Brinland - LRT - 2.4 Brinland Railway Assessment

Brinland - LRT - 2.4 Brinland Railway Assessment

There is no railway network in Brinland. Northland has extended its national network to Dottima and Chandro, and Westland has extended its national network to Ahynta. The two railways entering Brinland are in good condition. Both belong to the Northland and Westland railways authorities in cooperation with the Brinland Ministry of Commerce and Transport. The network is reliable, with fairly important traffic coming to Brinland and reduced traffic out. Wagons are overall in good condition, but engines are not always functional and often need maintenance/repair. The network is quite efficient, with very few cancellations, important commercial cargo activity, and few passengers.

Railway Companies and Consortia

For information on Brinland Railways Contact details, please see the following link: 4.9 Brinland Railway Company Contact List

Capacity Table

Rail Operator Capacity


Commercial (mainly import to Brinland from Northland)

Operates on (lines)

Mainly imports to Brinland from Northland

Max train length and/or pulling capacity

600 mt 15 Wagons (per cargo train)

Locomotives (electric/diesel/steam)

12 (Av. age 30 yrs)

Freight Wagons


Frequency of rail travel

10,000 - 12,000  mt per week


Shunting equipment available

Key Stations

Key Station Information


Station Name: Dottima

Station Name: Ahynta




Contact Information



Connections with other transport means (road/waterways/air)



Storage Capacity (mt)

5.000 mt

4,000 mt

Handling Equipment

Crane Capacity - 20 mt

Crane Capacity - 15 mt – 20 mt

Handling Capacity:
MT / Hour
TEU / Hour



Other Comments

Customs procedures for cargo clearance: to be discussed with agents. Duration for cargo custom clearance and cost: 1-2 days. Cost to be discussed with agents and customs authorities, average 0.5% total cargo cost.

Customs procedures for cargo clearance: to be discussed with agents. Duration for cargo custom clearance and cost: 1-2 days. Cost to be discussed with agents and customs authorities, average 0.5% total cargo cost.

From Chandro, transhipments from rail to trucks are carried out.  Note that the railway station dependence was shut down in January 2015 in reason of low activity Any transhsipment has to be carrefully planned with NRA