2.2 Colombia Aviation

2.2 Colombia Aviation

Aerocivil is the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics (Spanish: Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aeronáutica Civil), is a government agency of the Colombian Ministry of Transport. It is in charge of regulating civil aviation, the aviation industry, and managing the Colombian airspace; deals with civil aviation and general aviation as a whole, excluding military aviation which falls under the Colombian Air Force branch of the Colombian Military.

The agency also operates two agencies of its own, the Corporation of the Colombian Aeronautic Industry SA or CIAC, which is in charge of construction, repair and maintenance of planes and jets, and the Centre for Aeronautic Studies or CEA, which creates programs for training and education in the field of aeronautics. The aviation sector in Colombia has grown significantly in airport infrastructure and air cargo terminals. Colombia has 590 airports and airfields of which 74 are owned by Aerocivil (Government), 14 by departments, 94 by municipalities, 9 military, 185 fumigation, and 214 private airfields. 13 are certificated as international airports, located in Bogotá, Armenia, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cali, Cartagena, Cúcuta, Leticia, Medellín, Pereira, Riohacha, Santa Marta y San Andrés Isla. Only five of these considerably move passengers and cargo abroad.

The most influential in the economy is the Bogota Airport - El Dorado, move the 50% of the passengers and the 70% of the cargo followed by Cali and Medellin.

Aeronautica civil concessioner 17 of the 74 air terminals operated by the government, the main objective for this issue is looking for increase the commercial use of the terminals, modernize, expand and improve administration.

The focal challenge for this sector is the investment in technology, improve the assistance for the passengers, and progress in equipment for handling cargo.

For more information on government agency and airport company contact information, please see the following links:  4.1 Government Contact List and 4.5 Airport Companies Contact List.


Hugo Moreno Cano

Head of the Aeronautical Registry Office (E) 

General Management 

Email: hugo.moreno@aerocivil.gov.co 

Tel: (571) 425 1000 - (571) 594 8600 

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft

Each flight to, from or on and landings in Colombian territory will be subject to Colombian official regulations related to civil aviation. Aircraft arriving or leaving Colombian territory must make their first landing or final departure from an international airport.

Regular Flights

Scheduled international flights operated by, or in transit through, foreign airlines to Colombia must meet the following requirements:

  1. A) When there is a treatment or agreement with the flag of nationality it holds, the designation, the operating permit and other administrative matters will be governed mainly by the provisions established in the treatment or a valid agreement and then in Colombian laws and regulations.
  2. B) When there is no treatment or agreement with the flag state, the operating permit will be granted or not, taking into account the national interest, public safety, the economic interests of air transport and the conclusion of international agreements, treatments or pacts signed by the Colombian government and simply provided by the principle of real and effective reciprocity.
  3. C) The application for an operating permit to establish international public transport that there is a treatment or agreement, or not with the state of the flag, must be submitted to the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics.

The aircraft of the contracting states of the agreement on International Civil Aviation signed in Chicago in 1944, on regular international flights without traffic rights in the country, can fly over and scale in Colombian territory for non-commercial purposes, for which they must process the plan of respective flight. Any stopover must take place at an international airport. It does not require prior permission from the Colombian aviation authority.

The arrival, operation and permanence of foreign aircraft in commercial air services, scheduled or not, as well as state aircraft will be subject to prior authorization in valid bilateral and multilateral agreements on the specific subject or condition of reciprocity. When said flights involve commercial traffic rights, the corresponding authorization will be granted by the Air Transport Office.

Documentation requirements for aircraft approval

 In the case of aircraft registered abroad operated by Colombian commercial public air transport operators, they must obtain the required authorization from the Aviation Registry Office to operate the aircraft registered abroad in Colombia, before registering the certificate or contract in accordance to which it is acquired as operator in the same and the fulfillment of the demanded requirements. This authorization will be carried on the aircraft with the other documents on board.

To obtain permission for the arrival and departure of their aircraft to and from Colombia, airline operators must present the aircraft documents listed below. All the documents listed must comply with the ICAO standard format established in the relevant appendices that correspond to ICAO appendix 9 and are acceptable when they are in Spanish, and must be completed legibly. The visa is not required in terms of such documents. Required aircraft documents (arrival / departure):

  • Immigration Police: Passenger Manifesto.
  • Customs: General Declaration, Passenger Manifest and Cargo Manifest (When cargo is transshipped at the same airport, four (4) copies are required).
  • All Colombian or foreign aircraft at the time of arrival or departure from the country, must be presented to the Customs and Immigration authorities.


Customs endorses and returns a copy of the general declaration, authorizing the release.

If the passenger is not embarked or disembarked and if the cargo is loaded or unloaded, it is not necessary to present the aircraft documents to the authorities mentioned above, with the exception of the General Declaration.

Unscheduled Flights


 If an aircraft operator intends to launch a flight (or a series of non-scheduled flights) to Colombia to board or disembark passengers, cargo or mail, it must request it from the Air Navigation Services Directorate of the administrative unit. .

Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics for permission to carry out such operations no less than 24 hours before the planned landing. The request must contain the following information in the order shown below:

  • Name of the operator.
  • Aircraft types and registration marks.
  • The dates and times of arrival (International Airport) and departures thereof.
  • The place or places of embarkation and disembarkation of passengers and / or cargo abroad, as the case may be.
  • The purpose of the trip and the number of passengers and / or the nature and amount of the charge.
  • The name, address and line of business of the charterer, if applicable.


Unscheduled flights without commercial rights

The aircraft of the contracting states of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed in Chicago in 1944 can fly over Colombian territory and make stops for non-commercial purposes (technical scale) for which they must organize a flight plan in a timely manner. Any stopover must take place at an international airport. It does not require prior permission from the Colombian aviation authority.

  • Documentation requirements for aircraft authorization
  • The same requirements as scheduled flights.

Private Flights

Overflight, entry and exit of foreign private aircraft: private aircraft registered in any of the contracting states of the Convention on Civil Aviation, signed in Chicago in 1944, can fly over and enter Colombian territory, for which they must timely process the flight plan. All arrivals and departures must take place at an international airport. It does not require prior permission from the Colombian aviation authority. The following flight categories do not need permission either:

  • Any flight for humanitarian or urgent need.
  • Sporadic aero taxis from abroad.

Aircraft that require prior authorization

Aircraft from abroad require prior authorization to fly over the territory and make stops. The respective requests must be submitted to Aerocivil, with adequate notice. Regarding the flights and landings of foreign state airplanes, it is regulated by Decree 1692 of October 15, 1992. When the foreign operator planned to carry out a frequent series of charter flights, must obtain a prior operating permit, to do so. which must submit an application containing:

  • Name of the company and legal representative, address and domicile.
  • Permission granted by the flag country for flight references.
  • Equipment with respect to its identification and ownership.
  • Insurance


Surety or civil liability insurance in charge of the aircraft operator

Aircraft operators must guarantee the civil liability referred to in Article 1900 of the Commercial Code, in an amount sufficient to cover the compensation amounts corresponding to the liability limits established therein, or in the international agreements in force for Colombia on the matter, according to is applicable; which must remain in force as an indispensable requirement for the operation, according

  1. A) Colombian companies operating commercial public transport air services, must guarantee with respect to each aircraft they operate, civil liability for damage to third parties on the surface, for boarding and for damage (death or injury of passengers, loss or damage of goods ) derived from the air transport contract, in accordance with the provisions of Chapters VI, VII and XII of Part Two of the Fifth Book of the Commercial Code. Colombian international public transport companies must also provide guarantees for the same concepts, up to the limits of liability indicated by the international agreements to which Colombia is a party and with respect to international operations. The operators of commercial aircraft referred to in this literal, must provide the National Aeronautical Registry Office, the insurance certificate, or document that proves the constitution of the surety, at the time of requesting registration of the act or contract by virtue of which they access such an exploiter.
  2. B) Foreign companies that operate to and from Colombia, must establish a bond for an amount not less than the limits established in the International Agreements in force for Colombia on the matter; or failing that, to the provisions of the Commercial Code, to protect civil liability for damages to third parties on the surface, for boarding and for damages (death or injury of passengers, loss or damage of goods) derived from the transport contract aerial. The document that certifies the constitution and validity of this bond, will be provided to the Air Transport Office among the necessary requirements for the initiation of operations.
  3. C) The other civil aircraft that fly over Colombian territory, whether national or foreign, must guarantee liability for damage to third parties on the surface and by boarding, up to the limits indicated in the Commercial Code. If such aircraft were registered in Colombia, or if, having foreign registration, they receive authorization to stay in the country for more than fifteen (15) days and up to six (6) months, their operators must submit to the National Aeronautical Registry Office, the certificate of insurance, or document that proves the constitution of the surety at the time of requesting registration of the act or contract by virtue of which they access such status of operator or requesting the authorization of permanence. In the case of aircraft with foreign registration, authorized to remain in the country, the corresponding bond must also be provided (see Colombian Aeronautical Regulations, RAC) to guarantee compliance with the obligations derived from the permanence authorization. Foreign general aviation aircraft that have to stay in the country for up to fifteen (15) days, will send the Directorate of Services to Air Navigation, with the request for entry and stay, a copy of the corresponding insurance certificate, which also must stay on board

Stay of foreign aircraft in Colombia

Aircraft registered abroad, operated by general aviation (non-commercial) for Colombians or foreigners who enter Colombian territory, in accordance with articles 5 and 24 of the Chicago Agreement of 1944 that refers to international civil aviation, paragraph 3.6 . From the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia, it will be admitted temporarily and without special authorization, up to a term of forty-eight (48) hours, only if they enter and leave through the same airport without operating other Colombian airports.


Authorization for non-commercial aircraft

In accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, general aviation or non-commercial aircraft require a special permit to arrive and stay in Colombian territory, in the following cases:

  • When they must stay more than forty-eight (48) hours in Colombian territory.
  • When they are on flights that do not belong to the airport of arrival in Colombia.

The corresponding authorization will be granted by the Directorate of Air Navigation Services, who is delegated in the fact, for which the operator must submit a request to that office with no less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance through a AFS message, fax, mail or email.

The application must include:

  • Identification of the aircraft by its nationality and registration marks.
  • Make, model and serial number of the aircraft and its engines and propellers.
  • Name of the requesting operator, including its telephone number and AFS address, email or postal code, where the response is sent.
  • Names of the crew in charge, along with their number of licenses issued or validated by the State of registration of aircraft.
  • Number of occupants who do not belong to the crew entering and leaving the country on the aircraft.
  • Airport (s) of entry and exit to and from Colombia (to be international airports) and deadlines for this purpose.
  • Approximate dates and times scheduled for entry and exit.
  • Place or places (city and airport) where the aircraft will remain or operate.
  • Place (address and telephone number) where you can find the crew in Colombia.
  • Reason for the stay. If the reason is to perform demonstration flights, they must know the names or be interested in the demonstration. In the case of repair or maintenance, indicate the name of the workshop, the type of work and its approximate duration.


To the application it must be attached

  • Copies of the air force registration and airworthiness certificates.
  • Copies of current crew licenses, issued or validated by the competent authority of the State of the aircraft registry, indicated above.
  • Copies of insurance policies that protect the operator's liability in relation to public liability and the collision surface that the aircraft could cause in Colombia.

When the arrival of foreign aircraft is intended to carry out repairs or maintenance, or if during its stay it is necessary to perform services other than traffic, such work must be carried out in workshops approved by the UAEAC Special Administrative Unit for Civil Aeronautics and certified for the type and / or aircraft service. in question and must have the due authorization of the aeronautical authority of the State of the registry of aircraft. Likewise, the Office of Aviation Safety and Control must give its approval before the execution of the works and give its consent when they are going to carry out test flights.


Titles, acts and documents subject to registration

They must register in the National Aeronautical Registry:

A.- Articles of ownership of aircraft.

B.- Transferring acts of ownership over aircraft.

C.- Acts that encumber or limit, in general, control over aircraft.

D.- Acts or contracts that deal with aircraft, celebrated abroad and that have effects in Colombia.

E.- Seizures and other precautionary measures decreed on a civil aircraft.

F.- Aircraft under construction for the purpose of establishing taxes on them.

G.- Acts that constitute, transfer or terminate the status of operator over aircraft of an aircraft.

H.- Aircraft contracts.


Titles, acts and documents granted abroad.

The acts and contracts on aircraft validly celebrated in a foreign country must be submitted in original or authenticated photocopy and officially translated into Spanish (Castilian) if they were written in another language so that they can be registered in the National Aeronautical Registry and have effect in the Country. ; Said acts or contracts granted abroad will be recorded in the respective document and will be covered by the formalities required according to the laws of the State in which they were granted. Such documents will also be authenticated by the consul or diplomatic agent of the Republic of Colombia and, failing that, by that of a friendly nation, which makes it presume that they were granted in accordance with the laws of the respective country. The signature of the consul or diplomatic agent will be paid by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia and if it is a consular agent of a friendly country, it will be previously authenticated by the competent official of the same and that of the latter by the Colombian Consul, in compliance with the ordered in article 480 of the Commercial Code.


Short-term stay approval

The authorization of the preceding paragraphs will be granted for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days. If the term is shorter than originally granted, the extension may be allowed to complete.

If the aircraft had entered without special authorization for a period of less than 48 hours and it was required to extend its stay, they can request permission for an additional time not to exceed 15 days. In this case, the request must contain the information and evidence provided in the previous paragraph. If the extension was not obtained, the aircraft will not be allowed any flight that does not correspond to its departure.

If the initial fifteen days have expired, you can request an extension up to an additional 15 days. In all cases, the stay of the plane in Colombia for more than 30 days.

If the aircraft were to carry out consecutive inbound and outbound flights, it would be indicated in the initial application, in which case, its total stay in Colombia may not exceed fifteen days in the respective month.

However, if the established deadline expires, demonstrating technical difficulties related to the maintenance, repair or operation of the aircraft, or weather conditions or other circumstances that strictly prevent its departure, a special extension may be requested to remain in the country, until these difficulties are overcome, not to exceed thirty (30) days.

In this case, the aircraft will be suspended from any flight while it is in Colombia and only the test flight will be authorized (in the case of repair or maintenance) or whatever corresponds to the final departure from the country. Similarly, when the reason for the entry and stay of the aircraft is to carry out maintenance or repair tasks, this stay will be authorized only for the time required for the work, and the aircraft will not allow any operation other than conducting test flights or flight for departure In any case, once after the period of stay and / or authorized extension, the aircraft must leave the country and must not be allowed to return within ninety (90) days. However, if the aircraft does not leave the country within the specified period, no operation other than that of the departure flight will be allowed and that fact will be reported to the customs authorities, within their competence, without affecting the sanctions that may be required, by the aviation authority.


Special authorization to stay long term

If it does not affect what is mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics + UAEAC may authorize the retention of aircraft registered abroad, used in corporate or executive aircraft for periods of up to six (6) months, extendable, only when the operator was a national or foreign legal entity that certifies permanent business in Colombia and abroad, to deserve frequent entry and exit of the aircraft to and from Colombian territory or to stay for long periods. The request for proper authorization must also contain the requirements and schedules established in the previous section, the activities that require the development of corporate and executive activities, provided in sections Colombian Aeronautical Regulations and the following:

  • Description of the company's permanent business in Colombia and abroad.
  • Type of operations carried out in Colombia (company equipment or personnel transport, etc.).
  • Colombian airports where operations with the aircraft were mainly expected.
  • Certificate of existence and legal representation of the company, if it is a Colombian subsidiary in Colombia if it is foreign.
  • Guarantee (real, bank or insurance company) in an amount equal to 10% of the market value of the aircraft, in effect for the time the aircraft spends in the country to guarantee compliance with the authorization obligations and its departure after the expiration of the permit term or its extension.

The corresponding deed or lease that the person acquires the position of operator of the aircraft must be registered in the National Aeronautical Registry in accordance with Article 1798 of the Commercial Code, with compliance with all applicable requirements in accordance with the Law and this Regulation .

The crew must request and obtain approval for their commercial pilot licenses issued by the country of registration of the aircraft, for which the provisions of paragraph

  1. a) If they were foreigners or have a Colombian commercial pilot license if they were Colombian.

The Aviation Registry Office will issue the corresponding authorization for the operation of the aircraft in corporate or executive aviation activities in Colombia. This document will remain on the aircraft, along with other documents on board.

Conditions of authorization

Without prejudice to the prior authorization or approval that will be granted to foreign aircraft, the Air Transport Office (which practices traffic rights), the Aviation Registry Office (to Colombian operators to operate foreign aircraft) The Security Office and Aviation Control (to repair, maintenance or test flights), the Air Navigation Services Directorate will grant authorization for arrival and departure flights to and from the country, and the flight test or demonstration in all cases . Aircraft should not begin their arrival flight until they have expressly granted said permission.

The Air Navigation Services Directorate informs the Aviation Security and Control Office about each foreign aircraft authorized to stay in the country for more than forty-eight (48) hours.

In accordance with the provisions of Section 16 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, UAEAC reserves the right to inspect aircraft registered abroad that are located in Colombia, and to inspect the certificates and other documents thereof, as prescribed in the Agreement, without prejudice to the jurisdiction of other assisting authorities.

In accordance with Section 11 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, once the arrival and / or stay of any foreign aircraft in Colombia has been authorized, the aspects related to the entry or exit, or its operation and navigation, will be subject to the Laws and Colombian Aeronautical Regulations, particularly paragraphs And 4.23.1. A of these regulations.


Public health measures applied to the aircraft

 When aircraft enter Colombian territory, public health measurements are not normally implemented, and vaccination certificates will only be required when the health authority deems it necessary.

When the aircraft come from places that have been declared epidemic, if the health authority considers it necessary, disinfection will be applied immediately after the arrival of the aircraft. In general, sanitary inspections must be carried out with respect to the cargo carried by the aircraft when it contains food, biological or pharmacological products.

International civil aviation signed in Chicago 1944: http://www.icao.int/publications/Pages/doc7300.aspx

Updated documentation according to the type of aircraft: http://www.aerocivil.gov.co/TServicios/EAeronauticas/Paginas/Inicio.aspx

2.2.1 Colombia El Dorado International Airport

Airport Overview

El Dorado International Airport is the main airport in Colombia. It is located 13.35 kilometers to the west of El Centro (Plaza de Bolívar) Bogota, between the towns of Fontibón and Engativá. At the El Dorado Airport there are 30 international airlines, 6 domestic airlines and 18 cargo airlines. Currently the airport handles an average of 36 million passengers and 820 thousand tons per year.

In rainy seasons, there are phenomena such as fog and incidents with some aircraft, which generates temporary closures in operations, for this reason, authorization was requested from the National Environmental Licensing Agency (ANLA) for the expansion of the operation of the El Dorado airport after eleven o'clock at night in the west - east direction, to allow a greater number of takeoffs.

El Dorado Airport is the one that transports the most cargo in the country with 820 thousand tons per year and is currently the airport with the highest cargo movement in Latin America.

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

Bogotá D.C. Cundinamarca

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport

Bogotá (5 km)

Airport’s Complete Name

Aeropuerto Internacional El Dorado





Elevation (ft and m)

2.548 m / 8.360 feet





Managing Company or Airport Authority

Grupo Operadora Aeroportuaria internacional S.A. (OPAIN)

Management Contact Person

Andrés Ortega Rezk

Open From (hours)


Open To (hours)


Airport Picture

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

The main Colombian entities and authorities operating at the El Dorado Airport are:

  • Civil Aviation. Civil Aeronautics works to guarantee the orderly development of civil aviation, the airline industry and the safe use of Colombian airspace, facilitating intermodal transportation and contributing to the improvement of the country's competitiveness.
  • Aero health. Airport Health, the place where medical emergencies at El Dorado Airport are treated.
  • ITRC. The ITRC agency oversees the integrity of the collection process and the administration of assets, income, taxes and parafiscal contributions made by DIAN, UGPP and COLJUEGOS. In turn, this agency is in charge of protecting the money and resources of Colombians, strengthening the three monitored entities, in order to generate greater income for the Nation.
  • DIAN. The Special Administrative Unit Directorate of National Taxes and Customs,
  • Anti-narcotics Directorate.
  • Fontibón Hospital. The new and modern facilities of approximately 56m², has two basic areas: the first, vaccination for travelers, and the second, offices for the personnel in charge of carrying out the inspection, surveillance and control work at the Airport.
  • Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA). The procedures with the Institution will be carried out in the Cargo Administrative Center (CAC), pets in crates in office 23 and the Phyto and zoosanitary inspections in the cargo holds.
  • Migration Colombia.
  • OPAIN S.A. is a company incorporated with the sole objective of managing, modernizing, commercially developing, expanding, operating and maintaining the El Dorado International Airport.

Some of the private companies that provide services at El Dorado Airport are:

  • Avianca It is the commercial brand that represents the Latin American airlines integrated in Avianca Holdings S.A., which has been highlighted for its excellence in service. With airlines specialized in passenger and cargo transport, it directly serves more than 100 destinations in 28 countries in America and Europe aboard a modern fleet of 180 short, medium and long-range aircraft. Additionally, it flies to 1,300 destinations in 192 countries on five continents.
  • Avianca Cargo, formerly Tampa Cargo, is a Colombian cargo airline with operations in the American continent, which it operates mainly from Bogotá and Miami. Currently Avianca Cargo operates as a subsidiary of Avianca previously called Tampa Cargo and has a codeshare agreement on all routes where it operates for the use of its aircraft holds.
  • Copa Airlines. Panama international airline, flies to 74 destinations in 31 countries in North, Central, South America and the Caribbean. In addition, the airline maintains a strategic alliance with the American company United Airlines. Copa Airlines has a strategic business unit in Colombia that will provide logistics solutions in cargo transportation, safely, efficiently and with high quality standards in processes.
  • LATAM It is a Colombian commercial passenger airline and a subsidiary of LATAM Airlines that covers national and international destinations from its headquarters at the El Dorado International Airport in Bogotá and from the main cities of that country. It is the second largest airline in Colombia by total passenger traffic with about 23% of the domestic market as of December 2015.3 It has a large presence in Latin America, one of its most desired attributes being the capillarity of its network. This allows the company to offer a great connection to, from and within the region. The portfolio includes highly specialized treatments, such as PHARMA, for the transport of pharmaceutical products; ALIVE, for the transport of live animals; o PROTECT, for vulnerable shipments ”.

Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

El Dorado is the largest airport in the country, there are mobilized 50 thousand passengers daily, with an average of 800 flights. In addition, 48% of the total passenger mobilization in Colombia is concentrated in this air terminal. El Dorado is the most critical hub in Colombia because it handles 33% of air operations, which means that 40% of Colombia's domestic passengers pass through Bogotá daily and approximately 78% of internationals also pass through the capital city.

Performance for 2019

Per Year

Per Month

Per Day

Total Aircraft Movements

312,087 (take off + landings)

26,007 (+-)


Total Passengers

17’819,479 (Intl + domestic)



Total Capacity of the Airport (MT)


Current Activity of the Airport (MT)


Current use by Humanitarian Flights (UNHAS)




El Dorado International Airport has a huge infrastructure divided into several sectors: cargo terminals TC1 (24,797 square meters), TC2 (23,624 square meters), and TC3 (18,129 square meters) are the main buildings, to which it is added the Administrative Center of Cargo (6,328 square meters). In total, there are 72,880 square meters of construction.

Inside are the space holders, companies that lease the area offered by OPAIN. Today they number 69 and make use of 10 cold rooms that total 9,350 square meters, 16 warehouses and 214 vehicle docks. The Bogotá cargo terminal has occupied 100% of its warehouse space and 80% of its office space, which is a reflection of how this enormous building has a high strategic value for the national economy.


The runway is fully paved and with excellent signaling and lighting conditions.

Runway #1   13L/31R

Runway Dimensions

3,800 m x 45 m


134 / 314



The runway is fully paved and with excellent signaling and lighting conditions. Takeoffs and landings are restricted between 03:01 am and 10:59 am because this runway is very close to a residential neighborhood.

Runway #2    13R/31L

Runway Dimensions

3.800 x 45 m


134 / 314



Helicopter Pad(s)

There are currently no heliports at El Dorado Airport. Therefore, for the takeoff maneuver or for the culmination of the approach maneuver, helipoints (called: Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta and Echo) are established within the movement area. from the airfield. The airspace of the city of Bogotá maintains visual corridors for the routing of traffic and on helicopter flights called KOPTER. (KOPTER 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Due to Civil Aeronautics regulations, helicopters may only fly during the day, that is, from 6:30 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon.

At El Dorado International Airport, the taxiways and / or security zones are used for landing helicopters on VFR flights, likewise the taxiways are planned for both airplanes and helicopters in order to allow the taxiing on the surface of helicopters by their own motive power, therefore the specifications regarding taxiways, taxiway margins and taxiway strips that appear in the Colombian Aeronautical Regulations also apply to helicopters, in addition to the operating restrictions of the same.

Take-off and landing procedures

Helicopters departing:

  1. The pilot will call on the corresponding Surface Control frequency to request towing instructions from the respective hangar or parking position to the nearest SPOT.
  2. Established in the SPOT, it will request taxi instructions or air taxi to the nearest helipoint in order to carry out the takeoff maneuver.
  3. The taxiing will be carried out following taxiways and without overflying other aircraft, vehicles or infrastructure.

Note: Each helicopter operator / operator is responsible for establishing the procedures for air displacements when applicable, according to the existing dimensions of the taxiways and access roads to parking positions, as well as determining the minimum separation margins between their helicopters. in a parking space and an object or any aircraft.

Helicopters landing:

  1. Upon settling down at the helipoint, the pilot will establish contact on the corresponding Surface Control frequency to request air taxi instructions to the closest SPOT to the destination parking post or hangar.
  2. It will proceed towing from the SPOT, to the respective hangar or parking place.

Likewise, it is forbidden for civil helicopters to stay overnight at the aerodrome except those authorized with MEDEVAC, SAR, HOSP, STATE, among others that have the authorization to operate based at El Dorado Airport.

Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax Transport to Airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights








Airport Operating Details

Operating Details

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Bulk Cargo

ICAO Category C or lower. Category E, F (with takeoff limitation).

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Pallet

ICAO Category C or lower. Category E, F (with takeoff limitation).

Total Aircraft Parking Area (m²)

373,600 m²

Storage Area (m3 and MT)

142,000 m²

Handling Equipment

Elevators / Hi Loaders


Max Capacity (MT)


Max Height (m)

Loading Ramps


Other Comments

The new cargo terminal comprises: 207,000 m2 of platforms and access roads; 71,000 m2 for warehouses and offices; 63 docks for aerial operation; 25 parking positions for any type of aircraft that can be loaded or unloaded simultaneously; 50,000 m2 in consolidation areas; 1,000 m2 for quarantine areas of the Colombian Agricultural Institute - ICA, and 7,000 m2 for the administrative cargo center.

Customs Guidance

In accordance with Article 90 of Decree 2685 of 1999, all means of transport that reach the national customs territory must arrive at the places authorized by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN). The transporter or airport agent that has warehouses in the places of arrival for the transitory handling of cargo must obtain the respective authorization of the place by the DIAN in accordance with the provisions of Decree 390 of 2016. Once the merchandise arrives, the travel documents are received and registered, the merchandise is presented to the customs authority. It is understood by merchandise presented, that of foreign origin related in the cargo manifest (air waybill) that have the authorization of entry made by the Civil Aeronautics. The Information of the Cargo Manifest is presented through the Electronic Computer Services and must correspond at least to the following data:

  1. Identification of the means of transport
  2. Travel data, such as:
    1. Origin of the goods.
    2. Destination place.
    3. Weight and total quantity of cargo units to be transported.
    4. Transport document numbers.
    5. Number of packages, weight.
    6. The indication of consolidated cargo,

The information of the transport documents that is presented through the electronic computer services, regarding the transport documents and consolidators, must contain at least the following data:

  1. NIT of the consignee (other than that of the temporary or customs warehouse)
  2. Tariff subheading
  3. Type of load
  4. Number and date of the transport document or the consolidating document
  5. Quantity of packages, weight and volume, as appropriate
  6. Identification of the load unit, when applicable
  7. general description of the merchandise
  8. Other characteristics of the transportation contract as required by DIAN.

The carrier must deliver the information of the travel documents, through electronic computer services, with a minimum anticipation of 3 hours before the arrival of the means of transport, by air.

At the time of the arrival of the means of transport to the national customs territory, the transporter or his representative will report such fact, through electronic computer services. Upon receipt of the arrival notice, DIAN will authorize the unloading of the merchandise. For customs purposes, the date of arrival of the merchandise to the national customs territory will be that of the acknowledgment of receipt of the arrival notice through electronic computer services.

The merchandise unloaded at the airport will remain under the responsibility of the carrier or the international freight agent, as the case may be, until its delivery to the multimodal transport operator or to the consignee, either the authorized warehouse, the declarant, the customs agency, or the user operator of the free zone in which the user whose name is registered is located, or to whom the transport document is endorsed.

Finally, in the recognition procedure, the conformity between the cargo and the information contained in the travel documents and the documents that support the commercial operation will be verified, as well as compliance with the requirements set forth in special regulations, without prejudice to the power to practice the diligence of gauging on the merchandise, when the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs determines it.

Once the unloading completion report has been submitted, the goods are delivered to a temporary warehouse or a free zone where the user in whose name it is consigned is located or the transport document is endorsed within the following 2 business days .

At that time, the import declaration (DUA) is presented in the DIAN computer system and acceptance is given; Next, customs taxes are settled and paid in bank or by electronic transfer. Subsequently, with the confirmation of payment of the declaration in the system, the release of the merchandise is requested in this same medium. The lift can lead to physical or automatic inspection; if it is the first, the DIAN inspector must confirm that the physical merchandise agrees with what is stated in the documents to finally issue the release and free disposal of the merchandise. If it is automatic, the release and free disposition are obtained immediately.

Storage Facilities

The airport has 3 warehouse areas in the cargo terminals, TC1 with 24,797m2, TC2 has 23,624 m2, and TC 3 with 18,129 m2 additionally adds the Administrative Center of Cargo with 6,328 m2, in total they are 72,880 square meters of construction.

Inside are the space holders, companies that lease the area offered by OPAIN. Today they number 69 and make use of 10 cold rooms that total 9,350 square meters, 16 warehouses and 214 vehicle docks. The Bogotá cargo terminal has occupied 100% of its warehouse space and 80% of its office space

Airfield Costs

Navigation Charges


Aircraft Weight - MTOW (kg)*

0 - 7,000

7,001 - 136,000

136,001 and over

Navigation (per journey) USD - $




Landing USD - $

Included in airfare rates

Included in airfare rates

Included in airfare rates

Night Landing USD - $

 5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00

Night Take-Off USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00


1.95 after 3 hrs.

1.95 after 3 hrs.

0.00029 after 3 hrs

Handling Charges




* Prices are referential, values may vary

Fuel Service Charges

Refueling at El Dorado Airport is carried out by a fuel hydrant system with a supply capacity of 100 gallons per minute, in national, international and cargo platforms. In addition, it has a supply system with tank vehicles, with capacities of 10000-9600-6000-5000-3000 and 2500 gallons. The fuel supply is carried out by private companies such as Terpel and Energizar Aviación and operates 24 hours a day.

Price per US Gallon USD - $

Jet A-1

US 3,57*


US 3,77*

* Prices are referential, values may vary

Cargo Terminal Charges

Import Charges

Type of Charge

Rate USD - $ per kg


Handling Charge

0.78 /kg

Min. rate US$ 35

Break Bulk Fee



Diplomatic Mail



Strong Room – per consignment



Cold Storage Fee



Delivery Outside Normal Working Hours



Preparation of substitute AOA – Invoice – Receipt



Storage per Day


48 hrs grace period

Export Charges

Handling Charges – Un-palletized Cargo



International Air Waybill



Local Air Waybill



Air Way Bill Amendment – Cancellation



Air Way Bill Documentation



Diplomatic Mail

0.20 /kg

Min US$ 40

Storage Charges per Day



Air-bridge Charges

For the use of the boarding bridges of the international piers in the airports administered by AEROCIVIL, they must pay a fee of USD $ 112. The boarding bridges of the national piers in the airports will pay a rate of 6 daily legal minimum wages in force (66SMLDV).


The entire airport, including the cargo area, is monitored by a state-of-the-art closed-circuit television: from special security rooms to controlling activities related to the movement of people. State-of-the-art scanners supervised by special security personnel are found in the departure, arrival, flight connection, entry and exit areas of personnel working at the airport. El Dorado Airport reinforces its security with more than 700 cameras, The contribution of camera technology is very important in the operation of the Airport because it has reliability, security and video availability, which allows making operational and security decisions in a timely manner, complying with operating regulations.

2.2.2 Colombia Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport

Airport Overview

Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport (Spanish: Aeropuerto Internacional Ernesto Cortissoz), is an airport serving the area of Barranquilla the capital city of the Atlántico department in Colombia. The airport is located in the suburban municipality of Soledad. It owes its name to one of the pioneers of Colombian aviation, Ernesto Cortissoz. The Grupo Aeroportuario del Caribe S.A.S, is the new consortium that began operating the Barranquilla air terminal from May 16, 2015, , with the aim of modernizing its infrastructure and strengthening its service offer.

With an investment of just over 160,000,000 USD, the Barranquilla International Airport has been completely remodeled and ready for the first flights scheduled for August 2020. The remodeling includes the repaving of the runway, modernization of the passenger terminal, incorporation of technology, an intelligent and functional air conditioning system. It also plans to install information technology at the service of the airlines and a cargo terminal will be built.

At the airport there are currently three platforms for parking aircraft, one for commercial passenger aircraft, one for cargo aircraft and one for the military base. The platform for commercial passenger aircraft is in front of the Passenger Terminal Building and has 16 parking spaces. The loading platform is located north of the Passenger Terminal Building, in the vicinity of header 23. The airport now has 27 thousand square meters, 10 thousand more than the previous building; a new passenger check-in area with 49 new 'counters' and 15 self-check-in kiosks; nine boarding bridges distributed in the 13 waiting rooms, plus five luggage bands. It also has 397 cameras in five security levels. It can accept wide-body aircraft such as the Boeing 747, the Boeing 767 and the Airbus A340. The airport has two terminals: domestic and international. It is the most important airport in terms of infrastructure in the northern part of the country and the first in terms of cargo movements.

The supply and consumption of energy is supplied by a gas combustion engine with 2.5 megawatts of power that, in synchronization with the central system (Electricaribe), manages to supply the airport's energy demand.

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

Barranquilla / Atlántico

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport

Barranquilla (7 km)

Airport’s Complete Name

Aeropuerto Internacional Ernesto Cortissoz





Elevation (ft and m)

101 ft. / 31 m





Managing Company or Airport Authority

Grupo Aeroportuario del Caribe SAS

Management Contact Person

Mariela Cecilia Vergara Vergara

Open From (hours)

24 H

Open To (hours)

24 H

Airport Picture

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

The main Colombian entities and authorities operating at the airport are:

  • Civil Aviation. Civil Aeronautics works to guarantee the orderly development of civil aviation, the airline industry and the safe use of Colombian airspace, facilitating intermodal transportation and contributing to the improvement of the country's competitiveness.
  • DIAN. The purpose of the Special Administrative Unit for the National Tax and Customs Directorate, DIAN, is to help guarantee the fiscal security of the Colombian State and the protection of the national economic public order.
  • Anti-narcotics Directorate. It contributes to the goals of the National Government in its policy to combat drug trafficking and other offenses, neutralizing activities related and related to this crime, which affect the national and international community.
  • Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA). The procedures with the Institution will be done in the Administrative Center of Cargo (CAC), pets in crates in office 23 and the Phyto and zoosanitary inspections in the cargo holds.
  • Migration Colombia. Civil security entity; Autonomous and attached to the Ministry of Foreign Relations, whose objective is to exercise the functions of surveillance and control authority of migration and immigration of the Colombian State.

Some of the private companies that provide services at the Airport are:

  • AEROPUERTOS DEL CARIBE S. A. S. "ACSAS", company that currently operates the airport, its main activity is the administration and economic exploitation of the Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport. The International Cargo Agency. Provides permanent advisory services in customs, administration of special regimes (UAP, warehouses, vallejo plan and free zones). In addition, it provides logistics services such as international maritime transport, maritime consolidations, international air transport, Management of export and import operations of perishable goods, International land transport, Triangulation of goods and management of distribution and global logistics, Insurance of goods, Freight transport under special conditions: refrigerated, dangerous and oversized.
  • Avianca Cargo, formerly Tampa Cargo, is a Colombian cargo airline with operations in the American continent, which it operates mainly from Bogotá and Miami. Currently Avianca Cargo operates as a subsidiary of Avianca previously called Tampa Cargo and has a codeshare agreement on all routes where it operates for the use of the holds of its passenger aircraft.
  • LATAM Cargo has a large presence in Latin America. This allows the company to offer a great connection to, from and within the region. The portfolio includes highly specialized treatments, such as PHARMA, for the transport of pharmaceutical products; ALIVE, for the transport of live animals; o PROTECT, for vulnerable shipments.

For more information on airport contacts, please see the following link:  4.5 Airport Companies Contact List.

Information on some aviation service providers can be found at: http://www.azfreight.com/

Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

Performance for 2019

Per Year

Per Month

Total Aircraft Movements


901 (July 2020)

Total Passengers


1,244 (July 2020)

Total Capacity of the Airport (MT)



Current Activity of the Airport (MT)


1,306 (July 2020)

Current use by Humanitarian Flights (UNHAS)



The cargo terminal is located northeast of the passenger terminal and has an area of ​​9,000 m². The loading dock can accommodate up to two aircraft simultaneously. The current use of the cargo terminal does not exceed 30%. The cargo handling equipment is limited, it has two conveyor belts.


The runway has a length of 3,001 m and a width of 45 m. The approaches to both end of the runway are classified for instrument flight operations in precision category I. The airport has a taxiway parallel to the runway to reach both ends. The three turnouts near the center of the runway connect to the taxiway and ramp, are 22.5 m wide and made of concrete.

Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

3.001m x 45m


041 / 221


Concrete PCN 50 R/B//W/T

Helicopter Pads

The Airport has two heliports. Note: There is permanent presence of birds throughout the year, and in the months of June to October the presence increases at night.

Helipad #1



Largest Helicopter that can Land

Helo Type MI 8 MIL MI 17, MI 26

Width and Length (m)

H3, 35 m diameter


Cement / asphalt

Helipad #2



Largest Helicopter That Can Land

Helo type  Bell 212, 214

Eurocopter AS 365N3 Dauphin 2

Width and Length (m)

H2, 24m diameter


cement / asphalt

Airport Infrastructure Details

The approaches to each of the headers are categorized for operations in precision instrument flight category I by header 05 and in visual flight by header 23.The airport has a taxiway parallel to the runway that reaches both headers, two access roads to the runway head, three runway exit streets and three access roads to the platform that are a continuation of the intermediate runway exit streets. All of them have a width of 22.5 m. and they are made of concrete.

At the airport there are currently three platforms for aircraft parking, the one for commercial passenger aircraft, the one for cargo aircraft and the one for the Military Base. The platform for commercial passenger aircraft is located in front of the Passenger Terminal Building and has 16 parking spaces. The loading platform is located north of the Passenger Terminal Building, in the vicinity of header 23.



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax Transport to Airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights








Airport Operating Details

Operating Details

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Bulk Cargo

E190; JS32; JS41; A30; A320; B721; B722; B732; B737; B762; B763; E145; F10; A318; A319; B727; B767; ATR43; ATR 72; D328; E170;  DH4; JS32; D328

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Pallet

E190; JS32; JS41; A30; A320; B721; B722; B732; B737; B762; B763; E145; F10; A318; A319; B727; B767; ATR43; ATR 72; D328; E170;  DH4; JS32; D328.

Total Aircraft Parking Area (m²)

4.520 m2

Storage Area (m3 and MT)

9.000 m2

Handling Equipment

Elevators / Hi Loaders


Max Capacity (MT)


Max Height (m)


Loading Ramps


Other Comments



Customs Guidance

According to Article 90 of Decree 2685 of 1999, all means of transport that reach the national customs territory must arrive at the places authorized by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN). The transporter or airport agent that has warehouses in the places of arrival for the transitory handling of cargo, must obtain the respective authorization of the place by the DIAN in accordance with the provisions of Decree 390 of 2016.

Once the merchandise arrives, the travel documents are received and registered, the merchandise is presented to the customs authority. Presented merchandise is understood to be that of foreign origin listed in the cargo manifest (air waybill) that have the entry authorization issued by Civil Aeronautics. The Information of the Cargo Manifest is presented through the Electronic Computing Services and must correspond at least to the following data:

  1. Identification of the means of transport
  2. Travel data, such as:
    1. Origin of the goods.
    2. Destination place.
    3. Weight and total quantity of cargo units to be transported.
    4. Transport document numbers.
    5. Number of packages, weight.
    6. The indication of consolidated cargo,

The information of the transport documents that is presented through electronic computer services, regarding the transport documents and consolidators, must contain at least the following data:

  1. NIT (Número de Identificación Tributaria or tax identification number) of the consignee (other than that of the temporary or customs warehouse)
  2. Tariff subheading
  3. Type of load
  4. Number and date of the transport document or the consolidating document
  5. Quantity of packages, weight and volume, as appropriate
  6. Identification of the load unit, when applicable
  7. General description of the merchandise
  8. Other characteristics of the transportation contract as required by DIAN.

The carrier must deliver the information of the travel documents, through electronic computer services, with a minimum anticipation of 3 hours before the arrival of the means of transport, in the air mode.

At the time of the arrival of the means of transport to the national customs territory, the transporter or his representative will report such fact, through electronic computer services. Upon receipt of the arrival notice, DIAN will authorize the unloading of the merchandise. For customs purposes, the date of arrival of the merchandise to the national customs territory will be that of the acknowledgment of receipt of the arrival notice through electronic computer services.

The merchandise unloaded at the airport will remain under the responsibility of the carrier or the international freight agent, as the case may be, until it is delivered to the multimodal transport operator or the consignee, either the authorized warehouse, the declarant, the customs agency, or

the user operator of the free zone in which the user whose name is registered is located, or to whom the transport document is endorsed.

Finally, in the recognition procedure, the conformity between the cargo and the information contained in the travel documents and the documents that support the commercial operation will be verified, as well as compliance with the requirements set forth in special regulations, without prejudice to the power to practice the diligence of gauging on the merchandise, when the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs determines it.

Once the unloading completion report is presented, the goods are delivered to a temporary warehouse or to a free zone where the user in whose name it is consigned is located or the transport document is endorsed within the following 2 business days .

At that time, the import declaration (DUA) is presented in the DIAN computer system and acceptance is given; Next, customs taxes are settled and paid in bank or by electronic transfer. Subsequently, with the confirmation of payment of the declaration in the system, the release of the merchandise is requested in this same medium. The lift can lead to physical or automatic inspection; if it is the first, the DIAN inspector must confirm that the physical merchandise agrees with what is stated in the documents to finally issue the release and free disposal of the merchandise. If it is automatic, release and free disposal are obtained immediately.

Storage Facilities

The terminal has a warehouse, isothermal areas for dangerous goods, armored; unclaimed merchandise, single merchandise inspection zone, refrigerated inspection zone, warehouse for intervened merchandise, express mail and parcels, and facilities and provisions for control entities such as the National Tax and Customs Directorate of Colombia (DIAN), the National Institute of Food and Drug Surveillance (INVIMA), Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), Anti-narcotics Police and migration. All this taking into account that the speed in the loading and unloading operation is facilitated.

The equipment of this terminal has security systems, cold rooms, ventilation systems for the storage area of ​​non-perishable goods, fire detection and extinguishing systems, lighting levels for the different units, principles of visual ergonomics, industrial-type doors sectional for the entry of goods, overhead cranes of adequate capacity to the characteristics and typology of the load. It also has a new substation, power supply and security systems, among others.

For more information on customs in Colombia, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Airfield Costs

Navigation Charges

The Civil Aeronautical Authority of Colombia - Aerocivil, is the entity responsible for determining, collecting fees and charges for the provision of aeronautical and airport services, or generated by concessions, authorizations, licenses or any other type of income or capital asset. However, the public aerodrome operator can charge users the previous charges established by Aerocivil. Navigation fees: includes landing and take-off, use of facilities, service flight protection, visual aids and 3 hours of parking.


Aircraft Weight - MTOW (kg)*

0 - 7,000

7,001 - 136,000

136,001 and over

Navigation (per journey) USD - $




Landing USD - $

included in air fare

included in air fare

included in air fare

Night Landing USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

Night Take-Off USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs


1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

Handling Charges




* Prices are referential, values may vary

Fuel Service Charges

The Ernesto Cortissoz Airport has a supply system with tank vehicles with capacities of 10,000, 8,000, 5,000 and 2,500 gallons for the supply of JET A1, for the AVGAS 100/130 the tank vehicle supply system has a capacity of 1,800 and 1,500 gallon, with tanker service. The fueling companies are chosen by the airlines. The most representative companies are Terpel de Colombia and Energizar Aviación, providing the service 24 hours a day.

Price per Litre USD - $

Jet A-1

US 3.57*


US 3.77*

(*) values may vary, prices subject to variation

Cargo Terminal Charges 

The single rate for import charges is USD $ 28, additional charges are charged for the weight of the parcel, for exports the rate is charged per kilo. The diplomatic bag is regulated by Decree 2148 of 1991 of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.

Import Charges

Type of Charge

Rate USD - $ per kg


Handling Charge

0.78/ kg

Min. rate US 35.-

Break Bulk Fee



Diplomatic Mail



Strong Room – per consignment



Cold Storage Fee



Delivery Outside Normal Working Hours

0.1 por kg


Preparation of substitute AOA – Invoice – Receipt


48 hrs complimentary

Storage per Day



Handling Charges – Un-palletized Cargo



International Air Waybill



Local Air Waybill


Air Waybill Amendment - Cancellation


Air Waybill Documentation


Diplomatic Mail

0.20 kg

Min. rate US 40

Storage Charges per Day



Air Bridge Charges

For the use of the boarding bridges of the international piers in the airports administered by AEROCIVIL, they must pay a fee of USD $ 112. The boarding bridges of the national piers at the airports will pay a rate of 6 daily legal minimum wages in force (66SMLDV).


The private security and surveillance company Securitas Colombia began operations at the air terminal, to guarantee the safety of passengers, crews, ground personnel and the general public. This company has the support of the World Aviation Division which is present with AVSEC services in more than 260 airports around the world, providing, among others, the following services of Airport Facilities Security, Airline Security, AVSEC Inspection of passengers and staff , Inspection of checked baggage with X-ray scanner, Cargo Security.

2.2.3 Colombia Alfonso Bonilla Aragon International Airport

Airport Overview

Located in the town of Palmaseca in the municipality of Palmira, Valle del Cauca, it serves the city of Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, it is the third airport in passenger and cargo mobility in Colombia, after the El Dorado Airport of the city from Bogotá and from the José María Córdova International Airport in the city of Medellín.

It is an H-24 airport of ICAO 4E category in which they operate during key E aeronautical hours such as B777, B787, A-330.

Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport is located in a long valley that runs from north to south and is surrounded by mountains up to 14,000 feet (4,000 m) high. This airport strategically located in the Western Hemisphere for flights from the transcontinental zone of the Pacific coast that connects North America with South America, is approximately 5 hours flight from Santiago de Chile, 50 minutes from Quito, Ecuador, and 3 hours 18 minutes to Miami airport.

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

Palmira - Valle

Nearest Town or City

with Distance from Airport

Cali (8 km)

Airport’s Complete Name

Aeropuerto Internacional Alfonso Bonilla Aragón





Elevation (ft and m)

3.162 pies. / 962 meters





Managing Company or Airport Authority

Aerocali S.A

Management Contact Person

Ricardo Lenis

Open From (hours)

H 24

Open To (hours)

H 24

Airport Picture



Description and Contacts of Key Companies

The main Colombian entities and authorities operating at the Airport are:

Aeronáutica Civil . Civil Aeronautics works to guarantee the orderly development of civil aviation, the airline industry and the safe use of Colombian airspace, facilitating intermodal transport and contributing to the improvement of the country's competitiveness.

DIAN. The purpose of the Special Administrative Unit for the National Tax and Customs Directorate, DIAN, is to help guarantee the fiscal security of the Colombian State and the protection of the national economic public order.

Dirección Antinarcóticos. It contributes to the goals of the National Government in its policy to combat drug trafficking and other offenses, neutralizing activities related and related to this crime, which affect the national and international community.

Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA). The procedures with the Institution will be carried out in the Administrative Center of Cargo (CAC), pets in crates in office 23 and the phyto and zoosanitary inspections in the cargo holds.

Migración Colombia. Civil security entity; Autonomous and attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose objective is to exercise the functions of surveillance and immigration control and immigration authority of the Colombian State.

Some of the private companies that provide services at the Airport are:

Avianca. It is the commercial brand that represents the Latin American airlines integrated in Avianca Holdings S.A., which has been highlighted for its excellence in service. With airlines specialized in passenger and cargo transport, it directly serves more than 100 destinations in 28 countries in America and Europe aboard a modern fleet of 180 short, medium and long-range aircraft. Additionally, it flies to 1,300 destinations in 192 countries on five continents.

Avianca Cargo, formerly Tampa Cargo, is a Colombian cargo airline with operations in the American continent, which it operates mainly from Bogotá and Miami. Currently Avianca Cargo operates as a subsidiary of Avianca previously called Tampa Cargo and has a codeshare agreement on all routes where it operates for the use of its aircraft holds.

Copa Airlines. Panama's international airline, flies to 74 destinations in 31 countries in North, Central, South America and the Caribbean. In addition, the airline maintains a strategic alliance with the American company United Airlines. Copa Airlines has a strategic business unit in Colombia that will provide logistics solutions in cargo transportation, safely, efficiently and with high quality standards in the processes.

LATAM Cargo has a large presence in Latin America, one of its most desired attributes being the capillarity of its network. This allows the company to offer a great connection to, from and within the region. The portfolio includes highly specialized treatments, such as PHARMA, for the transport of pharmaceutical products; ALIVE, for the transport of live animals; o PROTECT, for vulnerable shipments ".

Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

With the entry of new airlines and routes from the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón airport and the increase in passenger and cargo flows, the concessionaire has managed to survive the crisis in the sector. Currently, the airport is the third most important in the country, due to its infrastructure, and has international operations in addition to the operations of cargo airlines.

The remodeling and modernization works of the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón de Palmira Airport, delivered on March 8, 2017, expected the doubling of 5.5 million passengers that this air terminal receives annually according to data registered by the infrastructure administrator concession company and international airport services.

Performance for 2019

Per Year

Per Month

Per Day

Total Aircraft Movements

82,251 (2019)

85,941 (2016)



Total Passengers

5 527 532



Total Capacity of the Airport (MT)

Current Activity of the Airport (MT)

40,412 (2019)

42,363 (2016)



Current use by Humanitarian Flights (UNHAS)




The cargo facilities have a dock for the freighter 747, a consolidated warehouse, a transit zone, a free port and a foreign trade zone; mechanical management, health officials, security for valuables; express and the messaging center "Courier".

Currently the air terminal occupies an area of ​​402 hectares, of which approximately 170 are used. It has a terminal building with two satellites - national and international - each with five boarding bridges. The national platform has an area of ​​43,472 square meters, the international platform an area of ​​45,509 square meters; to which are added 14,516 square meters on the regional platform and 9,574 square meters on the general aviation platform. To the north of the terminal are the decongestion platform with an area of ​​15,040 square meters and the loading platform with 22,520 square meters.


The airport has one runway, 9,842 feet (3000 m) long. This track is paved and at a height of 3,162 feet (964 m). The runway can be used for aircraft the size of a Boeing 747, it is equipped with the following navigation aids: primary radar, secondary radar, ILS, ALS, PAPI, VOR, NDB, DME, RVR, center lights, threshold and flood lights as ramp taxi lights.


Runway Dimensions

3,000 m x 45 m


1 / 19



Currently there is a project for the construction of a second runway of 3000 meters, to make the airport a cargo and passenger cluster between South America, Asia and the Caribbean; With this investment, the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport would become the second largest airport in Colombia in the future.

Location: the second runway is projected on the eastern side of the current runway, 350 meters to the south of the access to the runway and 1,200 meters to the east, with a length of 3,000 meters and a width of 50 meters

Aeronáutica Civil has already defined the site to carry out the works of this second section, which will be parallel to 1.2 km from the current one. In this way, the airport's operations will be expanded. A preliminary identification of the location of the airport runway is available. However, there are no supporting studies or designs.

Airport Infrastructure Details

The Airport has three aircraft parking platforms: the commercial platform, the cargo platform and a decongestion platform. The three platforms are connected by the taxiway that runs parallel to the runway, 310 meters long by 23 meters wide. The National Pier is 150 meters long. It is made up of a hexagonal plant structure and a 90 meter corridor that connects said structure with the passenger terminal building. It has six positions (7-12).



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax Transport to Airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room

Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights








Airport Operating Details

It is an H-24 airport of ICAO 4E category in which key E aircraft such as B777, B787, A-330 regularly operate.

Operating Details

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Bulk Cargo

Dornier 328, Embraer 42, Airbus 320, Boeing 737, Airbus 340, Boeing 747.

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Pallet

Dornier 328, Embraer 42, Airbus 320, Boeing 737, Airbus 340, Boeing 747.

Total Aircraft Parking Area (m²)


Storage Area (m3 and MT)


Handling Equipment

Elevators / Hi Loaders


Max Capacity (MT)


Max Height (m)


Loading Ramps


Other Comments


Customs Guidance

According to Article 90 of Decree 2685 of 1999, all means of transport that reach the national customs territory must arrive at the places authorized by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN).

The transporter or the airport agent that has warehouses in the places of arrival for the transitory handling of cargo, must obtain the respective authorization of the place by the DIAN in accordance with the provisions of Decree 390 of 2016.

Once the merchandise arrives, the travel documents are received and registered, the merchandise is presented to the customs authority. The merchandise presented is understood to be that of foreign origin related in the cargo manifest (air waybill) that have the entry authorization issued by Civil Aeronautics. The Information of the Cargo Manifest is presented through the Electronic Computing Services and must correspond at least to the following data:

  1. Identification of the means of transport
  2. Travel data, such as:
    1. Origin of the goods.
    2. Destination.
    3. Weight and total quantity of cargo units to be transported.
    4. Transport document numbers.
    5. Number of packages, weight.
    6. The indication of consolidated cargo.

The information of the transport documents that is presented through electronic computer services, with respect to the transport documents and consolidators, must contain at least the following data:

  1. NIT of the consignee (other than that of the temporary or customs warehouse)
  2. Tariff subheading
  3. Type of load
  4. Number and date of the transport document or the consolidating document
  5. Quantity of packages, weight and volume, as appropriate
  6. Identification of the load unit, when applicable
  7. general description of the merchandise
  8. Other characteristics of the transportation contract as required by DIAN.

The carrier must deliver the information of the travel documents, through electronic computer services, with a minimum anticipation of 3 hours before the arrival of the means of transport, by air.

At the time of the arrival of the means of transport to the national customs territory, the carrier or his representative will report such fact, through electronic computer services. Upon receipt of the arrival notice, the DIAN will authorize the unloading of the merchandise. For customs purposes, the date of arrival of the merchandise to the national customs territory will be that of the acknowledgment of receipt of the arrival notice through electronic computer services.

The merchandise unloaded at the airport will remain under the responsibility of the carrier or the international freight agent, as the case may be, until it is delivered to the multimodal transport operator or to the consignee, either the authorized warehouse, the declarant, the customs agency, or the user operator of the free zone in which the user whose name is consigned is located, or to whom the transport document is endorsed.

Finally, in the recognition procedure, the conformity between the cargo and the information recorded in the travel documents and the documents that support the commercial operation will be verified, as well as compliance with the requirements set forth in special regulations, without prejudice to the power to practice the diligence of gauging the merchandise, when the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs determines it.

Once the unloading completion report has been submitted, the goods are delivered to a temporary warehouse or a free zone where the user in whose name it is consigned is located or the transport document is endorsed within the following 2 business days .

At that moment, the import declaration (DUA) is presented in the DIAN's computer system and acceptance is given; Next, customs taxes are settled and paid in bank or by electronic transfer. Subsequently, with the confirmation of payment of the declaration in the system, the release of the merchandise is requested in this same medium. The lift can lead to physical or automatic inspection; if it is the first, the DIAN inspector must verify that the physical merchandise agrees with what is stated in documents to finally issue the release and free disposal of the merchandise. In case of being automatic, the release and free disposition are obtained immediately.

Storage Facilities

Next to the loading platform there are eight warehouses with access from the air side for the treatment of incoming and outgoing cargo. The cargo to be shipped awaits the corresponding flight in pallets located outside the building, stored in the loading platform.

On the land side, the warehouses are adjacent to a paved surface used for parking private vehicles and trucks. In this area, goods are loaded and unloaded from trucks to warehouses. There is also an external access road (via the free zone)


Airfield Costs

Navigation Charges

The Civil Aeronautical Authority of Colombia - Aerocivil, is the entity responsible for determining, collecting and the rates and charges for the provision of aeronautical and airport services, or generated by concessions, authorizations, licenses or any other type of income or capital asset

Navigation fee: includes landing and take-off, use of facilities, service flight protection, visual aids and 3 hours of parking.

Note: aircraft that perform search and rescue or relief in case of public calamity will be exempt from payment of Aerodrome fees.


Aircraft Weight - MTOW (kg)*

0 - 7,000

7,001 - 136,000

136,001 and over

Navigation (per flight) USD - $




Landing USD - $

included in air fare

included in air fare

included in air fare

Night Landing USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

Night Take-Off USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs


1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

Handling Charges




* Prices are referential, values may vary

 Fuel Service Charges

For the refueling of JET A-1 fuel, the Alfonso Bonilla Aragon airport has a tank with a capacity of 298,274 US gallons and sister vehicles with a capacity of 52,285 US gallons. AVGAS 100/130 fuel is supplied in 10,000gallon tanks and 1,500gallon vehicles. The fuel supply is carried out by private companies such as Terpel and Energizar Aviación and operates 24 hours a day.

Price per Litre USD - $

Jet A-1

US 3.57*


US 3.77*

* values may vary, prices subject to variation

Cargo Terminal Charges

The single rate for import charges is USD $ 28, additional charges are charged for the weight of the parcel, for exports the rate is charged per kilo. Diplomatic Baggage is regulated by Decree 2148 of 1991 of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.

Import Charges

Type of Charge

Rate USD - $ per kg


Handling Charge

0.78/ kg

Min. rate US 35.-

Break Bulk Fee



Diplomatic Mail



Strong Room – per consignment



Cold Storage Fee



Delivery Outside Normal Working Hours

0.1 por kg


Preparation of substitute AOA – Invoice – Receipt


 48 hrs complimentary

Storage per Day



Handling Charges – Un-palletized Cargo



International Air Waybill



Local Air Waybill


Air Way Bill Amendment - Cancellation


Air Way Bill Documentation


Diplomatic Mail

0.20 kg

Min. rate US 40

Storage Charges per Day




Air Bridge Charges

For the use of the boarding bridges of the international piers in the airports managed by AEROCIVIL, they must pay a fee of USD $ 112. The boarding bridges of the national piers at the airports will pay a rate of 6 daily legal minimum wages in force (66SMLDV).



Airport security is managed by a private company with the support of the national police. The airport that serves Cali lacks a Customs Police to combat smuggling along with other institutions, just as there is an urgent need for reinforcement to prevent other criminal actions that may occur inside. The airport has a very good Anti-Narcotics Police presence, some assistants for internal security. The Cali airport needs its Customs Police to work hand in hand with Dian and the other institutions.

2.2.4 Colombia Camilo Daza International Airport

Airport Overview

The Camilo Daza International Airport is an air terminal located in the Colombian city of Cúcuta. It has two cross tracks because it is in a crosswind area. The air terminal is located 5 km from the city center, by number of passengers it is the tenth airport in Colombia. The air terminal is undergoing a modernization process by the Concesionaria Aeropuertos de Oriente S.A.S, contemplating an expansion of the building, renovation of equipment, installation of escalators, elevators and renovation of the perimeter fence. The location of the Cúcuta Airport (CUC) adjacent to the border crossing of the same name with Venezuela also indirectly serves the state of Táchira (Venezuela).

In January 2020, an international coalition was formed to provide humanitarian aid (destined for the Venezuelan people) that managed to send around 500 tons of humanitarian cargo. In February 2020, three C-17 aircraft of the United States Air Force (USAF) landed in (CUC) each carrying up to 75 tons of humanitarian aid consisting of nutritional supplements and hygiene kits, provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), from Homestead Air Base (AFB) in Florida.

In 2018, Aerocivil granted the airport aerodrome certification, which indicates that the facilities, equipment, and operational procedures comply with the standards and recommended practices specified in the international civil aviation agreement. There are five airports in the country that have this certification

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

Cúcuta / Norte de Santander

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport

Cúcuta (9 km)

Airport’s Complete Name

Aeropuerto Internacional Camilo Daza





Elevation (ft and m)

1.098 ft / 334,54 m





Managing Company or Airport Authority

Daniel Lozano Escobar

Management Contact Person

Aeropuertos de Oriente S.A.S.

Open From (hours)

0500 Hrs

Open To (hours)

2400 Hrs

Airport Pictures

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

The main Colombian entities and authorities operating at the Airport are:

  • Aviación Civil: Civil Aeronautics works to guarantee the orderly development of civil aviation, the airline industry and the safe use of Colombian airspace, facilitating intermodal transportation and contributing to the improvement of the country's competitiveness.
  • DIAN: The purpose of the Special Administrative Unit for the Directorate of Taxes and National Customs, DIAN, is to help guarantee the fiscal security of the Colombian State and the protection of the national economic public order.
  • Migration Colombia: Civil security entity; Autonomous and attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose objective is to exercise the functions of surveillance and immigration control and immigration authority of the Colombian State.
  • Aeropuertos de Oriente S.A.S: is a company with the sole objective of managing, operating, commercially exploiting, maintaining and modernizing the concession areas of the airports of the northeast network.

Some of the private companies that provide services at the Camilo Daza Airport are:

Avianca. It is the commercial brand that represents the Latin American airlines integrated in Avianca Holdings S.A., which has been highlighted for its excellence in service. With airlines specialized in passenger and cargo transport, it directly serves more than 100 destinations in 28 countries in America and Europe aboard a modern fleet of 180 short, medium and long-range aircraft. Additionally, it flies to 1,300 destinations in 192 countries on five continents.

Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

Performance for 2019

Per Year

Per Month

Per Day

Total Aircraft Movements

51 173 (2018)



Total Passengers

949.000 (2018)

1,161.249​ (2015)



Total Capacity of the Airport (MT)




Current Activity of the Airport (MT)

57 589 MT (2018)



Current use by Humanitarian Flights (UNHAS)



Airport with two transversal runways (to "X"), Nº 16, Nº 34 and Nº 02, Nº 20, due to the topographic configuration and diversity in the direction and intensity of the wind. High presence of birds around the airport. Possible accumulations of smoke from fires are registered on the other side of the border (5km) that could complicate the planned air operations in the area.

Runway Headings Nº16 y Nº 34

Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

7612 x 148 ft / 2320 x 45 m.


155 /335


PCN 89,77/F/D/X/T


Runway Headings Nº 02 y Nº 20

Runway #2

Runway Dimensions

7612 x 148 ft/ 2320 x 45 m


024 / 204


Concrete asphalt

107.000 kg

(Acc. To Skyvector: unknown)


Airport Infrastructure Details

On April 26, 2019, the airport expansion works carried out by the Ministry of Transport and the National Infrastructure Agency were completed, where their main objective was the remodeling of the facade, expanding the building by 3,945 m² for national and international departures. likewise the construction of 2 buildings of the Aerocivil where there are administrative offices, technical support and telecommunications facilities; The parking lot was expanded to a total capacity of 300 units, as well as a new taxi parking area with a capacity of 90 vehicles, urban planning works and improvement of access roads were also carried out. This airport modernization project, together with the expansion of the terminal and the platform, are the stimulus of the market in: flight frequencies, new routes to Panama and Miami and the connection of new operators.

Initially the Camilo Daza had 7,841.78 square meters of extension, with the remodeling the area became 9,815.59 meters. The parking lot went from 127 units to 329 units. The air terminal had a main hall of 998.87 square meters in length. With the new works carried out, the terminal has a 1,374.35 square meter hall. Currently, the airport has the aerodrome certification granted by the Civil Aeronautics, an entity that delivered it after verifying compliance with the standards and methods recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).



JET A-1 fuel





Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax Transport to Airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights









Airport Operating Details 

Operating Details

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Bulk Cargo

Dornier 328, Embraer 42, Airbus 320, Boeing 737, Airbus 340, Boeing 747

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Pallet

Dornier 328, Embraer 42, Airbus 320, Boeing 737, Airbus 340, Boeing 747

Total Aircraft Parking Area (m²)


Storage Area (m3 and MT)


Handling Equipment

Elevators / Hi Loaders


Max Capacity (MT)


Max Height (m)

Loading Ramps


Other Comments

Customs Guidance

According to Article 90 of Decree 2685 of 1999, all means of transport that reach the national customs territory must arrive at the places authorized by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN). The transporter or the airport agent that has warehouses in the places of arrival for the transitory handling of cargo, must obtain the respective authorization of the place by the DIAN in accordance with the provisions of Decree 390 of 2016.

Once the merchandise arrives, the travel documents are received and registered, the merchandise is presented to the customs authority. The merchandise presented is understood to be that of foreign origin related in the cargo manifest (air waybill) that have the entry authorization issued by Civil Aeronautics. The Information of the Cargo Manifest is presented through the Electronic Computing Services and must correspond at least to the following data:

  1. Identification of the means of transport
  2. Travel data, such as:
    1. Origin of the goods.
    2. Destination place.
    3. Weight and total quantity of cargo units to be transported.
    4. Transport document numbers.
    5. Number of packages, weight.
    6. The indication of consolidated cargo,

The information of the transport documents that is presented through electronic computer services, with respect to the transport documents and consolidators, must contain at least the following data:

  1. NIT of the consignee (other than that of the temporary or customs warehouse)
  2. Tariff subheading
  3. Type of load
  4. Number and date of the transport document or the consolidating document
  5. Quantity of packages, weight and volume, as appropriate
  6. Identification of the load unit, when applicable
  7. general description of the merchandise
  8. Other characteristics of the transportation contract as required by DIAN.

The carrier must deliver the information of the travel documents, through electronic computer services, with a minimum anticipation of 3 hours before the arrival of the means of transport, by air.

At the time of the arrival of the means of transport to the national customs territory, the carrier or his representative will report such fact, through electronic computer services. Upon receipt of the arrival notice, the DIAN will authorize the unloading of the merchandise. For customs purposes, the date of arrival of the merchandise to the national customs territory will be that of the acknowledgment of receipt of the arrival notice through electronic computer services.

The merchandise unloaded at the airport will remain under the responsibility of the carrier or the international freight agent, as the case may be, until it is delivered to the multimodal transport operator or to the consignee, either the authorized warehouse, the declarant, the customs agency, or the user operator of the free zone in which the user whose name is consigned is located, or to whom the transport document is endorsed.

Finally, in the recognition procedure, the conformity between the cargo and the information recorded in the travel documents and the documents that support the commercial operation will be verified, as well as compliance with the requirements set forth in special regulations, without prejudice to the power to practice the diligence of gauging the merchandise, when the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs determines it.

Once the unloading completion report has been submitted, the goods are delivered to a temporary warehouse or a free zone where the user in whose name it is consigned is located or the transport document is endorsed within the following 2 business days .

At that moment, the import declaration (DUA) is presented in the DIAN's computer system and acceptance is given; Next, customs taxes are settled and paid in bank or by electronic transfer. Subsequently, with the confirmation of payment of the declaration in the system, the release of the merchandise is requested in this same medium. The lift can lead to physical or automatic inspection; if it is the first, the DIAN inspector must verify that the physical merchandise agrees with what is stated in documents to finally issue the release and free disposal of the merchandise. In case of being automatic, the release and free disposition are obtained immediately.

Storage Facilities

The air terminal is undergoing a modernization process by the Concesionaria Aeropuertos de Oriente S.A.S, contemplating an expansion of the building, renovation of equipment, installation of escalators, elevators and renovation of the perimeter fence.

Airfield Costs

Navigation Charges

The Civil Aeronautical Authority of Colombia - Aerocivil, is the entity responsible for determining, collecting the rates and charges for the provision of aeronautical and airport services, or generated by concessions, authorizations, licenses or any other type of income or capital asset. However, the public aerodrome operator can charge users according to the previous regulations allowed by Aerocivil.


Aircraft Weight - MTOW (kg)

0 - 7,000

7,001 - 136,000

136,001 and over

Navigation (per journey) USD - $




Landing USD - $

included in air fare

included in air fare

included in air fare

Night Landing USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

Night Take-Off USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs


1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

Handling Charges




* Prices are referential, values may vary

Fuel Service Charges

Fueling is done with tanker trucks, for the JET A-1 with a minimum capacity of 2,200 gallons and a maximum capacity of 6,140 gallons. For AVGAS 100/130 the minimum capacity is 800 gallons and maximum 1200 gallons. The fuel supply is carried out by private companies such as Terpel and Energizar Aviación and operates 24 hours a day.

Price per Litre USD - $

Jet A-1

US 3.57*


US 3.77*

(*) values may vary, prices subject to variation

Cargo Terminal Charges

The single rate for import charges is USD $ 28, additional charges are charged for the weight of the parcel, for exports the rate is charged per kilo. The Diplomatic Team is regulated by Decree 2148 of 1991 of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.

Import Charges


Rate USD - $ per kg


Handling Charge

0.78/ kg

Min. rate US$ 35

Break Bulk Fee



Diplomatic Mail



Strong Room – per consignment



Cold Storage Fee



Delivery Outside Normal Working Hours

0.1 por kg


Preparation of substitute AOA – Invoice – Receipt


48 hrs complimentary

Storage per Day



Handling Charges – Un-palletized Cargo



International Air Waybill



Local Air Waybill


Air Way Bill Amendment - Cancellation


Air Way Bill Documentation


Diplomatic Mail

0.20 kg

Min. rate US 40

Storage Charges per Day



Air-Bridge Charges

For the use of the boarding bridges of the international piers in the airports managed by AEROCIVIL, they must pay a fee of USD $ 112. The boarding bridges of the national piers at the airports will pay a rate of 6 daily legal minimum wages in force (66SMLDV).


Civil aviation security AVSEC It is the set of preventive standards, methods and procedures, with the aim of protecting passengers, crew members, ground personnel, users, and operations of national aircraft operators and international, aircraft, aeronautical facilities, air navigation services and airport and administrative facilities that compete against acts of unlawful interference; as well as additional measures necessary to counteract an escalation of a threat. Airports of Oriente has AVSEC control of equipment such as X-ray Equipment, Arches, Metal detectors; Manual Metal Detectors, Closed Circuit Television - CCTV and Airport Identification Systems (ID) Picture Photo check.

2.2.5 Colombia Jose Maria Cordova International Airport

Airport Overview

The José María Córdova International Airport has ICAO 4F category, it is the second largest airport in Colombia after El Dorado International Airport in Bogotá, in terms of infrastructure and passenger service. It is located in the city of Rionegro, 45 minutes from the city of Medellín. In recent years, important improvements have been made in its technology and infrastructure, making it one of the most recognized airports in Colombia, in addition to the latest service to European and new destinations in South, Central America and the Caribbean.

In accordance with the Operational Plan of the José María Córdova International Airport, in 2015 the modernization actions were carried out. They have been implemented from modern flight departure and arrival information systems (more than 10 LCD screens around the terminal to replace the old boards) to technological improvements of navigation aids and implementation of best environmental practices. The passenger terminal has the capacity to receive up to 17 aircraft with boarding bridges, 10 national and 7 international, being positions 7, 8, 9 and 10 mixed for national and international flights. It also has a cargo terminal, which can accommodate up to ten aircraft. It is an important focus for the export of flowers and other products from eastern Antioquia and the region. Near this terminal is the customs area and hangars of the Tampa airline.

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

Rionegro / Antioquia

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport

Medellin (36 km)

Airport’s Complete Name

Aeropuerto Internacional José María Córdova.





Elevation (ft and m)

7.027 ft / 2.142 m





Managing Company or Airport Authority


Management Contact Person

Fredy Adolfo Jaramillo Giraldo, Gerente Aeropuerto

Open From (hours)

24 H

Open To (hours)

24 H

Airport Picture

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

The main entities and authorities that operate at the Jose María Córdova Airport are:

  • DIAN. The purpose of the Special Administrative Unit for the Directorate of Taxes and National Customs, DIAN, is to help guarantee the fiscal security of the Colombian State and the protection of the national economic public order.
  • Anti-narcotics Directorate. It contributes to the goals of the National Government in its policy to combat drug trafficking and other offenses, neutralizing activities related to and related to this crime, which affect the national and international community.
  • Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA). The procedures with the Institution will be carried out in the Administrative Center of Cargo (CAC), pets in crates in office 23 and the phyto and zoosanitary inspections in the cargo holds.
  • Migration Colombia. Civil security entity; Autonomous and attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose objective is to exercise the functions of surveillance and immigration control and immigration authority of the Colombian State.
  • AIRPLAN, according to the concession contract managed with Aerocivil, is the company in charge of the administration, operation, commercial exploitation, adaptation, modernization and maintenance of the Airport.

Some of the private companies that provide services at Aeropuerto Internacional José María Córdova  are:

  • AH Colombia S.A. It is the first company in the airport industry with Chinese capital outside the PRC in the world. It was created to venture into investment and operation opportunities in airports in Latin America in order to take advantage of experience in areas such as design, commercial development, construction, operation, maintenance, regulation and airport security.
  • Avianca. It is the commercial brand that represents the Latin American airlines integrated in Avianca Holdings S.A., which has been highlighted for its excellence in service. With airlines specialized in passenger and cargo transport, it directly serves more than 100 destinations in 28 countries in America and Europe aboard a modern fleet of 180 short, medium and long-range aircraft. Additionally, it flies to 1,300 destinations in 192 countries on five continents.
  • Avianca Cargo, formerly Tampa Cargo, is a Colombian cargo airline with operations in the American continent, which it operates mainly from Bogotá and Miami. Currently Avianca Cargo operates as a subsidiary of Avianca previously called Tampa Cargo and has a codeshare agreement on all routes where it operates for the use of the holds of its passenger aircraft.
  • Copa Airlines. Panama's international airline, flies to 74 destinations in 31 countries in North, Central, South America and the Caribbean. In addition, the airline maintains a strategic alliance with the American company United Airlines. Copa Airlines has a strategic business unit in Colombia that will provide logistics solutions in cargo transportation, safely, efficiently and with high quality standards in the processes.
  • LATAM Cargo has a large presence in Latin America, one of its most desirable attributes being the capillarity of its network. This allows the company to offer a great connection to, from and within the region. The portfolio includes highly specialized treatments, such as PHARMA, for the transport of pharmaceutical products; ALIVE, for the transport of live animals; o PROTECT, for vulnerable shipments ”.

Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

The airport has announced an additional modernization program. In April 2017, Civil Aeronautics declared the construction of a second runway in the international terminal of social interest and public utility, publishing a master development plan until 2040.

In the first phase, projected between 2016 and 2021, works will be carried out to widen the runway strip, creating two platforms for commercial aviation and general aviation.

For phase two, which runs from 2022 to 2026, works are planned to extend the runway to 4 thousand meters (currently it measures 3,600 meters), extension of the commercial platform and the expansion of the passenger terminal, which will allow an internal reorganization of commercial and airline service areas and improvement of the cargo terminal

Likewise, this master plan included the construction of a second runway for the airport between 2038 and 2040.

Performance for 2019

Per Year

Per Month

Per Day

Total Aircraft Movements

205.000 (Cap. Max)



Total Passengers

9,230,074 (2019)

6,892,104 (2017)

7,376,160 (2016)



Total Capacity of the Airport (MT)




Current use by Humanitarian Flights (UNHAS)


The passenger terminal has the capacity to receive up to 12 aircraft with boarding bridges, 8 national and 4 international, with positions 7, 8, 9 and 10 mixed for national and international flights thanks to the flow separator that connects the plane with two aisles , one for departures and another for arrivals, thus avoiding the crossing of passengers.


The runway is also used by the neighboring Colombian Air Force military base called Comando Aéreo de Combate N ° 5 (CACOM 5). The airport has VOR, DME, and ILS air navigation radio aids, which allow greater ease of operation for pilots and greater safety when operating in bad weather conditions. The airport has category ICAO 4F.

Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

3557m 11670 ft x 45 m





Helicopter Pad

The helicopter platform is for military use, located on the taxiway that connects the military platform with the runway.

Helipad #1



Largest Helicopter that can Land

Mil MI 26, Sea King

Width and Length (m)

Helipad area 35 x 25 m

Platform: 70 x 40 m


Concrete / Asphalt

Airport Infrastructure Details

In 2017, the works and facilities of the modernization program in the security systems, flight information through digital screens, communication with high technology, arrival of passengers to waiting rooms with commercial offer, improvement of the services of airport health, improvement of firefighting services and improvement of baggage handling systems. In addition, works were carried out to adapt the airport for passenger mobility, the international platform was expanded, a JetBlast deflector barrier was installed, the cargo terminal was expanded, the runway was repaved and fuel hydrants were installed in the new parking positions. The refueling capacity at the Rionegro airport has 11 boarding bridges each with a JET A-1 Pit, 1 tank vehicle with a capacity of 300 gallons, 1 of 2,800 gallons, 1 of 3,000 gallons, 1 of 3,150 gallons, 1 of 4,800 gallons, 1 of 5,000 gallons, 1 of 6,000 gallons, and 1 of 6,500 gallons. The fuel supply is carried out by private companies such as Terpel and Energizar Aviación and operates 24 hours a day.

The objectives of the modernization and expansion plan are to guarantee aviation safety and the comfort of passengers and their companions, and to comply with the requirements of ICAO, AEROCIVIL (the Colombian civil aviation authority) and IATA.



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax Transport to Airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights








Airport Operating Details

Operating Details

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Bulk Cargo

Boeing 747, Douglas DC10, Boeing 767, ATR 42-300F.

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Pallet

Boeing 747, Douglas DC10, Boeing 767, ATR 42-300F.

Total Aircraft Parking Area (m²)

57,000 m2

Storage Area (m3 and MT)

11,200 m2

Handling Equipment

Elevators / Hi Loaders


Max Capacity (MT)


Max Height



Loading Ramps


Other Comments


Customs Guidance

According to Article 90 of Decree 2685 of 1999, all means of transport that reach the national customs territory must arrive at the places authorized by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN).

The transporter or the airport agent that has warehouses in the places of arrival for the transitory handling of cargo, must obtain the respective authorization of the place by the DIAN in accordance with the provisions of Decree 390 of 2016.

Once the merchandise arrives, the travel documents are received and registered, the merchandise is presented to the customs authority. The merchandise presented is understood to be that of foreign origin related in the cargo manifest (air waybill) that have the entry authorization issued by Civil Aeronautics. The Information of the Cargo Manifest is presented through the Electronic Computing Services and must correspond at least to the following data:

  1. Identification of the means of transport
  2. Travel data, such as:
    1. Origin of the goods.
    2. Destination place.
    3. Weight and total quantity of cargo units to be transported.
    4. Transport document numbers.
    5. Number of packages, weight.
    6. The indication of consolidated cargo

The information of the transport documents that is presented through electronic computer services, regarding the transport documents and consolidators, must contain at least the following data:

  1. NIT of the consignee (other than that of the temporary or customs warehouse)
  2. Tariff subheading
  3. Type of load
  4. Number and date of the transport document or the consolidating document
  5. Quantity of packages, weight and volume, as appropriate
  6. Identification of the load unit, when applicable
  7. general description of the merchandise
  8. Other characteristics of the transportation contract as required by DIAN.

The carrier must deliver the information of the travel documents, through electronic computer services, with a minimum anticipation of 3 hours before the arrival of the means of transport, by air.

At the time of the arrival of the means of transport to the national customs territory, the transporter or his representative will report such fact, through electronic computer services. Upon receipt of the arrival notice, the DIAN will authorize the unloading of the merchandise. For customs purposes, the date of arrival of the merchandise to the national customs territory will be that of the acknowledgment of receipt of the arrival notice through electronic computer services.

The merchandise unloaded at the airport will remain under the responsibility of the carrier or the international freight agent, as the case may be, until its delivery to the multimodal transport operator or to the consignee, either the authorized warehouse, the declarant, the customs agency, or the user operator of the free zone in which the user whose name is registered is located, or to whom the transport document is endorsed.

Finally, in the recognition procedure, the conformity between the cargo and the information recorded in the travel documents and the documents that support the commercial operation will be verified, as well as compliance with the requirements set forth in special regulations, without prejudice to the power to practice the diligence of gauging on the merchandise, when the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs determines it.

Once the unloading completion report has been submitted, the goods are delivered to a temporary warehouse or to a free zone where the user in whose name it is consigned is located or the transport document is endorsed within the following 2 business days .

At that time, the import declaration (DUA) is presented in the DIAN computer system and acceptance is given; Next, customs taxes are settled and paid in bank or by electronic transfer. Subsequently, with the confirmation of payment of the declaration in the system, the release of the merchandise is requested in this same medium. The lift can lead to physical or automatic inspection; if it is the first, the DIAN inspector must verify that the physical merchandise agrees with what is stated in the documents to finally issue the release and free disposal of the merchandise. In case of being automatic, the release and free disposition are obtained immediately.

Storage Facilities

The cargo terminal will be refurbished by reconversion of the Tampa hangar, providing an additional 4000 m2 of warehouses. In turn, the hangar is relocated to the new maintenance area at the southern end of the airport. Currently there are several cargo operators with their own warehouses:

 COPA, Avianca, Deprisa, LAS Cargo, Air Cargo Pack, Centurión Cargo, Girag Air Cargo, LAN Cargo, ACS, Colombian Air Cargo, Girag Airport Services, and Almaviva. In the base scenario, it is considered that the cargo terminal space is divided by origin / destination and by type of product.

Airfield Costs

Navigation Charges

The country's aeronautical authority - AEROCIVIL is in charge of establishing and collecting the collections for airport fees and charges: use of facilities, protection and security services for aircraft, parking on platforms, etc. Aircraft assigned to Search and Rescue (SAR)  due to a disaster will be exempt from the collection of airport taxes.


Aircraft Weight - MTOW (kg)

0 - 7,000

7,001 - 136,000

136,001 and over

Navigation (per journey) USD - $




Landing USD - $

included in air fare

included in air fare

included in air fare

Night Landing USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

Night Take-Off USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs


1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

Handling Charges




* Prices are referential, values may vary

Fuel Service Charges

Price per Litre USD - $

Jet A-1

US 3.57*


US 3.77*

(*) values may vary, prices subject to variation

Cargo Terminal Charges

Import Charges

Type of Charge

Rate USD - $ per kg


Handling Charge

0.78/ kg

Min. rate US 35.-

Break Bulk Fee



Diplomatic Mail



Strong Room – per consignment



Cold Storage Fee



Delivery Outside Normal Working Hours

0.1 per kg


Preparation of substitute AOA – Invoice – Receipt


48 hrs complimentary

Storage per Day



Handling Charges – Un-palletized Cargo



International Air Waybill



Local Air Waybill


Air Way Bill Amendment - Cancellation


Air Way Bill Documentation


Diplomatic Mail

0.20 kg

Min. rate US 40

Storage Charges per Day



Air-Bridge Charges

For the use of the boarding bridges of the international piers in the airports managed by AEROCIVIL, they must pay a fee of USD $ 112. The boarding bridges of the national piers at the airports will pay a rate of 6 daily legal minimum wages in force (66SMLDV).


José María Córdova Airport has a security system called CECOA. It has a video wall equipped with the VIDOS management software, 80 surveillance cameras are distributed (dome type cameras, fixed, mini domes) It does not have a thermal camera, perimeter surveillance (out of service since the beginning of the MRO of Avianca). It receives the fire or intrusion alarm signal and it is who transmits it to whom it corresponds, the 140 screens (FIDs and BIDs) of the airport, the 7 CUSS (self check-in) and the 52 check-in counters are monitored and updated, all the collected documentation is recorded at 6 on digital recorders.

2.2.6 Colombia Palonegro National Airport

Airport Overview

Palonegro International Airport is located on a mountain ridge 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) west of Bucaramanga in the Santander department of Colombia. It is the largest and most important airport is located in the municipality of Lebrija located 30 minutes from Bucaramanga by land and is called "Palonegro". It serves the Metropolitan Area of ​​Bucaramanga and is international, category B, that is, it moves between 50,000 and 300,000 passengers. One of the best in the country, with great activity in terms of cargo and passengers. Companies such as Avianca, Copa Airlines, LatAm, VivaColombia, ADA, Easyfly, Aerotaca and Taxi Aéreo de Santander (TAS) provide their services. It has direct connections to Bogotá, Medellín, Cartagena, Santa Marta and Barranquilla, Cúcuta, Arauca, Málaga, Sabana de Torres, Yopal, as well as international connections with cities such as Panama.

The airport was built on the mountains that surround the Bucaramanga plateau. A mountain road connects the city with the airport, which is about 1,200 m above sea level (The city of Bucaramanga is 950 m above sea level). Palonegro has undergone a remodeling / expansion process, delivered in February 2018. The terminal grew by 3,377 m² and 3 levels were enabled, where areas will be located for national and international boarding rooms, a baggage reception area and an area for a new Avianca VIP lounge, soon to be adapted by this airline. In the new space, government offices will also be reorganized, 5 additional double counters will be installed for the airlines and a new last generation boarding bridge will be installed. With these works, it was necessary to rearrange the vehicular access, improve the functioning of the different operating and passenger processing subsystems to maintain the required service levels with the expected growth. These works also improve the development of the airport's operational safety, generate high rates of connectivity, efficiency, comfort and competitiveness for travelers and the region. The expansion work had a value of USD 6,596,593.- US dollars, in addition to the USD 12 million, US dollars, executed in the first phase (2016), corresponding to the Modernization works.

Source: National Infrastructure Agency (ANI)

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

Lebrija / Santander

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport

Bucaramanga – 30 Km

Airport’s Complete Name

Aeropuerto Internacional Palonegro





Elevation (ft and m)

3.897 ft / 1.188 m





Managing Company or Airport Authority

Aeropuertos de Oriente S.A.S 

Management Contact Person

Tatiana Yurany Blanco Garizao

Open From (hours)

24 H

Open To (hours)

H 24

Airport Picture

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

The main Colombian entities and authorities that operate at Palonegro Airport are:

  • Civil Aviation. Civil Aeronautics works to guarantee the orderly development of civil aviation, the airline industry and the safe use of Colombian airspace, facilitating intermodal transport and contributing to the improvement of the country's competitiveness.
  • DIAN. The purpose of the Special Administrative Unit for the Directorate of Taxes and National Customs, DIAN, is to help guarantee the fiscal security of the Colombian State and the protection of the national economic public order.
  • Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA). The procedures with the Institution will be carried out in the Administrative Center of Cargo (CAC), pets in crates in office 23 and the phyto and zoosanitary inspections in the cargo holds.
  • Migration Colombia. Civil security entity; Autonomous and attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose objective is to exercise the functions of surveillance and immigration control and immigration authority of the Colombian State.
  • Airports of Oriente S.A.S. is a company with the sole objective of managing, operating, commercially exploiting, maintaining and modernizing the concessioned areas of the airports in the northeast network.

Some of the private companies that provide services at Palonegro International Airport are:

  • Avianca. It is the commercial brand that represents the Latin American airlines integrated in Avianca Holdings S.A., which has been highlighted for its excellence in service. With airlines specialized in passenger and cargo transport, it directly serves more than 100 destinations in 28 countries in America and Europe aboard a modern fleet of 180 short, medium and long-range aircraft. Additionally, it flies to 1,300 destinations in 192 countries on five continents.
  • Copa Airlines. Panama international airline, flies to 74 destinations in 31 countries in North, Central, South America and the Caribbean. In addition, the airline maintains a strategic alliance with the US company United Airlines. Copa Airlines has a strategic business unit in Colombia that will provide logistics solutions in cargo transportation, safely, efficiently and with high quality standards in the processes.
  • SATENA offers the community interested in cargo transportation, airport-airport transportation services on its operating routes.

Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

Performance for 2019

Per Year

Per Month

Per Day

Total Aircraft Movements




Total Passengers

1 944 086

(2.5 millions cap max.)



Total Capacity of the Airport (MT)




Current Activity of the Airport (MT)

450 TM



Current use by Humanitarian Flights (UNHAS)



Runway meets key category 4C length and width.

Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

2.309 × 53 m.; 7.575 × 131 ft.




Asphalt  140/F/A/X/T

Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax Transport to Airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights








Airport Operating Details 

Operating Details

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Bulk Cargo

Runway complies with key category 4C length and width. E190; JS32; B722;  AN26; D328; E145; E170; JS41; A30; A320; B737; DH4; DH8D; D328; E190; F10;  A318; A319; B737; B721; B732

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Pallet

Track complies with key category 4C length and width. E190; JS32; B722;  AN26; D328; E145; E170; JS41; A30; A320; B737; DH4; DH8D; D328; E190; F10;  A318; A319; B737; B721; B732

Total Aircraft Parking Area (m²)

37.500 m2

Storage Area (m3 and MT)


Handling Equipment

Elevators / Hi Loaders


Max Capacity (MT)


Max Height (m)


Loading Ramps


Other Comments


Customs Guidance

According to Article 90 of Decree 2685 of 1999, all means of transport that reach the national customs territory must arrive at the places authorized by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN).

 The transporter or airport agent that has warehouses in the places of arrival for the transitory handling of the cargo, must obtain the respective authorization of the place by the DIAN in accordance with the provisions of Decree 390 of 2016.

 Once the merchandise arrives, the travel documents are received and registered, the merchandise is presented to the customs authority. The merchandise presented is understood to be that of foreign origin listed in the cargo manifest (air waybill) that has the entry authorization issued by the Civil Aeronautics. The Information of the Cargo Manifest is presented through the Electronic Computing Services and must correspond at least to the following data:

  1. Identification of the means of transport
  2. Travel data, such as:
    1. Origin of the goods.
    2. Destination place.
    3. Weight and total quantity of cargo units to be transported.
    4. Transport document numbers.
    5. Number of packages, weight.
    6. The indication of consolidated cargo,

The information of the transport documents that is presented through the electronic computer services, regarding the transport documents and consolidators, must contain at least the following data:

  1. NIT of the consignee (other than that of the temporary or customs warehouse)
  2. Tariff subheading
  3. Type of load
  4. Number and date of the transport document or the consolidating document
  5. Quantity of packages, weight and volume, as appropriate
  6. Identification of the load unit, when applicable
  7. general description of the merchandise
  8. Other characteristics of the transportation contract as required by DIAN.

The carrier must deliver the information of the travel documents, through electronic computer services, with a minimum anticipation of 3 hours before the arrival of the means of transport, by air.

At the time of the arrival of the means of transport to the national customs territory, the carrier or his representative will report such fact, through electronic computer services. Upon receipt of the arrival notice, the DIAN will authorize the unloading of the merchandise. For customs purposes, the date of arrival of the merchandise to the national customs territory will be that of the acknowledgment of receipt of the arrival notice through electronic computer services.

The merchandise unloaded at the airport will remain under the responsibility of the carrier or the international freight agent, as the case may be, until it is delivered to the multimodal transport operator or to the consignee, either the authorized warehouse, the declarant, the customs agency, or the user operator of the free zone in which the user whose name is registered is located, or to whom the transport document is endorsed.

Finally, in the recognition procedure, the conformity between the cargo and the information consigned in the travel documents and the documents that support the commercial operation will be verified, as well as compliance with the requirements established in special regulations, without prejudice to the power to practice the diligence of gauging the merchandise, when the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs determines it.

Once the unloading completion report is presented, the goods are delivered to a temporary warehouse or to a free zone where the user in whose name it is consigned is located or the transport document is endorsed within the following 2 business days .

At that time, the import declaration (DUA) is presented in the DIAN computer system and acceptance is given; Next, customs taxes are settled and paid in bank or by electronic transfer. Subsequently, with the confirmation of payment of the declaration in the system, the release of the merchandise is requested in this same medium. The lift can lead to physical or automatic inspection; if it is the first, the DIAN inspector must verify that the physical merchandise agrees with what is stated in the documents to finally issue the release and free disposal of the merchandise. In case of being automatic, the release and free disposition are obtained immediately.

Airfield Costs

Navigation Charges


Aircraft Weight - MTOW (kg)

0 - 7,000

7,001 - 136,000

136,001 and over

Navigation (per journey) USD - $




Landing USD - $

included in air fare

included in air fare

included in air fare

Night Landing USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

Night Take-Off USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs


1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

Handling Charges




* Prices are referential, values may vary

Fuel Service Charges

The fuel supply at Palogrande airport is carried out with tankers, 1 of 3000 gls, 1 of 2200 gls for JET A-1 and 1 of 1200 gallons for AVGAS 100/130. The fuel supply is carried out by private companies such as Terpel and Energizar Aviación and operates 24 hours a day.

Price per Litre USD - $

Jet A-1

US 3.57*


US 3.77*

*values may vary, prices subject to variation

Cargo Terminal Charges

Import Charges

Type of Charge

Rate USD - $ per kg


Handling Charge

0.78/ kg

Min. rate US 35.-

Break Bulk Fee



Diplomatic Mail



Strong Room – per consignment



Cold Storage Fee



Delivery Outside Normal Working Hours

0.1 por kg


Preparation of substitute AOA – Invoice – Receipt


48 hrs complimentary

Storage per Day



Handling Charges – Un-palletized Cargo



International Air Waybill



Local Air Waybill


Air Way Bill Amendment - Cancellation


Air Way Bill Documentation


Diplomatic Mail

0.20 kg

Min. rate US 40

Storage Charges per Day



The single rate in import charges is USD $ 28, additional charges are charged for the weight of the parcel, in exports the rate is charged per kilo. The Diplomatic Team is regulated by Decree 2148 of 1991 of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit

Air-Bridge Details

For the use of the boarding bridges of the international piers in the airports administered by AEROCIVIL, they must pay a fee of USD $ 112. The boarding bridges of the national piers at the airports will pay a rate of 6 daily legal minimum wages in force (66SMLDV).


Airport security has been under discussion several times, in 1998 from this airport the hijacking of an Avianca Fokker F-50 aircraft by armed personnel and then another Aerotaca B1900 aircraft in 2000. In order to improve security at the Palonegro Aerocivil airport, it carried out works to adjust and level the security strips, retaining walls and the new fire station, with resources amounting to USD $ 4'300,000.- approx. Additionally, with an investment of USD $ 6'700,000.- approx., The improvement of the security zones and the runway at head 17 and its connection through the extension of the Charlie taxiway was advanced. The control tower has a height of 34 meters (112 feet) equivalent to 10 floors, where the length of the runway in its entirety and platforms for the parking of passenger and cargo planes can be widely seen. In addition, additional works were planned, including runway drainage systems, the acquisition and operation of beacon systems, control lights, rotating beacon, for visual and non-visual network navigation; of water supply, electricity, and dedicated communications equipment. In the terminal are the offices of Civil Aviation and meteorology, telecommunications, airport security, the National Police aviation station, Customs, among others.

2.2.7 Colombia El Eden National Airport

Airport Overview

El Edén International Airport, also called Armeria Airport or Tebaida Airport, is an air terminal that serves the city of Armenia and its surroundings, in the department of Quindío. The El Edén International Airport of Armenia is currently operating (2020) after a major modernization, remodeling and expansion process. The works of this infrastructure are part of the 2030 Aeronautical Strategic Plan, foreseen in the Development Plan, and whose works include a new control tower, international terminal, platform expansion, runway maintenance, taxiways and airport security areas. Likewise, the construction and expansion works of the new international platform were delivered by an additional 14,700 m2, with 3 additional parking positions for type “C” (Charlie) aircraft, going from 4 to 7 available spaces, on a platform that had an initial area of ​​7,000 m2. The control tower is 33 meters high, equipped with electrical, communications and navigation equipment and aeronautical information necessary for operation as an international airport.

Currently, three commercial airlines operate, on average, 44 weekly frequencies from this airport on 2 national routes, to Bogotá and Medellín; and one (1) international route to Fort Lauderdale, with 3 weekly frequencies. In 2009 the airport was formally declared, by Aerocivil, International, which means that it is enabled to carry out regular and charter international flights. Spirit Airlines began operating to this terminal from Fort Lauderdale on November 13, 2009.

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

La Tebaida / Quindío

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport

Armenia (10 km)

Airport’s Complete Name

Aeropuerto Internacional El Edén





Elevation (ft and m)

3.990 ft. /  1.216 m





Managing Company or Airport Authority


Management Contact Person

Juan Carlos Salazar, Director General AEROCIVIL

Open From (hours)


Open To (hours)


Airport Picture

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

Avianca Services (Handler) Avianca business unit, specialized in the provision and commercialization of airport services, engineering and maintenance and training to organizations in the aeronautical sector and related, with the support of more than 9 decades of tradition, experience, commitment and the quality seal of the Airline. (+57 1 457 8700)

LASA (Handler) Sociedad de Apoyo Aeronáutico is an organization of the aeronautical sector of Colombia with 25 years of experience in the provision of airport services, aircraft maintenance services and operation of ground equipment. (+57 4 605 1563)

Integrated Airport Services (Handler) Colombian company with more than 30 years of experience in Ground Assistance Services, Passenger Assistance and Operational Dispatch. (+57 1 415 7454)

Civil Aviation. Civil Aeronautics works to guarantee the orderly development of civil aviation, the airline industry and the safe use of Colombian airspace, facilitating intermodal transport and contributing to the improvement of the country's competitiveness.

Antinarcotics Directorate. It contributes to the goals of the National Government in its policy to combat drug trafficking and other offenses, neutralizing activities related and related to this crime, which affect the national and international community.

Migration Colombia. Civil security entity: Autonomous and attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose objective is to exercise the functions of surveillance and immigration control and immigration authority of the Colombian State.

Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator

Performance for 2017

Per Year

Per Month

Per Day

Total Aircraft Movements

33 165

22,315 (2016)



Total Passengers

430 997

400,000 (2018)



Total Capacity of the Airport (MT)


Current Activity of the Airport (MT)

278 TM

23,16 TM


Current use by Humanitarian Flights (UNHAS)





Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

2.320 m  x 36 m





Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax Transport to Airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights








Airport Operating Details

Operating Details

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Bulk Cargo

KC-767, Antonov AN-26, Antonov AN-32,       C-130, C-295, CN-235, C-212  Convair 640 Fokker 27-500, Fokker F28-3000-4000-6000, Fokker 50, Dornnier 28, Fokker 100, Fokker 50, Fokker 100, DHC-6 y DASH 8, B-737-800 and A319

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Pallet

KC-767, Antonov AN-26, Antonov AN-32,       C-130, C-295, CN-235, C-212  Convair 640 Fokker 27-500, Fokker F28-3000-4000-6000, Fokker 50, Dornnier 28, Fokker 100, Fokker 50, Fokker 100, DHC-6 y DASH 8, B-737-800 and A319

Total Aircraft Parking Area (m²)


Storage Area (m3 and MT)


Handling Equipment

Elevators / Hi Loaders


Max Capacity (MT)


Max Height (m)


Loading Ramps


Other Comments


Customs Guidance

According to Article 90 of Decree 2685 of 1999, all means of transport that reach the national customs territory must arrive at the places authorized by the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN).

The transporter or the airport agent that has warehouses in the places of arrival for the transitory handling of the cargo, must obtain the respective authorization of the place by the DIAN in accordance with the provisions of Decree 390 of 2016.

Once the merchandise arrives, the travel documents are received and registered, the merchandise is presented to the customs authority. The merchandise presented is understood to be that of foreign origin related in the cargo manifest (air waybill) that have the entry authorization issued by Civil Aeronautics. The Information of the Cargo Manifest is presented through the Electronic Computing Services and must correspond at least to the following data:

  1. Identification of the means of transport
  2. Travel data, such as:
    1. Origin of the goods
    2. Destination place
    3. Weight and total quantity of cargo units to be transported
    4. Transport document numbers
    5. Number of packages, weight.
    6. The indication of consolidated cargo.

The information of the transport documents that is presented through electronic computer services, with respect to the transport documents and consolidators, must contain at least the following data:

  1. NIT of the consignee (other than that of the temporary or customs warehouse)
  2. Tariff subheading
  3. Type of load
  4. Number and date of the transport document or the consolidating document
  5. Quantity of packages, weight and volume, as appropriate
  6. Identification of the load unit, when applicable
  7. General description of the merchandise
  8. Other characteristics of the transportation contract as required by DIAN.

The carrier must deliver the information of the travel documents, through electronic computer services, with a minimum anticipation of 3 hours before the arrival of the means of transport, by air.

At the time of the arrival of the means of transport to the national customs territory, the carrier or his representative will report such fact, through electronic computer services. Upon receipt of the arrival notice, the DIAN will authorize the unloading of the merchandise. For customs purposes, the date of arrival of the merchandise to the national customs territory will be that of the acknowledgment of receipt of the arrival notice through electronic computer services.

The merchandise unloaded at the airport will remain under the responsibility of the carrier or the international freight agent, as the case may be, until it is delivered to the multimodal transport operator or to the consignee, either the authorized warehouse, the declarant, the customs agency, or the user operator of the free zone in which the user whose name is consigned is located, or to whom the transport document is endorsed.

Finally, in the recognition procedure, the conformity between the cargo and the information recorded in the travel documents and the documents that support the commercial operation will be verified, as well as compliance with the requirements set forth in special regulations, without prejudice to the power to practice the diligence of gauging the merchandise, when the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs determines it.

Once the unloading completion report has been submitted, the goods are delivered to a temporary warehouse or a free zone where the user in whose name it is consigned is located or the transport document is endorsed within the following 2 business days .

At that moment, the import declaration (DUA) is presented in the DIAN's computer system and acceptance is given; Next, customs taxes are settled and paid in bank or by electronic transfer. Subsequently, with the confirmation of payment of the declaration in the system, the release of the merchandise is requested in this same medium. The lift can lead to physical or automatic inspection; if it is the first, the DIAN inspector must verify that the physical merchandise agrees with what is stated in documents to finally issue the release and free disposal of the merchandise. In case of being automatic, the release and free disposition are obtained immediately.

Airfield Costs

Navigation Charges


Aircraft Weight - MTOW (kg)

0 - 7,000

7,001 - 136,000

136,001 and over

Navigation (per journey) USD - $




Landing USD - $

included in air fare

included in air fare

included in air fare

Night Landing USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

Night Take-Off USD - $

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs

5% surcharge from 18:00 to 06:00 hrs


1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

1.95 after 3 hours

Handling Charges




Fuel Service Charges 

For the refueling of JET A-1 fuel, the airport has a Tanker Truck Service. The fuel supply is carried out by private companies such as Terpel and Energizar Aviación and operates from 5:00 AM and 12 AM.

Price per Litre USD - $

Jet A-1

US 3.57*


US 3.77*

* values may vary, prices subject to variation

Cargo Terminal Charges

The single rate for import charges is USD $ 28, additional charges are charged for the weight of the parcel, for exports the rate is charged per kilo. The Diplomatic Team is regulated by Decree 2148 of 1991 of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.

Import Charges

Type of Charge

Rate USD - $ per kg


Handling Charge

0.78/ kg

Min. rate US 35.-

Break Bulk Fee



Diplomatic Mail



Strong Room – per consignment



Cold Storage Fee



Delivery Outside Normal Working Hours

0.1 por kg


Preparation of substitute AOA – Invoice – Receipt


48 hrs complimentary

Storage per Day



Handling Charges – Un-palletized Cargo



International Air Waybill



Local Air Waybill


Air Way Bill Amendment - Cancellation


Air Way Bill Documentation


Diplomatic Mail

0.20 kg

Min. rate US 40

Storage Charges per Day



Air-Bridge Charges

For the use of the boarding bridges of the international piers in the airports administered by AEROCIVIL, they must pay a fee of USD $ 112. The boarding bridges of the national piers at the airports will pay a rate of 6 daily legal minimum wages in force (66SMLDV).


The security service composed of a surveillance company specialized in airport facilities security services, airline security, AVSEC inspection of passengers and staff, Checked baggage inspection with X-ray scanner and cargo security. The airport security agents are in charge of passenger screening, control and detection of hand luggage and hold luggage, as well as access control and verification of the documentation required by the aeronautical authorities.

2.2.8 Colombia Antonio Nariño National Airport

Airport Overview

The air terminal is located in the town of Chachagüí, 35 km from the city of Pasto, Colombia, only domestic traffic has also charter service military and private. A new terminal, administrative and tower control with new navigation equipment has been set up, due to the increasing number of passengers and cargo flights. Usually Airbus 318, 319, 320, Boeing 737, 727, turboprop and different types of smaller aircraft use this airport. The runway is built on a plateau that rises 50 meters above the ground, is relatively short for the altitude at which the airport is located. Because of the runway orientation is often rendered useless by the presence of strong crosswinds that prevent the take-off and landing are performed safely, especially in August.

Runway has instrumentation ILS1, allowing operation at night and low visibility conditions.

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

Pasto, Nariño

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport

Pasto (33 km)

Airport’s Complete Name

Aeropuerto Nacional Antonio Nariño





Elevation (ft and m)

5951 ft (1814 m)





Managing Company or Airport Authority


Management Contact Person

Silvio Gilberto Belalcazar, Adminsitrador Aeropuerto

NGO and/or UN Presence at Airport?



The airport runway is built on a plateau that rises 50 meters above the surrounding terrain. The runway is 2312 meters long, which is more than enough for a regional airport that operates Airbus A320, A319, A318 aircraft, among others.

Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

7585 × 130 ft (2312 × 39.5 m)

Runway Orientation


Runway Surface


Runway Condition

Operative, good

Airport Infrastructure Details


Passenger / Cargo Security Screening


Runway Lighting


Refuelling Capacity


Ground Handling Services


Air Traffic Control


Fire Fighting Equipment


Weather Information


Aircraft Parking Space


Navigation Aids


Perimeter Fencing





Fuel Services Charges

The Antonio Nariño Airport has 3 tanks with a capacity of 10,200 gls each for the supply of AVGAS 100/130, JET A-1. The supply of fuel is carried out by private companies from 11:00 to 23:00.

Price per US GALLON USD - $

Jet A-1

US 3.57*


US 3.77*

* values may vary, prices subject to variation

Royalties / Non-Objection Fees (NOFs)

The Civil Aeronautics Authority of Colombia – Aerocivil, is the entity responsible of determinate, levy and collect fees, rates and charges for the provision of aeronautical and airport services, or generated by concessions, authorization, licenses or  any other type of income or capital asset. However, the public aerodrome operator, may charge user fees prior regulations and permit form the Aerocivil.

Navigation charge: include landing and take-off, use of facilities, service flight protection, visual aids and 3 hours of parking. The amount of the national airport tax will be fourteen thousand three hundred pesos (COP 14,300) current currency, (USD 3.86) per passenger embarked on domestic flights, in regular or non-regular commercial public air transport companies at the airports of the following cities: Arauca, Armenia, Yopal, Florencia, Ibagué, Ipiales, Leticia, Neiva, Pasto, Popayán, Tumaco, Villavicencio, Bogotá (in non-concession areas) and Barranquilla.

Note: aircraft which perform search and rescue or relief in the event of public calamity, shall be exempt from payment of Aerodrome fees.