

Country name:


Official country name:

Dawlat al Kuwayt, Al Kuwayt, State of Kuwait

Table of Contents

Chapter  Name of Assessor  Organization Date Updated 

1 Kuwait Country Profile

Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
1.1 Kuwait Humanitarian Background Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
1.2 Kuwait Regulatory Departments Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
1.3 Kuwait Customs Information Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12

2 Kuwait Logistics Infrastructure

Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
2.1 Kuwait Port Assessment Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
2.1.1 Kuwait Port of Shuwaikh Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
2.1.2 Kuwait Shuaiba Port Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
2.2 Kuwait Aviation Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
2.2.1 Kuwait International Airport Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
2.3 Kuwait Road Network Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
2.4 Kuwait Storage Assessment Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
2.5 Kuwait Milling Assessment Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12

3 Kuwait Logistics Services

Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
3.1 Kuwait Fuel Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
3.2 Kuwait Transporters Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
3.3 Kuwait Additional Service Providers Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
3.4 Kuwait Manual Labor Costs Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
3.5 Kuwait Telecommunications Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
3.6 Kuwait Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12

4 Kuwait Contact Lists

Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
4.1 Kuwait Government Contact List Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
4.2 Kuwait Port and Waterways Company Contact List Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
4.3 Kuwait Airport Company Contact List Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
4.4 Kuwait Storage and Milling Company Contact List Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
4.5 Kuwait Fuel Provider Contact List Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
4.6 Kuwait Transporter Contact List Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
4.7 Kuwait Additional Service Provision Contact List Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12

5 Kuwait Annexes

Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12
5.1 Kuwait Acronyms and Abbreviations Ulrika Aunes, Frank Clary, Vrinda Paes, Darius Remedios and Sami Salame WFP Nov-12

1 Kuwait Country Profile

Kuwait Country Profile

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures.

For a generic country overview, please consult the following sources:

Kuwait Country Map

Generic Information:

Kuwait, officially the State of Kuwait Listeni/kuːˈweɪt/ (Arabic: دولة الكويت‎ Dawlat al-Kuwayt ), is an Arab country in Western Asia. Situated in the northeastern edge of the Arabian peninsula at the tip of the Persian Gulf, it shares borders with Iraq to the north and Saudi Arabia to the south. The name "Kuwait" is derived from the Arabic أكوات ākwāt, the plural of كوت kūt, meaning "fortress built near water".[5] The country covers an area of 17,820 square kilometers (6,880 square miles) and has a population of about 2.8 million. - Wikipedia (publisher), Kuwait, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuwait, 28Aug2013.


Find the country in the generic links below:

Wikipedia Country Information Website of Wikipedia on Kuwait

Economist Intelligence Unit Website of the Economist on Kuwait

(*note - this is a paid service)


Facts and Figures:

Wolfram Alpha Website of Wolframalpha on Kuwait

World Bank Website of the Worldbank on Kuwait

Population Information: Website of the World Population Review

1.1 Kuwait Humanitarian Background

Kuwait Humanitarian Background

For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters:


For information on the invasion of Kuwait, please select the following document:

Kuwait Humanitarian Background Additional Information

Calamities and Seasonal Affects

Customs: Storage and Handling process is subject to change as per the calamities and seasonal affects through which the goods can be released from customs premises based on declared guarantees by customs managing director

Local business and government operations can be affected by local holidays, most of which are based on the Islamic calendar.

Please note that government offices typically operate from 9:00-14:00 daily, from Sunday-Thursday. Weekends are Friday and Saturday.

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


The Emir of Kuwait is the sponsor of the local Red Crescent Society, and most international charity work is organized under the auspices of the KRCS. Logistics Cluster partners should plan on coordinating with the KRCS for availability of services, including support and information for allowing duty free goods permissions.

There are a limited number of NGO’s registered in Kuwait, so individual humanitarian agencies should also consider coordination with the KRCS and other local charities in order to ensure customs documentation and other process requirements are met. All International Humanitarian organizations need to liaise with MoFA.

During Iraq War 2003, the Kuwait Government run the Humanitarian Operations Centre (HOC) coordinating all humanitarian cargo to Iraq with specific procedures for UN agencies and NGOs. HOC is currently not operational, but MoFA is the initial contact regarding HOC.

The Arab Humanitarian Portal: Website of Arabhum

4.1 Kuwait Government Contact List

1.2 Kuwait Regulatory Departments

Kuwait Regulatory Narrative

For a list of National Regulatory Departments of Kuwait, please select the following Contact List:

4.1 Kuwait Government Contact List

Kuwait General Administration of Customs (KGAC)

The KGAC is an independent administrative unit under the authority of the Ministry of Finance. The main task of Kuwait Customs is to control the movement or consignments across the borders and ensure compliance with law.

All cargo arriving in Kuwait is subject to customs control and cannot be released for consumption without Customs and Border permission. All those involved in the life cycle of shipment are required by law to provide the customs and boarder authorities with a variety of information and documents prior to, at, and following the arrival or departure of mean of transport. Website of the Kuwait General Administration of Customs


1.3 Kuwait Customs Information

Kuwait Customs Information

Duties and Tax Exemption

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 

4.1 Kuwait Government Contact List

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to ‘crisis’ times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member


Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

No but ongoing ratification processs since Oct10

OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)

Yes, 13Jun02 

Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)

Yes, Gulf Cooperation Council (see more information below)

The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) is a regional organisation consisting of six Gulf countries: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. The GCC was created in May 1981. Its main objectives are to enhance coordination, integration and inter-connection among its Member States in different spheres. All the GCC member states are also members of the Arab League and Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are the prominent members of OPEC. For more information on the GCC, see: Website of the European Union on the GCC and: Website of the GCC

For additional information on emergency response, please select the following document:

Kuwait Customs Information Additional Information

Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

National legislation

All humanitarian goods are exempted from duties and taxes and should only be used for approved purpose.


Kuwait Customs Law , Article # 104

Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status

United Nations Agencies

  • Officially registered with one of two authorized government ministries (Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, or Public Authority for Youth and Sport).
  • For International Humanitarian Organisations go through MoFA.
  • Activities related to humanitarian support only
  • Non-profit organization
  • Not related to any political activities
  • Officially registered with Ministry of Commerce as importer
  • All shipping document are issued with the agency name

Non Governmental Organizations

  • Officially registered with one of two authorized government ministries (Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor or Public Authority for Youth and Sport)
  • Activities related to humanitarian support only
  • Non-profit organization
  • Not related to any political activities
  • Officially registered with Ministry of Commerce as importer
  • All shipping document are issued with the agency name

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

Duties and Taxes Exemption Application Procedure

Generalities (include a list of necessary documentation)

  • Official request letter
  • Commercial Invoice
  • AWB/BoL
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Packing List

Process to be followed (step by step or flowchart)

  1. Collect approval for each shipment from one of authorized ministries (above two) using official letter
  2. Collect approval for each shipment from customs managing director
  3. Approach normal customs authorities for clearance and release process

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)




(Shelter, WASH, Education)




Spare Parts


& Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment


Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Packing Lists

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Other Documents

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Additional Notes

  • Deposit can be approached for missing documents as per law
  • In land port shipping bills may be not required
  • Either invoice or AWB/BL is required to get the exemption certificate letter

Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs Information

Document Requirements




Prohibited Items

Alcoholic products, Pork and meat products, drugs, goods of Israeli origin.

General Restrictions


Customs Clearance Document Requirements


Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity)




(Shelter, WASH, Education)




Spare Parts


& Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment

D&T Exemption Certificate

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO


Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates







Packing Lists

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Phytosanitary Certificate







Other Documents

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, applies to both UN and NGO

Additional Notes


For further information on customs clearance, please select the following document:

Kuwait Customs Information Additional Information

Transit Regime

  • Transit procedure is in place for Land and Sea freight.
  • Transit of Air freight is very rare.
  • For goods in transit there is no need for registration of organization in Kuwait.
  • A Fast Track System is in place for the GCC countries. Ex. Dubai – Saudi Arabia - Kuwait – Iraq, the shipment is sealed at point of origin, when entering Kuwait another seal is added and shipment will have to leave Kuwait within 24h.

For further information on Focal Points and on Customs Information by Entry Points, please select the following document:

Kuwait Customs Information Additional Information

2 Kuwait Logistics Infrastructure

Kuwait Logistics Infrastructure Narrative


2.1 Kuwait Port Assessment

Kuwait Port Assessment

There are three commercial ports in Kuwait which are an important part of its transport network. Shuwaikh, Shuaiba and Doha port are all managed by Kuwait Ports Authority (KPA), a public sector body run on a commercial basis under the Authority of the Ministry of Communications.

Shuwaikh Port is considered the main commercial port for Kuwait, situated inside Kuwait Bay and to the immediate northwest of Kuwait City. The port has commercial and container berths and there is also the milling company, Kuwait Flour Mills & Bakeries, situated next to the port with specific berths only for them.

Shuaiba Port is Kuwait’s second most important commercial port, situated 45 km to the south of Kuwait City. The port has commercial and container berths as well as an oil pier which is operated by Kuwait National Petroleum Co. Most of Kuwait’s maritime trade is carried out through the ports of Shuwaikh and Shuaiba. Website of the Al Rashed Group on Shuaiba Port

Doha Port, located to the North of Kuwait City at the far end of Kuwait Bay is the smallest of Kuwait Ports Authority (KPA) ports with a depth of 4.3 meters. The port is used to berth dhows, barges and small coastal vessels operating between Gulf Ports.

2.1.1 Kuwait Port of Shuwaikh

Key port information can also be found at:

Website of the Maritime Database on Shuwaik Port

Port Overview

Shuwaikh Port is considered the main commercial port for Kuwait. It is located at Latitude 29° 21' North, Longitude 47° 56' East. It has a total land area of 3,2 million square metres and 1.2 million square metres water basin area .The vessel traffic to and from the port passes through a Navigation Channel dredged inside Kuwait Bay. The length of the channel is approximately 8kms with a depth of 8.5 meters at minimum water tide level. The port has 21 berths of which 14 berths with 10 metres depth (Berth No 1 to Berth No 14), four berths with 8.5 metres depth (Berth No 18 -21) and three berths with 6.7 metres depth (Berths 15,16,17). Total length of all berths is 4055 metres. The Port can receive vessels of 7.5meters draft at any tide condition and vessels of 9.5meters draft at high tide. It is a tidal port with entry of deep drafted ships being restricted to the period of high tide, occurring twice daily. For tide times of Shuwaikh Port: http://www.met.gov.kw/Forecasts/marine.php

The vessels traffic to and from the port is passing through a Navigation Channel dredged inside Kuwait Bay. The length of the channel is about 8 Kilometres and its depth is 8.5 metres at minimum water tide level. During rush hours (Sun-Thu) entry of trucks are restricted within the inner city, which is limiting entry and exit to/from the port to non-peak hours since Shuwaikh Port is located inside this ‘banned area’. It applies for both light and heavy trucks, and tractors. Peak hourse are set to 06:30 – 09:30 AM and 12:30 – 15:30 PM, but with the new road development projects soon to start in Kuwait City (‘The Ghazali project’ and ‘the Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Bridge’) expectations are access to Shuwaikh Port and the nearby Shuwaikh Industrival Area will be further hampered during the construction phase. For further details see ‘ROAD’ section. Furthermore, a new deep-sea Bobyan Naval Port (also referred to as Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port) has started at Bobyan Island in the north-east of Kuwait. This is part of a huge and long-term development project also including additional infrastructure projects that will link up the new port with Kuwait City and other cities in the region.

Port website: Website of the Port of Shuwaikh

Port Location and Contacts



Province or District


Town or City (Closest location) with Distance (km)

Name : Kuwait City

km: n/a

Port's Complete Name






Managing Company or Port Authority (If more than one operator, break down by area of operation)

Kuwait Port Authority - KPA

Management Contact Person

Abdullah Bader Al Shamali - Director of Finance

Closest Airport and Frequent Airlines to / from International Destinations

Airport Name: n/a

Airlines: n/a

Port Picture

For a map / picture of Shuwaikh Port please select the following document:

Kuwait Port Assessment Additional Information

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

Clearing Agents

There is no shortage of clearing agents in Kuwait. Custom clearance could be done through either global freight forwarders or individual local customs house brokers. The first scenario would mean that the terms of shipment could be negotiated with freight forwarders. For example door to door with the freight forwarder taking on all liabilities from pick up to delivery including documentation, clearance & transportation. The second scenario would require the sending agency/organisation to ensure they have all the documentation requirements covered to to be able to approach individual customs house brokers to complete custom clearance process. Delivery then will have to be negotiated separately. Labour is easily available and normally managed by the stevedores in the ports and by the warehousing companies in the warehouses.

4.2 Kuwait Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Performance

Handling Figures

Year 2012

Vessel Calls


Container Traffic (TEUs)


For further information on the port performance, please select the following document:

Kuwait Port Assessment Additional Information

Discharge Rates and Terminal Handling Charges

For import or Export Shipments , THC is as following :

20'DV : K.D. 22

40'DV : K.D. 38

40'HQ : K.D. 50

OOG Thc for Kuwait, Additional KWD 10 is applicable if special gears used.

For further information on containerised cargo handling charges, please select the following document:

Kuwait Port Assessment Additional Information

Berthing Specifications

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Maximum Draft (m)

Conventional Berth


4,055 m

8.5 m (Channel)

Container Berth


1,200 m

10 m

Silo Berth




Berthing Tugs

5 & 3

Water Barges


Shuwaikh Port has a total land area of 3.2m sq.meters and 1.2m sq.meters water basin area. The port has 21 berths; of which 14 berths have 10 meters depth (Berth No 1 - 14), four with 8.5 meters depth (Berth No 18 -21) and three berths with 6.7 meters depth (Berths 15,16 and 17). The total length of all berths is 4,055 meters.

Berth 1: Grain Handling for Kuwait Flour Mills and Bakeries Co.

Berth 8: Bulk commodities / cement for Kuwait Cement Portland Co.

Berths 12-13: part of Shuwaikh Container Terminal (SCT).

Berths 19-20: handles Reefer vessels and import of temperature controlled and frozen food.

This is also where the only cold storage warehouse in Shuwaikh Port is located, with a total storage capacity exceeding 28 000 m3, a cooling capacity of 11.500 tonnes divided into 20 chilled and frozen rooms with temperatures from -25C to +25C. Operated by Refrigeration Industries (RIC) http://ric.com.kw/

Berth 21: Livestock vessels.

For further information on berthing equipment and specifications, please select the following document:

Kuwait Port Assessment Additional Information

Port Handling Equipment

Is the port equipment managed by the government or privately? n/a



(Yes / No)

Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage

Dockside Crane




Container Gantries




Mobile Cranes


40 tons each






RoRo Tugmaster (w/ Trailer)




Grain Elevator w/ Bagging Machines










5 to 35 tons


For more information on port handling equipment please select the following document:

Kuwait Port Assessment Additional Information

Container Facilities

The Shuwaikh Container Terminal covers an area of 26 hectares and is used to handle both imported and exported containers. It is equipped with 128 electrical points for the storage of refrigerated Containers. Further space, including modern office facilities are provided close to the Port’s general cargo berth.

Currently over two million square meters of space is available, covering all manners of buildings and amenities. Customs formalities and security inspections are carried out at the Container Customs Inspection Centre, located at the south of Shuwaikh container terminal where up to 30 trailer-mounted containers can be inspected at the same time.


20 ft

40 ft

Container Facilities Available



Container Freight Station (CFS)

Yes, 2

Yes, 2

Refrigerated Container Stations



Other Capacity Details

Daily Take Off Capacity (Containers per day)


Number of Reefer Stations (connection points)


Emergency Take-off Capacity (Give an indication)


Off take capacity of gang shift (in Containers per shift)



For more information on container facilities, please select the following document;

Kuwait Port Assessment Additional Information

Customs Guidance

1.3 Kuwait Customs Information

Terminal Information

Multipurpose Terminal

Shuwaikh Port berths can handle multi purpose cargo from container ships to Bulk handling (Wheat, Flour, Oil, Charcoal, Pipes, Rice, Cement, Steel, Wood), Car Carrier and Ro-Ro vessels

Grain and Bulk Handling

Berth no.1 used for discharge from grain carriers and equipped with grain elevator that transfers grain through suction pipes from vessels directly to grain silos owned by Kuwait Flour Mills and Bakerys.

Main Storage Terminal

For information on storage facilities, please select the following document:

Kuwait Port Assessment Additional Information


For a list of the  3 major stevedores for containers handling at Shuwaikh Port, please select the following contact list:

4.2 Kuwait Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Security


ISPS Compliant

(Yes / No)


Current ISPS Level


Level 1 = Normal, Level 2 = Heightened, Level 3 = Exceptional

Police Boats


Fire Engines


2.1.2 Kuwait Shuaiba Port

Key port information can also be found at:

Website of the Maritime Database on Shuaiba Port

Port Overview

Shuaiba Port is Kuwait’s second most important commercial port, situated 45 km to the south of Kuwait City. The port has commercial and container berths as well as an oil pier which is operated by Kuwait National Petroleum Co. Most of Kuwait’s maritime trade is carried out through the ports of Shuwaikh and Shuaiba.

Shuaiba Port is located 45 Kilometers to the South of Kuwait City. The Port is bounded by the Southern Pier of Ahmadi Port from the North Side and by Mina Abdullah from the South side. There are 20 Commercial & Container Berths at Shuaiba Port of 4068 meters total length. Depths of these berths range from 10 to 14 meters. Four of these berths (berth Nos 15, 16, 17, and 18) are used for Container Vessels. The Oil Pier has a water depth of 16 metres.

There are two small Craft & Barge basins at the port. The small Craft Basin has a depth of (4) meters and contain three piers of 100, 200, 175 meters length. The Barge Basin has a depth of (6) meters and contains four piers of 211, 157, 287, 250 meters length.

Port website: Website of the Al Rashed Group on Shuaiba Port

Port Location and Contacts



Province or District


Town or City (Closest location) with Distance (km)

Name : Kuwait

km: 45

Port's Complete Name






Managing Company or Port Authority (If more than one operator, break down by area of operation)

Kuwait Ports Authority

Management Contact Person


Closest Airport and Frequent Airlines to / from International Destinations

Airport Name: n/a


Port Picture

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

4.2 Kuwait Port and Waterways Company Contact List

2.2 Kuwait Aviation

Kuwait Aviation 

Kuwait Airports

Key airport information may also be found at:

Website of Wordaerodata on Kuwait

Kuwait is a small country and many of the challenges of distributing goods and services found in other, larger countries do not exist locally. Kuwait International Airport is located south of the city and is easily accessed by road. It has a number of regular flights to international destinations and can handle the world’s largest aircrafts.

Civil Aviation

The International Airport of Kuwait is a combined civil and military airport (Al Mubarak Air Base). All other Kuwaiti airports are military.

4.1 Kuwait Government Contact List

4.3 Kuwait Airport Company Contact List

For more information on Airport Company Contacts, please select the following document:

Kuwait Aviation Additional Information

2.2.1 Kuwait International Airport

Kuwait International Airport, which is located 16 km south of Kuwait City, can currently handle in excess of 6m passengers a year. The government ordered a modernization program for the airport during the early 1990s, valued at US$60m, which was completed in two phases.

Kuwait International Airport has recently completed the construction of four new departure gates. Two of the gates have been added to the airport’s southeastern terminal and the other two the southwestern terminal, adding 40% to the capacity of both terminals.

The airport is being expanded at a total cost of $6bn in a project aimed at almost doubling its capacity. A new 710,000m2 LEED Gold second passenger terminal is set to renovate the airport and capacitate major airline growth, boosting the capacity of the airport to 13m by 2016. Almost half of those $6bn is expected to be spent on other projects, including the widening the runways, a new control tower and a new cargo town.

Kuwait Airways Company (KAC) is the official carrier that operates in the country. It was established in 1954. KAC operates part of the air cargo services at the airport. National Aviation Services (NAS) is a privately run company that is also managing air cargo services at the airport, in addition to providing ramp services, passenger servi ces, engineering, travel solutions, meet and assist, lounge management, a training center and aviation security.

The cargo terminals at the airport are open 24 hours. The cargo reservation units plan bookings and loading information of outbound cargo as well as transit. The cargo terminal warehouses also have facilities for certain cargo types, including fridges, freezers, a strong room, racks, a radioactive material room, a special area for explosive cargo and a separate area for perishable cargo.

Location Details
Country Kuwait Latitude 29.22678
Province / District State of Kuwait Longitude 47.97997
Town or City (Closest) Kuwait City Elevation (ft and m)

206 ft

63 m

Airfield Name Kuwait International airport IATA and ICAO Codes



Open From (hours) 24:00 Open To (hours) 00:00


See KWI Aerodrome Introduction for more details on runways, operation etc:


Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

3,400 m x 45 m





Runway #2

Runway Dimensions

3,500 m x 45 m





Helicopter Pad(s)

Helipad #1

Present (Yes / No)


Largest helicopter that can land


Width and Length (metres)




Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Runway Lights










Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

Performance for 2012

Annual Figures

Monthly Daily

Total aircraft movements


15,012* 494*

Total passengers


716,740* 23,564*

Total capacity of the airport (metric tonnes)


16,667 548

Current activity of the airport (metric tonnes)


16,667 548

Current use by Humanitarian flights (UNHAS)

n/a n/a n/a

*Annual, monthly and daily figures derived from figures from Jan - Feb 2012

**Monthly and daily figures derived from annual ones

For further information on performance and cargo capacity data, please select the following document:

Kuwait Aviation Additional Information

Airport Operating Details

Operating Details
Maximum sized aircraft which can be offloaded on bulk cargo: Max capacity of cargo by all type of aircrafts
Maximum sized aircraft that can be offloaded on pallet Max capacity of cargo by all type of aircrafts
Total aircraft parking area (m²) Warehouse built area 8500 Sq/Mts + 2500 Sq/Mts parking area
Storage Area (mt) 200,000 tons per annum Cubic Meters (m³) n/a
Cargo Handling Equipment Available (Yes / No) Yes If "Yes" specify below
Elevators / Hi Loaders (Yes / No) Yes Max Capacity (mt) -
Can elevators / hi loaders reach the upper level of a B747 (Yes / No) Yes
Loading Ramps (Yes / No) -

Storage Facilities

NAS Cargo has a modern warehousing facility that is well equipped and capable of handling a variety of cargo services including fragile goods & hazardous materials with warehouse of over 10,000 m2 built space, of which over 700 sqm of multi temperature warehouses for dry, chilled & frozen items ranging from +25 to -20 C.

Airport gives 3 days free storage from date of arrival.

Airport storage/detention charges is 0.005 fils per kilo per day.

Airfield Cost

Fuel Services Charges

Jet A1 is available. AvGas is available by prior arrangement with KAFCO.

Kuwait Aviation Fuelling Company (KAFCO) is the sole supplier of jet fuel at Kuwait International Airport. Rated one of the best refueling stops in the region, KAFCO's delivers more than 800 million litres of Jet A-1 annually, by serving around 53 commercial carries as well as executive jet operators and the military.

KAFCO's facility includes a 115,000 sq meter depot equipped with six storage tanks offering a total capacity in excess of 27 million litres enough to service the airline's needs for around 13 days. Mobile refuelling equipment is similarly modern.

KAFCO has been granted ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Cerifications.

For rates please see attached NAS GH Quote in the Annex.


Security Level: Good

Companies Available 

4.3 Kuwait Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found at:

Website of Azfreight on Kuwait International Airport

For further information on main airport contacts and ground handling companies, please select the following document:

Kuwait Aviation Additional Information

2.3 Kuwait Road Network

Kuwait Road Network

Kuwait Roads

Kuwait’s road network consists of a radial grid design. With seven major Ring Roads and a number of major dual-carriage expressways, the road network links Kuwait City to every area of Kuwait, as well as to the Iraqi and Saudi Arabian borders.

Kuwait has 5,749 Km of road network, of which 4,887 Km is paved. Kuwait has a good road infrastructure which is currently suffering the effect of increased demands made on it by the expanding urban population. A number of roads suffer from excessive use by heavy loads. As a result, restrictions have been implemented as to when heavy vehicles are permitted to use certain roads. The government is investing heavily in upgrading a number of roads.

4.1 Kuwait Government Contact List

Distance Matrix

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km)










Abu Dhabi Dubai Sharjah Muscat Basra Baghdad Kirkuk Mosul
  420 700 1,500 1,200 1,300 1,400 450 550 833 851 900 1,234 131 557 762 904

Travel Time Matrix

Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (km)










Doha Abu Dhabi Dubai Sharjah Muscat Basra Baghdad Kirkuk Mosul
Kuwait City 48 hours 48 hours 72 hours 72 hours 120 hours 144 hours 48 hours 48 hours 48 hours 72 hours 72 hours 72 hours 96 hours 48 hours 60 hours 72 hours 96 hours

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

Axle load limits

LCA Country

Transit Country

Truck with 2 axles

15150 KG

15150 KG

Truck with 3 axles

29500 KG

29500 KG

Truck with 4 axles

33000 KG

33000 KG

Semi-trailer with 3 axles

27000 KG

27000 KG

Semi-trailer with 4 axles

30000 KG

30000 KG

Semi-trailer with 5 axles

36000 KG

36000 KG

Semi-trailer with 6 axles

40000 KG

40000 KG

Truck & drawbar trailer with 4 axles



Truck & drawbar trailer with 5 axles



Truck & drawbar trailer with 6 axles



Truck & drawbar trailer with 7 axles



For information on Bridges, traffic restrictions and international corridors leading to the country, please select the following document:

Kuwait Road Assessment Additional Information

Road Class and Surface Conditions

Surface: Paved

Road condition: Compacted - smooth (>40 kph)

Are road conditions the same on the entire distance? Yes

2.4 Kuwait Storage Assessment

Kuwait Storage Assessment

There is no lack of storage space in and around Kuwait City, which is where most commercial activities are centered and where the international airport and a big port is situated. Sulaibiya is an industrial area south-west of the city centre, located conveniently next to the 6th Ring Road with easy access to the highways. There are also other private Storage Spaces from 300 mtr2 to 1000 mtr2 in Kuwait City & Al Salmia as well Doha and/or Al-Jahra, located a bit further out and to the direct west of the city centre, have a good location with easy access to the highways, especially the routes heading to the north and the west. There are also Private Storage spaces in Al-Jahra with different spaces from 300 Mtr2 to 1000 Mtr2. Mina Abdullah, near Shuaiba Port, is situated about 45 km south of Kuwait City and another industrial area where plenty of private and public sector warehouses are available. Many of them are somehow related to the Oil Refinerys or the Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC).

No storage is available at the overland border crossings.

4.4 Kuwait Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Commercial Storage 



Available for Rent


mt / m² / m³

Type [1]

Access [2]

Condition [3]

Sulaibiya-20K Agility Log Yes 20,000 m² VNA – A/c Paved road Intact
Sulaibiya-18K Agility Log Yes 18,000 VNA – A/c Paved road Intact
Sulaibiya-FC1 Agility Log Yes 8,420 Selective/DIDT-Freezer/Chiller Paved road Intact
Sulaibiya-FC2 Agility Log Yes 8,420 VNA-Freezer/Chiller Paved road Intact
Mina Abdullah-8K2 Agility Log Yes 8,000 VNA/DIDT-Freezer/Chiller Paved road Intact
Mina Abdullah-8K Agility Log Yes 8,000 VNA/DIDT– A/c Paved road Intact
Mina Abdullah-DDKS (6 whs) Agility Log Yes 84,142 VNA/DIDT/Bulk– A/c Paved road Intact
Mina Abdullah-8K2 Agility Log - 8,000 VNA-Freezer/Chiller Paved road Intact
4K Sulaibiya Agility Log - 4,000 VNA-rFeezer/Chiller Paved road Intact

[1] Warehouse Type: Open storage, container, rub-hall, silo, concrete, other, unspecified

[2] Warehouse Access: Raised-siding, flat

[3] Warehouse condition: Appears intact, appears damaged, under construction/repair

Storage Used by Humanitarian Organizations

UNAMI has some storage within the UN compund in Kheitan, a mix of rubhalls and open yard for storage of containers.

 Public Sector Storage

Location Ministry / Agency

Use Possibility

(Yes / No)


mt / m² / m³

Type* Access** Condition***
Mina Abdullah/Shuaiba KNPC - 16,606 m² Bin – A/c Paved road Intact
Mina Abdullah/Shuaiba KNPC - 9,650 Racks/Bulk – Non A/c Paved road Intact
Mina Abdullah/Shuaiba KNPC - 611,543 Bulk – open Yard Paved road Intact
Mina Abdullah/Shuaiba KNPC - 67,620 Bulk – shaded Yard Paved road Intact
Sabhan MOH – Ministry of Health - 32,500 Selective / Container Gliding - A/c, freezer , Chiller Paved road Intact

Cold Chain

Kuwait is relying heavily on well functioning cold chain faciltities to support the import of food. In addition to below list of commercial options around the city, there are cold chain facilities at both Kuwait International Airport and Shuwaik Port, at the airport operated by NAS Cargo with multi temperature warehouses including chilled/frozen storage and cold rooms and at Shuwaikh Port chilled and frozen rooms operated by Refrigeration Industries (RIC).


Organisation / Owner

Type [1]

Cooling /  Power [2]


Total Capacity



Agility Log

Freezers / Chillers

Ammonia plant




Sulaibiya-FC2 Agility Log Freezers / Chillers Ammonia plant - 15,480 Intact
Mina Abdullah-8K1 Agility Log Freezers / Chillers Freon plant - 9,000 Intact
Mina Abdullah-8K2 Agility Log Freezers / Chillers Freon plant - 12,387 Intact
4K Sulaibiya Agility Log Freezers / Chillers Freon plant - 6,000 Intact

[1] Cold Room Positive, Cold Room Negative, Refrigerator, Freezer,

[2] Compression, Absorption, Solar, Other, unspecified

2.5 Kuwait Milling Assessment

Kuwait Milling Assessment

Milling Company Kuwait Flour Mills & Bakeries Co. S.A.K.

Kuwait Flour Mills & Bakeries is the only flour mill in Kuwait, government owned and supplying all of Kuwait.

The Mill is well developed with wheat discharging equipment pumping wheat directly from ship to silos, automatic wheat mills as well as packaging and storage of the sacks and loading onto trucks. They are situated conveniently next to the Shuwaikh Port with specific berths only for them.

The company also consists of Vegetable Oil Factory, Biscuit Factory, bakery of Arabic and European bread and Macaroni products. Another part of the company handles procurement, storage and distribution of strategic needs of essential food products, such as rice, milk powder, pulses, sugar etc.

The Kuwait Flour Mills & Bakeries have around 3200 emplyees.

Approximate storage capacity of 500 000 mt within the compound.

Milling capacity (wheat): 2 500 mt/ day.

Company Name & Address

Contact Names & Email

Telephone & Fax

Kuwait Flour Mills & Bakeries Co. S.A.K

Shuwaikh– Jamal Abdul Naser Street P.O. Box 681 Safat – 13007 Kuwait



Email: cmd@kfmb.com.kw

Web: http://www.kuwaitflourmills.com

Tel: +965 24841866


Summary of Role and Services:



Parking area inside compound



(Good / Fair / Poor / Non Existent)


Fire Fighting Equipment (Yes / No)


Number of Ventilators



Electricity Load (KVA)


Backup Generator 

(Yes / No / KVA)



n/a KVA


Distance from main town (km)


Travel time if not located in town (hours)


Road condition to Mill


Road limitation (if any)

Maximum Width and Max. Tonnage


Rail connections

(Yes / No)



On the railway from




  •  Other Comments

3 Kuwait Logistics Services

Kuwait Logistics Services

Disclaimer: Registration does not imply any businessrelationship between the supplier and WFP/Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities. Please Note: WFP/Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse,comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.1 Kuwait Fuel

Kuwait Fuel

Kuwait has the world's fifth largest oil reserves and petroleum products now account for nearly 95% of export revenues and 80% of government income. Kuwait has proven crude oil reserves of 104 billion barrels (15 km³), estimated to be 10% of the world's reserves. Kuwait currently pumps 2.9 million bpd and its full production capacity is a little over 3 million bpd, including oil production in the neutral region that it shares with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait oil production is expected to increase to 4 million bpd by 2020.

Kuwait's chief oil companies are:

  • Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
  • Kuwait Oil Company
  • Kuwait National Petroleum Company
  • Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company
  • Kuwait Oil Tanker Company
  • Kuwait Aviation Fueling company
  • Kuwait Gulf Oil Company

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) is a corporation of economic character, run on a commercial basis and fully owned by the State. It is one of the world’s major oil & gas companies and its activities are focused on petroleum exploration and production, refining, marketing, petrochemicals, and transport. All exploration and production falls under the command of Kuwait Oil Company, a subsidiary of KPC.

Information on petrol prices may also be found at: Website of Mytravelcost on Kuwait which is updated monthly. 

4.1 Kuwait Government Contact List 

4.5 Kuwait Fuel Provider Contact List

For further information on Fuel Providers in Kuwait, please select the following document:

Kuwait Fuel Additional Information

Fuel Pricing

The fuel price in Kuwait have been constant for over a decade, government subsidizes the fuel it sells in the local market. There are no fuel tax imposed in Kuwait.

The government of Kuwait owns and controls all development of the oil sector. The Supreme Petroleum Council (SPC) oversees Kuwait’s oil sector and sets oil policy. The SPC is headed by the Prime Minister. The rest of the council is made up of six ministers and six representatives from

the private sector, all of whom serve three-year terms, and are selected by the Amir of Kuwait (consitutional Monarch). The Ministry of Petroleum supervises all aspects of policy implementation in the upstream and downstream portions of both the oil and natural gas sectors.

These prices are highly subsidized for local Kuwait market only. For exporting the fuel outside Kuwait, day to day international fluctuating rates are applicable.

Fuel Prices as of: n/a (local currency and US$)

Petrol (per litre)

0.060 Kwd and 0.22 US$

Diesel (per litre)

0.055 Kwd and 0.20 US$

Paraffin (per litre)

0.055 Kwd and 0.20 US$

Jet A1 (per litre) n/a

Seasonal Variations 

There are no shortages, no seasonal impact, and no price hikes observed in Kuwait for the past ten years.


  • There is no significant seasonal variations reported
  • Fuel supply in Kuwait is subsidized for all users

In case of emergency, humanitarian agencies might be able to get discounted fuel if asking in time and situation requires.

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (Yes / No)


Is there a rationing system? (Yes / No)


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized? (Yes / No)


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? (Yes / No)


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs? (Yes / No)


Fuel Transportation

How is internal transportation of fuel products carried out?

  • Through pipelines from the refinery to power plants and major bulk users and also through road tankers.
  • There are specialized fuel logistics transporting companies with adequate equipment available in the local market to meet any increased demand.

Is the transportation infrastructure and fleet sufficient to handle current domestic needs as well as increased demand from the humanitarian community? Yes

 Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel

(Yes / No)


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft

(Yes / No)


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks

(Yes / No)


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment

(Yes / No)


Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority? (Yes / No)


If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? (Yes / No)


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No)


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory – Kuwait National Petroleum Company


Kuwait National Petroleum Company – Lab Services


Mina Abdulla Refinery, P O Box 69, Safat 13001, Kuwait

Telephone and Fax

Tel: +965 2326 0233 Fax: +965 2326 2621 75


Fayez Al Jedan, Team Leader, Lab Services

Standards Used

  •  ASTM

For information on Fuel Supply and Storage, Fuel Marketing and Local Distribution and on Fuel Demand, please select the following document:

Kuwait Fuel Additional Information

3.2 Kuwait Transporters

Kuwait Transporters

For information on Transporter Companies offering services in Kuwait, please select the link below:

4.6 Kuwait Transporter Contact List

3.3 Kuwait Additional Service Providers

Kuwait Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs

4.7 Kuwait Additional Service Provision Contact List

Vehicle Rental

Renting a car in Kuwait is relatively easy. In addition to the main office many rental companies have branches in the major hotels, and some also at Kuwait Airport. Visitors should be prepared to show an international driving license.

Several global rental car companies are also available, like AVIS, Budget, Hertz and SIXT.

See weblinks:

Taxi Companies 

Taxis are readily available throughout the city. Most registered Taxi Company cars are white or beige, but some exception to the rule exist. They should have yellow license plates and their company name printed on the sides of the car. Meteres are not use. Advice is to agree on the price at the start of the journey.

Electricity and Power 

Kuwait  has among the worlds lowest electricity prices, with consumption being high. The pwer production is Government owned, and under control of the Ministry of Electricity & Water (MEW). http://www.mew.gov.kw

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government


Dial-up only (Yes / No)


Approximate Rates





Max leasable ‘dedicated’ bandwidth


3.4 Kuwait Manual Labor Costs

Kuwait Manual Labor Costs 

Type of labour

Local Currency



Daily general worker (unskilled casual worker)

KWD 8/day

USD 28,4/day

KWD 2496 /yr (=8 x 26 x12)

Daily general worker (semi-skilled)

KWD 12/day

USD 42,6 /day

KWD 3744 /yr (=12 x 26 x 12)

Skilled labour

KWD 20/day

USD 71/day

KWD 6240 (=20 x 26 x 12)

3.5 Kuwait Telecommunications

Kuwait Telecommunications 

Kuwaits telecommunication industry is well-developed. The mobile sector is partially privatised and the 3 current mobile operators are Zain Group, Watanyia (National Mobile Telecommunications Company) and the latest addition being Viva (Kuwait Telecommunications Company).

The Ministry of Communications (MoC) is the regulatory and operating entity for fixed-line services. MoC also controls the international calls and determines all international call charges, with rates for international calls being at the higher end within the region. http://www.moc.kw/english/index.html

Link to MoC, international phone call copdesa and rates: http://www.moc.kw/english/codes.html

Broadband services are accessible via ADSL, FttH, WiMAX and mobile.

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?

(Yes / No)


Does it allow international calls?

(Yes / No)



On average, number and length of downtime periods


Mobile phone providers (List)

  1. Wataniya
  2. Zain
  3. Viva

Estimated availability and coverage

(Approximate percentage of national coverage)


Telecommunication Regulation


Regulations on usage or import of:

Yes / No

Regulating Authority



Ministry of Communications

HF Radio


Ministry of Communications

UHF/VHF/HF radio: handheld, base and mobile


Ministry of Communications

UHF/VHF repeaters


Ministry of Communications



Ministry of Communications



Ministry of Communications

Individual Network Operator Licenses Required

  •  n/a

Frequency Licenses Required

  •  n/a

3.6 Kuwait Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Kuwait Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

There is a broad variety of supplies of different brands, including high quality products, available in Kuwait. To name a few of the bigger shops: Geant Hypermarket, Carrefour, Sultan Center, Co-Ops (Cooperative Societies), City Centre, LuLu Hypermarket, Sears, True Value, Ace Hardware, Bin Nisf (hardware).

Furthermore there is the Shuwaikh Industrial Area covering around 4km2 offering a broad spectra of products and services; car dealers, mechanic shops, metal, wood and hardware stores, carpenters and smiths, fresh and wholesale food markets, and rental of lorries and trucks. All suppliers of one type are gathered together within the same block (s), making it easy to shop around, compare prices etc.

There is a daily Tent Souk located opposite the Friday Market (South of 4th Ring Rd and West of Airport Rd in Shuwaikh). At time of assessment a canvas 4x4 including poles, spikes and ropes was sold at around 300 USD. For anything related to telecommunications, check Halwyla area. And there is an IKEA!

4.7 Kuwait Additional Service Provision Contact List


4 Kuwait Contact Lists

In the following subsections the contact details for Kuwait will be presented. 

4.1 Kuwait Government Contact List

Kuwait Government Contact List

Ministry Street / Physical Address Name & Title Phone Number (Office) Fax Number Description of Services Website & Email
Kuwait General Administration of Customs (KGAC) Postal Code M.B 16 Safat 13001 - Kuwait

Managing director

 Mr. Ibrahim Al Ghanim

+965 24843490 +965 24938056 n/a http://www.customs.gov.kw/
Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)

International Organizations Department P.O.Box : 3 ,

Elsafa , Kuwait 13001

Director of Arab Department Ambassador

 Jamal Abdullah Al-Ghanim



22420429 n/a http://www.mofa.gov.kw/
Kuwait Port Authority n/a

Director of Finance

Abdullah Bader Al Shamali

Kuwait Ports Authority

Director General

Marine Operations Dept. Shuaiba

Doha Port

Public Relations Dept.

Kuwait Ports Authority


  1. +965 24812622 / +965 24812712
  2. 4812622 / 4812712 / 4819714
  3. 4848483 / 4812774 / 4846385
  4. 4834931 / 2449154
  5. 3263507 / 3260038
  6. 4878453
  7. 4814482
  8. 4834663
  9. 4812622 / 4812712



Controlling off/on loading of

vessels entering all sea ports.

Public Authority for Industry KFTZ – Shuwaikh, located adjacent to the Port of Shuwaikh n/a n/a n/a Release process and industrial exemptions and management of free zone n/a
Kuwait Municipality n/a n/a




Hot Line: 139

n/a Release process for foods commodities



Environment Public Authority Kuwait Port Authority Building Jamal Abdul Nasser Street Shuwaikh n/a

+965 2483 9974

+965 2483 9971

n/a Release process for chemical commodities and related environment items.



Kuwait Petroleum Authority n/a n/a n/a n/a Release process for petroleum, commodities and related items. http://www.kpc.com.kw
Directorate General of Civil Aviation n/a n/a n/a n/a Controls arrival and departure of cargo and passengers. http://www.dgca.gov.kw
Ministry of Interior n/a n/a +965 2243 0500 n/a Release process for vehicle registration and imported vehicles. http://www.moi.gov.kw
Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) n/an/a n/a +965 1805 580 n/a Organization, authorization and issuance of certificate of origin for national export.



Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs

and fish resources

P.O.Box 21422, Safaa, Kuwait Postal Code: 13075, Rabiaa, Kuwait n/a




24737615 Release process



Ministry of Health n/a n/a +965 2487 7422 n/a Approving imports of drugs, medicines etc. n/a

Ministry of Commerce

and Industry

n/a n/a +965 2248 0000 n/a Release process, issuance of trade licenses and import licenses n/a
Ministry of Communications n/a n/a +965 2484 0000 n/a n/a



UNAMI Baghdad, Iraq

Chief Logistics Officer

 Stefan Falk

n/a n/a n/a


Directorate General

of Civil Aviation

P.O.Box 17 Safat – Postal Code 13001 State of Kuwait n/a

+965 2474 4256

+965 2471 0683

+965 24744396

+965 24713504




Ministry of Interior n/a n/a +965 2552 0070 +965 2243 0500 n/a http://www.moi.gov.kw
Ministry of Public Works n/a n/a +965 2530 4000 +965 2538 3617

The Mega Projects Agency (MPA)

is the executive arm of the

Kuwaiti Ministry of Public Works

and in charge to design and implement most of the country's infrastructure projects.


4.2 Kuwait Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Kuwait Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Name Company Name & Title Website & Email

Phone Number

(office, mobile, and fax)

Shuwaikh Kuwait Port Authority

Director of Finance

 Abdullah Bader Al Shamali

http://www.kpa.gov.kw n/a
Shuwaikh Kuwait Port Authority

Head of Kuwait Port Authority 

 Dr. Sheikh Sabah Jaber Ali Al-Sabah

http://www.kpa.gov.kw n/a
Shuwaikh Cargo Transport Systems n/a


General Information:




Head Office: +965 4810217

Operations: +965 4810218

Fax: +965 4810203


Jassim Transport &

Stevedoring Co W.L.L




+965 2491 0525

Fax: +965 24910520

Shuwaikh KGL Stevedoring Company n/a


General Information:




+965 4610 631

+965 4610 632

+965 4610 633

Fax: +965 4610640

Shuwaikh Logistica

Team Leader

 Mohammad Jamil




+965 2259 8414

Fax: +965 22598402


Al-Ghanim & Al-Majid

Shipping Co (AGAM)

 Additional Manager




+965 2472 3973

Fax: +965 24752366

Shuwaikh Al Mulla International Co


 Zahoor Illahi


+965 2431 1736

Fax: +965 24316425

Shuwaikh Yosry Eid A Elsaka




+965 2472 9028

Mob: +965 97987061


Kuwait Truck Est For


Operations Manager

 Syed Saber Ali


+965 2483 8132

Fax: +965 24838097

Shuwaikh Al Huda Est For Transport


 Nabil M.Yousef


+965 2488 3876

Fax: +965 24883876

Shuwaikh Al Otaibi Customs Clearance




+965 2481 3137

Fax: +965 2481 2292

Shuwaikh Dolphin Shipping & Logistics Business ManagerAnooj K.R. info@dolphinkuwait.com

+965 2491 2151

Fax: +965 2491 2150

4.3 Kuwait Airport Company Contact List

Kuwait Airport Company Contact List

Airport Company Physical Address Name & Title Email Phone Number (office)
Kuwait International Airport Directorate General of Civil Aviation n/a President of Civil Aviation president@dgca.gov.kw

+965 24310400

+965 24719847

Ext: 1111-1112

Fax: +965 2472 0711

Kuwait International Airport Directorate General of Civil Aviation n/a Director General of Civil Aviation dg@dgca.gov.kw

+965 2476 2623

Ext: 1122-1120

Fax: +965 2433 3687

Kuwait International Airport Directorate General of Civil Aviation

P.O.Box 17 Safat -

Postal Code 13001

State of Kuwait




+965 2474 4256

+965 2471 0683

Fax: +965 2474 4396

Kuwait International Airport Kuwait Airways Company (KAC)

Head Office:

P.O. Box 394-Safat 13004

State Of Kuwait

Chairman /Managing Director

Mr. Sami Abdullatif Al-Nesif






24345555 Ext 2639

Fax: 22434905

Kuwait International Airport National Aviation Services (NAS) n/a

Cargo Director

Adel Malallah


Office: +965 24372200

Direct: +965 24310301

Mob: +965 99714121

Fax: +965 24711942

Kuwait International Airport National Aviation Services (NAS) n/a

Manager Cargo Operations

James Philip D’Sa


Office: +965 1842842

+965 1842240

Direct: +965 24372240

Mob: +965 99720785

Kuwait International Airport National Aviation Services (NAS) n/a CDO’s (24 Hrs.) office



+965 1842212

Direct: +965 24372212

Kuwait International Airport

Kuwait Aviation Fueling Company


n/a n/a airfuel@qualitynet.net

+965 24330485

+965 24330486

+965 24312894


+965 243 304 82

+965 243 304 75

For a list of passenger airlines operating in and out of Kuwait, please select the following document:

Kuwait Aviation Additional Information

4.4 Kuwait Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Kuwait Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Location Company Physical Address Name Website & Email

Phone Number

(office) and Fax

Key Role


Refrigeration Industries

& Storage Company

(Refer Warehouses in Al Jahra)

Building 4, Block 1,

5th Ring Road,

Sulaibiya Area,

22261 Kuwait




+965 1833380

+965 22266497

Fax: +965 24673562


Shuaiba area

Royal Continental Group


George Paul


+965 97327211

Warehouses in

Shuaiba area

4.5 Kuwait Fuel Provider Contact List

Kuwait Fuel Provider Contact List

Company Physical Address Name & Title

Phone Number

(office) and Fax Number

Description of Services Provided Website & Email

Kuwait Petroleum


Post Box No 26565

PC No 13126, Safat,


Deputy Chairman & CEO

Farouq Al-Zanki

+965 24912792

+965 24912793

+965 24912794

+965 24912795

Coordinates and supervises group subsidiaries,

finances their operations and

oversees the marketing of crude oil

Provides support to Kuwait Ministry of Oil



Kuwait Petroleum



MD – International Marketing

Nasser Al Mudhaf

+965 1858585

Fax: +965 24994991



Kuwait National

Petroleum Company

PO Box No 70

Safat 13001 - Kuwait

Chairman & MD

Fahad Salem Al Ajmi


Oil refining and gas liquefaction

Marketing of petroleum products


Kuwait National

Petroleum Company


Manager Local Marketing

Adnan Majed Bouresly

+965 23889500

+965 23988878

+965 23886410

Fax: +965 24739066




4.6 Kuwait Transporter Contact List

Kuwait Transporter Contact List 

Company Physical Address Email & Website Phone Number (office) and Fax Vehicle Type Number of Vehicles Capacity per Vehicle
KGL Logistics Co.





+965 22246442

+965 1888700

Fax: +965 248 45926

Prime movers


MHE & Cranes

more than 4,000

more than 3,000

more than 100

Tractor head-rigid

Tankers-Garbage Dump

Flatbed-Car Carrier-

Low bed- Tipper

Forklift- cranes-

Satackers- containers Handler



P.O.Box 22801

Safat 13089


+965 249 10525

Fax: +965 249 10520

Crane, Trucks, Forklift,

Dozers, Tippers

more than 1,200 n/a

Mubarak Al Kabir St,

Sharq, P.O Box 5745,

Safat 13058


+965 224 90221

Fax: +965 224 54746

Low bed,

Heavy trucks Tankers, Trailers

more than 1,000 n/a

Shuwaikh 70652,

P O Box 42132


+965 222 69777

Fax: +965 222 69778

refrigerated trucks, tippers,

flat beds, low beds,

fuel & water tankers,

car carriers, tower cranes, dump trucks

more than 1,000 n/a

P.O.Box 616,

Safat 13007


+965 224 05096

Fax: +965 224 27060

more than 1,200 n/a

Fuel Tankers, Low beds, Flatbeds


Mirgab P.O. Box

29219 Safat 13001, Kuwait


+965 229 58181

Fax: +965 229 58188

  1. more than 150
  2. more than 100
  3. more than 200
  4. more than 35

  1. Prime movers
  2. Car carriers, Dump, Reefers,Forklift, Hydrolic cranes
  3. Flatbeds Trailers
  4. Low beds

4.7 Kuwait Additional Service Provision Contact List

Additional Service Provision Contact List

Type of Service Company Physical Address Name & Title Email Phone Number (office) Description of Services Provided
Vehicle Rental AL-MULLA RENTAL & LEASING n/a n/a http://www.autoalmulla.com

+965 24738410

Fax: +965 24738205

Rental, leasing and taxi service.

Passenger cars, SUVs, Vans, Buses, Lorries etc

Vehicle Rental KGL Car Rental Co. n/a n/a



+965 24961522

Fax: +965 24928307

Vehicle Rental Seefena General Trading & Contracting Est. n/a n/a



+965 22456293

Fax: +965 22456297

Short and long term rental and leasing

Passenger cars, SUV's, Buses, Trucks, Armoured Vehicles

Taxi Companies KUDS TAXI CO. (or AL-QUDS) n/a n/a



+965 22413414

Fax: +965 22414346

Taxi Companies AL-OSTA n/a n/a n/a

+965 22410534

Fax: +965 22412239

Taxi Companies Al Ghanim Industries n/a n/a auto@alghanim.com +965 24745528 n/a
Freight Forwarding Agents Kuwait Maritime & Mercantile Co KSC Area No.1(Qubla), Bldg No: 800117 Arabian Gulf Road (or Street) Opp. Seif Palace, Near Central Bank of Kuwait Kuwait

Cargo Services Manager Inchcape Shipping Services

 Wilson Pereira


+965 9886726

+965 2434752

Fax: +965 243 7956

Freight Forwarding Agents Expeditors International Office 49 & 50 Ground Floor Plot # 67, Waha Mall Dajeej - Farwaniya Kuwait

Branch Manager

 Carlos Dagher


+965 24341208

Fax: +965 24341202

Freight Forwarding Agents DHL Ardiyah Industrial Area Block 1, Plot 161 P. O. Box 26523 Safat 13126 Kuwait

General Manager

 Virve Kuusela


+965 1808345

+965 22246500

Fax: +965 24317120

Freight Forwarding Agents Gulf Agency Company LTD P.O. Box 20637 Safat 13067 Kuwait

Managing Director

 Henrik Althan

henrik.althan@gac.com +965 22264164 n/a
Freight Forwarding Agents Kuehne + Nagel Co. W.L.L. Off. 26 - 29, Waha Mall, Al-Dajeej, Farwaniya Kuwait

Country Manager

 Patrick Haberthuer


+965 24333733

Fax: +965 24332987

Freight Forwarding Agents Hellmann Worldwide Logistics WLL Office 22, Ground Floor, Waha Mall (Behind Farwaniya Emigration Traffic Office), Dajeej Farwaynia. P.O. Box 601, Farwaniya 81017 Kuwait

General Manager

 Sreeram Menon



+965 24348299

Fax: +965 24348806

Freight Forwarding Agents FUSION SHIPPING & LOGISTICS CO Elite Tower, 2nd Floor, Fahed Al Salem Street, Opp. Liberation Tower, Kuwait City

Managing Director

 Mr. Sony Sebastian



+965 24954200 (8 lines)

Fax: +965 24954209

Freight Forwarding Agents KTS Company WLL P.O. Box 25431 – Safat 13115 Ardiyah Industrial Area Kuwait

Logistics Manager

 Sanjay Mascarenhas


+965 24315820

Fax: +965 24315973

Freight Forwarding Agents Aramex P.O. Box 22751 Safat 13088 Ardiyah Industrial Area Kuwait

Country Manager

 Fadi Kikoloff


+965 1820011

Fax: +965 24346190

Freight Forwarding Agents FSL Worlwide Company WLL Al-Dajeej, Waha Mall Ground Floor, Farwaniya Kuwait

Sales Manager

 Mukesh Sethi


+965 24348466

Fax: +965 24310703

Freight Forwarding Agents Al Ghanim Group of Shipping & Transport  P.O Box 20842, Safat 13069 Al Naqeeb Bldg, 3rd Floor. Abu Baker Al Sideeq Street, Qibla Kuwait City

Projects Manager

 Sheffik Abdul Aziz


+965 22421701

Fax: +965 22428678

Freight Forwarding Agents Al Ghanim Freight Company Al Rai Industrial Area Shuwaikh Kuwait

Sales Removal & Export Manager

 Hussein Chebli


+965 24763666

+965 66971739

Fax: +965 24736083

Freight Forwarding Agents Al Ghanim Barwill Shipping Co. P.O. Box 23959, Safat 13100 Future Free Trade Zone Kuwait

Operation Manager

 Sean Kuiney


+965 22264001

Fax: +965 24610697

Freight Forwarding Agents Global Freight Systems Company Al-Dajeej, Farwaniya Kuwait

Freight Forwarding Manager

 Neeraj Soin


+965 2431 6530

Fax: +965 2431 6478

Freight Forwarding Agents Fed Ex Shuwaikh Industrial Area Canada Dry Street Kuwait

Operation Manager

 Jignesh Joshi


+965 1802233

Fax: +965 24824588

Freight Forwarding Agents UPS Supply Solutions Risco Complex. Opposite Sultan Center Al-Dajeej, Farwaniya Kuwait

Operation Manager

 Clifford Pereira


+965 24342456

Fax: +965 24342534

Freight Forwarding Agents TNT Express P.O. Box 23959, Safat 13100 Future Free Trade Zone Kuwait

Sales Manager

 Ahmed Hussam


+965 222 64222

Fax: +965 246 10337

Freight Forwarding Agents United Logistics Company Office No. 1, Waha Mall, Al Dajeej, Farwaniya, P.O. Box No. 26001 Safat 13121,Kuwait n/a



+9651 820401

Mob: +965 6 6988

Fax: +965 24315345

Freight Forwarding Agents CROWN LOGISTICS Company WLL 407– 4th Floor, Al Hamra Mall, P.O. Box : 1394 Alsurra, 45714, Kuwait n/a



+965 24731452

+965 24711537

+965 24711586

Hotline: +965 65553775

Fax: +965 24731541

Freight Forwarding Agents ELITE LOGISTICS Jassim Towers - 3rd Floor, Soor Street, Mirqab, Kuwait City n/a



+965 1820099

Fax: +965 22496201

Freight Forwarding Agents KGL Logistics P.O.Box 4135, Safat 13042, Kuwait n/a



+965 1845455

FaX: +965 22246429

Freight Forwarding Agents International Logistic Co. Al-Arabeed Plaza Tower, Block No.1, Floor No. 3, Room No.16, Farwaniya, Kuwait P.O.Box No: 4770, Code 13048, Safat, Kuwait.  



+965 4758283


+965 9403686

+965 9618475

Fax: +965 4715447


Handling Equipment Agility Public Warehousing Company Sulaibiya , Besides Land Customs. P.O.Box 25418, Safat 13115

Administration Supervisor

 Glenn Pinto



+965 1809222

Ext: 4658

A total fleet strength of 566 warehouse trucks VNA, electric / Diesel counter balance trucks, Heavy equipments such as cranes , flat beds , container handler etc.
Handling Equipment Equipment Company W.L.L. n/a n/a agm@equipcokuwait.com

+965 24819562

+965 1802440

Handling Equipment HETCO El-Hoss Engineering & Transport Co. n/a n/a www.hetco.net

+965 23981388

Fax: +965 23981585

Handling Equipment IMCO ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION n/a n/a



+965 23981661

Fax: +965 23984708

ISP Providers Qualitynet Sharq, Block 1 Al Mutanabbi Street Al Khaleejia Complex, 3rd Floor n/a http://www.qualitynet.net/

+965 180 8888

Fax: +965 2241 4357

ISP Providers Zajil KEMS n/a n/a



+965 1822 822

Fax: +965 22443806

ISP Providers FASTtelco Ibn Khaldoun Street, Ali Complex, 2nd Floor, Hawalli, Kuwait n/a http://www.fasttelco.net/ +965 188 6666 n/a
ISP Providers Gulfnet Communications n/a n/a http://www.gulfnet.com.kw/ n/a n/a
ISP Providers MADA n/a n/a http://individual.mada.com.kw/ n/a n/a
ISP Providers Arab Telecom PO Box: 25555 Safat, 13116 Kuwait n/a n/a

+965 2242 8881

Fax: +965 2246 3136


5 Kuwait Annexes

The following section contains annexes for additional information for the Kuwait LCA

5.1 Kuwait Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym Full name of the Agency / Organization
AWB Airway Bill
BL Bill of Lading
C&F Cost & Freight
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CFS Container Freight Stations
DLCA Digital Logistics Capacity Assessment
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation
GPRS General Pocket Radio Service
GRT Gross Register Tonnage
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMF International Monetary Fund
INGO International NGO
IOM International Organisation for Migration
ISPs Internet Service Providers
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere
LCA Logistics Capacity Assessment
MOU Memorables of Understanding
MT Metric Tons
MW Megawatt
n/a not available
NDB Non directional beacon
NFI Non Food Items
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
OCHA Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
RC Resident Coordinator
RoRo Roll on Roll off
T Tons
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TEUs Twenty Foot Equivalent Units
THC Terminal Handling Charge
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
(V)HF (Very) High Frequency
VOR VHF omnidirectional radio range
V-SAT Very Smart Aperture Terminal
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WCO World Customs Organisation
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organisation
WVI World Vision International