment
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation
GPRS General Pocket Radio Service
GRT Gross Register Tonnage
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMF International Monetary Fund
INGO International NGO
IOM International Organisation for Migration
ISPs Internet Service Providers
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere
LCA Logistics Capacity Assessment
MOU Memorables of Understanding
MT Metric Tons
MTC Ministry of Transport and Communications 
MW Megawatt
n/a not available
NDB Non directional beacon
NFI Non Food Items
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
OCHA Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
RC Resident Coordinator
RoRo Roll on Roll off
SC Security Council
T Tons
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TEUs Twenty Foot Equivalent Units
THC Terminal Handling Charge
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
(V)HF (Very) High Frequency
VOR VHF omnidirectional radio range
V-SAT Very Smart Aperture Terminal
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WCO World Customs Organisation
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organisation
WVI World Vision International