

Country name:


Official country name:

Republic of The Gambia

Table of Contents

Chapter  Name of Assessor  Organization Date Updated 

1 Gambia Country Profile

Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
1.1 Gambia Humanitarian Background Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
1.2 Gambia Customs Information Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11

2 Gambia Logistics Infrastructure

Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
2.1 Gambia Port Assessment Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
2.1.1 Gambia Port of Banjul Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
2.2 Gambia Aviation Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
2.2.1 Gambia Banjul International Airport Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
2.3 Gambia Road Network Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
2.4 Gambia Waterways Assessment Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
2.5 Gambia Storage Assessment Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
2.6 Gambia Milling Assessment Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11

3 Gambia Logistics Services

Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
3.1 Gambia Fuel Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
3.2 Gambia Transporters Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
3.3 Gambia Additional Service Providers Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
3.4 Gambia Telecommunications Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11

4 Gambia Contact Lists

Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
4.1 Gambia Government Contact List Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
4.2 Gambia Humanitarian Agency Contact List Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
4.3 Gambia Port and Waterways Company Contact List Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
4.4 Gambia Airport Company Contact List Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
4.5 Gambia Storage and Milling Company Contact List Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
4.6 Gambia Fuel Provider Contact List Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
4.7 Gambia Transporter Contact List Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
4.8 Gambia Additional Service Provision Contact List Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11

5 Gambia Annexes

Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11
5.1 Gambia Acronyms and Abbreviations Mariamsey Njai, Sana Cham WFP Dec-11

1 Gambia Country Profile

Gambia Country Profile

Gambia Country Map


Generic Information:

"The Gambia also commonly known as Gambia, is a country in West Africa. It is surrounded by Senegal, apart from a short strip of Atlantic coastline at its western end. It is the smallest country on mainland Africa. The country is situated either side of the Gambia River, the nation's namesake, which flows through the country's centre and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Its area is 11,295 km² with an estimated population of 1.7 million. Banjul is the Gambian capital, but the largest cities are Serekunda and Brikama."

 Source: Wikipedia (publisher), Gambia 17Sept2013

Find the country in the generic links below:

Wikipedia information on Gambia

IMF information on Gambia

Economist Intelligence Unit information on Gambia*

(*note - this is a paid service)


Humanitarian Info:

WFP information on Gambia

UNOCHA information on Gambia


Facts and Figures:

Wolfram Alpha information on Gambia

World Bank information on Gambia

World Population Review information on Gambia

1.1 Gambia Humanitarian Background

Gambia Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Disasters

Yes / No

Comments / Details


Yes Rainy falls dropped by 30% in the past 30years. In the long term desertification is a threat as the sub-Sahara pushes its way further south. Severe droughts have already destroyed harvest and with limited resources to cope with climate changes the Gambia is particularly vulnerable to these changes.


n/a n/a


Yes Cholera outbreaks linked to floods and resulted in deaths;(2008-2009) Cholera outbreaks from attending religious gatherings in neighbouring Senegal.(2006-2007)

Extreme Temperatures

Yes Sometimes above 37 C at the Upper River Region


Yes Recent flood happens at Basse Admistrative town (Upper River Region) and some part of the urban settlements, destructive rain destroy and farmland

Insect Infestation

Yes n/a


n/a n/a

Volcanic Eruptions

n/a n/a

High Waves / Surges

n/a n/a


n/a n/a

High Winds

n/a n/a

Other Comments


Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife

n/a n/a

International Conflict

n/a n/a

Internally Displaced Persons

n/a n/a

Refugees Present

n/a n/a

Landmines / UXO Present

n/a n/a

Other Comments


For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters:

EMDAT information on Gambia

Calamities and Seasonal Affects

Seasonal Affects on Transport



From (month) to (month)

Primary Road Transport

The main highways are affected especially the south bank but can usually still be used Jun - Sept

Secondary Road Transport

Landslide and poor road conditions are major problems for secondary roads. Heavy rains cause numerous landslides and cut off remote areas especially at region 5 & 6. The economic impact of this is huge as farmland and houses are lost. Jun - Sept

Rail Transport

n/a n/a

Air Transport

During rainy seasons, heavy rains and strong winds impact the main airport. The airport could be busier during the tourist season which runs from mid October. Jun - Sept

Waterway Transport

n/a n/a


Seasonal Affects on Storage and Handling (economic, social, climate…)



From <month> to <month>


WFP has 2 warehouses (food) with capacity of 2000 metric tons each. There is one non food item warehouse which has located in the Kanifing Industrial areas which is about 200 meter away from the Logistics office and has the capacity of 500 metric tons. These warehouses are already being used for development project (105480) to delivery rations to beneficiaries’ schools, during the rainy season precautionary planning is advisable.

Jun - Sept


During rainy season handling of goods become problematic as operation (as port handling) will slow down during this period. Also not all the transporters are well organized with tarpaulin equipped trucks.

Jun - Sept




Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response

During and prior to an emergency hitting the main player is NDMA – National Disaster Management Agency – the government’s permanent agency for contingencies in The Gambia needs update from the agency latest Monday. This agency works on coordination and planning of resources to respond to emergencies and has decentralized offices at the National, Regional, District and Village level. Its overall goal is to ensure a proper and effective mechanism for disaster mitigation and preparedness that will save lives and livelihoods in the country. There is a policy strategic objective in place which mandates the disaster commodities to integrate disaster risk reduction into sustainable development policies and planning and to develop and strengthen institutional mechanism and capacities to build resilience to hazards to name a few.


For information on Gambia government contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List

Humanitarian Community

For information on Gambia humanitarian contact details, please see the following link: 

4.2 Gambia Humanitarian Agency Contact List

1.2 Gambia Customs Information

Gambia Customs Information

Most of the transnational transport is done via two routes. One is via Barra-Banjul and one is via Soma-Farafeni. The last route is used more often as the ferry crossing at Banjul can take up to a week without priority crossing. In general, it does not take more than an hour to cross the border. However, it might take much longer if the documents are not properly done. At examination areas Amdallai post, Farafeni post, Basse Custom post, Jiboro custom post.

Duties and Tax Exemption

For information on Gambia Customs contacts, please see the following link: 

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to ‘crisis’ times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member


Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention


OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

Since everything is duty free on import for humanitarian mission, only notifications and payment for overtime is necessary

Report the import to commissioner general. They will clear the goods, sent documents back to the port. No taxes, duties, or any other money should be paid for imports of food for humanitarian purposes.

Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status

United Nations Agencies

WFP is exempt from paying any taxes so it is not very relevant issue. The government cooperates fully and provides all service free of charge.

Non Governmental Organizations

It applied to all UN bodies and UN Agencies and also to all organizations involved in United Nations relief operations

Customs Clearance

General Information 

All goods are cleared at the first entry point
  • Amdalai
  • Farafeni
  • Basse
  • Soma
  • Jiboro

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

The Objective with respect to import are:

Allow admission free of import duties and taxes or equivalent charges all relief consignments imported for distribution free of charge, in particular where such consignments consist of food, medicaments, clothing, blankets, tents, prefabricated houses or other goods of prime necessity , and professions of disaster relief personnel delivering humanitarian assistance:

Allow operators and importers to submit manifest and entry details to customs prior to arrival of the relief consignment in order to facilitate immediate release:

Accomplish physical examination of cargo, when required, on a sampling or selective basis, and carry out such examination as rapidly as possible:

Make arrangements whereby the maximum number of relief consignments can be released promptly after arrival upon presentation of a provisional entry document or a legally acceptable electronic equivalent, subject to complete fulfillment of Customs and other requirement within a specified time limit.

For information on Gambia customs additional information, please see the following documents: 

Gambia Customs Information by Entry Points

Gambia Farafeni Custom Post

Gambia Farafeni Custom Post 2

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For information on Gambia Customs contacts, please see the following link: 

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List

2 Gambia Logistics Infrastructure

Gambia Logistics Infrastructure

The following sections contain information regarding the logistics infrastructure of Gambia.

2.1 Gambia Port Assessment

Gambia Port Assessment

Gambia Ports

The Banjul seaport is located on the estuary of the Gambia River, 26 miles from the Atlantic Ocean.  The river can be navigated 300 kilometers inland by sea going vessels and further by commercial barges.

For information on Gambia Port Network contact details, please see the following link: 

4.3 Gambia Port and Waterways Company Contact List

2.1.1 Gambia Port of Banjul

Key port information can also be found at: Maritime Database information on Gambia

Port Overview

The Banjul seaport plays an important role in the country’s economy and accounts for almost 90% of the country’s trade in terms of volume and weight. The Port was established in 1972 and plays a vital role in the trade and distribution of cargo to neighboring countries, some of which are landlocked, such as Mali, Guinea Bissau, Senegal and Guinea Conakry.
The Port is equipped with infrastructure such as quays, harbor craft, modern cargo handling equipment, offshore cranes and a mobile scanner for the inspection of containers, which has led to considerable reduction in the time spent to conduct physical inspection of cargo and streamlining of administrative formalities involved in the clearance of goods. The Port is currently implementing an expansion project which is aimed at increasing its capacity in terms of berth space for ships, new container terminal, acquisition of cargo handling equipment and port computerization under the 4th Banjul Port Project.
Demolition work is in progress in a residential area adjacent to the main port administrative office which has been acquired and the residents relocated to allow room for surface expansion. This area measures about 15,000 sq m and is earmarked for the construction of a free zone facility and bonded warehousing. This is a much needed facility as the current warehousing space is very limited.
Few privately owned warehouses are located along the Bund Road area leading to the Port but it is difficult to establish the available capacity as certain owners could not be identified. However, it is noted that there are clusters of warehouses along the road mentioned earlier which in total number more than 12 with capacities ranging from 2,000 to 3,500 sq m. Warehousing space is also available around the Denton Bridge area and these are being operated by Gambia Shipping Agency, one of the leading shipping companies operating in The Gambia.
The technical data seems to be inconsistent, that is, on vessel specification, the length overall is said to be unlimited whereas on the previous LCA it was stated to be 122m.

Port Location and Contacts


The Gambia

Province or District


Town or City (Closest location) with Distance (km)

Name :Banjul

km: n/a

Port's Complete Name

Port of Banjul





Managing Company or Port Authority (If more than one operator, break down by area of operation)

Banjul Seaport

Management Contact Person


Closest Airport and Frequent Airlines to / from International Destinations

Airport Name: n/a

Airlines: n/a

Port Picture

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

For information on Gambia Port of Banjul contact details, please see the following link:

4.3 Gambia Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Performance

The Port is accessible to conventional ships but there is a draft limitation of 8.5m at the channel entrance into Banjul which limits the sizes of vessels that can call at the Port. However, vessels have called at the Port with loads of up to 10,000 metric tons of bulk bagged cargo.

The Port has capacity for open storage of containers, warehouses, car port as well as storage tanks for liquid bulk product such as vegetable oil and Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO). The lack of sufficient space provides limitations for covered storage facilities on site but the Port possesses warehouses located within the vicinity of Banjul and which are usually given to private operators on long term lease.

Handling Figures

Year 2011

Vessel Calls


Container Traffic (TEUs)


Handling Figures Bulk and Break Bulk

Year 2011

Bulk (MT)

32.256 (Conventional: 16.800)

Break bulk (MT)


Discharge Rates and Terminal Handling Charges

Discharges Rates (MT/Day)
Bulk & Bagged
to warehouse Data unknown
to trucks 1000mt a day 101/2 hours
to rail-wagons Not available
Additional info 17 container moves per hour

The moves to the port warehouse are minimal due to very high standard costs

NOTE: The information in the above table has been taken from the old DLCA and adjusted to suit the format of the new LCA

Port Handling Equipment

Is the port equipment managed by the government or privately? n/a



(Yes / No)

Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage

Dockside Crane


1 - 40 Tons


Container Gantries




Mobile Cranes


40 tons at 18 meters reach






RoRo Tugmaster (w/ Trailer)


9 tug masters/trailers (haul majors)


Grain Elevator w/ Bagging Machines










7 forklifts with capacities ranging from 2.5 to 16 tones


Container Facilities

In general movement of containers is done by tractor trailers. There are 13 tractor trailers. 11 tractor trailers take 2 x 20ft container or 1 x 40 ft container. 2 tractor trailers only take 2 x 20 ft. 13 forklifts only 7 in services.
Mobile Container Scanner.

The storage facilities near the Port can probably be used in emergencies, and they are largely unused as the Port tries to limit storage within its main premises in order to avail itself much needed space for the open storage of an increasing number of containers throughout. But it is not long-term storage facility, so they should only be considered in emergencies. For more information on storage facilities near the port, see the section on storage facilities.


Several warehouses are located around this area and we attempted to visit them. These are big stores and there are not in custom bonded area. There warehouses are located less a kilometer from the main docking area along the Burn road. We could not establish who the owners are and in most cases, we dealt with the security personnel who could not give us any detailed information on storage capacity and technical data needed. There is an urgent need to make a census of these warehouses, their capacity, ownership and condition.

Our efforts to find the real owners paid dividends almost at the lat hour, three days before the end of this LCA , we managed to locate Mr. Hassan Akar, the Director of Midland Trading Group LTD. The Company owns and rents almost 90% of these warehouses in the zone. They use them for their own operations and sometimes there are forced to rent out some warehouses else. He gave us the estimated capacity, each warehouse can take up to fifteen forty feet containers.

This company is a major food provider and we recommend WFP to include them in their list of suppliers. They own a fleet of several DAF and MAN trucks, which can take up to 30 tons(total number of trucks not given)


20 ft

40 ft

Container Facilities Available



Container Freight Station (CFS)



Refrigerated Container Stations



Other Capacity Details

Daily Take Off Capacity (Containers per day)


Number of Reefer Stations (connection points)


Emergency Take-off Capacity (Give an indication)


Off take capacity of gang shift (in Containers per shift)



Customs Guidance

For information on Gambia Port of Banjul Customs information, please see the following link: 

1.2 Gambia Customs Information

Port Security

The port is fenced and has 24 hours surveillance by security personnel and no major incidents have been reported.


ISPS Compliant

(Yes / No)


Current ISPS Level


Level 1 = Normal, Level 2 = Heightened, Level 3 = Exceptional

Police Boats


Fire Engines


For information on Gambia Port of Banjul additional details, please see the following documents: 

Gambia Port of Banjul Additional Information

Gambia Port of Banjul 2

Gambia Port of Banjul 3

Gambia Port of Banjul 4

Gambia Port of Banjul Warehouses

Gambia Port of Banjul Warhouses 2

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For information on Gambia Port of Banjul contact details, please see the following link:

4.3 Gambia Port and Waterways Company Contact List

2.2 Gambia Aviation

Gambia Aviation 

Gambia Airports

Key airport information may also be found at: World Aero Data information on Gambia

For  information on Gambia airport network contact details, please see the following link: 

4.4 Gambia Airport Company Contact List

Banjul International Airport is the main and only airport in The Gambia. A completely new terminal building has been constructed and opened in 1997. The airport is equipped to international standard and has a paved runway with a parking space of up to six large aircrafts at a time.

The security of the airport is under the responsibility of the Gambia National Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) which employs its own security personnel. These security service people are trained both locally and internationally by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) based in Canada through organizes training sessions via their regional offices

2.2.1 Gambia Banjul International Airport

Gambia Banjul International Airport

The Banjul International airport has the capacity to handle different sizes of planes the largest of which is the Boeing 747.  The airport is location in Yundum village in the West coast Region with coordinates LAT N132033.0821 LONG W 0163928.1307. It has an elevation of 93Feet above mean sea level. In accordance with the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), there are no obstructions in the approach and take/off areas. Generally the weather in The Gambia is based on two seasons with temperatures ranging from minimum from 17degcelcius to 36 deg Celsius. Normally there can be strong winds during the rainy season which starts from June to October.

The Navy accessible to all African countries, Europe and Amgational Aids are the DVOR/DME, NDB, ILS There is 24 hours lighting available and a secondary power supply which conforms to ICAO requirements. The airport is operational 24 hours daily and 7 days a week and operational staff work on shifts duties. At the moment relief aircraft can be Accommodated during daytime and this can have the effect of less cost as night involve higher costs due lighting.

The passenger throughput during 2008 was which shows that the airport can be much more utilized. There are a total of 41 flights per week during the peak period of the tourist season which are mainly charter flights from Europe. The number of flights can drop to as low as during the off-peak season. There are 3 regular flights linking the Gambia with the rest of the World.


Brussels airlines run two regular flights between the Gambia and Belgium. This is the only flight that links the Gambia Europe and the rest of the world. (Thursdays and Sunday)
1. GIA runs a daily flight on a round trip to Dakar, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, and Guinea Bissau before returning to Banjul.
2. SLO flight operates 2 flights per week to Sierra Leone and this flight is often cancelled or rescheduled.
3. There are at least 3 charter flights per week from Europe
Location Details
Country The Gambia Latitude 13.33796
Province / District Kombo North Longitude -16.65221
Town or City (Closest) Banjul (24 Km) Elevation (ft and m) n/a
Airfield Name Banjul International Airport IATA and ICAO Codes BJL / GBYD
Open From (hours) 00:00 Open To (hours) 00:00


The airport is located about 30 minutes from the WFP office in Cape Point, Bakau. This is only 17 km away and this distance to and from can be covered with less than 5 liters of fuel. When the roads are clear it can take about 15 minutes.

The two roads leading to the city are in a good condition. The nearest town is Yundum. On Sunday evenings and mornings traffic can be dense on the main roads. Leaving from the airport via the Brikama highway towards Lamin village, this road is always congested on weekdays from 7am to 11 am and from 2pm to 7:30pm. Weekend traffic is free flowing. There are many local taxes along the way that stop and to drop off and pick up passengers. It is preferable to use the coastal road which is only busy in the mornings towards Banjul and is almost deserted on weekends. 

Busiest time is from 1 pm till 6 pm. However, these are mainly tourist flights, and there is still room for extra flights to come in.


Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

3600m x 45m


14/32 (one runway)


Asphalt, Pavement class 80

Helicopter Pad(s)

No helicopter pads exist at Gambia Banjul International Airport

Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

There are three bonded warehouses at the airport rented from the Gambia Civil Aviation Authority (GRA), Red Coat and The Gambia International Airlines (GIA) respectively. The two handling Freight agencies are GIA and Red Coat and they handle up to metric tons yearly although it was reported that in the past year, there had experience a sharp decrease in fright handled which they attribute to global financial crisis. The warehouse capacity is approximately 1000 metric tons and is reported that arrangements could be made with the responsible authorities in case of WFP requirements.

The airport has the capacity to accommodate more flights both for passenger and freight services. GCCA being the responsible authority need to market its facilities to attract more air traffic to the country.


Performance for 2011

Annual Figures

Monthly Daily

Total aircraft movements

Int.l Schedule 1767 / Int.l Non Schedule 1704 : Total 3471

n/a n/a

Total passengers


n/a n/a

Total capacity of the airport (metric tonnes)

42,000 tons yearly and 3,500 tons per month.

872 tons of cargo and 3,348 tons of mail  n/a

Current activity of the airport (metric tonnes)


n/a n/a

Current use by Humanitarian flights (UNHAS)

None at the moment but facility can be made available for WFP in case of emergency.  n/a n/a

Airport Operating Details

Operating Details
Maximum sized aircraft which can be offloaded on bulk cargo: Boeing 767, AN24, B757, ATR42, ATR72, DC9, B737, A320.
Maximum sized aircraft that can be offloaded on pallet A330, DC10, B747, LI011, B727,A321
Total aircraft parking area (m²)  45
Storage Area (mt) 200,000 Cubic Meters (m³) n/a
Cargo Handling Equipment Available (Yes / No) Yes If "Yes" specify below
Elevators / Hi Loaders (Yes / No) Yes Max Capacity (mt) 6.8
Can elevators / hi loaders reach the upper level of a B747 (Yes / No) Yes type c30
Loading Ramps (Yes / No)

3 high main deck loaders all in good working condition

5 baggage Convey belt loaders

3 fork lift trucks

5 tractors

Dollies enough for as 747

4 belt loaders

Storage Facilities

The storage facility space occupied by both GIA and Redcoat is rented from the Gambia Civil Aviation authority (GCAA). The warehouses are in good condition and well ventilated and equipped with forklifts and pump trucks. There will be enough space for WFP use in case it is required for future use.  As can be seen below there are sheds which can also be used for storage during the dry season. There are plans by GIA to build a modern cargo complex in Banjul International Airport to expand on the existing capacity. This is expected to begin by the end of 2011.

Airfield Cost

GIA is the only specialized institution authorized to provide ground handling services for aircraft traffic. They work 24 hours a day and 7 days a week through out the year and can handle up to Boeing 767 capacity aircraft. Handling cost would include checking in of passengers, ramp handling i.e.  Loading/offloading of baggage and the use of all ground handling equipment such as generator sets when required etc.

Navigation Charges

CAT. MTOW / PAX CONFIG. Scheduled / Charter  -Pounds (GBP)/Ton
A1 UP TO 15 TONS 164.00 / 182.00
A2 16-30 183.00 / 203.00
A3 31-50 204.00 / 226.00
B4 6-25 TONS 235.00 / 261.00
B5 76-100 262.00 / 291.00
C6 26-80 TONS 634.00 / 704.00
C7 126-150 705.00 / 783.00
C8 151-175 784.00 / 871.00
C9 176-200 872.00 / 969.00
D10 201-250 1255.00 / 1395.00
D11 251-350 1395.00 / 1550.00


351 & OVER

1744.00 / 1938

Adhoc flight operations will be charged 1.50% of the basic rate above the appropriate category.

Handling on Sunday, Public Holidays and between 1900z and 0700z will incur a 25% surcharge.

The following additional or separate services would attract the charges as indicated:

  •  Pushback GBP 170.00 per use (not in use in the Gambia yet).
  •  GPU / ASU GBP 50.00 per hour of part thereof
  •  Crew / Transport GBP 50.00 per crew bus per mover
  •  Passenger transport GBP 50.00 for schedule / GBP 80.00 for Charter
Parking, Navigation and Landing Charges    

0 - 24.99 Tones

25 - 74.99 Tones

75 – 100 Tones


>100 Tones


GBP 1.50 * Ton

GBP 3.00 * Ton

GBP 4.50 * Ton

GBP 4.00 * Ton

Parking   GBP 0.43 * Ton

0 - 24.99 Tones, 1 Way

25 - 74.99 Tones, 1 Way

75 – 100 Tones, 1 Way

>100 Tones, 1 Way

GBP 1.20 * Ton

GBP 1,60 * Ton

GBP 0.75 * Ton

GBP 0,95 * Ton

Passenger Charges

Passenger Service

Security Charges

GBP 10 .00 * pax

GBP  1.50 * Pax

The information provided in the above table was taken from the old DLCA and adjusted to suit the format of the new LCA

Fuel Services Charges

  Price per Unit
Jet A-1 0.02 * lt US$
Avgas n/a

Prices correct as of 01 Nov 2011

Cargo Terminal Charges

There is access for aircraft parking for 8 wide bodies aircrafts and up to 13 narrow bodies aircrafts. Accessibility for trucks to aircraft parking area and cargo area is available. As for passenger Dis/embarkation, motorized steps are available. Up to date amenities are available 24 hour and 7 days a week with regular upkeep in place. Passengers are transported to the aircraft using ground transport owned by the handler. Cargo Transportation is carried out by handler using forklifts and tractors to the aircraft. Presents bottleneck are that the equipments have long outgrown their life span and needs replacement, due to the age of the equipment, higher maintenance costs are experienced. However more equipment is required when operational need accumulates. For the foreseeable future more ground equipment will be required depending on the scale of the relief operation. Shift duties are already in place per 8 hour shifts on a four man shift rotation all year round. Although in the event of a relief operation, training could be conducted to sensitize staff members regarding the requirements of a relief operation. 
Cargo Handling Storage    
Cargo handling costs GMD 525.00 between 1-100kg and above 100kg its GMD5.25dalais daily GMD1.10 per kilo storage a day with Redcoat company. Redcoat
- For the case of GIA which is a government institution, costs are much lower for example costs are GMD220 between 1-100kg and for any additional kgs its GMD 2.2/kg GIA

There are two cargo handling agents based at the Banjul International Airport namely The Gambia International Airlines (GIA) and Redcoat respectively. In addition to ground handling GIA also provide storage facility with a warehouse that can accommodate approximately 1,220 tons of freight yearly. The first one week is free storage for their customers and thereafter the charge is GMD1.10 per kg per day is levied on items that are not cleared.


Redcoat operate a bonded warehouse which is 276m sq, is divided into ten bays where customer freight are stored. Customers are allowed five days free storae after which a storage charge of GMD 2.00 per day per kilo is levied to those who do not collect their baggage. Equipment owner by Redcoat included 1forklift, 2trollies and 4 pump trucks.


Level: Good

There are good security measures in place there have been no lapses in security issues and no terrorist threats at the airport. The airport is compliant with US security standards. The airport meets FAA/TAA standards.


There is control Tower that provide aerodrome and approach procedural services .There is briefing room that provided information to pilots such as weather information or NOTAM.(Notice to Airmen). Regarding to obtaining flight clearance, non-schedule flights are required to obtain landing permit 72 hours prior to their operations. The request for landing permit should be sent to the Director General, Civil Aviation Authority at the Banjul International Airport.
For regular international schedule flights, operated by foreign airlines, into or in transit across the territory of The Gambia certain requirements must be met and application must be made throught the Director General. Birds and monkeys can be difficult to eliminate but their activities can be minimized through regular runway inspection and bird scaring devices and even managing the inhabitants. People are only allowed access to the runway when authorized by air traffic control.
The recue and firefighting unit is integrated with the National Fire and Ambulance service. Full service on a 24 hour basis is provided at the Banjul International Airport. The rescue and firefighting service is categorized as category 8. Adequate rescue and firefighting vehicles, equipment and trained personnel are available.

Companies Available 

Information on some aviation service providers can be found atAZ Freight information on Gambia

For information on Gambia Banul International Airport contact details, please see the following link: 

4.4 Gambia Airport Company Contact List

For information on Gambia Banul International Airport additional details, please see the following document: 

Gambia Banjul International Airport Additional Details

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

2.3 Gambia Road Network

Gambia Road Network

Gambia Roads

About   98 % of in land transportation is via the road network. They are no road tolls on the entire network. The Gambian network is estimated at about 1615 km, of which more than half is not tarred.  The country is served principally by two major roads, the North road and the South Road.  The south bank is not paved or in a bad condition from Georgetown for almost 250 km
To access the North Road from Banjul, one needs to take a Ferry and cross to Barra before proceeding to Essau. The road is a better condition than the South Bank Road, however Ferry changes increase the cost. Refer to chapter 8 on ferry charges
The river Banjul divides the country into two entities.  The only means to link the two banks it so take a ferry. The country has specific ferry crossing areas. This has already addressed in chapter 8 on ports and river transportation.  The long time solution will be to build bridges along the river, however high infrastructure costs have hampered plans to construct bridges.

 For information on Gambia Road Network contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List

For information on Gambia Road Network additional information, please see the following document: 

Gambia Road Network Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For information on Gambia Road Network contacts, please see the following link: 

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List

2.4 Gambia Waterways Assessment

Gambia Waterways Assessment

Gambia Waterways

The river Gambia divides the country into two; currently the only way to cross from the north bank to the south bank is by ferry. The Gambia Ports Authority provides services for passengers and merchandise.  We board the ferry from Banjul to Barra in order to try the service. We observed the flowing remarks; there are new passenger terminals at Banjul and Barra with clear signs and indications for identifying ticket sales offices.

Company Information

For information on Gambia Waterway contact details, please see the following link: 

4.3 Gambia Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Passenger Carrying Capacity

 Gambia Ports Authority

Number of

Passenger Vessels

< 20 pax

2 vessels with a capacity of 600 mt each.

Number of

Passenger Vessels

< 50 pax


Number of

Passenger Vessels

< 100 pax


Number of

Passenger Vessels

> 100 pax

Passenger Carrying Capacity

Gambia Ports Authority

Number of Boats

2 vessels

Tonnage / Volume

Carrying Capacity

600 mt each.

Number of Barges


Tonnage / Volume

Carrying Capacity

Number of Tugs n/a

Tonnage / Volume

Carrying Capacity

Other (specify) n/a

Travel Matrix

Location Details                  
River/Lake name Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia
Port Name Albreda Tendaba Kaur Kudang Kuntaur Sapu Georgetown Bansang Basse
Towns or cities (closest) Albreda Tendaba Kaur Kudang Kuntaur Sapu Georgetown Bansang Basse
Distance from Banjul (nautical miles) 15 52 104 120 133 147 156 166 216

Key Routes

The Gambia River is the biggest river corridor in the country.  There are over 20 wharfs along the river and the barges stops a all wharfs located along the river up to Basse.  Its takes 5 days to reach Basse including loading and down loading time.  This time could be reduced if Wharfs are equipped with machinery for handling the cargo. Currently the work is done by locally hired manpower.

The river Gambia is navigable by sea going vessels up to Basse 300 km inland and further up by commercial barges. The river is a vital resource that can be harnessed to provide transport for both passengers and goods. Naturally we expected to find a number of commercial activities along this natural highway which can provide a cost effective and reliable alternative to road transport.

Port Information

For information on Gambia Waterways additional information, please see the following documents: 

Gambia Waterways Additional Information

Gambia River Gambia

Gambia navy patrol

Gambia Barges 2

Gambia Barges 3

Gambia Bassang

Gambia Basse

Gambia George Town

Gambia CGC Barges

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For information on Gambia Waterway contact details, please see the following link: 

4.3 Gambia Port and Waterways Company Contact List

2.5 Gambia Storage Assessment

Gambia Storage Assessment

For information on Gambia storage contact details, please see the following link: 4.5 Gambia Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Finding data on the inventory of the total warehouses and storage capacity of the country has been a very difficult exercise.  The department of agriculture and planning could not give us the inventory of the countries storage capacity. The ministry of Trade does not have any information to this effect. Discussions with officials revealed that there was an urgent need to conduct a general inventory on the type, capacity, state and location of warehouses in the country. According to the former chair of Freedom from Hunger Campaign, Mr. Sariyang Jobarteh, there are three types of stores or warehouses that exist in the country.
  •  community owned warehouses
  • 2 Government owned warehouses
  • 3 Private owned warehouses
  • 4 Warehouse on by NGOS

Commercial Storage

This warehouse is located in Basse 400km from the capital Banjul. This town is divided into two banks, the North Bank and the South Bank respectively. In the South bank side , the warehouses identifies as per above photograph had eight bins and each bin can store up to 700mt. On the North bank of Basse also had a similar structure with 5bins with a storage capacity of 700mt each as well. These are a privately owned stores located at the Kanifing Industrial zone. This zone has several private stores, which are less 5 kilometers from the WPF office. This location is in a very secure neighborhood and there is an easy access to the main road from the port and the road to the airport via the coastal road. There is no register to indicate who owns them so we did door-to-door inquiries to sample a number of them. Most of them are occupied, however according to Gilles Robert who owns two stores this has seen a declined in demand for storage space.  He is currently building a third one and it will be available in September 2009. Were able to inspector his facilities which are very proper and well kept.

For photos of the Commercial storage avalible, please see the following documents:

Gambia Basse warehouse

Gambia Kanfing Warehouse

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.



Available for Rent


mt / m² / m³

Type [1]

Access [2]

Condition [3]

Fagi Kunda
Kombo Sillah Touray
20x15 Sq mt
Exclusive facility
Kombo Sillah Touray
18x22 Sq mt
Exclusive facility
5 Banjul-1 Kanifing
6000 sq mt
Exclusive facility
Gambia Shipping Agencies
900 sq mt
Exclusive facility
1a cotton street
Gambia Shipping Agencies
2x300 sq mt
Common facility
Mamali manjang High
Lang Karamo Suwareh & Sons Enterprise
20x15 sq mt
Exclusive facility
Old Seshvaang opposite prisons
Lang Karamo Suwareh & Sons Enterprise
25x25 sq mt
Exclusive facility
Ken Jang
Chief Jim F. Jobe
Not declared
Exclusive facility
Kanifing Industrial estate
M&B Company Limited
Not declared
Exclusive facility
Kanifing Industrial Estate 
Elie S. Milky; Tel:4390227/4378331 
Solid cement building in good condition
Kanifing Industrial Estate 
United Steel International; Tel:4373530
Solid cement building in good condition
Kanifing Industrial Estate 
Sadaam Raslan Co. LTD; Tel:6648330/6690467
Solid cement building in good condition
Kanifing Industrial Estate 
Bahoro Waggeh
Solid cement building in good condition
Kanifing Industrial Estate 
Haji Waggeh
Solid cement building in good condition
Kanifing Industrial Estate 
Teddy Baldeh; Tel:9900031
Solid cement building in good condition
Kanifing Industrial Estate 
Ray Afric CO. LTD.; Tel:4378400/4372131
Solid cement building in good condition

[1] Warehouse Type: Open storage, container, rub-hall, silo, concrete, other, unspecified

[2] Warehouse Access: Raised-siding, flat

[3] Warehouse condition: Appears intact, appears damaged, under construction/repair

Storage Used by Humanitarian Organizations

This complex in Massakonko has been left to rot; this is an example of bad coordination between the NGOs and the local authorities. This complex could habilitated and be used as a school / training institution or a region warehouse facility

For photos of the humanitarian storage available, please see the following documents: Gambia NGO Warehouse

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Location Organization

Sharing Possibility

(Yes / No)


mt / m² / m³

Type* Access** Condition***
Massakonko n/a n/a unknown n/a n/a left to decay

Public Sector Storage

The Gambia Groundnut Cooperation (GGC) is owned by the government and has warehouses located in various part of the country. One of their main warehouses is located at Denton Bridge only 5km away from the capital Banjul and easily accessible by trucks. There are 5 solidly built cement warehouse in this area with capacity of over 3,000 mt each and their general condition is in good state. The roofing and doors are secure and there is good ventilation, security service is available for 24 hour a day. Limited Pallets were seen on site and can be available for sale in the local market and the possibility to have them produced can also be explored. Shops selling pesticides and fumigants are available in the local market as well as officially licensed fumigators.

For information on Gambia public sector storage additional details, please see the following document: Gambia Storage Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Cold Chain

  • 2 refrigerated vans
  • 2 pull loaders (can carry about 2500kg)
  • Workers are equipped with winter jackets, boots and gloves to work in the cold rooms
  • 2 stand by generators on stand if there is a power cut.
  • A housing complex for the workers (more than 20 workers)
  • Walled and gated with 24-hour security

For information on Gambia storage contact details, please see the following link: 4.5 Gambia Storage and Milling Company Contact List

2.6 Gambia Milling Assessment

Gambia Milling Assessment

For information on Gambia Milling contact details, please see the following link: 

4.2.6 Gambia Storage and Milling Company Contact Lis

Milling Company: THE Denton Bridge Mill 

Value added processing of agricultural produce is also on government's top development agenda since 1994. In this regard, government repossessed the assets of the Gambia Groundnut Corporation (GGC) from ALIMENTA to redirect efforts to revitalize the groundnut sub-sector with much emphasis placed on value added processing of groundnuts and other crops.
Premier-Agro (a foreign company) has established a groundnut processing plant at Denton Bridge, which enabled the sector to resume domestic groundnut processing into refined oil for exports after a long period of dormancy. This will certainly improve the foreign exchange earning capacity of the country. In addition, there are cottage-processing facilities available in some parts of the country such as the small-scale groundnut decorticating facility at Kanube in the Upper River Division (URD) and a number of coos mills found in most parts of the country.
The GGC groundnut mills at Denton and Kaur have been out of operation for sometime and are at an advanced stage of being privatized. Another critical area of government concern has been paddy rice processing. In this connection, government has accorded due recognition to the resuscitation of the Kuntaur rice mill from complete under-utilization. The completion of the proposed commercial rice mill at Madina, Jahally in Central River Division (CRD) by the Chinese mission will add value and provide a marketing outlet for increased rice production.

Milling Company: Kuntaur Rice Mill (Gambia Divestiture Agency)

Company Name & Address

Contact Names & Email

Telephone & Fax

Gambia Divestiture Agency

Kuntaur Rice Mill (KRM)

Central River Division


Name: n/a

Title: n/a


Web: n/a


Fax: n/a

Summary of Role and Services:

Theoretical capacity of Kuntaur Mill handling about 120 tons annually

A Board of directors manages the Kuntaur Mill

Milling costs: D219 per tons  (Rice and Oil)

For information on Gambia Milling contact details, please see the following link: 

4.5 Gambia Storage and Milling Company Contact List

3 Gambia Logistics Services

Gambia Logistics Services

The following sections contain information on the logistics services of Gambia

Disclaimer: Registration does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP/Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities. Please Note: WFP/Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse,comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.1 Gambia Fuel

Gambia Fuel

There is no local production; all fuel must be imported from outside

Information may also be found atMy Travel Cost information on Gambia

Seasonal Variations 

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (Yes / No)


Is there a rationing system? (Yes / No)


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized? (Yes / No)

There used to be subsidizing of kerosene but that was stopped 5 months ago.

Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? (Yes / No)


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs? (Yes / No)



Local supply (domestic refinery production and imports combined) meets the needs of the country, especially for aviation and ground fuels. There is a supply of ten days available in the country. Significant seasonal variations especially seasonal variations in aviation fuel.

Fuel Transportation

Fuel is carried out by private companies. They each have there own trucks.  Transportation infrastructure and fleet is sufficient to handle current domestic needs as well as increased demand from the humanitarian community. There is no local production, all fuel must be imported from outside, but in general there is no shortage of supply. There are suppliers permitted to import fuel into the country:

Global trading group

This company imports fuel on the behave of the Gambia government which is then distributed by several distributors;
  • Galp
  • Total
  • Elton

Castle Imports

This is only company that is allowed to import and distribute the fuel via its own distribution units. There is no local production, all fuel must be imported from outside, but in general there is no shortage of supply.There are suppliers permitted to import fuel into the country:Global trading groupThis company imports fuel on the behave of the Gambia government which is then distributed by several distributors;-Galp-Total-EltonCastle ImportsThis is only company that is allowed to import and distribute the fuel via its own distribution units

Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel

(Yes / No)


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft

(Yes / No)


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks

(Yes / No)


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment

(Yes / No)


Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority? (Yes / No)



If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? (Yes / No)


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No)


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory –





Telephone and Fax




Standards Used

  •  n/a

NOTE: There are ongoing meetings to set up a committee that will enforce the standards that are now industry driven.

There are impediments to importation of fuel

The government is the only one who can import fuel. They do that by using Global Trading company who comes with ships to supply the fuel. From there it is distributed to the storage areas. In case the government is not able to meet demand, permits can be issued to import fuel on your own. Otherwise, everything goes via the state.

For information on Gambia fuel contact details, please see the following link: 

4.6 Gambia Fuel Provider Contact List

For information on Gambia fuel additional details, please see the following document: 

Gambia Fuel Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

3.2 Gambia Transporters

Gambia Transporters

This list includes only the transport companies working for WFP who fulfilled the secondary transport questionnaire. Nine transport Companies with a capacity declared of:

  • 78 trucks up to 11 Tons Capacity
  • 86 trucks 11-25 tons capacity
  • 72  tracks over 25 tons capacity
  • 1 truck with crane
  • 1 truck with tail lift
  • 5 containers
  • 3 Flat
  • 6 Warehouse for a total capacity of  aprox . 9100 mt

For information on Gambia transporters contact details, please see the following link: 

4.7 Gambia Transporter Contact List

3.3 Gambia Additional Service Providers

Gambia Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs

For information on Gambia Additional Service Provider contact details, please see the following link: 

4.8 Gambia Additional Service Provision Contact List

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

GAMTEL holds the only national gateway and all ISPs lease bandwidth and route their traffic through this Gateway.  The Total Internet Bandwidth is 100MB.  100MB of this is leased through SONATEL, the main Telecoms Company in Senegal with connection to the undersea cable and the other 30MB is through satellite. The GAMTEL-SONATEL connection is through a a fibre link to Dakar via Basse (Gambia) and Wellingara (Senegal). A backup microwave link from Banjul to Kaolack and fibre from Kaolack to Dakar is in place.
The National backbone bandwidth (i.e., internet speed from all Points of Presence, PoPs to the Gateway) has a capacity of 2MB. In order to effectively rationalize/optimize the use of the International bandwidth, efforts are far advanced to complete the installation of MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) which will increase the national backbone bandwidth to 34MB. This is expected to be completed by June 2009.

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government


Dial-up only (Yes / No)


Approximate Rates

Dial-up: 56Kb  for Internet Services (Dial Up)


Broadband: 128Kb  for Internet Services (Wireless) 256Kb for VPN services


Max leasable ‘dedicated’ bandwidth

2MB  for Internet Services 4MB for VPN services

For information on Gambia Additional Service Provider contact details, please see the following link: 

4.8 Gambia Additional Service Provision Contact List

3.4 Gambia Telecommunications

Gambia Telecommunications 

For information on Gambia telecommunications contact details, please see the following link: 

4.8 Gambia Additional Service Provision Contact List

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List

Formulation of policy on telecoms services (telephone, GSM and Internet services) is the responsibility of the Department of State for Communication, Information and Information Technology (DoSCIIT). DoSCIIT is responsible for the approval and issue of licenses, issue of frequencies and the collection of the appropriate license and spectrum fees. A government agency PURA (Public Utilities Regulatory Agency) was created by an act of the National Assembly to regulate the sector (in addition to other public utility sectors).

Although telephone/GSM services are available nationwide, there are some areas where low or no coverage are experienced for all the providers. The three operating GSM companies provide normal mobile telephone services (Calling, SMS). COMIUM provides GPRS services. QCELL plans to have Internet and video services as well when they launch.

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?

(Yes / No)

Yes. Only one land line operator 


Does it allow international calls?

(Yes / No)


On average, number and length of downtime periods


Mobile phone providers (List)

Yes. GAMTEL (Gambia Telecommunications Co. Limited)

Estimated availability and coverage

(Approximate percentage of national coverage)


Telecommunication Regulation


Regulations on usage or import of:

Yes / No

Regulating Authority



There are no regulations regarding what Satellites to connect to. Once a VSAT license is obtained, one can connect to any satellite service provider.

HF Radio


An authorisation is required which is obtainable from DoSCIIT upon application in writing giving general information such as the reason why it is required, number of repeaters, number of hand held equipment and number of vehicle mounted equipment, simplex or duplex.

UHF/VHF/HF radio: handheld, base and mobile


An authorisation is required which is obtainable from DoSCIIT upon application in writing giving general information such as the reason why it is required, number of repeaters, number of hand held equipment and number of vehicle mounted equipment, simplex or duplex.

UHF/VHF repeaters


An authorisation is required which is obtainable from DoSCIIT upon application in writing giving general information such as the reason why it is required, number of repeaters, number of hand held equipment and number of vehicle mounted equipment, simplex or duplex.



An authorisation is required which is obtainable from DoSCIIT upon application in writing giving general information such as the reason why it is required, number of repeaters, number of hand held equipment and number of vehicle mounted equipment, simplex or duplex.



A license is required. There are 3 categories of license: 1. Commercial/corporate (Banks) 2. Private non-commercial (diplomatic missions, UN System) 3. Educational (NGOs)

Individual Network Operator Licenses Required


Frequency Licenses Required

  1. UHF/VHF/HF - Written application for authorization to use and install to DoSCIIT. No license fees required to be paid but spectrum fees are paid annually unless there is a waiver from DoSCIIT
  2. VSAT - A license is obtained through filling in a VSAT License application form obtainable from DoSCIIT at a cost of D10, 000.00 (~ US$400) – non refundable. The annual license and frequency spectrum charges will depend on the category of license granted. No import license is required once a license or authorization has been obtained to operate/install any of the above.

Existing Humanitarian Telecoms Systems

All the UN agencies are connected to one single VHF and HF system housed in UN House, where WFP, UNDP and UNICEF have offices. UNDP, WFP, UNICEF and WHO each have their independent VSATs.

It will be technically feasible for WFP, UNDP and UNICEF to share each others VSAT connection, but some expert configuration has to be made since each of these VSATs has different routing configurations.

Existing UN Telecommunication Systems









VHF frequencies








HF frequencies

























For information on Gambia telecommunications contact details, please see the following link: 

4.8 Gambia Additional Service Provision Contact List

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List

For information on Gambia telecommunications additional details, please see the following document: 

Gambia Telecommunications Additional Details

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

4 Gambia Contact Lists

In the following subsections the contact details for Gambia will be presented. 

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List

Gambia Government Contact List

Ministry National or Provincial/State Authority City / Town Street / Physical Address Name & Title Email & Website Phone Number (Office) & Fax Number Phone Number (mobile)

NDMA - National Disaster Management Agency

National n/a Kairaba Avenue Sereekunda

Director General

  Essa Khan  220 6429386   220 6429386

Gambian Revenue Authority

National Banjul  Liberation avenue, Banjul, The Gambia

 Deputy Commissioner Technical Services

 Alieu N Ceesay

4223131 Ext: 363 Mob 9900948

Fax: 4202792


National Roads Authority

National Kanifing  MDI Road Kanifing

Manager, Operations & Safety

 Mr. Mamodou Senghore 4378184 9995056

National Roads Authority

National Kanifing MDI Road, Kanifing

Director of Operations

  Mr Sulayman Faye

n/a 4378997 9989204

Gambian National transport control association and transport drivers union

National Banjul 18/19 liberation avenue, Banjul

Secretary General

 Sheriff DIBBA,





Department of State for works, construction and infrastructure Development

National Kanifing MDI Road Kanifing

Permanent secretary

 Mr. Bakary M. Houma 4375765 9966692

Department of state for finance and economic affairs 

National n/a n/a Mr. Mod Secka  n/a 9907820  n/a
 Department of State for Communication National n/a n/a

Deputy Permanent Secretary

 Yankoulsa Toure 7768821 n/a

4.2 Gambia Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Gambia Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Organization Name Phone Number (Office)


Isa Jawara +220 4494760/9


Chinue Dike  +220 4494760/9


Saikou Saho +220 4460850


DR Thomas Sukwa  +2204462283/4/6


Isaac Gblee +220 4494790


Badara Joof +220 4494760


Babajana Ahmadou n/a

UN Dispensary

Dr Njie +220 4494760


Sukai Bojang +220 4494772


Nuha Ceesay +220 4494760


Meshack Tunee Tjirongo +220 4494760

4.3 Gambia Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Gambia Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Name Company Name & Title Email

Phone Number

(office & mobile)

Key Role

Port of Banjul

Port of Banjul


Director of Corporate Services and Business Development 

Ms Naffie Macdouall


Fax: +2209960493

Port of Banjul Port of Banjul

Director of Traffic Operations




Ports Authority

Gambia Ports


Director of operations-Ferry operations

  Mr. Halifa Babacarr Bah




Moukhtara holding


 Sayed Moukhtara



 +220 4393085



4.4 Gambia Airport Company Contact List

Gambia Airport Company Contact List

Airport Company Physical Address Email & Website Phone Number (office) Fax Number
Banul International AIrport Banul International AIrport PO Box 285, BJL

The Gambia

+220 4473000 or 4473001 +220 4472190

4.5 Gambia Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Gambia Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Company Physical Address Name & Title Email

Phone Number

(office & mobile)

Key Role

Logistics Assistant

 Mr Lamin Drammeh



Mob: 9920598

KANFING ROAD/ Gilles Robert warehouse n/a

Warehouse Logistics Assistant

 Mr Bakary Jallow



Mob: 9944997

KANFING ROAD/ Gilles Robert warehouse n/a

Store Keeper

 Mr Landing Jarjue



Mob: 9921655

KANFING ROAD/ Gilles Robert warehouse n/a


 Mr Modoulamin Sanyang 



Mob: 9702532

Depart of Agriculture Koffi Annan Street Bakau Mr. Sariyang Jobarteh




Barra Warehouse n/a Mr. Simon Ndure n/a 9885059 Warehouse
Kuntaur Warehouse n/a

Local Manager

 Kalifa Sisocho

n/a 9825838 Warehouse
Kerewan Warehouse n/a

 Local Manager

 Mr. Manlafi Jabang

n/a  9830518 Warehouse
Basse  Warehouse n/a

Local Manager

 Mr. Pamodou Jobe

n/a 9985232 Warehouse

Midland Trading Group Ltd

26, ECOWAS Ave. Banjul Mr. Hassan Akar




Kuntaur Rice Mill (KRM)

Central River Division


n/a   Mill

4.6 Gambia Fuel Provider Contact List

Gambia Fuel Provider Contact List

Company Name Email Phone Number (office) Description of Services Provided


Mr Cherno Jallow  n/a  7794713  Fuel Provider


Mr Jonas Ayi  n/a 4498171  Fuel Provider


Mr Bakary Jammeh  4496690  Fuel Provider


n/a n/a  4378265 Fuel Provider


n/a n/a n/a Fuel Provider


4.7 Gambia Transporter Contact List

Gambia Transporter Contact List

Company Physical Address Name Email Phone Number (office) Description of Services Provided Vehicle Type

Number of Vehicles

Kansala Enterprise

71 Leman Street

Banjul Foni Kansala office

A/H Filije Nyassi n/a 9905633 n/a

Up to 11 tons

11-25 Tons

Over 25 Tons




All Owned / Subcontractors: Owned

Kombo Sillah Touray

Latri Kunda Sabigi  Mansa Khalifa A. Touray  n/a  9931668  n/a

Up to 11 tons

11-25 Tons

Over 25 Tons





  • Buba Demba: 4
  • Lamin Touray:3
  • Amadou Demba: 6


  • Buba Demba: 5
  • Lamin Touray:4
  • Amadou Demba: 3


  • Buba Demba: 1
  • Lamin Touray:2
  • Amadou Demba:1

Gambia National Transport Control Association

 18/19 Liberation Avenue, Banjul Sheriff Dibba n/a 4223557 n/a

Up to 11 tons

11-25 Tons

Over 25 Tons



  • Sheriff John:n/a
  • Matar Faal:4


  • Gambia co-operative union:Several
  • Sheriff John:n/a
  • Matar Faal:1


  • Gambia co-operative union:Several
  • Sheriff John:n/a
  • Matar Faal:n/a

M.M. Faal Auto-Works

 8 Imam Omar Sowe Ave. Matarr M. Faal n/a 4227303 9911431 n/a

Up to 11 tons

11-25 Tons

Over 25 Tons








 6 Ecowas Avenue, Banjul George Madi Jnr n/a 4227377 4201570 n/a

Up to 11 tons

11-25 Tons

Over 25 Tons

Truck with crane


11-25 Tons












Njeen Marong

Gambia Shipping Agencies

 1a Cotton Street, Banjul   n/a   n/a 227518  

Up to 11 tons

11-25 Tons

Over 25 Tons




M A Faal & Sons *(Double) 15

Womy Transport 10

Various Individual Truck Owners 20


Lang Karamo Suwareh & Sons Enterprise

 Manadi Manjang Highway  Lang Karano Suwareh   n/a  9906344   n/a  Up to 11 tons

11-25 Tons

Over 25 Tons

Over 25 Tons

11-25 Tons






 Alhaji Ablisuku Singateh

Alhaji Ablisuku Singateh

Alhaji Ablisuku Singateh

Mumhammad Kebbeh

Alhaji Caesay

Chief Jim F. Jobe   Kerr jarga, jokadon district   n/a   n/a  220- 5720056 9832456   n/a  Up to 11 tons

11-25 Tons







M&B Company Limited

 38, mosque Road, Banjul  Musa Jawneh 4223508 9960033

Other offices across the Country:

  • Dakar
  • Zigarhore
  • Casamance
  • Bissau

 Over 25 Tons

Container loading








4.8 Gambia Additional Service Provision Contact List

Gambia Additional Service Provision Contact List

Type of Service Company Physical Address Name Email & Website Phone Number (office)

Description of

Services Provided


AB Rent a Car

n/a n/a 4460926 n/a


Kairaba avenue  n/a n/a 7773988 n/a

West African Tours

n/a n/a  4495258 n/a

Camping Sukuta

n/a n/a n/a  9917786 n/a
ISP Providers Companies


Gambia Telecommunications Co. Limited)


BANJUL, GAMTEL Data Services,


n/a n/a 4229999 n/a
ISP Providers Companies


QuantumNET Digital, Kairaba Avenue, K.S.M.D, n/a n/a 4395252 n/a
ISP Providers Companies


Kairaba Avenue,SERREKUNDA,


n/a n/a 4396822 n/a
ISP Providers Companies




n/a n/a n/a n/a
Food Suppliers


Bintang in Foni, Western Region Lamin Ceesay n/a  7706364/9984235


Food Suppliers

Lang Suwareh

Old Jeshwang KSMD Lang K. Suwareh & Sons n/a 4375056/9906344


Food Suppliers

George Banna & Co. Ltd

5,Liberation Avenue, Banjul. PO Box 143  Mr. A. Banna 4227488 / 84


Food Suppliers

Tajco Company Limited

Liberation Avenue, Banjul. Mr. Housaine Muhammad n/a n/a


Food Suppliers

Shyben A. Madi & Sons

Liberation Avenue, Banjul.  Mr. Sheikh Baba n/a 4226666


Food Suppliers

Boule & Sons Ltd.

Liberation Avenue, Banjul. Mr. Sharbel Elhad n/a 4227488 / 84


5 Gambia Annexes

The following section contains annexes for additional information for the Gambia LCA

5.1 Gambia Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym Full name of the Agency / Organization
AWB Airway Bill
BL Bill of Lading
C&F Cost & Freight
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CFS Container Freight Stations
DLCA Digital Logistics Capacity Assessment
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation
GCAA  Gambia National Civil Aviation Authority 
GGC  Gambia Groundnut Cooperation
GPRS General Pocket Radio Service
GRT Gross Register Tonnage
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMF International Monetary Fund
INGO International NGO
IOM International Organisation for Migration
ISPs Internet Service Providers
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere
LCA Logistics Capacity Assessment
MOU Memorables of Understanding
MT Metric Tons
MW Megawatt
n/a not available


National Disaster Management Agency
NDB Non directional beacon
NFI Non Food Items
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
OCHA Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
RC Resident Coordinator
RoRo Roll on Roll off
T Tons
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TEUs Twenty Foot Equivalent Units
THC Terminal Handling Charge
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
(V)HF (Very) High Frequency
VOR VHF omnidirectional radio range
V-SAT Very Smart Aperture Terminal
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WCO World Customs Organisation
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organisation
WVI World Vision International