Côte d'Ivoire - 3.4 Manual Labour Costs

Côte d'Ivoire - 3.4 Manual Labour Costs


There is no reliable data available for daily wages for casual labour. No recent daily SMIG ( Salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti) nor daily SMAG ( Salaire minimum agricole garanti) have been published. The monthly SMIG has averaged F CFA 60.000 since 2015. Standard working hours are 40 hours per week in the non-agricultural sector and 48 hours per week in the agricultural sector. There are generally 14 days of paid holidays per year.

Social security charges are to be paid by the employer:


Social Security 5.75% (wages limited to F CFA 70.000/month)
Accidents  2 to 5% (wages limited to F CFA 70.000/month)
Pension scheme

4.80% (wages limited to F CFA 1.647.315 F CFA/month)

(Employee will also contribute 3.20% of his wages for his pension scheme)


Indicative gross yearly salaries (Source: Munéris 2000 – JPR Consultants)

Category Function Median Low Median Median High
Management Manager, CEO 19.880.000 27.036.000 37.416.000
Middle Management Head of department 9.624.000 13.500.000 17.676.000
Lower Management Engineer, Auditor, 7.020.000 8.898.000 11.976.000
Qualified staff Analyst, programmer, chief nurse, staff assistant 4.428.000 6.132.000 8.784.000
Staff IT officer, technician, secretary 2.892.000 3.960.000 5.592.000
Qualified employees Storekeeper, cashier, IT operator 1.812.000 2.424.000 3.480.000
Employees Driver, messenger, asst. accountant 1.248.000 1.716.000 2.436.000
Qualified laborers Maintenance, production 1.500.000 2.232.000 2.964.000
Laborers Specialized laborers 1.092.000 1.512.000 2.064.000

Type of labour

Local Currency



Daily general worker (unskilled casual worker)

3000-3500 FCFA



Daily general worker (semi-skilled)

3500-4000 FCFA



Skilled labour

10000 FCFA
