Tanzania, United Republic of - 1.3 Customs Information

Tanzania, United Republic of - 1.3 Customs Information

Duties and Tax Exemption

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to ‘crisis’ times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes 07 Jun 64

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention


OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)

Yes, 01 Jan 95

Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response): 

On 16 December 2004, the East African Legislative Assembly enacted the newer East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004.  The purpose of this Act is to govern the administration of the East African Customs Union (newly launched on 01 January 2005), covering all legal, administrative and operational matters, including the exemption regime


Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status

United Nations Agencies

 All United Nations and its specialized agencies, commonwealth High Commissions, foreign embassies, consulates or diplomatic missions and NGO’s are exempted from duty & taxes on the importation of items for their purposes. However, there are exemption procedures which must be adhered to by the agency. 

Non-Governmental Organizations

NGOs are exempted from Import Duty and Excise Duty on Excisable Products (With Exception to Excise Duty on Aged Motor Vehicles beyond eight (8) years from the date of Manufacture. VAT is payable on Importations by NGOs, with exception to a scenario where a particular NGO has a signed performance agreement by the United Republic of Tanzania on implementation of a particular project. 

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure: 

Duties and Taxes Exemption Application Procedure

Generalities (include a list of necessary documentation)

 All imports will normally be cleared from customs on presentation of the following documents, please note that not all of the following documents may be required. 

  • Original Bill of Lading, one ‘no charge’ invoice / supplier invoice / packing list 
  • Certificate of Origin and Certificate of Conformity (not required by UN agencies) 
  • Fumigation Certificate, a Phytosanitary Certificate and a Plant Import Permit (PIP) 
  • Rail/Road Consignment Note (RCN - for rail/road transport) 
  • Tax Exemption Letter (food imports) 
  • VAT Exemption Certificate issued by the office of Commissioner General of TRA under Section 6(2) of the  

VAT Act, 2014 (R.E 2017) for VAT exemption in case of the project implemented by the beneficiary. 

Process to be followed (step by step or flowchart)

  1.  Vessel’s agents submit manifest to Customs. 
  2. Shipping documents submitted to clearing agent at least 5 working days prior to the arrival of the vessel. 
  3. Clearing agent prepares Form ITX 262.02.E in case of project goods exempted from VAT and VAT Form 220B in case of goods imported for personal use by an officer under Technical Assistance Project 
  4. The Clearing Agent lodges all documents including VAT forms ITX265.02. E or VAT Form 220B through TANCIS  
  5. Clearances form (TBS, Radiation and Food permit). The documents are matched to cargo manifest, clearing documents may not be submitted prior to the Cargo manifest being lodged. 
  6. There are three possibilities depending on the risk level: 
    • Cargo can be accorded green channel – Direct release.
    • Yellow channel- Documentary check
    • Red channel – scanner 100% Physical verification


  1. For the yellow and red channel when the goods conform with the declaration release order is issued. 
  2. All documents are dispatched to Customs Entry Point (e.g Wharf, Airport, and Inland Border) thereafter to port revenue for port charges. 
  3. When all processes are completed, the clearing agent submits Road and/or rail truck lists for the release of the loaded trucks/rail trucks to come out of the port.


The Process to clear and forward transit traffic as follows: 

  1. All steps as outlined for traffic cleared for Tanzanian consumption to be followed, except most of transit shipments are channeled green/release unless there is non-conformity in the declaration. 
  2. Custom office wharf supervises the loading, carries out necessary checks and affix customs seal. 
  3. After loading the goods onto the trucks, T1 is generated depending on the unit of carriage. 
  4. A movement sheet is prepared by the agent and submitted to customs for approval. 
  5. A sealed envelope that contains T1 attached with the movement sheet and license to convey goods under custom control (C28) is given to the driver of the truck who proceeds to the port of exit gates for exit. 
  6. For all goods in transit through Tanzania, a transit bond is required to be executed by the clearing and forwarding agent. The bonds are acquitted by the customs officer at the exit border who supervised the exit of goods from the country. 



Refund to diplomats, international bodies Act No. 4 of 2018 s.68

85.-(1) The Commissioner General may refund part or all of the input tax incurred on an acquisition or import by- (a) a public international organization, a foreign government, or other person prescribed by regulations, to the extent that the person is entitled to exemption from value added tax under an international assistance agreement; (b) a person to the extent that such person is entitled to exemption for value added tax under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations or under any other international treaty or convention having force of law in United Republic, or under recognised principles of international law; or (c) a diplomatic or consular mission of a foreign country established in Mainland Tanzania, relating to transactions concluded for the official purposes of such mission. 





General Observations: 
Value Added Tax (VAT) in Tanzania is charged on the supply of goods and services in mainland Tanzania and on the importation of goods or services from any place outside mainland Tanzania made on and after the 1st day of July 1998. VAT is charged at the rate of 20 per Centrum of taxable value. Under S.11 and third Scheduled of the VAT Act, of 1997, based on the principle of reciprocity, diplomats are entitled to relief from VAT, on acquisitions made by: - 

  • Diplomatic and corresponding missions and the offices of career consuls for official use. 
  • Diplomatic representatives, career consuls and family members belonging to their households, for personal use. 
  • Diplomatic representatives, career consuls and family members, belonging to their households, when settling in Tanzania. Missions and their privileged staff are advised to make their purchases from registered VAT traders so as to be refunded by the Tanzania Revenue Authority. Purchases can also be made from duty free shops and bonded warehouses where products are sold free from any tax or duty. 



Missions and personnel will get tax refund from Tanzania Revenue Authority, once per month with the approval of the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. 

In effecting duty free purchases, Diplomatic Missions and their non - Tanzania personnel are required to fill in PRO 6 forms available from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tanzanian citizens employed in International Organizations in the professional category as officers or advisers are exempted from paying customs duties. Such personnel should also use the PRO 6 forms for clearance of articles they import when goods are allowed to be imported free of customs duties as explained above; they are also exempt from other indirect taxes collected on importation, e.g., Value added tax and excise duty. 

The exemption from customs duty and excise duty also applies to goods which are purchased in tax free customs warehouse or other bonded warehouses (these goods are usually imported by importing agents or companies). In such case, VAT is refunded upon application. 

The PRO 6 form shall contain the following information: - 

  • end user of the goods 
  • description of the goods 
  • signs and serial numbers of the items 
  • value of the items 

Country of purchase. 

If the goods are to be received by a person other than the head of the mission or consulate, the letter is to sign the application, as required by the customs, in acknowledgement of having seen it. After establishing the consignee’s entitlement to immunity from taxation and having regard with the principle of reciprocity, if applicable, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs stamps its seal of approval directly on the application form, after which it is returned to the applicant together with two copies of the list of goods.  

When a mission takes the goods from a provision depot for its official use, a provision declaration in these copies must be filled in. The copy for the customs office should indicate the date and number of the PRO 6 form issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The control copy, which has to bear the missions stamp and acknowledgement of receipt, is certified by the Ministry and forwarded by the depot manager to the customs office, together with a copy of the invoice addressed to the mission.  

If for any reason exempted goods are sold or imported a non - entitled person/s the customs and other duties chargeable on the goods upon importation must be paid as required by regulations in force at the time of the customs declaration irrespective of the time they have been used. For all local purchases by mission and international organizations Form VAT 222 will be utilized and may be obtained from the ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protocol Division. Other entitled personnel will use their Diplomatic identity cards while making purchases from VAT registered traders whereby they will be provided with VAT from 207 for the purpose of refund. 


Import of goods by non-profit organisation for the provision of emergency and disaster relief 



VAT 220/223/224


An import of goods made available free of charge by a foreign government or an international institution with a view to assisting the economic development United Republic. 


An import of food, clothing and shoes donated to non-profit organisation for free distribution to orphanage or schools for children with special needs in Mainland Tanzania. 


Import of goods by non-profit organisation for the provision of emergency and disaster relief, and where such goods are capital goods, the goods shall be handled to the National Disaster Committee upon  completion or diminishing of the disaster. 


 An import of goods by the religious organisation for the provision of health, education, water, religious services in circumstances that, if services are supplied- 

  1. without fee, charge or any other consideration in a form of fees; or
  2. on payment of any consideration, the fees or charges does not exceed fifty percent of the fair market value.

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicle & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment



original/ proforma 


original/ proforma 


original/ proforma 


original/ proforma 


original/ proforma 


original/ proforma 

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

Yes, original 

Yes, original 

Yes, original 

Yes, original 

Yes, original 

Yes, original 

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates







Packing Lists







Other Documents

Government Organizational Registration Certificate 

Government Organizational Registration Certificate 

Government Organizational Registration Certificate 

Government Organizational Registration Certificate 

Government Organizational Registration Certificate 

Government Organizational Registration Certificate 

Additional Notes

Government registration certificate is important for an organization to get duties and tax exemption.  

These requirements apply to both UN agencies and NGO's.

Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs Information

Document Requirements

Bill of lading/airway bill; Commercial invoice; Packing list; Fumigation certificate in case of used clothing. Other documents required which are obtained in Tanzania (permit documents): Registration certificate of the organization; Recommendation letter from the District Commissioner; Approval letter from Deputy Commissioner Customs and Excise; Fully completed Treasury Vouchers forms. 



Prohibited Items

Arms, Ammunition, Drugs (All goods Listed under the Second Schedule of the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004) 

General Restrictions

Seeds, plants and plant products (Genetic Modified Organism) and dangerous goods (Refer the list of goods Listed under the Second Schedule of the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004)

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity)



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicles & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment

D&T Exemption Certificate














AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents







Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates




Yes (2) 



Packing Lists







Phytosanitary Certificate







Import Permit 







Certificate of Origin 




Yes (3) 



Additional Notes

 Import permits is required whether cargo is transit that is temporarily stored in a bonded 

 warehouse or is for domestic use. Again, domestic cargo must be certified by Tanzania Bureau Standards (TBS), Tanzania Atomic Energy and Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TMDA) has to certify food staff. For cargo in transit that goes straight across the border after entering in the country, import permit is not required.  

Required documentation applies to both UN agencies and NGO's. 

(1) Note that GMO food is not permitted to be imported into Tanzania. 

(2) For donations, the certificate is required only if you have to claim the exemption of duties. 

(3) The certificate of origin helps only if the goods originate from the East Africa Community or SADC as it can  

be used to reduce the taxation rates. 

Transit Regime

The process is similar to the one applied for local cargo. However, some regulatory bodies such as TBS and Radiation might not apply. Transit cargo may present different challenges as the release of trucks changed recently. Previously, trucks were going to Dodoma for direct truck to wagons transfer. Now, for certain destinations trucks are going straight, such as the cargo destined to DRC. 

In general, here is the procedure to be followed by the agent for transit cargo: 

  • Custom releases order, C65 and vehicle registration card must be submitted to customs wharf for generation of T1. 
  • Then, copy of T1, vehicle registration card, driving license of the truck driver as well as tax invoice of the cargo have to be submitted to Delivery section of the port authority for loading permit, thereafter the truck is allowed to enter into the port and load the cargo. 
  • After cargo loading, the agent submits a copy of T1, c65, passport and driving license of the driver as well as filled movement sheet to the sealing office. The Customs sealing officer puts remarks on the relevant documents, seals the trucks individually and then puts the paperwork in a sealed envelope which travels with the trucks through two check points within Dar es Salaam City limits. 

Note that for goods in transit, a security bond is required by the clearing agent.


1.3.1 Tanzania Medical Customs Information

Assessment Details


August 2020


August 2020

Name of Assessor

Alexandra Parisien

Title and Position

Emergency Preparedness & Response Officer – Supply Chain, WFP




The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Registration of Medicinal products) Regulations – 2015:  https://trade.business.go.tz/media/GN%20314%20-%20Registration%20medicines.pdf

The Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act – 2003: https://trade.business.go.tz/media/TFDA%20ACT.pdf

Mainland Tanzania - Regular Regime for Import of Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostics: https://trade.business.go.tz/procedure/539/step/350?l=en

Mainland Tanzania - Regular Regime for Import of Medicine: https://trade.business.go.tz/procedure/545?l=en

Duties and Tax Exemption

General infomation on duties and tax exemption in Tanzania can be found on the following page: 1.3 Tanzania Customs Information.

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link: 4.1 Tanzania Government Contact List

Emergency Response

There is currently no Emergency Importation/Customs Clearance process applicable only to ‘crisis’ times.  However, for importation of medical supplies and medicines to support the Tanzanian Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children or the Zanzibar Ministry of Health, there are guidelines for donations and independent procedures to follow for both Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member


Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention


OCHA Model Agreement

Yes, 01/01/1995

Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)

Yes, 07/06/1971

Exemption Regular Regime


 All imports should be cleared from customs on presentation of the following documents (please note that not all the documents may be required):

  • Bill of Lading/Airway bill, supplier invoice and packing list
  • Certificate of analysis for each batch
  • Ministry of Finance Duty/Tax Exemption Letter (food and health commodities imports)
  • TMDA import permit (health commodities)
  • Certificate/letter of donation (health commodities) from donor
  • Customs Import Entry Form C63

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

  1. Vessel’s agents submit manifest to Customs.
  2. Shipping documents submitted to clearing agent at least 7 working days prior to the arrival of the vessel.
  3. Single hard copies of shipment documents are sent to Ministry of Health (MOHCDGEC) together with donation letter and TRA exemption application form 265, MOHCDGEC validate the documents and sign the first part of the exemption application form.
  4. MOHCDGEC notifies TRA through a letter acknowledging they are the consignee and introduces the agent responsible for clearing the shipment.
  5. TRA assess the documents and endorse the exemption by signing form 265.
  6. TRA release 2 copies of the endorsed exemption form that are submitted to customs.

 Import Permit Application Procedure

Requirements for Donated Medicines and Medical Supplies for Tanzania (29 April 2020)

  1. Both health commodities and supplier should be registered by TMDA in order to process importation. The registration process takes about six months. The list of both registered products and suppliers can be found on the following TMDA portal; (https://imis.tmda.go.tz/portal/en/registered-products)
  2. Government donations are usually consigned to the MOHCDGEC which is under special registration with TMDA.
  3. In case of emergency importation of unregistered commodities, registration waiver has to be sought after submission of products’ information and suppliers’ certificates from the country of origin (certificate of analysis, product registration certificate, supplier’s registration certificate).
  4. Certificate of donation is drafted by donor and stamped by MOHCDGEC.
  5. TMDA import permit is obtained by lodging the soft copies of the shipping documents to the online portal. Access to the online portal is obtained by special request through MOHCDGEC.
  6. TMDA approves the documents within 24 hours and issues an invoice for import permit. The cost of invoice permit for health commodities is 0.25% of FOB.
  7. Upon payment, donation letter and MOHCDGEC acknowledgement letter have to be submitted for verification.
  8. Once payment is done, the system issues a permit which is then printed and taken to customs for cargo inspection and clearance upon arrival.
Clearance Procedure
  • Both TRA exemptions and TMDA import permit are submitted to customs together with original copies of shipping documents through the use of registered clearing agents.
  • TMDA office at the port inspect the cargo upon arrival to ensure that they comply with the approved specifications and regulations before they are released, validate the import permit and take samples for laboratory quality testing.
  • Once TMDA release is obtained, TRA exemption is also validated upon inspection of documents.
  • Clearing agent then uploads the all the documents to TRA online system for clearing, wharfage and handling charges. 

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (for both UN and NGOs)

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)



Medical Devices



(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)


(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents


(1 copy of the original, applies to both UN and NGOs)


(1 copy of the original, applies to both UN and NGOs)

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates


(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)


(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)

Packing Lists


(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)


(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)

Other Documents

Government registration certificate is required for an organisation to get duties and tax exemption.

Additional Notes

Certificate of Donation is required only if you have to claim the exemption of duties. 

Import Permit Document Requirements

Import Permit Document Requirements (by commodity)



Medical Devices



(One original and two copies of the original, applies to both UN and NGOs)


(One original and two copies of the original, applies to both UN and NGOs)

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents


(1 copy of the original, applies to both UN and NGOs)


(1 copy of the original, applies to both UN and NGOs)

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates


(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)


(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)

Packing Lists


(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)


(1 soft copy, applies to both UN and NGOs)

Other Documents

MOHCDGEC cover letter

TMDA application form

MOHCDGEC cover letter

TMDA application form

Additional Notes

  1. Import permits are required for both cargo in transit that is temporarily stored in a bonded warehouse and for domestic use. Domestic cargo must be certified by Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA).  For cargo in transit that goes straight across the border after entering in the country, import permit is not required.
  2. The certificate of origin helps in processing of the waiver for TMDA import permit.

Government registration certificate is required for an organisation to get duties and tax exemption.

Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs Information

Document Requirements

Bill of lading/airway bill; Commercial invoice; Packing list. Other documents required which are obtained in Tanzania (permit documents): import permit, TRA tax exemption form, registration certificate of the organisation.



Prohibited Items

Medicines not in the Standard Treatment Guidelines and national essential medicines list (NEMLIT)

General Restrictions

Medicines not in the Standard Treatment Guidelines and national essential medicines list (NEMLIT)

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity)



Medical Devices



( 1 copy of the original)


( 1 copy of the original)

AWB/Bill of Lading


( 1 copy of the original)


( 1 copy of the original)

Authorization Letter from importer


( 1 copy of the original)


( 1 copy of the original)

Packing Lists


( 1 copy of the original for each batch)


( 1 copy of the original for each batch)

Exemption Document & Import Permit

TMDA import permit

TRA tax exemption form 265 (2 originals)  

TMDA import permit

TRA tax exemption form 265 (2 originals)  

Additional Notes

Government registration certificate is required for an organisation to get duties and tax exemption.

Transit Regime

Process is similar to the one applied for local cargo. However, some regulatory bodies such as TMDA do not apply. Transit cargo is for trucks that are going straight to the destination, such as the cargo destined for DRC. The trucks for transit cargo must be registered by TRA online system.

In general, here is the procedure to be followed by the agent for transit cargo:

  • Custom releases order, C65 and vehicle registration card must be submitted to customs wharf for generation of T1.
  • Then, copy of T1, vehicle registration card, driving license of the truck driver as well as tax invoice of the cargo have to be submitted to Delivery section of the port authority for loading permit, thereafter the truck is allowed to enter into the port and load the cargo.
  • After cargo loading, the agent submits a copy of T1, C65, passport and driving license of the driver as well as filled movement sheet to the sealing office. Customs sealing officer puts remarks on the relevant documents, seals the trucks individually and then puts the paperwork in a sealed envelope, which travels with the trucks through two checkpoints within Dar es Salaam City limits.

Note that for goods in transit, a security bond is required by the clearing agent.