

Country name:


Official country name:

The Republic of Azerbaijan / Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan Respublikası)

Table of Contents

Chapter  Name of Assessor  Organisation Date Updated 

1 Azerbaijan Country Profile

Ahmed Abuelkheir
WFP Oct-13
1.1 Azerbaijan Humanitarian Background Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
1.2 Azerbaijan Regulatory Departments Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
1.3 Azerbaijan Customs Information Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13

2 Azerbaijan Logistics Infrastructure

Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
2.1 Azerbaijan Port Assessment Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
2.1.1 Azerbaijan Baku International Sea Trade Port Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
2.2 Azerbaijan Aviation Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
2.2.1 Azerbaijan Baku Heydar Aliyev International Airport Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
2.3 Azerbaijan Road Network Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
2.4 Azerbaijan Railway Assessment Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
2.5 Azerbaijan Storage Assessment Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
2.6 Azerbaijan Waterways Assessment Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
2.7 Azerbaijan Milling Assessment Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13

3 Azerbaijan Logistics Services

Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
3.1 Azerbaijan Fuel Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
3.2 Azerbaijan Transporters Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
3.3 Azerbaijan Additional Service Providers Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
3.4 Azerbaijan Telecommunications Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
3.5 Azerbaijan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13

4 Azerbaijan Contact Lists

Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
4.2 Azerbaijan Humanitarian Agency Contact List Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
4.3 Azerbaijan Port and Waterways Company Contact List Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
4.4 Azerbaijan Airport Company Contact List Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
4.5 Azerbaijan Railway Company Contact List Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
4.6 Azerbaijan Storage and Milling Company Contact List Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
4.7 Azerbaijan Transporter Contact List Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
4.8 Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13

5 Azerbaijan Annexes

Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13
5.1 Azerbaijan Acronyms and Abbreviations Ahmed Abuelkheir WFP Oct-13



1 Azerbaijan Country Profile

Azerbaijan Country Profile

Azerbaijan Country Map

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures.

Generic Information:

Azerbaijan, officially the Republic of Azerbaijan, is the largest country in the Caucasus region located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. It is bounded by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west and Iran to the south. The exclave of Nakhchivan is bounded by Armenia to the north and east, Iran to the south and west, while having a short borderline withTurkey to the northwest.

Source: Wikipedia (publisher), Azerbaijan 29 Jan 2014

Find the country in the generic links below:

Wikipedia Information on Azerbaijan

IMF Information on Azerbaijan

Economist Intelligence Unit Information on Azerbaijan*

(*note - this is a paid service)


Humanitarian Info:

WFP Information on Azerbaijan

UNOCHA Information on Azerbaijan


Facts and Figures:

Wolfram Alpha Information on Azerbaijan

World Bank Information on Azerbaijan

World Population Review Information on Azerbaijan

1.1 Azerbaijan Humanitarian Background

Azerbaijan Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Disasters

Yes / No

Comments / Details


n/a n/a



25-Nov-2000 , No Killed : 31

4-Jun-1999 , No. Killed : 1 , No Total Affected: 9,170

9-Jul-1998, No. Killed : 1, No Total Affected 700,010


n/a n/a

Extreme Temperatures

Yes Feb-2012, No. Killed : 5



4-May-2010, No. Killed : 3 , No Total Affected: 70,000

5-Jun-1997 , No Killed : 11 , No Total Affected : 75,000

5-Oct-1995, No. Killed : 5 , No Total Affected: 6,000

Insect Infestation

n/a n/a


n/a n/a

Volcanic Eruptions

n/a n/a

High Waves / Surges

n/a n/a


n/a n/a

High Winds

n/a n/a

Other Comments

Mass Movement Wet: Dec-2000 , No. Killed : 11

Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife

n/a n/a

International Conflict

n/a n/a

Internally Displaced Persons

n/a n/a

Refugees Present

n/a n/a

Landmines / UXO Present

n/a n/a

Other Comments

Transport Accident -

17-Mar-1994 No. Killed 32

28-Nov-1995 , No Killed 337 , No Total Affected 270

5-Dec-1995, No Killed 49 , No Total Affected 33

17-Mar-1997, No. Killed 46 , No. Total Affected 9

17-Mar-1997, No. Killed 46 , No. Total Affected 9

Industrial Accident -

7-Sep-2007 , No. Killed 25

For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters:

EMDAT Information on Azerbaijan

Calamities and Seasonal Affects

Seasonal Affects on Transport



From (month) to (month)

Primary Road Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Secondary Road Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Rail Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Air Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Waterway Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Seasonal Affects on Storage and Handling (economic, social, climate...)



From <month> to <month>


The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area



The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area



The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area


For additional information on Azerbaijan temperature and climate, please see the following document: 

Azerbajian Temperature & Climate Information

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


The Ministry of Emergency Situations, the activity of which is organized and supervised by Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a body of executive authority involved in the development and implementation of the state policy and regulation in the area of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of natural (geophysical, geological, meteorological, hydrological, maritime, natural fires, etc.) and anthropogenic (fires, explosions, building and facility collapses, catastrophes involving discharge and emission of chemical, radioactive and biologically hazardous substances, failures in electro-energy systems, housing infrastructures, treatment facilities, hydro-dynamic installations, oil and gas production and refining facilities, trunk pipelines, transport vehicles, etc.) nature (hereinafter referred to as emergency situations), prevention and elimination of the consequences of emergency situations, fire safety, safety of people in water basins and safety of movement of small-sized ships, safety in the implementation of industrial and mining operations, safety in construction, establishment of state funds of material reserves dealing with management, coordination and control over these areas, organization of emergency response measures in the event of a possible or actual occurrence of emergency situations, protection of enterprises, facilities and installations of strategic importance which come under natural, man-made and terrorist threats.

For information on the Azerbaijan Ministry of Emergency Situation, please see the following document:

Information on The Ministry of Emergency Situations

For details on Azerbaijan Government Agency Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List

Humanitarian Community

For details on Azerbaijan Humanitarian Agency Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.2 Azerbaijan Humanitarian Agency Contact List


1.2 Azerbaijan Regulatory Departments

Azerbaijan Regulatory Departments



State authority is organized in the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of principle of division of the authorities. Under the constitution Executive authority belongs to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Milli Mejlis of Republic of Azerbaijan - Parliament implements the legislative authority liament of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan consists of 125 deputies.

Members of the Milli Mejlis are elected by way of free, private and secret voting on the basis of majority election system, universal, equal and direct election.

Elections of the each convocation of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan are held at each 5 years on first Sunday of November.

Powers of the members of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan become limited with duration of powers of convocation of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Every citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan not younger than 25 may be elected the deputy of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan in an established order.

Persons having double citizenship, those having obligations to other states, those working in the bodies of executive or judicial power, persons involved in other payable activity except scientific, pedagogical and creative activity, religious men, persons whose incapacity has been confirmed by law court, those condemned for grave crime, serving a sentence due to verdict of law court may not be elected the deputies of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

For information on Azerbaijan Regulatory depatment contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List

1.3 Azerbaijan Customs Information

Azerbaijan Customs Information

Since 1929 year Customs activity was regulate with the relevant decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars dated December 19, 1928.

In the beginning of 1946 year Baku Customs structure was expanded. The new structure was consisting from the following divisions:

  • General department;
  • Accounting;
  • Judicial-Confiscation Department;
  • Department of the cargo;
  • Department of Post-passenger;
  • Marine Department

In 1955 year, the ship and cargo divisions turn into a single ship-cargo department and the Judicial-Confiscation department with the loosing of some of the repressive functions turn into fight against smuggling department.

In 1956-1988 at the Baku customs structure regularly have been carried out various changes.

In January 27, 1989, with the command of No. 17 of the State Customs Control Department under the USSR Soviet of Ministers on the basis of the Baku Customs was created Republic of Azerbaijan Customs Republic with the subsequent subordination of other customs in Republic (Julfa and Astara).

After the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan by presidential decree in January 1992, the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan Republic was established.

Duties and Tax Exemption

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to 'crisis' times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes - 17 Jun 1992

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

Yes - 03 Feb 2006

OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)

Azerbaijan is an observer government of the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

Prohibited Items:

  • Weapons, pornography, drugs, political literature

General Restrictions:

  • Commercial equipment, mobile phones, and satellites only permitted with authorization by the Ministry of Communication. Medicines and medical equipment only permitted with authorization by the Ministry of Health. Food, foodstuffs, animals, and seeds only permitted after an hygenic inspection.

Items may be imported exempt from import duties :

There are certain items , identified below which may be imported into the Azerbaijan republic exempt from import duties :

  • Assets imported by a foreign investor as a contribution to the charter capital of an azerbaijan legal entity
  • Property of foreign employees of locally registered companies , which are imported for personal use
  • Goods imported for use as grants and loans under inter-governmental agreements
  • Goods imported by physical persons for gratuitous distribution ( humanitarian aid )
  • Goods imported under special regimes

For information on Azerbaijan Customs Exemption Regime additiona details, please see the following document:

Azerbaijan Customs Requirements For Household And Personal Effects

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements


  Food Shelter,Wash and education Medicines Vehicles and Spare parts Staff and office supplies Telecoms equiment
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
AWB, BoL, or Other Transport Documents
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Donation Non-Commercial Certificate
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Packing List
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
Other Documents
Certification of origin
Certification of origin
Certification of origin + approval from the Ministry of Health
Certification of origin + approval letter from The Ministry Of Transport
Certification of origin + fumigation certification if required for wooden goods
Certification Of Origin + Approval from The Ministry Of Internal Affairs &The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology


Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs inward manifest completed upon entry to Azerbaijan should be kept and presented at departure

No special authorization is needed for bringing in a video camera for personal use, save that us it is necessary to note it in the manifest

With a view of protecting of national and public safety, social morality, human life and health, animals and plants, environment, historic, archaeological, and artistic values of Azerbaijan and other nations, ownership rights, intellectual property rights, and in certain other cases prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan or internation treaties to which it is the party import and export of certain items may be prohibited

Carriage of personal belongings is not subject to any duties: up to 125 grams of caviar, three blocks of cigarettes, three liters of alcoholic beverages and medicines as required.

The export of any antique items (including gems, coins and other works of art) without the permission of relevant bodies is prohibited.

For information on Azerbaijan Customs Clearance additiona details, please see the following document:

Azerbaijan Customs Clearance Additional Information

Customs Information

Document Requirements

Vat Number of the importer/ Exporter + Commercial Invoice in Russian + Packing list in Russian + BL + Certification of Origin



Prohibited Items

Weapons, pornography, drugs, political literature

General Restrictions

Commercial equipment, mobile phones, and satellites only permitted with authorization by the Ministry of Communication. Medicines and medical equipment only permitted with authorization by the Ministry of Health. Food, foodstuffs, animals, and seeds only permitted after an hygienic inspection.

Customs Clearance Document Requirements


Food Shelter,Wash and education Medicines Vehicles and Spare parts Staff and office supplies Telecoms equiment
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
AWB, BoL, or Other Transport Documents
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Donation Non-Commercial Certificate
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Packing List
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
Other Documents
Certification of origin
Certification of origin
Certification of origin + approval from the Ministry of Health
Certification of origin + approval letter from The Ministry Of Transport
Certification of origin + fumigation certification if required for wooden goods
Certification Of Origin + Approval from The Ministry Of Internal Affairs &The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

2 Azerbaijan Logistics Infrastructure

Azerbaijan Logistics Infrastructure 

The following sections contain information on the logistics infrastructure of Azerbaijan

2.1 Azerbaijan Port Assessment

Azerbaijan Port Assessment

Azerbaijan Ports

Sea and water cargo transportation have vital importance for Azerbaijan, especially in regions where road and rail connections are disputed. Azerbaijan has direct maritime connections only with other Caspian littoral states (Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan). However, the Volga-Don canal provides a maritime access to the high seas. The main activity is transport of cargo, mainly of oil and oil products. Shipping regions are Caspian, Black, Mediterranean and Marmara Seas. The main shipping company owes 72 ships, 37 of which are tankers (including 1 water-carrier).

Baku International Marine Trade Port is the largest port on the Caspian Sea. Its ferry terminal underwent a major reconstruction supported by a US$16.2 million loan from EBRD. It is now able to handle 30 million tons of freight a year. The Caspian Sea provides vital transport links with other countries and is being used to ship oil until various pipeline projects are completed.

Maritime transport and offshore pipelines

The Azerbaijan State Caspian Marine Company (KASPAR) is a major ship owning company in the Caspian Basin. It is a diversified transport organization whose main activity is the transportation of goods with a predominance of oil and oil products. Navigation areas: Caspian, Black, Mediterranean and Marmara Seas. Strategies and priorities for the development of the shipping aim at making better use of the Eurasian Transport Corridor. The main production base of the shipping company is a transport fleet consisting of 70 vessels, 30 of which are 34 tankers (water carriers), 26 universal cargo ships, and 2 roll on- roll-off and 8 marine rail cargo ferries, with a total deadweight of 316.0 thousand tons.

Today tanker capacity of Azerbaijan estimated 15-20 million tons of transported oil and oil products per year. The active development of ferry services on the lines of Baku-Turkmenbashi-Baku, Baku-Aktau-Baku is being planned.

In September of 2007, the Korean company GSEngineering & Construction presented to the Ministry of Transport of the final version of the construction project of a new seaport in Alat. Moving the seaport from the centre of Baku to Alat settlement should be realized by 2015. According to preliminary estimates, the construction of a new seaport would cost more than $ 400 million.

According to the project, the port will have 11 bridges- piers. The new port built to international standards, will be able to receive and process 11.6 million tons of cargo in 2015. In light of the emerging prospects it will be modern gate for access to the Great Silk Way.

For information on Azerbaijan Port Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.3 Azerbaijan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

2.1.1 Azerbaijan Baku International Sea Trade Port

Key port information can also be found at: Maritime Database Information on Baku International Sea Port

Port Overview

The Caspian sea fleet plays an important role in transport , but changes in trade and declining production have led to a substantial fall in volume transported . Lying between the black sea and central Asia , Baku is a main international port on the Caspian sea which is seen as a strategic part of Azerbaijan's logistics infrastructure and a key point in the whole logistics corridor through which mineral, commodity and other products pass from central Asia to western markets . The port is assessed throughout the year and is not affected by weather conditions. It has seven quays equipped with 27 cranes hoisting capacity of which ranges from 5 to 40 tons . The port is directly linked to the Azerbaijan rail network through ten rail-sidings . There are mainly two different routes available to move cargoes via Baku port :

  • Via Volga-Don waterway , this route is limited to seven months per year ( summer ). The loading of the vessels is limited to a maximum draft restriction of 7 m which permits the vessels with up to 5000 MT capacity to berth .
  • During the remaining months the cargo traffic functions within the Caspian sea basin with ports of Makhachkala and Guryev ( Russia ) , Bender -Anzali ( Iran ) , Aktau ( Kazakhstan ) and Turkmenbashi ( Turkmenistan )

It has to be noted that Baku international sea port located currently in the centre of city will be located very soon to the area which is 60 KM north of Baku ( Alyat settlement ) .

Since May 1995, Azerbaijan has been a member of the International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) and has ratified six conventions of IMO. Azerbaijan entered into numerous intergovernmental agreements with neighboring countries with respect to maritime transportation within the Caspian basin .

Baku International Sea Trade Port was founded in 1902 and since it has always been the largest and the most important of Caspian Sea ports. The port has been constantly developing over the century and now plays an important role in trans - Caspian trade and is the main marine gateway to Azerbaijan. The port operates year-round and as a vital transit point in Europe-Asia trade that is being promoted within TRACECA - RESTORATION OF THE HISTORIC SILK ROUTE project. From April to November when Russian inner waterways are navigable Baku International Sea Trade Port is accessible by ships loading cargoes for direct voyages from West European and Mediterranean ports.

With the dramatic increase in trans-Caspian oil trade volumes and enormous import to Azerbaijan various equipment for offshore oil activities over last decade the port has further strengthened its importance. Due to its modern facilities and year-round accessibility the port maintains its competitiveness and is widely used by international traders.

Services rendered to the users of the port include

  • Dry cargo and liquid bulk handling
  • General and project cargoes
  • Container handler (stuffing/stripping)
  • Warehousing and storage
  • The Baku International Sea Trade Port is comprised of Main Cargo Terminal, Dubendy Oil Terminal, Ferry Terminal and Passenger Terminal. The port`s throughput capacity has been constantly growing and reaches up to 15 million tons of liquid bulk and up to 10 million tons of dry cargoes.

Port website: Baku International Sea Trade Port

Port Location and Contacts



Province or District


Town or City (Closest location) with Distance (km)

Name: Sumgait

km: n/a

Port's Complete Name

Azerbaijan Baku International Sea Trade Port 





Managing Company or Port Authority (If more than one operator, break down by area of operation)

Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority

Management Contact Person


Closest Airport and Frequent Airlines to / from International Destinations

Airport Name: n/a

Airlines: n/a

Port Picture

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

For i nformation on Azerbaijan Port of Baku contact details, please see the following link: 

4.3 Azerbaijan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Performance

For information on Azerbaijan Port of Baku Port Perfromce details, please see the following documents: 

Baku Port Ferry Terminal Information.

Baku Port Main Cargo Terminal Information

Baku Port Oil Terminal Information

Baku Port Performance Information

Baku Port Services and Terminals Information

Baku Port Trade Figures by Terminal Information 2009 - 2010 (2)

Baku Port Trade Figures by Terminal Information 2009 - 2010

Baku Port Trade Figures Information 1970 - 2010

Baku Port Trade Figures Information 2009 - 2010


Handling Figures

Year 2012

Vessel Calls

4900 Vessels

Container Traffic (TEUs)

30.000 TEU

Handling Figures Bulk and Break Bulk

Year 2012

Total Cargo Handling (mt)

9 Million mt

Total Annual Capacity of the Port

18 Million Tons (2010)

Discharge Rates and Terminal Handling Charges

Discharge Rates ( MT/Day )]

To Warehouse-

Bulk: 4000 - 5000

Bagged: 1000

To Trucks -

Bulk: 4000 - 5000

Bagged: 1000

To Rail Wagons:

Bulk: 1000 - 1500

Bagged: 1000

In theory , The total capacity that can be handled by Baku sea port is 5 Million tons of general cargo and 20 million tons of oil/oil products a year ( this figure was being used at the ex-USSR times ). Five warehouses ( two of metal and three of stone structure) are available with total capacity of 4000 MT.The average discharge rate for bagged cargoes is 1000 MT and for bulk cargoes is 5000 MT a day . Currently all the port cargoes is 1000 MT and for bulk cargoes is 5000 MT a day . Currently all the port facilities are underutilized due to the problems all ex-Soviet union republics are facing .

Berthing Specifications

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Maximum Draft (m)

Conventional Berth

n/a n/a n/a

Container Berth

15000 Container / Year 866 MTRS


Silo Berth

n/a n/a n/a

Berthing Tugs


Water Barges



Pilot Boats - 2

Anti-Pollution Boats - 2

Speed Boats - 4

Port Handling Equipment

Is the port equipment managed by the government or privately? n/a

The Main Cargo Terminal is located within Baku city limits is used for handling general, containerized as well as bulk export/import and transit cargoes.

While steel products, machinery, equipment and bulk cargoes are dominant export/import types of goods, general cargoes are mainly transiting through the port. At the terminal it is possible to handle up to 2 mln. tons of general and dry bulk cargo per annum.

Terminal accommodates 6 berths of total length of 866 meters, one of which function as a RO-RO quay. Depths at the quayside is 7 meters.

Berths are equipped with 16 portal cranes with lifting capacity from 5 to 40 tons. Forklift trucks with a capacity from 105 to 10 tons, 100 rolltraylers and portal haulers of SI-SU type are also available. 3 vessels, up to 150 wagons and 100 trucks can be handled simultaneously during a day. Total length of stub railways is 8 kilometers. Maneuvering are carried out by 4 diesel locomotives.

Terminal is equipped with the railroad and truck scales for weighing cargoes. Total area of the open warehouses is about 24 000 square meters, and that of the sheltered warehouses is about 10 000 square meters.



(Yes / No)

Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage

Rolltraylers and portal haulers of SI-SU type Yes 100 n/a

Dockside Crane - Portal Electric



5 to 40 tons

Container Gantries




Mobile Cranes








RoRo Tugmaster (w/ Trailer)




Grain Elevator w/ Bagging Machines











105 to 10 tons

Diesel locomotives Yes 4 n/a

Container Facilities

The main cargo terminal in the Port of Baku serves vessels carrying containers and bulk and general cargoes. The largest share of goods is in general cargo, and the Port of Baku's main cargo terminal has capacity to handle two million tons of general and dry bulk cargoes per year. The terminal contains six berths totaling 866 meters in length with alongside depth of seven meters. One of the berths is the Port of Baku's roll-on/roll-off quay. The berths are fully equipped with 16 cranes to handle up to three vessels at one time, and they are served by eight kilometers of railway. The main cargo terminal offers 24 thousand square meters of open storage and about 10 thousand square meters of covered warehouse .

Container Terminal is located on the territory of the Main Cargo Terminal area and is designed for handling of all kinds of containers, including 40 FEUs and capable of handling of 15000 containers annually. The area of warehouses at the Terminal extends up to 1600 sq. meters.

The control of the Container Terminal operation is supported by the computerized system using modern software which meets the requirements of the international standards.

The Terminal is equipped with the modern cargo handling facilities, such as Kalmar container forklift with lifting capacity of 42 t and Kalmar reach stacker with lifting capacity of 40 t, 2 Terberg terminal tractors, 6 Planmarine trailers, 3 Hyster small forklifts.

The railway branch line is linked to the Main Railway System, which provides the intermodal transportation


20 ft

40 ft

Container Facilities Available



Container Freight Station (CFS)

Yes Yes

Refrigerated Container Stations

Yes Yes

Other Capacity Details

Daily Take Off Capacity (Containers per day)


Number of Reefer Stations (connection points)


Emergency Take-off Capacity (Give an indication)


Off take capacity of gang shift (in Containers per shift)

n/a n/a

Customs Guidance

For information on Azerbaijan Customs Guidance, please see the following links: 

4.3 Azerbaijan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

1.3 Azerbaijan Customs Information

Terminal Information

Multipurpose Terminal

The Passenger Terminal with 340 m berth length is used by foreign and local passenger ships cruising between ports of Caspian countries. The building of the Sea Station that is being refurbished will by equipped with the most modern facilities to ensure comfortable stay of passengers.

The Passenger Terminal is also used by passenger ships carrying oil workers every day to Oily Rocks.

Oil Handling Terminal

Oil Terminal in Dubendi is the largest terminal at the Apsheron peninsula. Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan oil is handled at the terminal and further trans-shipped to the ports on the Black Sea and to the world markets. Terminal includes 2 piers at which 4 tankers with lifting capacities from 5000 to 13000 tons can by handled simultaneously. Up to 15 million tons of cargoes can by handled per annum at the terminal.

Upon completion of Baku - Tbilisi -Jeyhan oil pipeline construction that is being carried out within the framework of `Contract of the Century` significant volumes of oil from abroad is expected to by delivered to Baku for further transfer to international markets. Dramatic increase in transit oil calls of upgrade of existing oil terminal facilities.

There is Vessels Traffic Service operating at the Terminal. It is responsible for safe navigation in the water area. Vessels Traffic Service is equipped with contemporary radio navigation hardware, which provides navigation of ships round-the-clock. Two tugboats, one of 600 and other of 1600 horse power, fulfill operations on safe mooring of vessels.

Terminal is furnished with modern reception facilities for contaminated waters and means for combating environmental pollution and accidental oil discharge.  Two skimmers keep round-the-clock watch within the harbour.


Main Silo Terminal

Ferry Terminal is used for transshipment of wagons, trucks and cars as well as embarkation / disembarkation of passengers to/from ferries shuttling between Baku / Turkmenbashi / Aktau / Iranian ports. The shuttle service is carried out by Azerbaijan State Caspian Shipping Company owned ferries. Each ferry can simultaneously take on its board 28 wagons or 40 trailers, 202 passengers and up to 50 cars. At the terminal it is possible to transship up to 8 mln. tons of cargoes per annum.

The ferry terminal that constitutes a vital link between Europe and Asia plays an important role withinTRACECA-RESTORATION OF THE HISTORIC SILK ROUTE project. In view of the permanent upward trend in cargo traffic experienced throughout last years, especially in Europe -Asia direction, significant rise in ferry terminal throughput can be anticipated over forthcoming years.


Main Storage Terminal

The port area has 10,000 square meters of covered storage and 28,700 square meters of open storage


Port Security


ISPS Compliant

(Yes / No)


Current ISPS Level


Level 1 = Normal, Level 2 = Heightened, Level 3 = Exceptional

Police Boats


Fire Engines


2.2 Azerbaijan Aviation

Azerbaijan Aviation 

Azerbaijan Airports

Key airport information may also be found at: World Aero Data Information on Azerbaijan

In 1923, Azerbaijan established the Transcaucasian Civil Aviation Joint Stock Company “ZAKAVIA”, and on June 2, 1938, the first air group was established in Azerbaijan. This date in 2006, was declared Day of Civil Aviation of Azerbaijan according to relevant decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Today eleven regions of the country are connected by air with Baku. Over the past 20 years in the country's civil aviation has been invested over 200 million USD. This allowed to provide its fleet with modern aircrafts «Boeing-757”, to modernize air navigation system, to establish the system of training for twenty respective specialties, built in Baku and put into commission a modern international airport serving the aircrafts of more than sixty airlines. Currently airports awarded international status have built in five regional centres of the country.

In Baku Cargo Terminal (BCT) which was completed in 2005, and operating as a transit point, has been provided with all the conditions for the receipt of goods shipped from west to east and from north to south. State organization in the management and regulation of civil aviation is the Civil Aviation Administration of Azerbaijan.

Civil Aviation: 

State Civil Aviation of Republic of Azerbaijan was established by the Decree № 512 of the President of the Republic Azerbaijan dated 29 December 2006 and is the central executive body, exercising control, state policy and regulation in the sphere of civil aviation. The total number of employees of the Administration is determined as 49 persons. Expenditures for maintenance and activities of the Administration are financed from the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Administration is headed by a director appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Two Deputy Directors carry out their duties and have personal responsibility. From 2008 to 2013 Mr. Arif Mammadov successfully directed the activities of the Administration. Director of the State Civil Aviation Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan from February 13, 2013 is Mr. Fuad Guliyev.

The administration consists of five departments:

  • Flight Safety Oversight Department;
  • Aviation Security Department;
  • Licensing and State Registry Department;
  • Foreign Relations Department;
  • Financial and Economic Department.

For information on Azerbaijan Civil Aviation, please see the following documents:

Azerbaijan Civil Aviation Board Information

Azerbaijan Civil Aviation Board Structure

For information on Azerbaijan Aviation contact details, please see the following link:

4.4 Azerbaijan Airport Company Contact List

2.2.1 Azerbaijan Baku Heydar Aliyev International Airport

Azerbaijan Baku Heydar Aliyev International Airport


Baku Heydar Aliyev international airport is one of the five international airports serving Azerbaijan.It serves approximately 1M of passengers a year. Its previous name was Bina international airport, named after a settlement near Baku. On 10 March 2004, it was renamed after Azerbaijan's nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev.

The airport is located 20 km northeast of the capital Baku and is linked to the city by two modern highways commissioned in 2008 and 2009.

It is the base hub of the Azerbaijan Hava Yollari national flag carrier.

Baku Heydar Aliyev international airport complies with international requirements. Due to its favorable geographical location, it has become a first-choice regional airport for transfer flights between East and West, North and South.

Location Details
Country Azerbaijan Latitude


Province / District Baku Longitude 50.05039
Town or City (Closest)
16mls/25kms East of Baku
Elevation (ft and m) 10 ft / 3 m
Airfield Name Heydar Aliyev International Airport IATA and ICAO Codes IATA: GYD, ICAO: UBBB
Open From (hours) 24hrs Open To (hours) 24hrs


For more information on Runway 16, please see the following document:

Runway 16

Runway #16

Runway Dimensions

2700m x 60m


160 South




For more information on Runway 34, please see the following document:

Runway 34

Runway #34

Runway Dimensions

2700m x 60m


340 North



For more information on Runway 18, please see the following document:

Runway 18

Runway #18

Runway Dimensions

3200m x 51m


180 South




 For more information on Runway 36 , please see the following document:

Runway 36

Runway #36

Runway Dimensions

3200m (Useable length 3065 m) x 51m


360 North



Helicopter Pad(s)

Helipad #1

Present (Yes / No)


Largest helicopter that can land

Military MI-26 , Superpuma , Dolphin

Width and Length (metres)




Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Airport Operating Details

Operating Details
Maximum sized aircraft which can be offloaded on bulk cargo: IL76
Maximum sized aircraft that can be offloaded on pallet B767
Total aircraft parking area (m²) 15 aircraft parking
Storage Area (mt) 3000 SQM Cubic Meters (m³) n/a
Cargo Handling Equipment Available (Yes / No) yes If "Yes" specify below
Elevators / Hi Loaders (Yes / No) n/a Max Capacity (mt) n/a
Can elevators / hi loaders reach the upper level of a B747 (Yes / No) n/a
Loading Ramps (Yes / No)
  • 3 Units of higher loader
  • 8 units of loading conveyer
  • 6 units of forklift

Storage Facilities

Cargo Facilities : Capacity 3500 Tons

Passenger facilities : 50 Checks in desks , 8 gates , 4 air bridges , 3 baggage claim belts , post office , bank , exchange , restaurants , cafes , VIP and CIP lounges , duty free shop , car rental , taxi service , first aid , business center


Level: Good

Companies Available 

For information on Azerbaijan Aviation Contact details, please see the following link:

4.4 Azerbaijan Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found at: AZ Freight Website Information on Azerbaijan Aviation 

2.3 Azerbaijan Road Network

Azerbaijan Road Network

For information on Azerbaijan Road Network Contact Details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List

The length of public roads in Azerbaijan is 24 981 km. 191 km of these complies with 4-band movement of road transport. Total road density in the country is 288 km/ 1000sq. km.

The road network is securely connected to all the cities, regional centres, towns, airports, seaports, railway stations, reservations, resort and tourist recreation areas, as well as border crossings with neighboring countries.

Main roads along which the interstate flow of vehicles with cargo and passengers is the Baku-Alat-Ganja-Gazakh-Georgian border (Azerbaijani segment of TRACECA corridor), 503 km long border with Russia, and the Baku-Astara-border of the Islamic Republic of Iran ( Azerbaijani segment of “North-South” corridor), with length of 521 km.

Road transport in Azerbaijan has been fully privatized. Transportation of passengers and goods are engaged mainly by the corporate enterprises and the private sector (companies and physical persons).

International transport of goods in the Republic of Azerbaijan and the transit through its territory to other countries make truckers of 40 countries of Europe and Asia. Azerbaijan has a passenger bus service to the cities of the Russian Federation, Georgia, Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

International passenger traffic carried by the Baku International bus station complex, located at the entrance to the capital. The rates, as well as the schedule of long-distance and international routes can be found at the official website Baku International Bus Information Website

Azerbaijan Roads

Distance Matrix

For information on Azerbaijan Road Network Distances, please see the following document:

Road Distance Table

Baku Ganca Sabirabad Qubadli
Baku - 299.27 KM 145.51 km 350.85 km
Ganca 229.27 - 223.5 km 172.55 km
Sabirabad 145.51 KM 223.5 km - 205.54 km
Qubadli 350.85 km 172.55 km 205.54 km -

Road Class and Surface Conditions

2006 assessment revealed that approximately 70% of Azerbaijan’s roads and highways were in poor condition and required urgent maintenance. Since then the State Program for Rehabilitation and Development of Azerbaijan Republic's Road Networks(2006‐2015) has acted as a road map for addressing these pressing needs. It envisioned a two‐phase rehabilitation of the national road and highway network: Phase 1 (2006‐2009) and Phase 2 (2010‐2015). According to this program, by 2015, Azerbaijan will have repaired and constructed more than 9,500 km of new highways, including 3,578 km of national roads and 5,928 km of local roads. As a result of increased government and international investment in infrastructure projects more than 5,500 km of roads and highways have been rehabilitated. Approximately 806 km of these new roads and highways are of national and international importance. International organizations sponsored 460 km of these highways, while 345 km was financed by the State budget. Currently, construction and rehabilitation work is being continued over 870‐km long parts of the national highways, including 749 km which is financed by international loans. The construction of the country’s international highways and roads along the East‐West and North‐South axes will be completed to international standards by the end of 2012 .

The following table lists the lengths of the main highways in Azerbaijan, and the sections that still require rehabilitation. Along the NSTC route from the Azerbaijan‐Russia border to the Azerbaijan‐Iran border, for example, 53% of roads need to be modernized. The construction work on the northern segment oftheNSTC route (M1) fromBaku to Yalama (Azerbaijan‐Russian border) has completed on 2011, which willreduce transportation time and shorten the distance between Baku and the border by 10 km. The upgrading of the southern segment of the NSTC route from Alyatto Astara (Azerbaijan‐Iran border) (M3) began in 2006 and is expected to be completed in 2013. The M3 is a four‐lane highway that linksIranian and Azerbaijani roads. In the East‐West direction, the main focus is on the 503km long M2 road between Baku and the Red Bridge (Azerbaijan‐Georgia border). The construction work is currently underway on a 171 km segment of M2.

For additional information on Azerbaijan Road Network, please see the following documents: 

Azerbaijan Transport Corridors

Main Roads and Roads Under Rehabilitation

Main Road Network

Main Road Corridor 1


2.4 Azerbaijan Railway Assessment

Azerbaijan Railway Assessment

Azerbaijan Railways

Azerbaijan State Railway (ASR) was established in 1880. Currently, the total length of railways in Azerbaijan is 2944 km, the length of operating railways - 2122 km, including 815 km - double track line. According to the “Program of Azerbaijan Railway for 2008-2011” the works on the design of high-speed railway line Baku-Georgian border with 503 km length, which is the central segment of TRACECA, have been implemented.

Particular importance is the construction of new railway section on the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, 100 km, and the rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure of the Baku-Tbilisi-border with Turkey which will connect by rail area of Middle and Central Asia, through Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey with Europe. Trains which will come from China and Kazakhstan through Central Asia, the Caspian region, Baku and Tbilisi will be able to get to Istanbul, and then continue through the tunnel under the Bosporus to proceed to Europe.

Railway Companies and Consortia

For information on Azerbaijan Railway contact details, please see the following links: 

Azerbaijan Railway Wesbite 

Azerbaijan Minitary of Transport 

4.5 Azerbaijan Railway Company Contact List

Key Route Information

For information on Azerbaijan Railway Key Routes, please see the following document:

 Major Railways

Key Stations

Baku Railway Station

The complex of buildings of Baku railway station consists of an old Tiflis station, built in 1884, the new building of the Baku-Passenger Station (60-70s of XX century) and Sabunchu station (1924), specially built for the USSR's first electric trains which had to carry the workers to the oil fields of Absheron (Baku-Sabunchi).

Station complex is in the centre of town, next to 28th May underground. International passenger traffic on the Baku-Moscow-Baku, Baku-Astrakhan-Baku, Baku-Makhachkala-Baku, Baku-Rostov-Baku, Baku-Tbilisi-Baku, Baku-Kharkov-Baku, Baku-Odessa-Baku, Baku -Tyumen-Baku, Baku-Novosibirsk-Baku routes is realized from here. Trains also make trips to Ganja, and electric trains to Sumgait city, Hovsan and Mardakan settlements.

Azerbaijan State Conservatory named after U.Hajibeyov, the National Bank of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev Palace are situated some distance far from the station complex.

Note that the realization of the tickets at the box office of the Baku railway station is also carried out through POS-terminals which allow the passengers to use bank cards such as Visa and MasterCard in case of payment.

For information on Azerbaijan Railway construction and maintenance, please see the following documents: 

Azerbaijan Railway Construction and Maintenance

Azerbaijan Train Timetable

Azerbaijan Train Timetable 2

2.5 Azerbaijan Storage Assessment

Azerbaijan Storage Assessment

For information on Azerbaijan Storage contact details, please see the following link: 

4.6 Azerbaijan Storage and Milling Company Contact List


Commercial Storage



Available for Rent


mt / m² / m³

Type [1]

Access [2]

Condition [3]

Mingechevir State property committe - 3500 Tons   Fair


[1] Warehouse Type: Open storage, container, rub-hall, silo, concrete, other, unspecified

[2] Warehouse Access: Raised-siding, flat

[3] Warehouse condition: Appears intact, appears damaged, under construction/repair

Cold Chain

2.6 Azerbaijan Waterways Assessment

Azerbaijan Waterways Assessment

Azerbaijan Waterways

There is no Navigational Rivers in Azerbaijan.

2.7 Azerbaijan Milling Assessment

Azerbaijan Milling Assessment

Food prices on some food products increased on a yearly basis

In Azerbaijan, a decline in wheat flour and bread prices was observed in August, which reflects the good 2012 harvest. However, wheat flour prices strengthened in October, although they remained at about the same level till the end of 2012 due to improved domestic supplies from the bumper harvest. However, mutton and beef prices increased by 12 and 6 percent respectively compared to the same period of last year. Since the share of household expenditure on food is significant, any increase in food prices puts vulnerable population groups at risk of food insecurity

For information on Azerbaijan Milling, please see the following documents: 

Azerbaijan Food Production Information

For information on Azerbaijan Milling Companies avaliable, please see the following link: 

4.6 Azerbaijan Storage and Milling Company Contact List

3 Azerbaijan Logistics Services

Azerbaijan Logistics Services

Disclaimer: Registration does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities. Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse,comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

The following sections contain information on the logistics services of Azerbaijan.

3.1 Azerbaijan Fuel

Azerbaijan Fuel

Over 80% of Azerbaijan's oil production currently comes from offshore, with a significant percentage coming from the shallow-water section of the Gunashli field, located 100 km off the Azeri coast. Development of new fields through joint ventures and PSAs in the Caspian Sea likely will boost Azerbaijan's oil production well beyond its earlier peak, with predictions that Azerbaijani oil exports could exceed 1.5 million bbl/d by 2010 and 2 million bbl/d within 20 years.

Currently, Azerbaijan's export routes are: the Baku-Novorossiisk pipeline ("northern route"), which sends Azeri oil to the Russian Black Sea, the Baku-Supsa pipeline ("western route"), which mainly carries AIOC's "early oil" from ACG to Georgia's Black Sea coast (Batumi) and the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline ("BTC"), main outlet for the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) field in the Caspian. Oil products such as lubricants also are exported by rail in tank wagons to Georgia's Black Sea ports.

Exports through the northern route began at the end of 1997, exports on the western route started 1999, with BTC going on line in 2006 and quickly becoming Azerbaijan's main oil export route. Current production is 800,000 bbl/d, with 1.2 million bbl/d expected for 2008.

Azeri crude oil is refined domestically at two refineries: the Azerineftyag (Baku) refinery, with a capacity of 230,000 bbl/d, and the Azerneftyanajag (New Baku) refinery, which has a capacity of 212,000 bbl/d. With domestic production topping out at 311,200 bbl/d in 2001 (and half of that exported as crude oil), Azerbaijan's refineries have been running well below capacity, with overall refinery utilization rates as low as 40%. Heating oil accounts for approximately 50% of output at Azeri refineries, followed by diesel fuel (28%), gasoline (10%), motor oil (7%), kerosene (3%), and other products (2%). Both of the country's refineries are in need of modernization, which the Azeri government estimates will cost between $600 million and $700 million. Modernization of the two refineries will enable Azerbaijan to process imported crude oil, thereby freeing up domestic oil for export via the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline.

Information on Azerbaijan fuel may also be found at the following links:  

Azerbaijan Fuel

 MY Travel Cost information for Azerbaijan (updated monthly)

For information on Azerbaijan Fuel contact details, please see the following link:

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List


Fuel Pricing

Fuel Prices as of: 2012 (local currency and US$)

Petrol (per litre)

2979.96 Azerbaijan Manat / 0.76 USD$

Diesel (per litre)

2234.97 Azerbaijan Manat / 0.57 USD$

Paraffin (per litre)


Jet A1 (per litre) n/a

Seasonal Variations 

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel, e.g. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military? (Yes / No)



Is there a rationing system? (Yes / No)


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized? (Yes / No)


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? (Yes / No)


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs? (Yes / No)


Fuel Transportation

Internal transportation of fuel is carried out by pipes, railway and a fleet of tank vehicles. 

For information on Azerbaijan Fuel pipelines and transportation, please see the following documents:

Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Main Export Oil Pipeline

Baku-Novorossiysk Oil Pipeline

Baku-Supsa Western Export Pipelilne

Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum Gas Pipeline

Dubendi Terminal

Oil Railroad Transportation

Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel

(Yes / No)


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft

(Yes / No)


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks

(Yes / No)


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment

(Yes / No)


Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority? (Yes / No)


If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? (Yes / No)


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No)


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory

Company Oil and Gas Research and Design Institute


Vugar J. Abdullayev - Academic secretary


  AZ1012, 88a H.Zardabi str, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic

Telephone and Fax

Tel:   (+994 12) 431 58 85

Fax:   (+994 12) 431 87 08




Standards Used: ISO 9001 : 2008


3.2 Azerbaijan Transporters

Azerbaijan Transporters

For information on Azerbaijan Transporter contact details and fleet sizes, please see the following link:

4.7 Azerbaijan Transporter Contact List

3.3 Azerbaijan Additional Service Providers

Azerbaijan Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs

For information on Azerbaijan Additional Service Provider Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.8 Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List


Vehicle Rental

Most Azeri roads and streets are in such a state that it is practically impossible to break the speed limits, exception made for some avenues and streets in Baku which are kept in tip top shape (see map for main roads). Side streets and minor roads have all kinds of debris, open manholes, and are pot-holed, unmarked and unlit. Even in some areas in the center of the capital, streetlights are barely noticeable. Villages and rural areas are woefully under equipped with earth roads and puddles like great lakes.

Drivers pay little heed to traffic regulations, so expect a certain degree of artistic liberty when driving. Azeri driving behaviour is not incredibly dangerous nor aggressive, but don't depend on drivers to stay in their own lanes. Nor will they always pay attention to traffic signals or other drivers.

Note that "left-hand" turns across traffic are absolutely forbidden. You have to find a way to get to the other side of the street and then make a "right-hand" turn. Sometimes this means driving a kilometre or so out of your way and reversing direction. Sometimes, you'll find cars backing up a one-way street just so they can "legally" head in the direction they want to go. Drive defensively at all times.

Always carry your vehicle registration papers, passport and driver's licence. Also, make sure that your car's paperwork gives you authorization to drive it. An international driver's license is valid in Azerbaijan if you stay in the country for less than 4 months. After that, you'll need to get a stamp from the traffic police (79 S. Vurgun, tel. 984 002).

If a policeman signals you to pull over, he'll use a siren or point with a baton. Above all, stay calm and don't get out of the car. The officer will shake hands with you first, introduce himself, then ask for your license and car's documentation. Answer his questions, but don't volunteer information. Be ready to apologize. The officer may be looking for a bribe, but will eventually let you go without one. The police's obscure fines are more often than not, not for the local road fund, most are open to bribery to counteract their miserable wages.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a very serious offence in Azerbaijan, so make sure that you have a replacement driver even if you plan to drink only a small amount of alcohol.

For information on Azerbaijan Rental Car Costs, please see the following document:

Rental Car Costs

Taxi Companies

Most taxis are unmetered. A journey anywhere within the city centre will cost 15,000 manats, though it is possible to negotiate much lower fares if you have the patience. Expect to be asked more if you dont't speak Azeri or Russian. Driving may be a little adventurous and rear seat belts do not abound.

Taxis do not generally accept foreign currencies. Make sure you have change before travelling as some drivers may not.

There are only two official taxi companies in Baku, use either the yellow Star cabs, or the white taxis with blue sign from Azerq Taxis. Those with blue license plates are officially licensed and are considered to be safer. You can book taxis by calling 62-15-15 or 62-12-44/7.

For information on Azerbaijan Additional Service Provider Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.8 Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List


Electricity and Power 

system: 220 V, 50 Hz, double pins, european plug (non-continentals should bring adapters)

production: 23,80 billion kWh (2007)

consumption: 27,50 billion kWh (2007)

Power cuts are frequent, even in Baku, where people usually stock a few candles at home. The production facilities consist of eight thermal plants supplying 85% of generating capacity, and 6 hydroelectric plants. Two-thirds of the country's thermal capacity is powered by Mazut (residual fuel oil), with natural gas as the secondary fuel (2400MWt). The second largest thermal plant is in Ali Bayramly (1050MWt).

Azerbaijan's power infrastructure, built in the Soviet Period, is generally in poor condition. Since independence there has been scarce public investment or maintenance of public infrastructure. Difficult economic conditions, high taxes and non-payment by customers left the power sector without sufficient working capital and investment funds. Over half the country's turbo-generators and boilers and large sections of the distribution network have been in use for more than 40 years. Most energy generating and distribution equipment and parts are imported from Russia and the Ukraine, since they were originally part of the same system the parts are compatible and very price-competitive.

Although domestic production surpasses consuption, because of the country's inefficient distribution network, energy losses amounted to around 20% of the electricity that was generated. In order to supply electricity to all parts of the country, Azerbaijan imports power from Russia, Turkey, Iran, and Georgia, and the country participates in energy exchanges as well. Apart from hydroelectric power, renewable energies have no tradition in Azerbaijan but recently and agreement between Azerenerji and Sumitomo has been signed for a project for wind energy.

Production Unit

Type [1]

Installed Capacity (MW)

Current Production (MW)

220 V, 50 Hz


 27,50 billion kWh (2007) 23,80 billion kWh (2007)

[1] E.g. Hydroelectric power, Thermal power...

Electricity is supplied at 220V 50Hz with sockets the European standard CEE-7/7 "Schukostecker" or "Schuko" or the compatible, but non-grounded, CEE-7/16 "Europlug" types. Generally speaking, US and Canadian travellers should pack an adapter and tranformer for these outlets if they plan to use North American electrical equipment in Azerbaijan.

Additionally, some older buildings may be still equipped with Soviet-era outlets. The Soviet GOST-7396 standard was very similar to the current European CEE-7/7 "Schuko plug", but the pins were of a 4.0 mm diameter, while the Schuko features 4.8 mm pins. As such, the pins of a Schuko may be too large to fit into a Soviet-era outlet, although the smaller Europlug will still fit. Although the Soviet-era outlets have largely been phased out, travellers who are particularly concerned with having the ability to plug in at all times may consider packing an adapter for the Soviet-era outlets too, just in case.

Also, make sure to bring your own automated voltage transformer because the electricity in Azerbaijan short circuits and "jumps" a lot and many items may get shocked if you don't bring the adapter.

Involvement of new private generating enterprises (mini-power plants) in the electricity sector is minor thus far though additional investment in new generating capacities and transmission/distribution operations is a medium term policy objective.

Although domestic production surpasses consumption, because of the country's inefficient distribution network, energy losses amounted to around 20% of the electricity that was generated. In order to supply electricity to all parts of the country, Azerbaijan imports power from Russia, Turkey, Iran, and Georgia, and the country participates in energy exchanges as well.

Power grid / network coverage
80 %
Is supply regular and constant throughout the country?
no, Power cuts are frequent, even in Baku
On average, how often does power supply go out?
On average, how long does the outage last?
about 1 hour per day

For information on Azerbaijan Additional Service Provider Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.8 Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

High speed internet and IPTV services are provided to subscribers through BTCPA network. At present, 173,169 subscribers connected to the network, use the services of high speed internet through broadband connections (including 88 764 of them use Internet services from BTCPA, 84 405 - other ISPs). Taking into account the increasing demand for online services, the number of ADSL ports in BTCPA network increased to 232,246 units. Of these, 127,568 units (54.9%) are installed by BTCPA, 104 678 units (45.1%) - by other ISPs.Currently, 27.8% of BTCPA subscribers have access to high speed internet through a broadband connection.

The Internet started to develop in Azerbaijan in 1993. The first Azerbaijani website was created in 1994 by the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, and the website of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, which was founded in 1997, became the first public Internet resource.

Administration of the national top-level domain AZ has been carried out since 1993.

From the first days the Internet developed by mainly private sector. Until 2000, the activities of Internet service providers (ISP) were conducted under a special permit (license), but in 2000 the licensing of such services was canceled, as a result of this any natural or legal person in the country is free to engage in the activity.

Currently, there are about 40 Internet service providers in the country, of which only three are state agencies (Aztelekomnet, Bakinternet and Azdatakom).

ISPs operate in a healthy competition and a free market environment.Companies use wired and wireless communication technologies for access to the Internet. Application of WiMax and other wireless technologies are expanded.

Connection of the country to the international Internet network is provided by two private companies (Delta Telekom and Azertelekom), which creates an alternative choice for ISPs.

All three mobile operators in the country provide its subscribers with high speed internet access and provide 3G services. In general, if we take into account the fact that mobile penetration in Azerbaijan exceeded 100%, then we can actually say that every person has access to the Internet.

The broadband access to the Internet in the country started in 2006, and in recent years there has been significant growth in the number of broadband internet users.

The main reason for this is the result of the execution of public policies carried out for the development of ICT sector in the country, the expansion of e-government projects, increasing the role of the Internet in rendering of services.

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government

Government & Private

Dial-up only (Yes / No)


Approximate Rates


10 Hours = 1.00 Manat , 50 Hours = 3.00 Manat , 1 Month unlimited = 7 Manat , 1 Year unlimited = 70 Manat



Max leasable 'dedicated' bandwidth


For information on ISP Provider contact details, please see the following links:

ISP Providers 1

ISP Providers 2

ISP Providers 3

ISP Providers 4

4.8 Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List

3.4 Azerbaijan Telecommunications

Azerbaijan Telecommunications 

The Azerbaijan economy has been markedly stronger in recent years and, not surprisingly, the country has been making progress in developing ICT sector. Nonetheless, it still faces problems. These include poor infrastructure and an immature telecom regulatory regime. The Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies (MCIT), as well as being an operator through its role in Aztelekom, is both a policy-maker and regulator. A boom in oil and gas exports has boosted the economy, reducing the country’s dependence on international aid.

For information on Azerbaijan Telecommunications contacts and additional details, please see the following link:

4.8 Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Azerbaijan Telecommunications Information

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?

(Yes / No)



Does it allow international calls?

(Yes / No)


On average, number and length of downtime periods


Mobile phone providers (List)

Azercell, Nar Mobile , Bakcell ,Aztrank, Catel

Estimated availability and coverage

(Approximate percentage of national coverage)

100 %

Procedure to obtain subscription: You can buy cards for use with different operators almost in every store.

Telecommunication Regulation

For information on Azerbaijan Telecommunications regulations, please see the following links:

 Azerbaijan Ministry of Telecommunications Website

Licensing Regulations

Licensing Regulations 2

Existing Humanitarian Telecoms Systems

For information on Azerbaijan Telecommunications licensing, please see the following links:

 Azerbaijan Ministry of Telecommunications Website

Telecommunications Certification Information

Telecommunications Standardisation Information

Telecommunications Standardisation Information 2

3.5 Azerbaijan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Azerbaijan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Main Food Suppliers

For information on Azerbaijan Main Food Suppliers contact details,, please see the following links:

4.8 Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List



For information on Azerbaijan Accomodation, please see the following links:

Azerbaijan24 Hotel Website

Azerb Hotel Website

Baku Hotels

Baku Hotels 2

4.8 Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List


4 Azerbaijan Contact Lists

In the following subsections the contact details for Azerbaijan  will be presented. 

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List

Azerbaijan Government Contact List

Ministry Department Street / Physical Address Email & Website Phone Number (Office & Mobile) Fax Number

The Ministry Of Internal Affairs

Azerbaijan ave. 7 AZ1005, Baku city, Azerbaijan

Hotline -102

Off: (+99412) 590-92-22 


The Ministry Of Ecology And Natural Resources

AZ1073, Bahram Agayev str., 100A 
Off: (99412) 4925907 (99412) 4925907

Ministry of Labor and Social Defense

Baku, AZ 1009, Salatın Asgerova str., 85
Off: (+994 12) 596 50 33  (+994 12) 596 5034

Ministry of Youth and Sports

AZ-1072, Baku city, Olympic str 4
Off: (+994 12) 465 64 42  (+994 12) 465 64 38

The Ministry Of Economic Development

Baku city, U.Hajıbeyov, 40 (Goverment House )
Off: (+99412) 4938867  n/a

Ministry Of Justice

AZ 1073, İnshaatchılar ave., 1
Off: (99412) 4300116 (99412) 4300981

Ministry of Agriculture

AZ1000, U.Hajibeyov, 40. Government house 
Off: 493-08-84; 493-37-45 493-08-84

he Ministry Of Finance 

Azerbaijan, AZ 1022, Baku, S.Vurgun str 83 
Off: (994 12) 404 46 99 (994 12) 493 05 62

The Ministry Of Culture And Tourism

AZ 1000, Baku, Government House, U. Hajıbeyov str 40.
Off: (+994 12) 493-43-98, 493-30-02.  (+994 12) 493-56-05, 493-65-38.

The Ministry Of National Security

Baku, AZ1006, Parliament Ave, 2
Off: (+994 12) 493-76- 22 (+994 12) 493-76-22

Ministry of Defense

Baku, AZ1073, Az 1073, Parliament str. 3
Off: (+994 12) 493-76- 22 (99412) 4394189

The Ministry Of Defence Industry 

AZ1141, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku Matbuat ave 40
Off: +(994 12) 439 24 53 +(994 12) 510 63 47

The Ministry Of Transport 

Azerbaijan, AZ 1122 Baku, Tbilisi ave. 1054
Off: (+994 12) 4309941  (+994 12) 4309942

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

ku., AZ 1000 Azerbaijan pr. 33
Off: (+99412) 493004 (+99412) 498 79 12

Ministry of Health 

AZ 1014, Baku city,Kichik Deniz str, 4
Hot line: 495-40-15 , + 99412 498-50-54   + 99412 498-85-59

Ministry of Industry and Energy

Azeərbaijan, Baku, AZ1012, Zardabi str., 88,
Off: (994 12) 4987586 5981675, 5980384,  (994 12) 5981678

The Ministry Of Education

Baku, Khatai ave, 49.

 Hot line: 465 65 71 , (+994 12) 963515  (+994 12) 963483, 963490

Ministry Of Taxes

 n/a  Azerbaijan Republic, AZ1073, Baku city, Landau str, 16  n/a  Hot line:-195 Off: (99412) 4038970  n/a

Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

 n/a  AZ 1009, Shikhali Qurbanov str, 4 

Off:  (99412) 4929692  (99412) 4988480


 Deputy Chairman of the Committee -
Fuad Huseynov
Baku, Tbilisi Ave., 57 ,

Off:  (99412) 431 29 07 , 431 27 61

Mob:  +994502144300 

 (99412) 430 09 25


 n/a  AZ 1152, Baku, Parliament ave 1 Off: (99412) 498-97-48  (99412) 498-97-22

The State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Dövlət Gömrük Komitəsi Ünvan: AZ1073, Azərbaycan, Bakı, İnşaatçılar pr-ti, 2 
Off: (99412) 438-80-80 (99412) 498-18-36
Road Department ( Yol şöbəsi )
Chief -
İsgəndərov Cümşüd Xələf oğlu
 n/a Off:  (99412) 499-45-26  99412) 499-64-37

SOCAR "The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic 

n/a 73, neftchilar avenue , Baku , AZ 1000

Off: +994 125 210282 +994 125 210383

4.2 Azerbaijan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Azerbaijan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Organization Physical Address Name & Title Email & Website

Phone Number

(Office & Fax)

ACCELS (American Council for Collaboration in Education and Language) 

Baku: 17,Rasul Rza Str., 2-nd floor, apt # 10


ACDI/VOCA (Agriculture Cooperative Development International)  

Baku: 17 Mstislav and Leopold Rastropovich Str.
n/a 97-11-72; 92-05-08
 ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) 
Baku: 63, Vidadi Str
n/a;    41-43-57, 41-43-58
 WVI (World Vision International)   32, H.Javid Ave, apt 51 14th floor, AZI 143 Baku, Azerbaijan n/a

+994-12 4373195

Fax: +994-12 5371131

 Word of Life International  Baku: ul.Suleymana Vezirova, 6 , n/a

(+99412) 496,


Fax: +994 12 4989888 

 WHO (World Health Organization)
3, UN 50th Anniversary Street AZ-1001 - Baku, Azerbaijan
WHO Representative:

+994 12 4989888

World Hope International, Azerbaijan (WHIA)

Baku: Azerbaijan 35, apt 17,18,19
Country Director:
 Eric Steiner
(99412) 5966928, 5966924
Baku The Landmark Building 96 Nizami street Azerbaijan AZ1010
Mission Director: Michael Greene


Fax: 994-12-4936839


3, Azer Aliyev Street, AZ1078 Baku, Azerbaijan

+99 412 492 14 43 

Fax: +99 412 498 11 34


3, UN 50th Anniversary str., AZ 1001, Baku, Azerbaijan

994 12 4989888 

Fax: +994 12 4922491

4.3 Azerbaijan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Azerbaijan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Name Company Physical Address Name & Title Email & Website 

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Key Role

Baku International Sea Trade Port

Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority

Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov.
General Director:
 Elchin Mirzayev
(99412) - 493 02 68 Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov.

The First Deputy of General Director:

Vahid Aliyev

(99412) - 498 60 92 Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov.

Chief Engineer:

Soltan Kazimov (99412) - 493 40 97

Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov.

Information Center  99412 Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov. Commercial Department

(99412) - 493 56 66

Fax: (99412) - 493 31 04

Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov. Main Cargo Terminal (99412) - 493 23 41

Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov. Container Terminal  (99412) - 493 43 17

Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov.

Ferry Terminal (99412) - 498 79 16

Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov. Oil Terminal  (99412)- 459 34 41

Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port Baku International Sea Trade Port Authority Address. AZ1010, c. Baku, Azerbaijan Republic 72 str., Uzeir Hajibeyov. Passenger Terminal

 (99412) - 493 19 63

Port Authority
Baku International Sea Trade Port

Rulewave Azerbaijan Shipping and Forwarding Ltd

Caspian Plaza Jafar Jabbarli Street 44 Baku
General Manager:
 Emil Khankishiyev

+994 12 502 6730 

Fax: +994 12 502 6720

Baku International Sea Trade Port

Pentagon Freight Services PLC

245 M Aliyev Str Baku AZ1014
Caspian Region Director:
 Peter Jones

+994 12 492 3709,

+994 12 497 1355/7 

Fax: +994 12 493 0597

Baku International Sea Trade Port

KN Ibrakom FZCo

t Plaza 11th Floor 133 B Safaroglu Street Baku AZ1009
Branch Manager:
 Bruno Pohl

+994 12 596 5662 

Fax: +994 12 596 5649

Baku International Sea Trade Port

Intercombi Transport and Logistics Inc (ICL)

Ismet Inonu Bul Prestij Plaza No 66 Kat 19, No 37-38 Akdeniz Mersin
Branch Leader:
 Kemal Karaoglu

+90 (0)324 237 55 ,

+90 (0)324 237 55 02 

Fax: +90 (0)324 237 55 08 

Baku International Sea Trade Port

Formag-Baku LLC

3A Hasan Aliyev Street Baku AZ1078
Commercial Director:
 Ilkin Sharifov
+994 12 437 2319 , +994 12 437 2320  

Fax: +994 12 430 7952 

4.4 Azerbaijan Airport Company Contact List

Azerbaijan Airport Company Contact List

Airport Company Physical Address Name & Title Email & Website

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Description of Services


ku, AZ1095, Azadliq avenue, 11, Republic of Azerbaijan
Fuad Guliyev
(994 12) 598 51 91

Baku Heydar Aliyev international airport

Baku Heydar Aliyev international airport

AZ1109, Baku, Bina settlement

+99412 497 27 27 (Information Call Centre)

  General: +99412 497-26-00,

+99412 497 27 96,

+99412 497 26 25,

+99412 497 26,

 +99412 497 26 04, 

International airport
Baku Heydar Aliyev international airport

Azerbaijan Airlines

Nizami St 84 Baku AZ1095
General Director:
 Jahangir Askerov

+994 12 598 8880

 Fax: +994 12 437 4087 

Baku Heydar Aliyev international airport

Silk Way Airlines

Heydar Aliyev International Airport Baku AZ1044

+994 12 437 4724 

Fax: +994 12 437 4728

4.5 Azerbaijan Railway Company Contact List

Azerbaijan Railway Company Contact List

Company Name Email & Website Phone Number (office) Fax Number

Department of transportation (Yük Daşımaları Departamenti )

 Sabir oglu Karimov Panah
99412) 499-44-31 (99412) 499-65-84

Locomotive Department

 Gasim oglu Gasimov
99412) 499-45-00 (99412) 499-45-00

Trucks and commercial department

 Teymur Mammadov Alibaba's son
(99412) 499-44-88  

Department of Infrastructure

Head of Department:
 Guliyev Fizuly Xanaglan son
(99412) 499-43-33, 499-45-25 99412) 499-64-37

Signaling and communications department

 Oqtay Əhmədov Namaz oğlu
499-46-00 598-42-98

Power supply unit

 Rzyaev Sabir Fərzi oğlu
(99412) 499-48-23 (99412) 499-48-23

4.6 Azerbaijan Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Azerbaijan Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Company Physical Address Name Email & Website 

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Key Role



0099412) 4960026 


Fax: (+99412)4473688



n/a n/a

+994-601743, 601744

Fax: +994-682934



n/a n/a n/a

State property committe 

Mr. Muhammad Allahverdiyev
n/a 414752434 , 415251449

WFP  owned 2 warehouses ,

one in Mingechevir / one in Imishli

Karmen AZ1000, Bku Shamakhi Road of Khirdalan Absheron Region n/a

+99412 3427700

+99412 3427883

Milling Company
BisMak Industrial Zone, Sumgait, AZ5000 n/a

(99412) 4470060



Fax: 99412 4480089

Milling Company

Baki Taxil Joint- Stock Company

n/a Mr. Israil Zaurov n/a


Milling Company

Azerbesina Food industries Ltd

n/a Mr. Ilham Abbasov n/a


Milling Company
Karat Holding Co.  n/a Mr. Abrat Karimov n/a


Milling Company

Sari Sunbul Company 

n/a Mr. Iskender Miroyev n/a


Milling Company

4.7 Azerbaijan Transporter Contact List

Azerbaijan Transporter Contact List

Company Physical Address Email & Website Phone Number (office) Fax Number Description of Services Provided

STrans Co Ltd

Baku 11 S Vurqun Str 42 Baku AZ1001

+994 50 212 4068 +994 12 436 9370 Transporter

Safe Logistics & Courier Services

Baku Str Qurban Abbasov 9/6 Baku AZ1000

+994 12 491 5518 +994 12 491 5518 Transporter

KN Ibrakom FZCo

Sat Plaza 11th Floor 133 B Safaroglu Street Baku AZ1009

+994 12 596 5662 +994 12 596 5649 Transporter

ABA Company

Baku Z Tagiyev 15/3, Ap 8 Baku AZ1000

+994 12 598 4134 +994 12 598 4134 Transporter

4.8 Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Azerbaijan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Type of Service Company Physical Address Contact & Email

Phone Number

(office & fax)


Rent Car Kral О компании

Narimanov Tabriz72, AZ1008 Bakı, Azerbaijan


359-99-90 0124899790


Baku Car



+994-50-6244228 ,




528A Huseyn Javid Avenue, 1073 Baku

(12) 497-5455‎

Fax: (12) 497-5553



36 Inshaatchilar Avenue, 1064 Baku

(12) 418-8222

Fax: (12) 497-4442



1033 Izmir Street, 1065 Baku

(12) 497-8757‎

Fax: (12) 497-1857‎



75 Rashid Behbudov Street, 1000 Baku

(12) 408-2765

Nurgun Motors

31 Babek Avenue, 1142 Baku

(12) 447-4874

Fax: (12) 447-4687


Orient Express Rent a Car

72A Gasimzadeh Street, 1000 Baku

 (12) 441-3731

S-Grand Rent a Car

16 Ruhulla Ahundov Street, 1000 Baku


 (12) 418-6318

Taxi Baku MS 189


994 12 189 /

994 12 444 99 98 /

994 12 444 99 99 /

994 12 444 99 96


Royal Taxi

Baku, Azerbaijan

 (99412) 418-2049

Fax:  (99451) 880-2009


Baku Taxi Service



S&A Company

73, A.Guseynzadeh Street   +994 (55) 204 0283

Baku Airport Taxi

n/a n/a 257900
Aol Logistics Service
Baku 18 Orujov Str Apt 29 Baku Abseron

+994 12 490 3839

Fax: +994 12 496 5886

Baku Cargo
Baku Yeni Yasamal-2 Khiyabani Street 8A/95 Baku AZ1000

 +994 12 497 8633 ,

+994 12 511 1048

Fax:  +994 12 511 1194

Blue Water Shipping Caspian Ltd
55 Khojali Ave Aga Business Center Baku AZ1025

: +994 12 464 4230

Fax: +994 12 464 42 34

Cba Llc
 Baku Azadlig Avenue, 97 A Baku Nasimi District AZ1007

+994 12 541 8050
DGM Support BV
Royal Park Development Commercial Complex 1, 2nd Floor Yeni Yasamal District Baku AZ1138

+994 12 433 2169

Fax: +994 12 433 2175

Formag-Baku LLC
 3A Hasan Aliyev Street Baku AZ1078

+994 12 437 2319

Fax: +994 12 437 2320

ABC Best International Freight & Logistics
Feyzi Bey Bulvari No 34 Suite 26 Baku

+994 124 484176
Fax: +994 124 484177
Handling Equipment 
Azerbaijan Airlines
Nizami St 84 Baku AZ1095

 +994 12 598 8880

Fax: +994 12 437 4087

Handling Equipment 
Silk Way Airlines
Heydar Aliyev International Airport Baku AZ1044

 +994 12 437 4724

Fax: +994 12 437 4728

Ministry of Industry and Energy
Azeərbaijan, Baku, AZ1012, Zardabi str., 88,

(994 12) 4987586, 5981675,


Fax: (994 12) 5981678

Delta Telekom
Baku, Sherifzade 241, AZ 1012

(+994 12) 431 14 20

Fax: (+994 12) 404 04 78

Baku,U.Hajibeyov 24, AZ1000.

(+994 12) 598 82 80

Fax: +994 12 598 8281

Azeronline JV
Baku, Tbilisi Ave., 61A, AZ 1122

 (+994 12) 493 50 30

Fax: (+994 12) 490 49 94

ADaNet JSC (Alfanet)
Baku, Z.Tagiyev Str, 13, AZ 1005,

(+994 12) 490 05 11
Azerin LLC
Baku, U.Hajibeyov Str, 36, AZ 1000

(+994 12) 498 25 33

Fax: (+994 12) 498 25 33

Aztelekom PA Aztelekomnet
Baku, Tbilisi Ave, 3166th block, AZ 1122 (+994 12) 344 00 00
Azersun Holding
2084 Dernegul highway , Baku

President - Abdoulbari Gooza

(+99412) 496 60 01

Fax: (+99412) 447 19 06

Azerbesina food industries LTD
Khirdalan , Sulu tepe highway

General Director -  Mr. Ilham Abbasov

(+99412) 342-16-00

Fax: (+99412) 342-03-06

Dilek LTD
51, N. Rafibeyli street , Baku

Mr. Salih Turk

66412 4909636
Sari Sunbul
51, Babek avenue , Baku  Mr. Iskender Mirzoyev 99412 4754314
A&H Alliance

Director - Hasan Abdullayev

(+99412) 514 13 57/18

Fax: (+99412) 566 17 16

Şəki Olimpiya Kompleksi
Shaki City , Salman Mentaz str 1

( 9942424 ) 52140

Fax:  ( 9942424 ) 52052

Ambassador Hotel
934, Samad Vurgun str., AZ 1078, Baku, Azerbaijan

+994 (12 ) 449 49 30-38

Fax: +994 (12) 449 49 56-57

 1a Mehti Guseyin st. Baku 370148 n/a

 +994 12 989 111, 983 207

Fax: +994 12 989 113

Ascot / Azcot Lodge
Gusi Gadjiev st. 7 (near Fountain square) Baku 370001

+994 12 972 507

Fax: +994 12 925 477

Excelsior Hotel
 2 Heydar Aliyev Avenue, Baku, Azerbaijan Az1054

(99412) 496 8000

Fax: (99412) 496 8008

Hyatt Park Baku
Bakihanov 1 370000 Baku

+994 12 981 234

Fax: +994 12 907 154

5 Azerbaijan Annexes

The following section contains annexes for additional information for the Azerbaijan LCA

5.1 Azerbaijan Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym Full name of the Agency / Organization
AWB Airway Bill
BL Bill of Lading
C&F Cost & Freight
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CFS Container Freight Stations
DLCA Digital Logistics Capacity Assessment
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation
GPRS General Pocket Radio Service
GRT Gross Register Tonnage
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMF International Monetary Fund
INGO International NGO
IOM International Organisation for Migration
ISPs Internet Service Providers
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere
LCA Logistics Capacity Assessment
MOU Memorables of Understanding
MT Metric Tons
MW Megawatt
n/a not available
NDB Non directional beacon
NFI Non Food Items
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
OCHA Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
RC Resident Coordinator
RoRo Roll on Roll off
T Tons
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TEUs Twenty Foot Equivalent Units
THC Terminal Handling Charge
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
(V)HF (Very) High Frequency
VOR VHF omnidirectional radio range
V-SAT Very Smart Aperture Terminal
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WCO World Customs Organisation
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organisation
WVI World Vision International