Libya - 2.6 Libya Storage Assessment

Libya - 2.6 Libya Storage Assessment

Different types of storage facilities and well-prepared and organized warehouses are available in almost the vital areas inside Libya and (example warehouses near ports and airports).  

There are many logistics services companies operating in Libya, providing a several logistics services including professional storage facilities, inventory management and handling, and domestic distribution solution. 

Due to insecurity situation in Libya and the looting and burglary incidents occurred there, finding a warehouse that suited in a safe location is considered as one of the main challenges.         

For more information on storage company contact details, please see the following link: 

4.6 Libya Storage and Milling Company Contact List.

Commercial Storage



Available for Rent 


(MT / m² / m³) 

Type [1]  

Access [2]  

Condition [3]  

All areas


2000m²-4000 m² 

Close WH 

Easy access 

Good condition 

All areas 



2000m²-4000 m² 

Close WH 

Easy access 

Good condition 

All areas 



2000m²-4000 m² 

Close WH 

Easy access 

Good condition 

All areas


2000m²-4000 m² 

Close WH 

Easy access 

Good condition 

All areas 

Tarek Alzahra


2000m²-4000 m² 

Close WH 

Easy access 

Good condition 

All areas


2000m²-4000 m² 

Close WH 

Easy access 

Good condition 

All areas 

Alpha Logistics


2000m²-4000 m² 

Close WH 

Easy access 

Good condition 

[1] Warehouse Type: Open storage, container, rub-hall, silo, concrete, other, unspecified.

[2] Warehouse Access: Raised-siding, flat.

[3] Warehouse condition: Appears intact, appears damaged, under construction/repair.

Storage Used by Humanitarian Organizations

Humanitarian organizations in Libya either run their own facilities or manage the warehouses through third parties (logistics service providers) or through cooperating partners. However, and to mitigate the risk of looting and burglary given the insecurity situation, many humanitarian organizations avoid stockpiling large amounts of commodities, often delivering the commodities directly from the vendor/port to the FDP.

Public Sector Storage

Public sector storage is not available. 

Cold Chain

Pharmaceuticals and other medical items which require specific temperature are imported through reefer containers then transported to the warehouses that have been equipped for this purpose. There are some logistics services companies that provide integrated cold chain solutions inside Libya (such as Tarek Alzahra Transport & Logistics CO ‘TZTL ‘LLC which provides cold chain solutions for transportation, warehouse management etc. for drugs and vaccines). Some humanitarian organizations also have cold chain storage options.