Brinland - LRT - 3.7 Waste Management and Recycling Infrastructure Assessment

Brinland - LRT - 3.7 Waste Management and Recycling Infrastructure Assessment


Waste collection

In Brinland, like in the majority of countries worldwide, waste management services are the responsibility of the local government. In Brinland, the government bans any form of waste dumping outside official landfills to protect their lands and environment. However, Municipalities have very limited budget to provide waste collection and disposal services. Only in the urban areas of Brindisi, Bekario, Allon Careti, Dakaro, municipalities provide waste collection, transportation and disposal services from households and commercial areas to landfill facilities. In rural areas instead, such services do not exist. However, as per government reports, the composition of waste in rural areas is mostly organic (80%) and organic waste is used for animal feeding and crops fertilizers by the community. Being other remaining waste types dumped in community designated areas and burned from time to time.


Waste recycling

The government of Brinland has recently released a 3Rs policy to reduce, reuse and recycle waste materials. The local government have not yet started the collection of recyclable material but this is commonly performed by the private sector. Recycling companies are able to recover 50% of the total waste generated in the country by recycling materials such as plastics, cardboards, metals, glass, etc. to manufacture new products. The private sector has their main recycling hub in Brindisi, but some other recycling companies can be also located in San Vito, Bekario and Punta Della Contessa. => See details of these companies in template 3.7 Brinland_Waste Management multiple company LCA


Waste disposal

There are 5 main landfills in Brinland, one in each capital province: Brindisi, Bekario, Allon Careti, Dakaro. Municipalities run these facilities where all forms of non-hazardous waste are disposed. The private sector can also dispose of their waste in these facilities but they do have to arrange their own transportation system.

Landfills lack any type of environmental protective measure to prevent waste polluting groundwater and soils. The Government is planning to upgrade the overall waste management system in country including improved sanitary landfills with the support of the Asian Development Bank, but this initiative is not yet being implemented.


Hazardous waste disposal

As per government local regulations hazardous waste such as fleet waste (used engine oil, lubricants, filters, tires), medical waste, electric and electronic devices, batteries, chemicals, etc. cannot be directly disposed of in country landfill facilities without being treated first by specialized companies. Hazardous waste collection and treatment services must be arranged directly with the respective companies operating in the country => See details of these companies in template 3.7 Brinland_Waste Management multiple company LCA


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