4.4 Papua New Guinea Port and Waterways Contact List

4.4 Papua New Guinea Port and Waterways Contact List

Port Name Company Physical Address Email Phone Number (office) Fax Number Key Role Website

Port of Lae

PNG Ports Corporation Ltd.

 P.O. Box 671, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


+675 308 4200

+675 321 1546

n/a www.pngports.com.pg
Port of Lae PNG Ports Corporation Ltd. P.O. BOX 563 Lae, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea enquiries@pngports.com.pg

+675 472 2477

+675 472 6434

Business Manager: +675 472 6434

Pilot (Marine): +675 472 2477

Customs (Collector): +675 472 1872/472 4899

Health Officer: +675 473 2100

Quarantine Officer: +675 472 7083/472 4856

Fire: +675 472 4333/472 4818

Police: +675 472 1833

Ambulance: +675 472 3966

Emergency: 000 

+675 472 2543

Port Operations  

Port of Lae

Agility Logistics Papua New Guinea

5F, Cuthbertson House Cuthbertson Street, P.O. Box 1702, Port Moresby


+675 320 2622


Clearing Agent


Port of Lae

Express Freight Management

 P.O. Box 137, Port Moresby NCD 121 - P.O. Box 3398, Lae. MP 411, PNG



+675 321 2185

+675 472 3822

+675 321 1841

+675 472 0367

Clearing Agent


Port of Lae

SWIRE Sipping

P.O. Box 634 Port Moresby


+675 322 0330


Clearing Agent

Port of Lae All Shipping Agencies           http://www.australasialine.com/asp/index.asp
Port of Lae Coscon           http://www.coscon.com/home.do
Port of Lae NYK           https://www2.nykline.com/
Port of Lae Lae Port Services Pty Ltd P.O Box 434, Lae   (675) 472 1915      
Port of Lae United Stevedores P.O Box 2191 Lae   (675) 472 1099      
Port Moresby

Port Moresby Port

  Felix.Bauri@pngports.com.pg +675  3211637

Mobile: +675 71910080
+675 3213606  Port Operations www.pngports.com.pg
Port Moresby

PNG Customs- Southern Region Office Ports

  orag@customs.gov.pg +675 321 7627   Customs www.customs.gov.pg