

Country name:


Official country name:

Republic of Uzbekistan / O‘zbekiston Respublikasi / Ўзбекистон Республикаси

Table of Contents

Chapter Name of Assessor Organization Date updated 

1 Uzbekistan Country Profile

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
1.1 Uzbekistan Humanitarian Background Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
1.2 Uzbekistan Regulatory Departments Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
1.3 Uzbekistan Customs Information Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13

2 Uzbekistan Logistics Infrastructure

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.1 Uzbekistan Port Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.2 Uzbekistan Aviation Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.2.1 Uzbekistan Tashkent International Airport Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.2.2 Uzbekistan Bukhara International Airport Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.2.3 Uzbekistan Fergana International Airport Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.3 Uzbekistan Road Network Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.4 Uzbekistan Railway Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.5 Uzbekistan Waterways Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.6 Uzbekistan Storage Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
2.7 Uzbekistan Milling Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13

3 Uzbekistan Logistics Services

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
3.1 Uzbekistan Fuel Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
3.2 Uzbekistan Transporters Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
3.3 Uzbekistan Additional Service Providers Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
3.4 Uzbekistan Manual Labour Costs Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
3.5 Uzbekistan Telecommunications Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
3.6 Uzbekistan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13

4 Uzbekistan Contact Lists

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
4.1 Uzbekistan Government Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
4.2 Uzbekistan Humanitarian Agency Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
4.3 Uzbekistan Railway Company Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
4.4 Uzbekistan Port and Waterways Company Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
4.5 Uzbekistan Airport Company Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
4.6 Uzbekistan Storage and Milling Company Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
4.7 Uzbekistan Fuel Provider Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
4.8 Uzbekistan Transporter Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
4.9 Uzbekistan Additional Service Provision Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13

5 Uzbekistan Annexes

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13
5.1 Uzbekistan Acronyms and Abbreviations Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Sep-13

1 Uzbekistan Country Profile

Uzbekistan Country Profile

Uzbekistan Country Map


"Uzbekistan, officially the Republic of Uzbekistan is a landlocked country in Central Asia. Before 1991, it was part of the Soviet Union.  It stretches 1,425 kilometres (885 mi) from west to east and 930 kilometres (580 mi) from north to south. Bordering Kazakhstan and the Aral Sea to the north and northwest,Turkmenistan to the southwest, Tajikistan to the southeast, and Kyrgyzstan to the northeast." 

Source: Wikipedia (publisher), Uzbekistan Date last accessed: 28 Nov 2013

Generic Information:

Wikipedia information on Uzbekistan

IMF information on Uzbekistan

Economist Intelligence Unit information on Uzbekistan*

(*note - this is a paid service)


Humanitarian Info:

WFP information on Uzbekistan

UNOCHA information on Uzbekistan


Facts and Figures:

Wolfram Alpha information on Uzbekistan

World Bank information on Uzbekistan

World Population Review information on Uzbekistan

1.1 Uzbekistan Humanitarian Background

Uzbekistan Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Disasters

Yes / No

Comments / Details


Yes Aug-2000 , No Total Affected : 600,000



15-May-1992 , No. Killed : 9 , No Total Affected : 50,000

20-Jul-2011 , No. Killed : 13


Yes 4-Feb-1998 , No Killed : 40 , No Total Affected: 148

Extreme Temperatures

n/a n/a


Yes 24-Feb-2005 , No Total Affected : 1,500

Insect Infestation

n/a n/a


n/a n/a

Volcanic Eruptions

n/a n/a

High Waves / Surges

n/a n/a


n/a n/a

High Winds

n/a n/a

Other Comments

Mass movement (wet) - 24-Nov-1999 , No. Killed : 24 , No Total Affected : 400

Mass movement (dry) - Jan-1992 , No. Killed : 1

Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife

n/a n/a

International Conflict

n/a n/a

Internally Displaced Persons

n/a n/a

Refugees Present

n/a n/a

Landmines / UXO Present

n/a n/a

Other Comments

Miscellaneous accidents:

8-Jul-1998 , No Killed : 95 , No Total Affected:21,300

16-Feb-1999 , No. Killed : 12, No Total Affected :2,688

10-Jul-2008, No. Killed : 8, No Total Affected :3,530

Transport Accidents:

13-Jan-2004 , No. Killed : 37

19-Oct-2006 , No. Killed : 15

For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters:

EMDAT information on Uzbekistan

Calamities and Seasonal Affects

Seasonal Affects on Transport



From (month) to (month)

Primary Road Transport

Heavy snow in mountains areas which could result snow falls which can affect sometimes transportation from Tashkent to Ferghana Valley, however roads has been maintained properly and it could cause delay only one or two days. Dec - Feb

Secondary Road Transport

n/a n/a

Rail Transport

Heavy snow in mountains areas which could result snow falls which can affect sometimes transportation from Tashkent to Ferghana Valley Dec - Feb

Air Transport

Heavy snow in mountains areas which could result snow falls which can affect sometimes transportation from Tashkent to Ferghana Valley Dec - Feb

Waterway Transport

n/a n/a

Seasonal Affects on Storage and Handling (economic, social, climate...)



From <month> to <month>


There are no major affects which could stop or suspend commodity Storage.



There are no major affects which could stop or suspend commodity handling.





Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been established by the Decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Establishment of Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan” №UP-1378 dated March 4, 1996 and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On issues of activity organization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan” №143 dated April 11, 1996. Regulations and structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have been approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On issues of activity organization of the Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan of Emergency Situations” №143 dated April 11, 1996.

For information on Uzbekistan Ministry of Emergency Situations, please see the following documents:

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan Civil Protection diagram

Uzbekistan Legislative Foundation of Civil Protection

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For information on Uzbekistan Government contact details, please see the following link:

4.1 Uzbekistan Government Contact List

Humanitarian Community

For information on Uzbekistan Humanitarian Community contact details, please see the following link:

4.2 Uzbekistan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

For information on Uzbekistan Humanitarian Community additional details, please see the following document:

Uzbekistan Humanitarian Organizations Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

1.2 Uzbekistan Regulatory Departments

Uzbekistan Regulatory Departments

For information on Uzbekistan Regulatory departments, please see the following document:

Uzbekistan Regulatory Department Additional Information


Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For details on Uzbekistan Regulatory department contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Uzbekistan Government Contact List


1.3 Uzbekistan Customs Information

Uzbekistan Customs Information

For a  brief summary of customs regulations for private business , please see the following document:

Uzbekistan Customs Regulations for Private Business

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Duties and Tax Exemption

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 

4.1 Uzbekistan Government Contact List

The State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On establishment of State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan” UP – 1815 dated July 8, 1997. Regulations and organizational structure of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet Ministers “On issues of activity of State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan” №374 dated July 30, 1997.

Main tasks of bodies of State Customs Committee are as follows:

  • protection of economic interests and ensuring economic security of the republic within the framework of given authority;
  • participation in development and realization of customs policy of the republic;
  • realization of control over observance of customs legislation;
  • protection of the rights and interests of the citizens, and legal persons on customs issues;
  • assistance to development of foreign economic relations of the republic;
  • cooperation with customs bodies of foreign states, international organizations in the sphere of customs;
  • and participation in the international customs and trade organizations;
  • execution of obligations concerning customs, stipulated in the international contracts of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • collection of customs duties, taxes and other customs payments.

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to 'crisis' times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes - 28 Jul 1992

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

Yes - 12 Oct 1999 

OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)

Yes - 6 Oct 1998

Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)


Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

From the customs duties are exempted:

The property imported by foreign investors and enterprises with foreign investments in the Republic of Uzbekistan for own industrial needs;

The goods imported by foreign legal entities, which made direct investments into economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for a total sum of more than USD 50 million provided that the imported goods are goods of their own production;

The goods, works and the services intended for work under the Production Sharing Agreement and imported into the Republic of Uzbekistan according to project documentation by the foreign investor or other entities, participating in performance of works under the Production Sharing Agreement, and also goods exported by the investor belonging to him/her according to the Production Sharing Agreement;

Technological equipment imported to the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan along with the list approved in accordance with the with the legislation and spare parts under conditions if their delivery is envisaged by conditions of contracts for delivery of technological equipment. In case of realization and gratis transfer of imported technological equipment for export within three (3) years from the moment of its import, this privilege is annulled with the rehabilitation of duties on payment of value added tax for the whole period of application of the privilege.

Enterprises attracting direct foreign investment and specializing in the production of radio electronic devices, computers' components, ready-made cotton fabric and woolen cloth, ready-made garments, knitwear, socks and stockings and textile, processing of leather, production of footwear and ready-made leather and haberdashery goods, production of silk cloth and ready-made products made of silk, production of new kinds of building materials, industrial production of poultry meat and eggs, production of finished products undergone industrial processing produced from local raw materials (with the exception of alcoholic and soft drinks and tobacco products), production of finished meat, milk products, cheese and animal oil, production of medicines, synthetic detergents, and household chemical goods are exempted from payment of profit tax, property tax, tax imposed on improvement and development of social infrastructure, unified tax payment or unified tax, imposed on microcompanies and small enterprises deriving their income from main line of their activity, as well as from mandatory deductions to the Republic Road Fund.

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicle & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment


Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Packing Lists

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Other Documents

sanitary certificates

Certificate of Accordance

sanitary certificates, certificate of classification for customs code in RUSSIAN or UZBEK language, IMPORT LICENSE

Certificate of Accordance

Certificate of Accordance

permission from the Ministry of Communications

Additional Notes

Original Invoice on shipper’s letter blank is mandatory and should contain a complete and explicit summery of the goods. Invoice must include the following information: · Buyers and Seller’s name and address as outlined in the sales agreement. · The terms of sale as outlined in the contract. · The invoice must show the split costs, clearly showing the value of the product, insurance cost and freight cost separately. · Each item in the shipment must be listed on the invoice with an appropriate customs code (HS code). · Invoices must be issued in Russian or English. For the ease in understanding for local customs authorities, Russian translation is required for the invoices issued in English. As your agent, Globalink can provide translation services as well as the assistance in providing a draft of an accepted invoicing format. Please consult with one of our customs specialist prior to shipping the goods.

Customs Clearance

General Information 

The list of goods for personal use are permitted to enter the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Guests arriving to Uzbekistan as well as residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan can import the following items to the territory of a country:

foreign currency in cash in unlimited amount declared in a customs declaration, Form T-6. Foreign currency imported in cash in the amount of 5000 dollars US or equal amount of other currencies is allowed to be imported to our country with obligatory filling out a cus-toms declaration; foreign currency in cash in the amount exceeding the equivalent of 5000 dollars US is allowed to be imported into the Republic with Certification TC-28 issued by customs authorities. As per request of a resident or non-resident foreign currency in cash can be deposited for storage with a receipt TC-21 free of charge;

pharmaceuticals for personal use: insulin and other antidiabetic medicaments with limited amount of 30 packages. The indicated amount of medicines permitted for once importation is determined on the basis of approximate calculation of the amount of 10 ampoules or 30 tablets (capsules and other dosed pharmaceuticals) per a package. If a package contains more pharmaceuticals total amount of ampoules and tablets should be taken into account in accordance with the provided list.

consumer goods of total cost not exceeding the amount equal to 50 (fifty) dollars US if these goods are imported for personal use from territories of contiguous countries. These goods are not charged at the customs;

goods of total cost not exceeding the amount equal to 1000 (thousand) dollars US if these goods are imported for personal use from territories of non-contiguous countries including Ukraine. These goods are not charged at the customs (VTA, customs duty, registration fee);

goods for personal use are subject to excise duty in the limits of non-excise importation if these goods are imported from territories of non-contiguous countries.

Individuals should pay the following customs duty when importing goods above level for personal use:

  • duty to be paid by individuals - 20% of value exceeding rate of duty-free importation;
  • customs duty - as per established rates of value exceeding duty-free allowance;
  • excise duty - as per established rates of value exceeding excise-free allowance;
  • value added tax - 20% of value exceeding duty-free allowance added by customs duty subject to be paid, in case of excisable goods the allowance should be added by excise duty also.

Note: Individuals importing goods in the determined limits of duty-free allowance are ob-liged to fill out a customs declaration, Form T-6.

If individuals import goods for commercial purposes they have to be registered as individual entre-preneurs with the right of export-import operations.

For information on Uzbekistan Customs Clearance details, please see the following document:

Uzbekistan Customs Information Additional Details

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicle & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment


Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

Original Invoice (see Additional Notes below)

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

(3 originals &3 copies)

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Copy of Donation Letter with translation in Russian

Packing Lists

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Original packing list and its Russian translation is mandatory

Other Documents

sanitary certificates

Certificate of Accordance

sanitary certificates, certificate of classification for customs code in RUSSIAN or UZBEK language, IMPORT LICENSE

Certificate of Accordance

Certificate of Accordance

permission from the Ministry of Communications

Additional Notes

Original Invoice on shipper’s letter blank is mandatory and should contain a complete and explicit summery of the goods. Invoice must include the following information: · Buyers and Seller’s name and address as outlined in the sales agreement. · The terms of sale as outlined in the contract. · The invoice must show the split costs, clearly showing the value of the product, insurance cost and freight cost separately. · Each item in the shipment must be listed on the invoice with an appropriate customs code (HS code). · Invoices must be issued in Russian or English. For the ease in understanding for local customs authorities, Russian translation is required for the invoices issued in English. As your agent, Globalink can provide translation services as well as the assistance in providing a draft of an accepted invoicing format. Please consult with one of our customs specialist prior to shipping the goods.

2 Uzbekistan Logistics Infrastructure

Uzbekistan Logistics Infrastructure

The following sections contain information on the Logistics Infrastructure of Uzbekistan.

2.1 Uzbekistan Port Assessment

Uzbekistan Port Assessment

Double landlocked Uzbekistan has no seaports. Its main river port is Termez on the Amu Darya river. Although Termez lacks modern facilities and has a shortage of spare parts, activity there has increased as conditions in neighboring Afghanistan have stabilized. Termez has been an important transfer point for humanitarian supplies entering Afghanistan. Uzbekistan has 1,100 kilometers of inland waterways. Since the mid-1990s, commercial travel on Uzbekistan’s portion of the Amu Darya has been reduced because of low water levels.

2.2 Uzbekistan Aviation

Uzbekistan Aviation 

Uzbekistan Airports

Key airport information may also be found at: World Aero Data information on Uzbekistan

There are currently 11 airports in Uzbekistan that are operated by Uzbekistan Airways National AirCompany. Six of them: Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Urgench, Termez and Navoi airports are international.

The State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan for flight safety supervision (Gosavianadzor) has been established by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On establishment the State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan for flight safety supervision” №255 dated June 16, 1998. The status and structure of Gosavianadzor have been approved by the given Resolution.

For information on the tasks and functions of The State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan for flight safety supervision (Gosavianadzor), please see the following document:

Main Functions and Tasks of The State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan for flight safety supervision

For information on Uzbekistan Airport Customs Regulations, please see the following document:

Uzbekistan Airport Customs Regualtions

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft

For information on Uzbekistan Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft, please contact the airport authorities. Details are provided in the following Uzbekistan Airport company contact list: 

4.5 Uzbekistan Airport Company Contact List

2.2.1 Uzbekistan Tashkent International Airport

Location Details
Country Uzbekistan Latitude 41.25786
Province / District Tashkent Longitude 69.28119
Town or City (Closest) Tashkent Elevation (ft and m) 1,417 ft / 432 m
Open From (hours) 00:00 Open To (hours) 00:00

When arriving at Tashkent airport, expect AT LEAST one hour for immigrant, customs and for your luggage to arrive.

Be honest in filling the currency declaration in immigration form as you may be asked to show the declared currency!

You should NOT have to pay any money for any reason upon your arrival at the airport.  In the duty free area, they accept only dollars, local currency is not at all accepted. No restaurant or Internet inside the airport. Dollars are not accepted inside the airport in the area before customs. Credit cards are not acceptable. There are exchange counters in the airport, however often they are not open. It is advisable NOT to exchange money at the airport on arrival. There is no departure tax for Tashkent Airport.


Runway #1 - 08R/26L

Runway Dimensions

3,905m x 45m (12,812ft x 148ft)





Runway #2 - 08L/26R

Runway Dimensions

4,000m x 60m (13,123ft x 197ft)





Helicopter Pad(s)

Helipad #1

Present (Yes / No)


Largest helicopter that can land


Width and Length (metres)




For Uzbekistan Tashkent International Airport additional details, please see the following document: 

Tashkent Airport Details

Tashkent Runway Details

Tashkent Runway Details 2

Airport Infrastructure Details

For information on Uzbekistan Tashkent International Airport passenger facilities, please see the following document:

Uzbekistan Tashkent International Airport Passenger Facilities

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

This ICAO Category II airport is the primary hub of Uzbekistan Airways, and is the largest international airport in Uzbekistan, and the busiest in Central Asia. The airport comprises two terminals: Terminal 2 receives international flights, Terminal 3 is for domestic traffic.

Terminal 2 was rebuilt in 2001, and is currently undergoing renovations. It has a capacity of 1000 passengers/hour and serves more than two million passengers per year. Other facilities include waiting lounges, CIP and VIP halls, restaurants and bars, currency exchange offices, duty free shops, airlines ticket counters and sales offices, and a 24 hour pharmacy. The terminal operates at near maximum capacities; arriving passengers frequently spend an average of two hours completing customs and immigration formalities. Renovations in the departure area have eased congestion somewhat, but it is still recommended that passengers arrive two and a half hours prior to departure for international flights.

Terminal 3 opened in 2011 with a capacity of 400 passengers per hour. The two terminals are separated by the runway, requiring passengers transiting from international to domestic flights and vice versa to exit the airport in order to transfer between them.

The government of Uzbekistan is planning to relocate Tashkent Airport to a new site by 2030


Annual Figures

Monthly* Daily*

Total aircraft movements

Approx. 7280 movements ( 2011 ) 607 20

Total passengers

2 million passengers per year ( 2012 ) 166,667 5,479

Total capacity of the airport (metric tonnes)

n/a n/a n/a

Current activity of the airport (metric tonnes)

n/a n/a n/a

Current use by Humanitarian flights (UNHAS)

n/a n/a n/a

*NOTE: Monthly and daily figures have been calculated using the annual figures provided in the old DLCA

Companies Available 

For information on Uzbekistan Tashkent International Airport contact details, please see the following link: 

4.5 Uzbekistan Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found at: AZ Freight information on Uzbekistan 

2.2.2 Uzbekistan Bukhara International Airport

Location Details
Country Uzbekistan Latitude 39.775
Province / District Bukhara Province Longitude 64.48333
Town or City (Closest) n/a Elevation (m) 229 meters
Airfield Name Bukhara International Airport IATA and ICAO Codes IATA: BHK, ICAO: UTSB
Open From (hours) 00:00 Open To (hours) 00:00


Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

3,000 m x 45 m





Helicopter Pad(s)

Helipad #1

Present (Yes / No)


Largest helicopter that can land


Width and Length (metres)




Airport Infrastructure Details

For information on Uzbekistan Bukhara International Airport additional details, please see the following document: 

Bukhara Airport Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

International Airport “Bukhara” once again became the winner of the prestige award of the “Airport” association of CA in the nomination of “The best Airport of the year in CIA countries”.

Bukhara airport takes part in this competition for the fifth time and repeatedly has become the winner in different nominations. At this time the air harbor was named "The Best Airport of the year in CIS countries" for performance in 2012, among airports carrying from one hundred to five hundred thousand passengers a year. In this category also nine other airports had competed. Similar positive results were achieved through the coordinated work of all the services of the airport. Production figures of Bukhara air harbor is being improved year by year, there operates a modern airport terminal, which meets all international requirements, and passengers are provided with a high level of ground handling services.

Performance for n/a

Annual Figures

Total aircraft movements


Total passengers

100,000 : 500,000 Passengers a Year

Total capacity of the airport (metric tonnes)


Current activity of the airport (metric tonnes)


Current use by Humanitarian flights (UNHAS)


Companies Available 

For information on Uzbekistan Bukhara International Airport contact details, please see the following link:

4.5 Uzbekistan Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found at: AZ Freight information on Uzbekistan

2.2.3 Uzbekistan Fergana International Airport


Location Details
Country Uzbekistan Latitude 40.35876
Province / District Fergana Province Longitude 71.74502
Town or City (Closest) n/a Elevation (m) 604 meters
Airfield Name Fergana International Airport IATA and ICAO Codes IATA: FEG, ICAO: UTFF
Open From (hours) 00:00 Open To (hours) 00:00


For information on Uzbekistan Fergana International Airport runnway additional details, please see the following link: 

Fergana International Airport runway details

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

2,860m x 50m





Helicopter Pad(s)

Helipad #1

Present (Yes / No)


Largest helicopter that can land


Width and Length (metres)




Airport Infrastructure Details

For information on Uzbekistan Fergana International Airport details, please see the following documents:

Fergana International Airport Details

Fergana International Airport Airlines

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Companies Available 

For information on Uzbekistan Fergana International Airport contact details, please see the following link:

4.2.5 Uzbekistan Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found at: AZ Freight information on Uzbekistan

2.3 Uzbekistan Road Network

Uzbekistan Road Network

Uzbekistan Roads

Uzbekistan's road system comprises 42,500 km of major highways and 183,000 km of other roads. It provides connections to all provinces, communities, and neighboring countries. The role of road transport in the national economy is increasing. Road network stretches all over republic and is fairly operating condition with several limitations in winter time, in mountain areas due to heavy snow or ice.

For information on Uzbekistan Road Network contact detailks, please see the following link: 

4.1 Uzbekistan Government Contact List

Distance Matrix

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km)











Road Security

Mostly the Road security is  good.

Tashkent to Andijan :There is possibility of road congestion during cotton harvest time. Probably delays in winter time at mountain passes, due to possible snow fall.

Road stretches (Andijan to Ferghana) :In case of civil unrest or earth quick scenario it will be better to arrangegovernment i.e. Ministry of Emergency escort to the south regions

Road from Tashkent to Samargant : There is possibility of road congestion during cotton harvest time. Probably delays in winter time at mountain passes, due to possible snow fall.

Road Class and Surface Conditions

Uzbekistan has a developed but inconsistently maintained traffic infrastructure. Although main roads in central Tashkent are relatively well maintained, many secondary roads inside and outside Tashkent, and particularly those in the Tien Shan Mountains, are in poor condition and may be passable only by four-wheel-drive vehicles. Driving at night can be quite dangerous because only the main roads in Tashkent and a few other major cities have streetlights; rural roads and highways generally are not lit. Visitors are strongly urged to avoid driving at night outside Tashkent. The gasoline supply can be sporadic; therefore, travelers should expect occasional difficulty finding gasoline, particularly outside Tashkent.

Livestock, as well as farm equipment and carts drawn by animals that lack lights or reflectors, are found on both urban and rural roads at any hour. Local drivers are not familiar with safe driving techniques. Pedestrians in cities and rural areas cross streets unexpectedly and often without looking for oncoming traffic. Uzbekistan has a large road police force, which frequently stops drivers for minor infractions or simple document checks. There have been reports of harassment of foreign drivers by the road police, with reported minor police corruption in the form of solicitation of bribes. Uzbekistan has a “zero tolerance” policy for driving under the influence of alcohol

For information on Uzbekistan Road Network additional information, please see the following documents:

Uzbekistan Road Corridor Assessment - Transport Corridors 1

Uzbekistan Road Corridor Assessment - Transport Corridors 2

Uzbekistan Road Corridor Assessment - Transport Corridors 3

Uzbekistan Road Corridor Assessment - Transport Corridors 4

Uzbekistan Road Corridor Assessment - Trans-Afghan Transport Corridor

Uzbekistan Road Corridor Assessment - Transport Corridors

Uzbekistan Transport Corridors

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

2.4 Uzbekistan Railway Assessment

Uzbekistan Railway Assessment

Uzbekistan Railways

The Uzbek Railways (Uzbek: Oʻzbekiston Temir Yoʻllari) are the national rail carrier of Uzbekistan. The company owns and operates all railways within the country. It is a state-owned stock company, formed in 1994 to operate railways within the former Uzbek SSR. The total length of its main railway network is 3,645 km. It employs 54,700 people. Uzbekistan railways linking Termez, Samarkand, Bukhara, the Fergana Valley and Nukus. There are two train stations in Tashkent - North and South.The Trans-Caspian Railway traverses the country from Turkmenabad in Turkmenistan via Kagan (nearBukhara),Samarkand and Jizzakh, where the railway branches off to serve the capital Tashkent.

The following international trains operate to/from Uzbekistan:

train 5/6 Tashkent - Moskva, 4 times weekly

train 381/382: Tashkent - Ufa, 3 times weekly

train 365/366: Tashkent - Celjabinsk, once weekly

train 395/396: Tashkent - Kharkov, once weekly

train 321/322: Nukus - Samarkand - Tashkent - Almaty, once weekly

train 369/370: Tashkent - Almaty - Barnaul - Novosibirsk, every 4 days

train 331/332: Tashkent - Samarkand - Nukus - Saratov, once weekly

train 333/334: Tashkent - Samarkand - Urgench - Nukus - Saratov, once weekly

train 383/384: Tashkent - Samarkand - Nukus - St. Peterburg, once weekly

Kungrad - Bejneu, daily

For information on Uzbekistan Railway Network additional informaiton, please see the following documents:

Uzbekistan Railway timetable

Uzbekistan Railmap

Uzbekistan New Railway line - Hayraton to Mazar-e-sharif

Uzbekistan New Railway Lines map

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Travel Time Matrix

Railway Companies and Consortia

For information on Uzbekistan Railway Network Company contact details, please see the following link:

4.3 Uzbekistan Railway Company Contact List

Uzbekistan Railways: State Joint Stock Railway Company "Uzbekistan Railways" is proud to offer the following services:

Freight forwarding and cargo delivery to all international transport corridors;

Transportation of passengers and cargo (luggage);

Travel and transportation service on the Great Silk Road in the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva and Tashkent;

Search and tracking of wagons;

All repairs of passenger cars using the latest equipment;

All repairs to diesel and electric locomotives;

Manufacturing and service life of freight cars.

Capacity Table

There are three types of trains:

  • fast trains (skory poyezd) or express trains (train nos 1 to 149)
  • slower trains (skorostnoi poyezd) (train nos 151 to 169), and
  • passenger trains (passazhirski poyezd) (train nos 171 to 699).

There are four types of sleepers:

  • soft wagon (miagki vagon) - 2 berth compartments
  • kupeiny vagon - 4 berth compartments
  • platskartny vagon - benches in a large car
  • obshi vagon - third class-crowded

Key Route Information

The main line Tashkent - Samarkand - Bukhara is served by two express trains named "Registon" and "Sharq": The "Registon" brings you from Tashkent in less than 4 hours to Samarkand and the "Sharq" makes the 600-km-journey Tashkent - Bukhara (with intermediate stop in Samarkand) in about 7,5 hours. A daily overnight train from Tashkent to Bukhara offers the possibility to travel during the night and win one day. Comfortable sleeping cars allow a good sleep.

Recently a new train "Afrosiob" started operating on Tashkent - Samarkand line. This Talgo-250-type train makes a respective distance in 2.5 hours time. Unlike to ordinary local trains, there are 3 classes in "Afrosiob": economy class - 36 persons per carriage room, in business and VIP. Economy class costs 46 thousand soums (roughtly $25 at official rate), business class - 65 thousand soums and VIP - 80 thousand soums. You may also expect some free drinks and snacks. It is planned to extend the "Afrosiob" line to Bukhara and, subsequently, to Khiva by 2014-2015. Overnight trains also run from Tashkent and Samarkand to Urgench (3 times weekly) and to Nukus - Kungrad (2 times weekly), so it's also possible to travel to Khiva (30 kilometers from Urgench, taxi/bus available) or to the Aral lake (Moynaq, 70 km from Kungrad) by train.

2.5 Uzbekistan Waterways Assessment

Uzbekistan Waterways Assessment

Uzbekistan Waterways

Double landlocked Uzbekistan has no seaports. Its main river port is Termez on the Amu Darya river. Although Termez lacks modern facilities and has a shortage of spare parts, activity there has increased as conditions in neighboring Afghanistan have stabilized. Termez has been an important transfer point for humanitarian supplies entering Afghanistan. The river Amu Darya divides the two countries of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan and the Afghanistan–Uzbekistan Friendship Bridge crosses the river to Hairatan in Afghanistan. Termez is also served by Termez Airport, with flights to Tashkent and Moscow. Termez is connected with Uzbek Railways to other cities of the countries and Mazar-i-Sharif,Afghanistan. Uzbekistan has 1,100 kilometers of inland waterways. Since the mid-1990s, commercial travel on Uzbekistan’s portion of the Amu Darya has been reduced because of low water levels.

Company Information

For information on Uzbekistan Waterway Company contact details, please see the following link: 

4.4 Uzbekistan Port and Waterways Company Contact List


2.6 Uzbekistan Storage Assessment

Uzbekistan Storage Assessment

For information on Uzbekistan storage company contact details, please see the following link: 

4.6 Uzbekistan Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Commercial Storage

Total number of warehouses/stores : 8
Total storage surface : 5000 m²



Available for Rent


mt / m² / m³

Type [1]

Access [2]

Condition [3]

43Jarkugan Str.Tashkent OSC “AGROTAM’MINOT-BS” n/a 5000 M2 Open Storage / Concrete Good Acceptable

[1] Warehouse Type: Open storage, container, rub-hall, silo, concrete, other, unspecified

[2] Warehouse Access: Raised-siding, flat

[3] Warehouse condition: Appears intact, appears damaged, under construction/repair


2.7 Uzbekistan Milling Assessment

Uzbekistan Milling Assessment

Milling Company: G. A. Corp.

Company Name & Address

Contact Names & Email

Telephone & Fax

20 Konayova Street,

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan

Name: Mr. Wasay Rasul

Title: Director

Email: n/a


Tel: 998-71-2523996

Mob: 998901853020

Fax: 998-71-2521393

Summary of Role and Services: n/a


Milling Company: State Joint Stock Foreign Trade Company "Uzprommashimpeks"

Company Name & Address

Contact Names & Email

Telephone & Fax

Mustakillik avenue 107.,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Name: n/a

Title: n/a

Email: n/a


Tel: 998-71-238-47-10

Mob: 99898 125-77-07

Fax: 998-71-140-07-57

Summary of Role and Services: n/a


Milling Company: Gelora Trade inc

Company Name & Address

Contact Names & Email

Telephone & Fax

Unus Abad, 700012

Tashkent Vil.





Tel: 998-371-2212165

Fax: 998

Summary of Role and Services: n/a



3 Uzbekistan Logistics Services

Uzbekistan Logistics Services

Disclaimer: Registration does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities. Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse,comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

The following sections contain information on the logistics services of Uzbekistan

3.1 Uzbekistan Fuel

Uzbekistan Fuel

The capital city Tashkent is the largest city in Central Asia and today Uzbekistan is rich in natural resources, including oil, gas, gold and uranium. In 2010, Uzbekistan was the largest producer of gas in Central Asia and ranked 14th worldwide.

Uzbekistan has five oil and gas bearing regions with proven industrial reserves namely the Ustyurt, Bukhara‐Khiva, Ghissar, Surkhandarya and Ferghana. Currently there are a total of 202 hydrocarbon sites in the country and the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2011 lists proven reserves as 0.6 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 trillion cubic metres of natural gas. Uzbekistan is a sizable exporter of natural gas and the US State Department estimates that Uzbekistan exported 15.2 billion cubic metres of natural gas in 2009 and, as a share of total world natural gas production, Uzbekistan represented some 2% at the end of 2009. The US State Department estimates that natural gas exports are now the country's dominant source of foreign currency earnings (surpassing the role of the cotton industry). The gas pipeline infrastructure is well developed with some 13,000 km of gas pipelines at present. Gas is exported to Russia and Europe through the Bukhara‐Urals and Asia‐ Centre trunklines and, with the completion of the Central Asia ‐ China gas pipeline, gas exports eastwards will commence. Although Uzbekistan is primarily a gas producer, it also produces reasonable quantities of oil ‐ some 87,000 barrels per day, in 2010. Despite its significant existing oil and gas production, there are still large areas of Uzbekistan relatively underexplored, and significant existing deposits still available for investment and further co‐operation.

For information on Uzbekistan Fuel Company contact details, please see the following link: 

4.7 Uzbekistan Fuel Provider Contact List

For information on Uzbekistan Fuel additional details, please see the following document:

 Uzbekistan Fuel Data Table - Coal

Uzbekistan Fuel Data Table - Electricity

Uzbekistan Fuel Data Table - Natural Gas

Uzbekistan Fuel Data Table - Petroleum

Uzbekistan Fuel Data Table - Total Primary Energy

Uzbekistan Energy Additional Details

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Fuel Pricing

Fuel Prices as of: July 2013 (local currency and US$)

Petrol (per litre)

1,834.17 лв / 0.88 $

Diesel (per litre)

2934.44 лв / 1.4 $

Paraffin (per litre)


Jet A1 (per litre) n/a

Seasonal Variations 

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel, e.g. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military? (Yes / No)


Is there a rationing system? (Yes / No)


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized? (Yes / No)


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? (Yes / No)


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs? (Yes / No)


Fuel Transportation

The Fuel distribution infrastructure is divided into three major segments; Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. Collectively these systems employ tankers, barges, rail cars, tank trucks, thousands of miles of pipeline, and hundreds of storage terminals, and of course the refineries. By petroleum industry definition the Primary Distribution System includes oil gathering at the well head, transport to gathering tanks, crude oil storage, and refinery processing. The secondary system is downstream of the refinery and includes finished product pipelines and destination terminals. Product is moved to refinery finished product tankage for distribution into the product transportation network. This includes transfer to tanks for shipment into pipelines and for many refineries to tankage for loading waterborne cargoes (i.e. tankers or barges). The refined products pipeline system consists of approximately 72,000 miles of line and carries well over half of the gasoline to market. Product moved by pipeline, ship or barge is transported to bulk storage finished product terminals. A finished product terminal may consist of just a few small tanks storing perhaps 50,000 barrels or numerous tanks, both large and small, storing a combined total of millions of barrels of finished

product. It may in some cases be owned by an individual petroleum company, jointly operated by two or more companies, or it may be independently owned by a company whose sole purpose is the storage and outloading of their customers' products. Some terminals may store and distribute only gasoline or diesel. Larger terminals typically handle a full range of light products. Terminals may receive product by either pipeline, barge, ship, or rail or some combination

thereof. In addition, some terminals can receive product via transport truck. Terminals serving the

retail markets have one or more transport truck loading racks. There are hundreds of gasoline distribution terminals across the United States. From the finished product terminal, product is then distributed by transport tank truck to the retail outlets and, in some cases, to bulk plants. A small amount of product is also moved by rail.

Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel

(Yes / No)


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft

(Yes / No)


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks

(Yes / No)


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment

(Yes / No)


Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority? (Yes / No)


If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? (Yes / No)


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No)


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory

Company n/a





Telephone and Fax




Standards Used - n/a


3.2 Uzbekistan Transporters

Uzbekistan Transporters

Uzbekistan’s road transport system moves 10% of the international cargo that passes through the country. It also moves 88% of Uzbekistan’s domestic passenger and short haul cargo traffic. Uzbekistan’s 83,000-kilometer (km) highway system, about 90% of which is paved, is strategically important to its neighbors as transit routes for interregional and intra-regional transport. As an example, Uzbek roads provide a year-round linkage between northern and southern Tajikistan. Most of the 1,500 km of highways the consultant traveled in are in fairly good condition and can be classified as Class 1 or Class 2 under Asian highway standards. However, roads in the country are constructed based on former Soviet Union (FSU) standards and thus may not be able to handle large amounts of heavy truck traffic. Many highway sections traversed regularly by heavy trucks have crumbled pavements and a substantial number of potholes. Also, arterial roads and city streets are generally in poor condition. This is mainly the result of insufficient maintenance work, with the budget for maintaining primary roads remaining inadequate.

The Uzbek trucking industry is underdeveloped. It is estimated that there are fewer than 2,000 Uzbek trucks, most consisting of old Russian equipment. Meanwhile, foreign-owned trucks, mostly those from Turkey, Iran, and the Russian Federation, are in much better condition. Large numbers of foreign competitors are taking business away from local trucking companies in Uzbekistan.

For information on Uzbekistan Transporters company contact details, please see the following link:

4.8 Uzbekistan Transporter Contact List

3.3 Uzbekistan Additional Service Providers

Uzbekistan Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs


For information on Uzbekistan Additional Service Provider contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Uzbekistan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Vehicle Rental

For information on Uzbekistan vehicle rental prices, please see the following docuement: 

Uzbekistan Vehicle Rental Price List

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Taxi Companies

Taxis and cars for rent are available in all the major towns and cities of Uzbekistan. They are a good option for getting around and the only option when traveling at night. Official cabs are recommended, but visitors will most often find unlicensed cabs. At any rate, you should always agree on a price before getting in. There are a number of cab companies whose vehicles can be rented by phone. 

Sared taxis are also available. While not the most comfortable or the most reliable form of transportation, they offer a local experience for travelers. On some routes, such as Khiva to Urgench or Bukhara, Nukus or Khiva, shared taxis may be the only local transport available. Travelers need to ask around the taxi ranks to find a taxi which is heading to their destination. Schedules are not fixed and fares aren’t set in stone, so travelers need to be patient and negotiate with the driver.

There are no car rental agencies in the country. You can rent a car, but it will essentially be a cab with a driver. Bringing your own car is possible but travelers are advised to check travel restrictions with regard to driving as some areas, such as Termez and the Surkhandarya region, require a special permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tashkent. While Uzbekistan is connected by road to its neighbors, not all borders are safe to cross and some are indeed closed. It is always best to check beforehand. Generally, an International Driving Permit is required for driving in Uzbekistan along with valid insurance from your home country. Driving is on the right. Seatbelts are not required.

Buses are only recommended for the most adventurous of foreign travelers. Many local buses are old and rickety, and keep unreliable schedules, running very slowly and breaking down often. Newer, more comfortable private buses are slowly emerging. However, schedules are still unreliable as most operators readily throw away the timetable to wait for more passengers. Personal provisions such as toilet paper and reliable, clean food must be taken with you when traveling by bus as journey can be long.

Freight Forwarding Agents

Uzbekistan’s logistics sector is composed of a diverse group of freight forwarders and logistics companies, including local firms and those from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Switzerland, the Republic of Korea, and the PRC. These companies offer mostly traditional forwarding and warehousing services. Supply chain management and third-party logistics services are still at an embryonic stage of development in the country.

Electricity and Power 

The Power Industry of Uzbekistan operates in the framework of the State Joint Stock Company ”Uzbekenergo”, established in the form of open joint stock company including the Coal Industry enterprises since 2001.

The company structure includes 53 enterprises and organizations, including 39 open joint-stock companies, 11 unitary enterprises, 2 societies with limited liability and company branch-“Energosotish”.

At present, all enterprises affiliated the company structure and being the subject for privatization already denationalized except two.

In accordance with Decree NoPP-407 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 10.07.2006 “On extension of privatization process 2006-2008”, the privatization of unitary enterprise “Talimardjan TPP” is planned for 2007, and privatization of unitary enterprise “Tashkent TPP” is planned for 2008.

As for now, the company performs the centralized electric power supply of national economy and population, and also sale of thermal energy to industrial and domestic consumers in distinct cities of the Republic.

During the economic reform years, the Power Industry’s enterprises annually generate up to 48bln.kW/h of electric power and more than 10 mln. Gcal of thermal power that fully meet the economic and population demand of the country.

The installed capacity of Power Plants of Uzbekistan exceeds 12,3 mln. kW equal to 50% of all generating capacities of the Interconnected Power System of Central Asia.

SJSC ”Uzbekenergo”, having the 39 Power Plants of total installed capacity 12,0 mln. kW is actually the key producer and supplier of electric power in the Republic. The share of Department Power Plants in the structure of generated capacities produces not less than 3% (320MW).

The installed capacity of Power Plants is enough to meet the growing demand consumption of the Republic, for implementation of export power supply commitments and keeping the energy security of the country.

The Thermal Power Plants of total capacity 10,6mln. kW is the base of the Power System of Uzbekistan. The power units of capacity from 150 to 800 MW each are set up at 5 big Thermal Power Plants.

These are such a big Thermal Power Plants as Talimardjan, Syr-darya, Novo-Angren and

Tashkent TPP’s generating over 85% of electric power.

All Hydro Power Plants of the company in general are united into cascades of HPP’s and operate based on waterway. The largest HPPs are located in the upper of Chirchik river (Charvak HPP, Khodjikent HPP, Gazalkent HPP) and have the water storage basins allowing to operate in regulation capacity mode.

For power generation at TPP’s the gas share usage is 90,8%, mazut is 5,3% and coal is 3,9%. This tendency shall be keeping in the nearest future, gas remains as the main fuel and the share of coal increases up to 10-12% in fuel balance.

The power transmission and distribution are fulfilled by means of power transmission lines of 0,4-500kV to all consumers of the Republic.

The extension of power transmission lines are over 235 thousand km. All consumers are connected to centralized power supply system.

The arrangement of power transmission lines of 220-500kV with 7,5 thousand km extension provides the stable operation of power system, the transmission of power from the Power Plants to the load centre, passing supply of power to the cross-boarder countries.

The most branched power transmission lines are the distributing mains of 0,4- 6- 10 kV. Through the distributing mains the power supply effected to the customers of the Republic.

It is worthwhile to say that the main volume of power supply accrued to industrial enterprises, agricultural consumers and population. The share of annual power consumption along the Republic is 1940kW/h per capita.

For infpormation on Uzbekistan Power and Electricity additional information, please see the following documents: 

Uzbekistan Structure of Electric Power Consumption in 2006

Uzbekistan Structure of Installed Capacities of Power Plants

Uzbekistan Electricity and Power Additional Information

 Uzbekistan Electricity Price information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Production Unit

Type [1]

Installed Capacity (MW)

Current Production (MW)



12,3 mln. kW


[1] E.g. Hydroelectric power, Thermal power...

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

There were over 9 million Internet users in Uzbekistan as of 19 March 2012, according to Uzbekistan's Agency for Communications and Information (UzACI). The "Uzbek Internet" is sometimes called "Uznet", akin to Runet. The country code (top level domain) for Uzbekistan is .uz

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government


Dial-up only (Yes / No)


Approximate Rates





Max leasable 'dedicated' bandwidth


For information on Uzbekistan ISP providers, please see the following link: Uzbekistan Golden Pages Website

For information on Uzbekistan Additional Service Provider contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Uzbekistan Additional Service Provision Contact List

3.4 Uzbekistan Manual Labour Costs

Uzbekistan Manual Labour Costs

Literacy in Uzbekistan is almost universal, and workers are generally well-educated and trained accordingly in their respective fields. Most local technical and managerial training does not meet international business standards, but foreign companies engaged in production report that locally hired workers learn quickly and work effectively. The government emphasizes foreign education. In 2009 Turin Polytechnik University was opened. It is the only university in Central Asia that prepares high quality employees for industries. With the closing or downsizing of many foreign firms, it is relatively easy to find qualified employees, though salaries are very low by Western standards. Salary caps, which the government implements in an apparent attempt to prevent firms from circumventing restrictions on withdrawal of cash from banks, prevent many foreign firms from paying their workers as much as they would like. Labor market regulations in Uzbekistan are similar to those of the Soviet Union, with all rights guaranteed but some rights unobserved. Unemployment is a growing problem, and the number of people looking for jobs in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Southeast Asia is increasing each year. Uzbekistan's Ministry of Labor does not publish information on Uzbek citizens working abroad, but Russia's Federal Migration Service reports 2.5 million Uzbek migrant workers in Russia. There are also indications of up to 1 million Uzbek migrants working illegally in Kazakhstan.Uzbekistan's migrant workers may thus be around 3.5-4 million people, or a staggering 25% of its labor force of 14.8 million. The U.S. Department of State also estimates that between three and five million Uzbek citizens of working age live outside Uzbekistan.

3.5 Uzbekistan Telecommunications

Uzbekistan Telecommunications 

For information on Uzbekistan Telecommunications contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Uzbekistan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Telecommunications networks in Uzbekistan are largely based on Soviet-built infrastructure but with many modern additions, making the country one of the leading in the region in terms of informational development.

In 2012, the telecommunications services volume grew by 22.5% year-on-year in Uzbekistan. The amount of broadband ports installed totalled 378,000 across the country at the end of 2012, up by 55.5% year-on-year. The number of ports in active use was 202,700 up by 37.2%. A total of 1,576 km of fibre optic backbone lines were deployed across the country in the same year.

There are digital exchanges in large cities and rural areas.

The main line telecommunications system is dilapidated and telephone density is low. The state-owned telecommunications company, Uzbektelecom, has used loans from the Japanese government and the China Development Bank to improve mainline services. The completion of conversion to digital exchanges was in 2010. Mobile services are growing rapidly, with the subscriber base reaching 25 million in 2011.

Uzbekistan is linked by fiber-optic cable or microwave radio relay with CIS member states and to other countries by leased connection via the Moscow international gateway switch. After the completion of the Uzbek link to the Trans-Asia-Europe (TAE) fiber-optic cable,[3] Uzbekistan plans to establish a fiber-optic connection to Afghanistan

Currently, Uzbekistan has four AM stations, 12 FM stations, and three shortwave stations. Additionally, as of 1997, there are an estimated 10.2 million radios in use in Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan has 28 television broadcast stations. This includes one cable rebroadcaster in Taskent and approximately 20 stations in regional capitals

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?

(Yes / No)



Does it allow international calls?

(Yes / No)


On average, number and length of downtime periods


Mobile phone providers (List)

Beeline Uzbekistan, Ucell, UzMobile , Perfectum Mobile

Estimated availability and coverage

(Approximate percentage of national coverage)

covers nearly all Uzbekistan region

Telecommunication Regulation

For a long time Uzbekistan’s telecom infrastructure remained outmoded and inadequate. The country has been struggling to bring its telecommunications system up to the standard found in developed markets. Nevertheless, over the last decade or so, the situation has been gradually improving. This has in part been due to the government’s decision to give national priority to Information and Communications Technologies. Consequently there has been an upward trend in the country’s telecom market, with increased investment in infrastructure, expanding subscriber bases and rising revenues. The government’s strategic policy was to privatise the incumbent operator Uzbektelecom and to open the market to competition in accordance with the country’s aim to join the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The telecom sector has been regulated by the Uzbek Agency for Communications and Information (UzACI) since the creation of the agency in 2002/2003. In 2005 the UzACI approved a telecommunications investment program for the period 2005-2010. Among other things, the program aimed to increase the total number of fixed lines to 2.2 million and achieve 100% digitalisation of the network by 2010. The fixed line subscriber target was not achieved with subscriber numbers still languishing below 1.9 million. And only about two-thirds of the network was digital by 2007, but by March 2009 this has been lifted sharply to 89%, according to the Uzbek Agency for Communications and Information, and effectively achieved the target by end-2010. In the meantime fixed teledensity was stuck on around 7%. The five year telecom investment program also aimed at accomplishing marked improvements in mobile telephone and internet penetration. By 2011 both these segments of the market had shown significantly gains, with the mobile market in particular having expanded rapidly over the five years. Subscriber numbers had jumped from around one million to 21 million over the plan period. Funding for the investment program was provided by loans and foreign investment, the internal resources of operators and providers, as well as from government funding.

For information on Uzbekistan Telecommunications additional information, please see the following document: 

Uzbekistan Telecommunications Regulations Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.


Regulations on usage or import of:

Yes / No

Regulating Authority



Uzbekistan Agency for Communications & Information (UzACI)

HF Radio


Uzbekistan Agency for Communications & Information (UzACI)

UHF/VHF/HF radio: handheld, base and mobile


Uzbekistan Agency for Communications & Information (UzACI)

UHF/VHF repeaters


Uzbekistan Agency for Communications & Information (UzACI)



Uzbekistan Agency for Communications & Information (UzACI)



Uzbekistan Agency for Communications & Information (UzACI)

Individual Network Operator Licenses Required
Frequency Licenses Required

3.6 Uzbekistan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Uzbekistan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

For information on Uzbekistan Food suppliers, Accomodation and Other Markets contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Uzbekistan Additional Service Provision Contact List

4 Uzbekistan Contact Lists

In the following subsections the contact details for Uzbekistan will be presented. 

4.1 Uzbekistan Government Contact List

Uzbekistan Government Contact List

Ministry Department National or Provincial/State Authority Street / Physical Address Name Email Phone Number (Office)

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

45А, Uzbekistan avenue, Tashkent,

Republic of Uzbekistan, 100003

Minister of Economy

 KHODJAEV Botir Asadillayevich

+998 (71) 232-6320

Fax: +998 (71) 232-6372

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

 5, Mustakillik square, Tashkent,

Republic of Uzbekistan, 100008


 AZIMOV Rustam Sadikovich

+998 (71) 233-7073

Fax: +998 (71) 244-5643

Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the

Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

4, Navoiy str., Tashkent,

Republic of Uzbekistan,



 ISMOILOV Sayfiddin Umarovich

+998 (71) 241-0042

Fax: +998 (71) 244-2397

Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the

Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

 20-A, Avloniy str., Tashkent,

Republic of Uzbekistan, 100100


+998 (71) 239-4121

Fax: +998 (71) 239-4112

Ministry of Higher and Secondary

Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

 96, 2-Chimboy str., Tashkent,

Republic of Uzbekistan, 100095


+998 (71) 246-0195

Fax: +998 (71) 246-0195

Ministry of Public Education of the

Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

5, Mustakillik square, Tashkent,

Republic of Uzbekistan, 100095


+998 (71) 239-1735

Fax: +998 (71) 239-4214

Ministry of Public Health of the

Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

12, Navoiy str., Tashkent,

Republic of Uzbekistan,



+998 (71) 241-1691

Fax: +998 (71) 244-1033

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the

Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

 1, Yunus Rаjаbiy str., Tashkent,

Republic of Uzbekistan, 100029


+998 (71) 233-3882

Fax: +998 (71) 233-3882

Ministry of Defense of the

Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

 100, Kh.Abdullayev str.,


Republic of Uzbekistan, 100000

n/a n/a

+998 (71) 269-8243

Fax: +998 (71) 269-8228

Ministry of Emergency Situations

of the Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

4, Kichik khalka yoli str.,

Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan,



+998 (71) 239-1685

Fax: +998 (71) 150-6299

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

of the Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

9, Uzbekistan avenue,

Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan,



 +998 (71) 233-6475

Fax: +998 (71) 239-1517

Ministry for Foreign

Economic Relations, Investments and

Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

 1, T.Shevchenko str.,


Republic of Uzbekistan, 100029


+998 (71) 238-5100

Fax: +998 (71) 238-5200

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

5, Saylgokh str., Tashkent,

Republic of Uzbekistan, 100047


+998 (71) 233-1305

Fax:  +998 (71) 233-4844

Ministry of Culture and

Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

5, Mustаqillik square,

Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan,



+998 (71) 239-8331

Fax: +998 (71) 239-4611

Oliy Majlis

n/a National

700035, Tashkent-35

Prospect Drujba Narodov,

Oliy Majlis



 Erkin Halilov


 Boris Bugrov


Timur Kamalov


Akmal Kasimov


Buritosh Shodieva

n/a n/a

State Customs Committee

of the Republic of Uzbekistan

n/a National

3, Uzbekistan avenue,


Republic of Uzbekistan,



+998 (71) 120-7631 

+998 (71) 120-7641

Fax: 99871) 120-76-31



n/a n/a

Uzbekistan, 100128,

Street, Tashkent.

Zulfiyahanum, 3


+998(71) 244-29-97 , + 998 (71) 244-72-85

Fax: + 998 (71) 244-72-86, 244-56-83


Road Construction Company n/a Tashkent district: Khamza n/a n/a  2979496


Road Construction Company n/a

Uzbekistan , Tashkent,

Mirabad avenue MUSTAQILLIK, 68а-619

n/a n/a

2689762; (+99894) 6362277; (+99898) 3034547

Fax:  2689762



Road Construction Company n/a

Sergeli ,territory SERGELI,


n/a n/a 1506838; 2587895




Road Construction Company n/a Angren n/a n/a


Fax: 6623126

4.2 Uzbekistan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Uzbekistan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Organization Physical Address Name Email Phone Number (Office)

Red Crescent Society of Uzbekistan

30, Yusuf Hos Hojib str.,

Tashkent city, 700031,

Republic of Uzbekistan

The Chairman

 prof. Khamid Y. KARIMOV

(998) (71) 150 81 11

Fax: (998) (71) 256 18 01

Tadbirkor Ayol

 pr. Navoi 5/1 , 705018 Bukhara


 Dilbar Akhmedova

83652 23-60-21

Fax: 83652 23-60-21

"For An Environmental-Clean Fergana"


 ul. Ferganskaia 86 , 712022 Fergana


 Nitsa Pospirova

3732 22-29-81

Fax: 3732 22-29-17

"IQTIDOR" Support Centre for

Physically Disabled Children

4 Xalq So'zi Ro'znomasi Street 713000 Kokand,



 Ms Uktamhon Ahmadalieva


+ 998 (37355)-3-54-01

Fax: + 998 (37355)-3-54-01

Farmers' Center

 ul. Sportivnaya 8 742000 Nukus


  Rustam Arzikhanov

36122 6-42-21

Fax: 36122 6-42-21


 ul. Shagabutdinova 128, k. 7 480004 Almaty


 Jennifer Gable

 36122 67-71-88

Fax: 36122 67-71-88

Perzent--Karakalpak Center for

Reproductive Health and Environment

 P. O. Box 27 ul. Sharafa Rashidova 39a

742012 Nukus Karakalpakstan


 Oral Ataniyazova;

7-55-17 (Ataniyazova), 6-46-44 (Kuzmin)


Dosnazarova Street 87 aprt 14. Nukus,

Karakalpakstan Uzbekistan

n/a n/a (361)222-28-21

AUSWRD (Association of Uzbekistan for

Sustainable Development of

Water Resources)

 P.O Box 4545, Glavpochtamt

Tashkent 700 000 Uzbekistan

Chairman of Steering Commitee

 Iskandar Abdullaev




42 Druzhba Narodov Street

 Country Director

 Mr. Blair Sheridan

[998](712) 76-29-66, 76-66-91, 78-14-50

Fax:  [998](712)76-66-91

KRIDI Club for Parents of

Disabled Children

248 Buyuk Ipak Yuli 700143 Tashkent


 Grenada Kurochkina  65-72-06, 65-48-30

Soholm Avlod Uchun

Akhunbabayeva St. 700047 Tashkent 15


  H.B. Juldasheva


71 33-89-49,

32-00-82, 32-00-83

Fax: 71 33-89-49



UNAIDS country


 Denis Haveaux



+ (998 97) 450 61 54

Fax:  + (998 71) 120 30 84


 United Nations Development

Programme 41/3, Mirabad street,

Tashkent, 100015, Uzbekistan

UNDP Deputy Resident Representative

 Mr. Stefan Priesner

n/a n/a


100090, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 14, M. Tarobiy Str

UNFPA Representative in Uzbekistan

 Mr. Karl Kulessa

(+998 71) 281 5881/83,  

(+99871)120 6899

Fax:  (+998 71) 120 6897

4.3 Uzbekistan Railway Company Contact List

Uzbekistan Railway Company Contact List

Company Physical Address Email

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Uzbekistan Railways

 SSRC O'zbekiston Temir Yo'llari Republic of Uzbekistan,

Tashkent, 700060, st. Shevchenko, 7



(+99871) 237-99-98

Fax: (+99871) 233-69-24



Uzbekistan, 100128, Street, Tashkent. Zulfiyahanum, 3

+998(71) 244-29-97 ,

+ 998 (71) 244-72-85

Fax: + 998 (71) 244-72-86,


4.4 Uzbekistan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Uzbekistan Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Company Physical Address Email & Website

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Key Role
UZBEK AGENCY OF AUTOMOBILE AND RIVER TRANSPORT Uzbekistan, 100128, Street, Tashkent. Zulfiyahanum, 3

+998(71) 244-29-97 ,

+ 998 (71) 244-72-85

Fax: + 998 (71) 244-72-86,


Government Agency

4.5 Uzbekistan Airport Company Contact List

Uzbekistan Airport Company Contact List

Airport Company Physical Address Name Email Phone Number (office) Description of Services

Gosavianadzor (State Inspection of the

Republic of Uzbekistan for flight safety supervision)

 73-B, Nukus str., Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, 100015 n/a

+998 (71) 120-0057 

+998 (71) 254-1482

Fax: +998 (71) 254-14-82,

Responsible for flight safety supervision 
 Tashkent Airport Lost and Found n/a n/a n/a

(+998 71) 140-29-14,


Airport Facilities
 Tashkent Airport Veterinary control n/a n/a n/a (+998 71) 259 16 79 Airport Facilities
 Tashkent Airport Agricultural control n/a n/a n/a (+998 71) 259 13 61 Airport Facilities
 Tashkent Airport Medical center and disability service n/a n/a n/a +998 71) 255 19 82 Airport Facilities
 Tashkent Airport Police n/a n/a n/a (+998 71) 254 59 70 Airport Facilities
 Tashkent Airport Information desk n/a n/a n/a

 (+998 71) 066,  

(+998 71) 140 28 01,

140 28 02, 140 28 03, 140 28 04

Airport Facilities
 Tashkent Airport Booking office n/a n/a n/a (+998 71) 233 34 59 Airport Facilities
 Tashkent Airport

Uzbekistan Airways

n/a n/a

998 (71) 140 28 01 998

(71) 140 28 02 998

(71) 140 28 03

 Fax: 998 (71) 140 28 04

 Tashkent Airport

Apogee Operations Ltd

Station : Tashkent Air Port , SITA:TASAP7X ,AFTN:KTASJBWX n/a

+971 4 609 1929

Fax: +971 4 609 1930


 Tashkent Airport

SRX Transcontinental

Airport Sergeli, 700154, Tashkent, Uzbekistan n/a

+998-71 1204950,


 Fax:  +998-71 1204951

 Tashkent Airport

Universal Mobility Solutions

Tashkent Int. Airport, Tashkent 100167, Uzbekistan n/a

+998 (71) 120 3046

Fax: +998 (71) 120 3047

Bukhara International Airport

Uzbekistan Airways

n/a  R Alimov

 +998 65 225 09 09 ,

  +998 65 225 61 21

Fax:  +998 65 225 07 07

Bukhara International Airport

Sky Handling

  9, bl. G, Rumyantsevo 142784, Moscow region Russia n/a

 +7 499 55018-65 

+7 985 76625-23 +49 7471 87099-44

Bukhara International Airport

Apogee Operations Ltd

n/a n/a

+971 4 609 1929

Fax: +971 4 609 1930

Bukhara International Airport

Universal Mobility Solutions

n/a n/a

 +998 (71) 120 3046

Fax: +998 (71) 120 3047

Fergana International Airport

NAC "Uzbekistan Airways"

Ten Vladislav Ying-vich n/a n/a

(3732) 26-54-61

Fax: (3732) 26-23-31


4.6 Uzbekistan Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Uzbekistan Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Company Physical Address Name & Title Website 

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Key Role


43Jarkugan Str, Tashkent


 Djahangir Ch. Saidazizov


00998 196 6221

Fax: 00998 196 3310

Storage Company


Fergana street AL-FARG'ONIY, 83a n/a n/a

373 2243367

Fax: 373 2243367

Storage Company


Tashkent district: Bektemir , street OLTINTOPGAN, 25 n/a n/a




Fax: 2928703

Storage Company


 Tashkent district: Mirzo ulugbek block of flats QORASU-2, 2/48 n/a n/a


Fax: 2959117

Storage Company


Tashkent district: Khamza street SANDIKLI, 52 n/a n/a


Fax: 2697602

Storage Company
G. A. Corp. 20 Konayova Street, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan


 Mr. Wasay Rasul


Mob: 998901853020

Fax: 998-71-2521393

Milling Company
State Joint Stock Foreign Trade Company "Uzprommashimpeks" Mustakillik avenue 107., Tashkent, Uzbekistan n/a


Fax: 99898 125-77-07

Fax: 998-71-140-07-57

Milling Company
Gelora Trade inc

Unus Abad, 700012,

Tashkent Vil.

n/a n/a 998-371-2212165 Milling Company

4.7 Uzbekistan Fuel Provider Contact List

Uzbekistan Fuel Provider Contact List

Company Physical Address Name & Title Email & Website

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Ministry of Energy and Electrification

Government House Tashkent


 Valeriy Atayev


(+7 3712) 39-57-46

Fax: (+7 3712) 39-55-25

"Uzbekneftegaz" (oil & gas) National Holding Company

21, Istiqbol str., Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan,



+998 (71) 233-5757

Fax: +998 (71) 236-0210


4.8 Uzbekistan Transporter Contact List

Uzbekistan Transporter Contact List

Company Physical Address Name & Title Email

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Transcontinental Ltd
52A Bunyodkor Street Tashkent 100135

Country Manager

 Alisher Khasanov

+998 71 120-38-38

Fax: +998 71 120-38-48

Transatlantic Inc
54 Babur Street Suite 9/10 Tashkent 100022


 Nosir Madvaliev

+998 71 215-56-24/5

Fax: +998 71 255-24-56

Sarbon Logistics & Reefer Services
85, Shahrisabz str Tashkent 100047


  Ervand Khasiyan

+998 71 150-18-19

Fax: +998 71 150-18-19

Move One Inc 46B, 4th driveway Halqobod Yunus-Abad District Tashkent 100084

Regional Manager

 Bojan Simunovic

+998 71 235-18-43

Fax: +998 71 235-73-90

4.9 Uzbekistan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Uzbekistan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Type of Service Company Physical Address Name

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Email &



Aznur Travel

Tashkent str. Musakhanova hotel

"Uzbekistan" 10-19


 99897 7914417

+99871 2323090  

+99871 2321070


Fax: +99897 7914417


Rent car

 A.S. Banokatiy str. H-191 – 1,

700167 Tashkent, Uzbekistan



Fax: +998-71-2912029



  Taxi Equipage City of Tashkent, Uzbekistan n/a


Fax: +998-71-120-00-82


Vashe Taxi

Kh.Olimjan Sq., 13B 100000,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


(99871) 137-03-53

Fax: (99871) 137-15-18



Tashkent Bldg 107

Mustakillik St Tashkent City

Chairman of the Board

  F Zargarov

+998 71 268-74-76

Fax: +998 71 268-20-00


Turksib Magistral

Tashkent Bunyedkor Str 52A

Tashkent Chilanzar 100135


Freight Manager

  Mrs Irina Kim

+998 71 120-38-65

Fax: +998 71 120-38-45


Transemuz Freight LLC

 Tashkent Chatkal,

Building No 2 Tashkent


H Aliev

+998 97 430-56-59

Fax: +998 71 140-51-24

Freight Forwarders

Sunrise International Shipping Co Ltd

Office 204,

Bldg 42 A Bunyodkor Avenue

Tashkent 100097


 Elmurod Rahimov

+998 71 150-06-93

Fax:  +998 71 150-06-94

Freight Forwarders

Interlink Global Services

Bldg 14 Afrasiab Str

Tashkent City

Chief Executive Officer

 Jahongir Muminov

+998 71 256-00-83

Fax: +998 71 256-00-93

Freight Forwarders Hadaf Marine Co Ltd

No 3, Boz Bozor 7

Proezd 21 Mirzo Ulugbek

District Tashkent 100077


 Idin Khatib-Shahidi

+998 71 140-34-40

 +998 71 140-34-41 

+998 71 140-34-42

Fax: +998 71 140-34-39

Handling Equipment


Apogee Operations Ltd

Station : Tashkent Air Port ,



+971 4 609 1929

Fax: +971 4 609 1930

Handling Equipment


SRX Transcontinental

Airport Sergeli, 700154,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


+998-71 1204950,


Fax: +998-71 1204951

Handling Equipment


Universal Mobility Solutions

Tashkent Int. Airport,

Tashkent 100167, Uzbekistan

+998 (71) 120 3046

Fax: +998 (71) 120 3047




100000, Tashket city, istiqlol st. 6

Chairman of the

Board of SJSC "Uzbekenergo"


(99871) 233-98-21,


Fax: (99871) 236-27-00

/en ,


Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100000,

st. Niyozbek Building 7, block 3


 2341869; (+99898) 3697749;

(+99898) 3695539

Fax: 2341410


Yellow 2-storey corner

building at the intersection of

ul.Nukusskaya and st. A.Kahhara




Fax: 2815225


 Tashkent, Chilonzor -

5 st. Katartal 29


  (+998 71) 273-55-51

Fax: (+998 71) 278-43-47


 Local Supplies Markets


 Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent,

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

n/a  998-71-2670000


  Local Supplies Markets  


 Sergeli, Tashkent, Uzbekistan n/a   998-97-7516662


  Local Supplies Markets  

Global America Corp. & Sharq Invest Ltd.

 12-Usman Nosir Street, Tashkent,

tashkent, Uzbekistan



Fax:  998-71-2521393


  Local Supplies Markets  


 1, Alay, Tashkent, Uzbekistan n/a Fax:  998-93-3586652


   Le Grande Plaza Hotel

  2, Uzbekiston Ovozi Str.,

Tashkent city


 (+998 71) 120 66 00

Fax:  (+998 71) 120 63 16,

120 63 19, 120 63 18


"Uzbekistan" Hotel

45, Musakhanov Str.,

 Amir Temur Square,

Tashkent city


(+998 71) 113 11 11

Fax: (+998 71) 113 10 90, 233 12 86


Miran International Hotel

 4, Shakhrisabz passage,


n/a (+998 71) 23 23 000

Hotel International Tashkent

107 A, Amir Temur Str.,

Tashkent city


 (+998 71) 120 70 00

Fax: (+998 71) 120 64 59, 120 70 13


5 Uzbekistan Annexes

The following section contains annexes for additional information for the Uzbekistan LCA

5.1 Uzbekistan Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym Full name of the Agency / Organization
AWB Airway Bill
BL Bill of Lading
C&F Cost & Freight
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CFS Container Freight Stations
DLCA Digital Logistics Capacity Assessment
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation
GPRS General Pocket Radio Service
GRT Gross Register Tonnage
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMF International Monetary Fund
INGO International NGO
IOM International Organisation for Migration
ISPs Internet Service Providers
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere
LCA Logistics Capacity Assessment
MOU Memorables of Understanding
MT Metric Tons
MW Megawatt
n/a not available
NDB Non directional beacon
NFI Non Food Items
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
OCHA Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
RC Resident Coordinator
RoRo Roll on Roll off
T Tons
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TEUs Twenty Foot Equivalent Units
THC Terminal Handling Charge
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
(V)HF (Very) High Frequency
VOR VHF omnidirectional radio range
V-SAT Very Smart Aperture Terminal
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WCO World Customs Organisation
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organisation
WVI World Vision International