2.3 Peru Road Network

2.3 Peru Road Network


In Peru, there are different types of roads and tracks, which are accompanied by national, international, departmental or regional and regional or rural routes. Each one of them comprises an efficient transfer to Peruvians, it should also be noted that our country has an extensive area of ​​destinations, and that the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) has implemented an important number of roads and routes that connect with the destinations of each conductor.

The growth of roads and routes in Peru has increased in terms of tourism and intercultural customs with the towns, as well as with the most remote wonders that for more than 50 years have been a point of contact with modernity. However, today there is no way to get to know the whole country, so there are many of the paths that connect you to the destination you are looking for.

The road network of Perú comprises more than 70,000 km of roadways, which are organized by three important groups; Longitudinal, penetration and linkage, each of these is useful to conductors, taking into account the city, department and even the country where they wish to travel.

Main Roads of Peru

Longitudinal Roads

PE – 1: Longitudinal de la Costa: Takes a Peruvian part of the Panamericana Carretera, it divides north and south, this is a totally asphalted road that is composed of 2,375.82 kilometres, which cross through the provinces of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Ancash, Lima, Ica, Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna.

PE – 3: Longitudinal de la Sierra: Another one of the most important roads in Peru, this is one of the main ones that runs through the most important cities in the region, at the same time that it is divided into north and south, having as a kilometre 0 to La Oroya, with 3,503 km of extension, 84.1% of asphalted and the rest is not paved. This network pases through: Vado Grande, Huancabamba, Cajamarca, Huaraz, Cerro de Pasco, La Oroya, Huancayo, Huancavelica, Huancabamba, Cajamarca, Huaraz, Cerro de Pasco, La Oroya, Huancayo, Ayacucho, Cusco, Juliaca, Puno y Desaguadero .

PE – 5: Longitudinal de la Selva: And finally, this is the road that runs through the jungle of Peru, a route that goes through the warmest and most tropical cities of the country, with 2,676 km in length and that is located in its totality paved, divided into north and south. Thanks to connecting with many visited destinations and with much intercultural connection, this route passes through Bagua, Jaen, Moyobamba, Tarapoto, Tocache, Camisea and Puerto Prado.

Transverse Roads

PE – 22: Carretera Central: Known also as one of the oldest roads in the country, it runs on a single stretch that departs from the road interchange of Santa Anita (km 0 of the PE -1), and the road to La Oroya (km 0 of 1 to PE -3). At a step of 173.66 kilometres, it offers an easy access and transit route that allows you to visit some places near the capital, crossing Ate, Chosica, Matucana, San Mateo, San Mateo and Morococha.

PE – 30: Carretera de San Juan de Marcona – Iñapari: This is the cross-section of the south, a hill that forms part of the Interoceanic Carretera that connects our country with Brazil, with 1,367.62 kilometres of partially paved road, which runs through the departments de Ica, Ayacucho, Apurímac, Cuzco and Madre de Dios.

The national road network is comprised of national interest, which are formed by three longitudinal axles, called with odd numbers. They are also represented by a shield and are coded with the format PE- x the longitudinal and PE- xx the transversals.

The regional road network, remain limited to a single department or region, where they are represented by an emblem and coded with letters corresponding to the department, 3 digits between 100 and 499.

The rural road network the roads in the local environment, where its function is to articulate the district capitals with the populated centers that are based on the norm of roadways, as zone three affirmed. If they are represented with a circuit, the letters corresponding to the department are coded. Three digits between 500 and 999.

Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones

Jiron Zorritos 1203 – Lima 1 - Peru

Página Web: https://www.gob.pe/mtc

Teléfono: +511 6157800

Director General de Caminos y Ferrocarriles

Nombre: Ing. Carlos Eduardo Lozada Contreras

E-mail: clozada@mtc.gob.pe

Teléfono: +511 6157800 - Anexo 1219

Director de Caminos

Nombre: Lic. Luis Escobar Alarcón

E-mail: lescobar@mtc.gob.pe

Teléfono: +511 6157800 - Anexo 1316


For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

Distance Matrix

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km)









































































Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (in Hours)









































































Road Security

Known as Devil Curve in Peru they are called this way to the areas of highways and roads that are on a curve that is too narrow, which can be at the foot of a slope, which is equivalent to the curve of death in many other countries. According to information from the Highway Police, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, to prevent there are many risks for drivers, and it is for this reason reports on the most dangerous roads in Peru:

Villa El Salvador. (Local Highway), Santiago de Chocorvos. (Local Highway), Pasamayo (National Route PE-1), Arequipa (Interoceanic Route Brazil - Peru), Puno (Interoceanic Route Brazil - Peru), Jauja (National Route PE-22) and Iquitos (Departmental Route LO-104). 

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

 The Bridges inventory conditions in the National Road Network as of 2019 report of the Ministry of Transport and Communications are as follows:

 Technical Note:

-Adequate Definitive Bridge: With load design according to current traffic requirements (48 Ton.)

-Final Bridge Not Adequate: With a load design prior to current traffic requirements (<48 Ton.) And more than 30 years old

-Adequate Modular Bridge: Modern and state-of-the-art structure -Non-Adequate Modular Bridge: Old structure that does not comply with current regulations

-Artisan Bridge and others: Provisional structure made of wood, poles, stock of rails and others that are inappropriate for safety and current traffic.

Type of Bridge

Good Condition

Bad Condition

















Axle Load Limits




Truck with 2 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: C2

Gross Weight: 18 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis :11 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: 1RS-1RS

Gross Weight: 14 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 7 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: Simple + Doble

Gross Weight: 11 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 4 Tons

Truck with 3 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: C3

Gross Weight: 25 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 9 Tons

3rd Axis: 9 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: 1RS-1RS-1RS

Gross Weight: 21 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 7 Tons

3rd Axis: 7 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: Triple Simple

Gross Weight: 19 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 7 Tons

3rd Axis: 5 Tons

Truck with 4 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: C4

Gross Weight: 30 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd, 3rd, and 4th Axis Total: 23 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: 1RS-1RD

Gross Weight: 18 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: Doble + Doble

Gross Weight: 18 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis 11 Tons

Semi-trailer with 3 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: T2S1

Gross Weight: 29 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 11 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: 1RS-1RD-1RS-1RS

Gross Weight: 32 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 7 Tons

4th Axis: 7 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: Triple + Doble

Gross Weight: 25 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 7 Tons

3rd Axis: 7 Tons

4thAxis: 4 Tons

Semi-trailer with 4 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: T2S2

Gross Weight: 36 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 9 Tons

4th Axis: 9 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: 1RS-1RD-1RD-1RD

Gross Weight: 40 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 11 Tons

4th Axis: 11 Tons 

Vehicle Configuration: Simple + Doble + Doble + Doble

Gross Weight: 39 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 11 Tons

4th Axis: 10 Tons

Semi-trailer with 5 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: T2S3

Gross Weight: 43 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd, 4th, and 5th Total: 25 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: 1RS-1RD-1RD-1RS1RD

Gross Weight: 43 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 11 Tons

4th Axis: 14 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: 1Simple-1Doble-1Doble-1Simple+1Doble

Gross Weight: 42 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 11 Tons

4th Axis: 13 Tons

Semi-trailer with 6 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: T3S3

Gross Weight: 48 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 9 Tons

3rd Axis: 9 Tons

4th, 5th,and 6th Total: 23 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: 1RS-1RD-1RD-2RD

Gross Weight: 45 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 11 Tons

4th Axis: 18 Tons

Vehicle Configuration: 1Simple-1Doble-1Doble-2Dobles

Gross Weight: 45 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 11 Tons

4th Axis: 18 Tons

Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 4 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: C2R2

Gross Weight: 40 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 11 Tons

3rd Axis: 11 Tons

4th Axis: 11 Tons


Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 5 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: C3R2

Gross Weight: 47 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 9 Tons

3rd Axis: 9 Tons

4th Axis: 11 Tons

5th Axis: 11 Tons


Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 6 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: C3R3

Gross Weight: 48 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 9 Tons

3rd Axis: 9 Tons

4th Axis: 11 Tons

5th Axis: 6 Tons

6th Axis: 6 Tons


Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 7 Axles

Vehicle Configuration: C3R4

Gross Weight: 48 Tons

1st Axis: 7 Tons

2nd Axis: 9 Tons

3rd Axis: 9 Tons

4th Axis: 11 Tons

5th, 6th,and 7th Total: 12 Tons



National Road Network

The National Road Network, are the highways of national interest formed by three main longitudinal axes, named with odd numbers. They are three longitudinal axes and have the following composition:

1.) PE-1 Longitudinal de la Costa, is the Pan-American Highway in Peru, with an extension of 2,364 kilometres, it is divided into:

- PE-1N North Pan-American Highway

- PE-1S Carretera Panamericana Sur

2.) PE-3 Longitudinal de la Sierra, with an extension of 3,503 kilometers, is divide into:

- PE-3N Longitudinal de la Sierra Norte

- PE-3S Longitudinal de la Sierra Sur

3.) PE-5 Longitudinal de la Selva, is the Carretera Marginal de la Selva, with an extension of 1.809 kilometers, it is divided into:

- PE-5N Longitudinal de la Selva Norte

- PE-5S Longitudinal de la Selva Sur

The three longitudinal axes have an additional extension of variants and branches of 9,692 kilometres.

There are 20 of Transversal Highways, joining two or more departments or regions, coded with even numbers:

PE-02, PE-02A, PE-02B, PE-04, PE-04A, PE-04B, PE-04C, PE-06, PE-06A, PE-06B, PE-08, PE-08A, PE- 08B, PE-08C, PE-10, PE-10A, PE-10B, PE-10C, PE-14, PE-14A, PE-14B, PE-14C, PE-16, PE-18, PE-18A, PE-18B, PE-18C, PE-20, PE-20A, PE-20B, PE-20C, PE-22, PE-22A, PE-22B, PE-24, PE-24A, PE-26, PE- 26A, PE-26B, PE-28, PE-28A, PE-28B, PE-28C, PE-28D, PE-28E, PE-28F, PE-28G, PE-30, PE-30A, PE-30B, PE-30C, PE-32, PE-32A, PE-34, PE-34A, PE-34B, PE-34C, PE-34D, PE-34E, PE-34F, PE-34G, PE-34H, PE- 34I, PE-34J, PE-36, PE-36A, PE-36B, PE-36C, PE-38, PE-38A, PE-40 and PE-40A.


Road Class and Surface Conditions

Road Maps by National Routes: https://portal.mtc.gob.pe/transportes/caminos/normas_carreteras/mapa-ruta-nacional.html


Classification of Roads in Peru:

International Road Network

PAN – Panamerican Highway

INO – Interoceanic Highway

CMS – Marginal Jungle Highway

National Road Network

PE – 1: Longitudinal de la Costa. PE – 1N: Carretera Panamericana Norte. PE – 1S: Carretera Panamericana Sur.

PE – 3 Longitudinal de la Sierra. PE – 3N: Longitudinal de la Sierra Norte. PE – 3S: Longitudinal de la Sierra Sur.

PE – 5: Longitudinal de la Selva – Carretera Marginal de la Selva. PE – 5N: Longitudinal de la Selva Norte. PE – 5S: Longitudinal de la Selva Sur.

National System of Roads (SINAC), which is in charge of ordering the roadways that form part of this organism, in addition to grouping the three types of road networks, based on their functionality and importance, such as:

  • National Network Road
  • Regional Network Road
  • Rural Network Road

For the National Road System, it is responsible for the permanent management, revision, updating and improvement of the same, as well as implementing the norms and instruments for these activities, in addition to defining and officialising the National Register of Carreteras (RENAC). This remains outside the competent authorities such as the MTC.


2.3.1 Peru Border Crossing of Zarumilla (Ecuador)


The Zarumilla Border Complex (CEBAF) is an immigration control building located in the department of Tumbes, northern Peru. It is located at kilometre 1292 of the Pan-American Highway in the district of Aguas Verdes, province of Zarumilla; it is the obligatory passage for all entry or exit to and from Ecuador using Tumbes as an access road.

The Origin of the CEBAF, came from Decision 502 of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN), signed in Valencia-Venezuela, June 22, 2001, Purpose that the member countries Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, develop a joint action to achieve better use of its physical space, strengthening the infrastructure and services necessary for the economic integration of the sub region.

The CEBAF is the set of facilities that are located in a portion of the territory of one or two adjoining member countries, adjacent to a border crossing, border, which includes the access routes, enclosures, equipment and furniture necessary for the provision of the service of integrated control of the flow of people, people, luggage, luggage, merchandise and vehicles, and where complementary services of facilitation and user care are provided. Integrated control service: The verification and supervision of the legal conditions of entry and exit.


Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Peru: Zarumilla

Ecuador: Huaquillas

Province or District

Zarumilla, Tumbes

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Tumbes (24.3 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria  - SUNAT

Contact Person

Carlos Rios Sanchez


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Talara International Airport (Cap. Victor Montes)

Distance in km 205

Truck Travel Time: 2 hours

Car Travel time: 1 hour 50 minutes

Nearest Port

Paita Port (Terminales Portuarios Euroandinos)

Distance in km 293.7

Truck Travel Time: 6 hours

Car Travel time: 5 hours 40 minutes

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

City of Tumbes

Distance in km 21

Truck Travel Time: 30 minutes

Car Travel time: 25 minutes

Other Information


The authorized border crossing is the place of land connection constituted by the International Bridge of Peace and both countries for the formal entry and exit of people, luggage, merchandise and vehicles.

Hours of Operation


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours

National Holidays

Open all year

Seasonal Constraints

Mostly during the vacations period in July and December. In addition, rainy season affect sometimes the passing due to the road is interrupted.

Daily Capacity

Since the CEBAF began to operate, there has been an increase in traffic and passage of vehicles, cars and export and import merchandise, the maximum service capacity of up to 300 vehicles per day, there have been peaks of 2,200 cars per month that have passed through the CEBAF. In passengers, there was a greater influx that is believed to be due to the entry of Venezuelan citizens to Peru, reaching almost 25,000 people in a single month. However, the passenger service capacity is up to 2,000 people per day.

Customs Clearance

SUNAT - the Tumbes Customs Administration in the Tumbes Region, through its Officials Office, represents ADUANAS, it contributes to the prevention of smuggling by preventing and combating customs illicit. It also has a Customs Technique area for the administration and processing of merchandise submitted for the different customs regimes of foreign trade such as Import, Export, Cargo Inspection and Collection. Exports are reaching almost 20 million dollars a month in products that are being exported Dry Coffee in Grains, Ethyl Alcohol, Onions, Fresh Garlic, Eggs, Printing Material (Magazines, Books, Catalogs, etc.). Procedures have been simplified and this has helped to carry out import regularization in less time.

For more information on customs in Peru, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

The Legal Framework in Peru, Budget Law 2012. The National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) is temporarily entrusted with the administration of the compound of the Binational Border Service Center (CEBAF) Eje Vial 1, Peruvian side, until the creation and implementation of the National Border Control Authority. For this purpose, SUNAT appoints the official in charge of the Management / Coordination of the CEBAF campus, Peruvian side. SUNAT is empowered to exercise all administrative acts that are necessary for the operation of the CEBAF Eje Vial 1 site, which includes the infrastructure, adjacent areas and routes.

The Administrators are in charge of the administrative and operational coordination of the CEBAF in order to facilitate its proper functioning, the conformation of which will be established by bilateral agreement. The officials designated by each member country will provide mutual assistance for the exercise of their respective functions. The Peruvian Entities that provide services in CEBAF are:

- SUNAT CUSTOMS for the administration and processing of the goods submitted for the different customs regimes of foreign trade such as Import, Export etc.,

- ITP SANIPES (INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO PESQUERO-SANIDAD PESQUERA) Provides sanitary control and surveillance service of hydro biological resources, which enter through the border.

- SENASA Responsible authority in the field of Agricultural Health, Quality of Inputs, Organic Production and Food Safety.

- MIGRATIONS and NATIONAL POLICE OF PERU (P.N.P.) to facilitate and stimulate the administration of the migratory movement.

The two headwaters of CEBAF Eje Vial N ° 1 are located in Peru at 2.5 km from the new International Peace Bridge and, in Ecuador at 1.5 km., Control is provided through the application of all legal provisions, regulatory and administrative and in an integrated and joint manner of both States (Ecuador and Peru).

CEBAF Zarumilla – Tumbes

Carretera Panamericana Norte Km. 1292, Eje Vial No.01

Aguas Verdes - Zarumilla – Tumbes

Administrator Peru: Carlos Rios Sanchez

Tel. +5172-523893 (Switchboard SUNAT)

Cel. +985963808 (Migration Office)

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.


2.3.2 Peru Border Crossing of Santa Rosa (Chile)


The Santa Rosa Border Complex is a customs and immigration control building, located in the department or region of Tacna, in the southern part of Peru, close to the Concordia Line that separates Peru with the Republic of Chile. It is similar to the border customs complex on the Chilean side called Chacalluta.

It is located on the South Pan-American Highway (Route - 1S) almost 250 meters from the international border; this complex is an obligatory part of entry or exit from Peru to the Republic of Chile. It has a total area of ​​more than 168,000 square meters. The administration of the Border Complex is under the administration of the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration.

The new facilities were rebuilt in 2007. It has the services of Customs, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Ministry of the Interior, Bank of the Nation, National Police as well as other dependencies of the Peruvian State. In October 2008, a module or health post was inaugurated.  

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Peru: Santa Rosa

Chile: Chacalluta

Province or District


Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Tacna (41.3 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria - SUNAT

Contact Person

Santa Rosa Border Complex

+5152 – 583120



Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Aeropuerto Internacional Carlos Ciriani (Tacna)

Distance in km 37.3

Truck Travel Time: 50 minutes

Car Travel time: 39 minutes

Nearest Port

Name Port of Ilo

Distance in km 157.7

Truck Travel Time: 3.0 hours

Car Travel time: 2.7 hours

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

City of Tacna

Distance in km 41.3

Truck Travel Time: 1 hour

Car Travel time: 50 minutes

Other Information


At the exit of the City of Tacna, there is a very complete gas station, also throughout the city there are other gas stations. This area is desert and it is very hot from January to April.

Hours of Operation


08:00 am to 20:00 pm


08:00 am to 20:00 pm


08:00 am to 20:00 pm


08:00 am to 20:00 pm


08:00 am to 20:00 pm


08:00 am to 22:00 pm


08:00 am to 22:00 pm

National Holidays

01 January, 24 December

Seasonal Constraints

Winter months (May and June)

Spring months (September and October)

Daily Capacity

Most of the traffic of people and cars that go to Chile and that come from Chile occur on weekends. Almost 25,000 people were received or attended on Saturdays and Sundays. Due to the restrictions of the pandemic, this capacity to attend to citizens who cross the border has been reduced to 50%. There are many people who have relatives in both border cities (Arica and Tacna).

Customs Clearance

Its infrastructure is based on a linear service model duly differentiated according to the transport unit and the user, integrating the entities involved in its operation, optimizing the points of attention in search of the least displacement of users, avoiding congestion and using state-of-the-art technology for the development of control activities. The physical recognition sector has a booth to control the entry of trucks, a scale, an elevated platform for visual control of trucks, and offices for officials of the control agencies. The transport of cargo or goods enter the sector of the internment yard or are quickly dispatched to their destination under the customs transit modality.

For more information on customs in Peru, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.  


Other Relevant Information

The public entities that perform functions in the Santa Rosa Border Complex are: the National Superintendence of Tax Administration (SUNAT) through the Santa Rosa Customs Agency (ADUANA), the General Forest and Wildlife Directorate (SERFOR), National Service of Agrarian Health (SENASA), National Superintendence of Migration (MIGRACIONES), National Police of Peru (PNP), Banco de la Nation (BN), and the Ministry of Culture.

The administration of the Border Complex is in charge of SUNAT, through the Santa Rosa Administrative Support Section, whose function is to guarantee its optimal operation, as well as to provide the goods and services necessary for the development of control tasks.

Santa Rosa Border Complex

Main office:

South Pan-American Highway Km. 1336,

Tacna - Peru

Phone: +5152 – 583120

E-mail: jefatura_starosa@sunat.gob.pe

Web: www.complejosantarosa.sunat.gob.pe

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.


2.3.3 Peru Border Crossing of Desaguadero (Bolivia)


The new Binational Border Service Center (CEBAF), located in Desaguadero, Bolivia and Peru, seeks to organize and expedite border transit at the main border crossing they share. The new facilities, fully equipped in terms of infrastructure, connectivity and services, allow the safe and orderly transit of passengers, vehicles and cargo 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Likewise, with the implementation of Integrated Cargo Control, waiting times will be substantially reduced, avoiding congestion and saturation of access roads.

The CEBAF facilities are presented as an intelligent infrastructure for the unified attention of immigration and customs procedures, with buildings for the attention to the public and the administration of the CEBAF, ways to control the transport of cargo, warehouses, electronic scales, scanners, and security perimeter.

The new Center will also have sectors for officials of the National Superintendence of Tax Administration (SUNAT), General Directorate of Migration and Naturalization, National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA), General Directorate of Environmental Health (DIGESA), National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA), National Police and the Ministry of Transport and Communications, all of them from Peru.

The integrated control will imply a single stop of the flow of people, luggage, vehicles, and cargo passing through the passage, using procedures that will avoid duplication of procedures and records at the entrance and exit. This control will be carried out sequentially, beginning with the procedures of the country of departure and ending with the procedures of the country of entry, intervening the transport and communications, health, police, immigration and customs authorities, in that order.


Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Peru: Desaguadero

Bolivia: Desaguadero

Province or District


Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Puno (147 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

CEBAF Desaguadero

Contact Person

Raúl Bravo Revilla

Administrator CEBAF Desaguadero (SUNAT)

Tel. +511599400 Ext. 47540

Tel. +5151-362616


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Juliaca International Airport (196 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4 hours

Car Travel time: 3. 30 hours

Nearest Port

Puerto de Ilo - Moquegua (391 km)

Truck Travel Time: 7 hours

Car Travel time: 6 hrs

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

City of Puno (147 km)

Truck Travel Time: 3 hours

Car Travel time: 2.30 hours

Other Information


To all this movement also need to be added the local border traffic, which develops an intense commercial activity with different degrees of informality, which consists of the transport of merchandise by means of human traction across the bridge, and in loading and unloading operations truck unloading on both sides of the border.

Hours of Operation


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


08:00 to 20:00 Hours


08:00 to 20:00 Hours

National Holidays

CEBAF works 365 days a year

Seasonal Constraints

In July and December, increase the transit of people and cars.

Daily Capacity

The Desaguadero border crossing is one of the busiest border points in Peru. In 2018, it was ranked fourth in the country's migratory movement, with around 800,000 registered people. Of this total, 500,000 people were of Peruvian nationality and 300,000 foreigners. These values, which have been more or less constant since 2010, represent the completion of around 2,000 migratory procedures daily, only in terms of the transit of people.

Customs Clearance

The largest traffic through the border customs of Peru occurs through the Desaguadero border crossing, and represents 80.6% of the total traffic of merchandise that crosses the borders land of the country. In 2016, exports from Peru to Bolivia through the Desaguadero border crossing amounted to a FOB value of US $ 325.38 million, which represented 58% of total Peruvian exports to Bolivia for that year (of US $ FOB 562.4 million).

The main ten products mobilized were baby diapers, ethylene polymers, perfumes, yarn fibres, bakery products, cement, silicones, petroleum bitumen, cleaning products and seats. Meanwhile, Bolivian exports to Peru through Desaguadero for the same period amounted to a FOB value of US $ 289.73 million, being the main ten products mobilized: cakes and other soybean milling residues, bean flour, petroleum and gas liquefied, propane gas, beans, milk, oilseeds and crude oil, gold ore, and peanuts.

Almost all shipments have Peruvian territory as their final destination, which can be verified at present with the almost non-existence of Bolivian cargo shipments in the nearby ports of Ilo and Matarani. If the contribution of the Bolivian Department bordering La Paz in the total exports to Peru via Desaguadero is analysed, these reached a FOB value of US $ 18 million in 2016, which represents only 6.21% of the total exported by the pass.

For more information on customs in Peru, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

This situation reflects the importance that the new CEBAF will acquire to consolidate the important flows of goods that currently exist between the two countries through Desaguadero, whose implementation will speed up and boost the transport of land cargo, improving trade at the regional level. This will not only happen through the improvement of controls and reduction of processing times in transit operations and customs clearance, but also with the possibility of providing attractive conditions for the establishment in the future of a multimodal logistics platform in both associated countries. To the passage and to the flows of export cargo originating in the Departments of the interior of Bolivia that have as their point of departure the Peruvian ports of the region.

The main objectives of CEBAF according to the CAN are:

- Reduce paperwork times in transit and customs clearance operations.

- Facilitate the crossing of export and import information.

- Increase the flow of cargo movements.

- Make foreign trade operations transparent.

- Fight against Smuggling.

- Immediate identification of customs illicit jointly (technical and / or documentary smuggling, ghost exports).


Carretera 36A Desaguadero – Moquegua 21610

Puno - Perú

Raúl Bravo Revilla

Administrator CEBAF Desaguadero (SUNAT)

Tel. +511599400 Ext. 47540

Tel. +5151-362616

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.


2.3.4 Peru Border Crossing of Iñapari (Brazil)


The Iñapari Border Crossing is located in Iñapari, which is one of the three districts of the Province of Tahuamanu, located in the Department of Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios Region, in Peru. The Acre River marks the border between Peru and Brazil. Currently, the entire South Interoceanic highway is paved and the distance of 229 km that separates Iñapari from Puerto Maldonado can be done in a trip of approximately 3 hours by car.

It is also the border, customs control point for entering, and leaving the country on the Interoceanic Highway that links the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. This road crosses the border (about 200 meters from the main square of Iñapari) over the Acre River and 1 km further on you reach the Brazilian town of Assis Brasil.


Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Peru: Iñapari

Brasil: Assis

Province or District

Iñapari - Madre de Dios

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Puerto Maldonado (229 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria (SUNAT)

Contact Person

Av. Leon Velarde S/N (Carretera Interoceânica)

Barrio La Colonia – Iñapari – Madre de Dios



Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Cuzco International Airport (704 km)

Truck Travel Time: 13 hours

Car Travel time: 12 hours

Nearest Port

Port of Ilo - Moquegua (1,190 km)

Truck Travel Time: 21 hours

Car Travel time: 20 hours

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Puerto Maldonado (229 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4:00 hours

Car Travel time: 3:30 hours

Other Information

On the Interoceanic highway from Puerto Maldonado to Iñapari, there are several service stations and several towns are crossed on the route.

Hours of Operation


07:00 am to 19:00 pm


07:00 am to 19:00 pm


07:00 am to 19:00 pm


07:00 am to 19:00 pm


07:00 am to 19:00 pm


07:00 am to 19:00 pm


07:00 am to 19:00 pm

National Holidays

The border crossing is open 365 days a year.

Seasonal Constraints

No seasonal restrictions

Daily Capacity

Due to the little traffic of passengers and cargo that cross the border, it is much reduced, also the capacity is reduced. It can handle 200 people a day. However, if they do not have the proper facilities, their create a bottleneck when you have many people trying to cross the border.

Customs Clearance

Import or export cargo crossing is not very common. Unfortunately, there are no trade agreements and free transit across borders, as in the case of Bolivia, Ecuador and Chile. The SUNAT office is implemented but sends all import cargo to its warehouses in Puerto Maldonado, cargo is not cleared at this border. The movement or traffic of passengers is reduced therefore there is not much trade of import or export of goods.

For more information on customs in Peru, please see the following link:  1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

The studies for the construction of the Frontier Control Center in Iñapari, whose feasibility has not yet been processed because Brazil believes that it is not convenient, for the time being, to implement an integrated control system as established in the Acuerdo Marco signed by both Chancelleries.

The Peruvian and Brazilian delegations discuss a proposal to move forward in integrated control, through the exchange of information and coordination of procedures among peers. The internalization of the Agreement between Brazil and Peru for the Establishment of Integrated Control Systems at Border Posts is awaited in the legal system in order to proceed with the negotiations regarding the installation of the post.

Border Control currently on the Peru side has a heterogeneous provision of control and facilitation services for the transit of persons, equipment, goods and vehicles on the Paso de Frontera by each of the national border control entities. It is a weak organization of the front. In addition to a deficient infrastructure (provisional) and equipment in the Frontier Control Center.


Complejo Fronterizo Iñapari

Av. Leon Velarde S/N (Carretera Interoceânica)

Barrio La Colonia – Iñapari – Madre de Dios


For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.