Vanuatu - 3 Logistics Services and Supply

Vanuatu - 3 Logistics Services and Supply

Services and Supply 

The following sections contain information about the logistics services available in Vanuatu. 

Vanuatu is an agriculture-based economy in which about 80% of the population depends entirely on subsistence agriculture for their daily sustenance and well-being. Although the other 20% reside in the urban areas, most still rely on agricultural products from market centres for their daily source of nutrients. Most of Vanuatu’s agricultural food production is threatened by exposure to natural disasters and climate change is likely to intensify these threats. 

Vanuatu may not have sufficient services and supplies to accommodate a nationwide large-scale disaster. Port Vila and Santo have a few big food and hardware suppliers. However, non-food items (NFIs) cannot be pre-positioned in the quantities that are needed for a major response because weather conditions mean these can deteriorate if not rotated through stores quickly. During an emergency response, the National Disaster Management Office engages the private sector directly for supply of relief items (food and NFIs) and transportation (land, sea and air). 

The Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) is Vanuatu’s National Private Sector Organisation and represents the private sector in dialogue with Government and other stakeholders. All businesses with a valid Vanuatu business license are automatically VCCI members. 

The Vanuatu Business Resilience Council (VBRC) is the Vanuatu private sector vehicle and coordinator for climate change and disaster risk and reduction management. VBRC builds the disaster risk management capabilities of the private sector. 

Disclaimer: WFP and the Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse or comment on any company’s suitability as a reputable service provider. 


Vanuatu - 3.1 Fuel


Fuel Overview 

The Pacific Energy Group established itself in Vanuatu following the acquisition of Shell’s assets in 2006, Mobil’s assets in 2007 and BP’s assets in 2010. Since then, Pacific Energy has made a lot of investments in Vanuatu including the construction of a 2 km long pipeline between the Port of Port Vila and the Pacific Energy depot to allow direct supply by tankers, as well as the expansion of fuel storage capacities in Port Vila and Santo. The Pacific Energy Group has two depots in Vanuatu with a combined storage capacity of 17.2 million litres. The Group employs 100 employees, operates 36 gas stations and provides refuelling at the two biggest airports in Vanuatu – Bauerfield International Airport and Santo International Airport. 

The Pacific Energy Group has signed supply contracts with major international oil companies to ensure the continuity of its supply given its significant reliance on imported fuels. It has also developed its own shipping company, Orient Oil Express Ltd, which operates several oil tankers in the Pacific region. The Group also leans on renown laboratories for constant monitoring of the fuel quality, including aviation, from placement on board in the refinery’s marine terminal, to delivery in its depots, gas stations and the final client. [Source:

Origin Energy Vanuatu is an Australian energy company that has been active in Vanuatu since 2005 through its ownership of a 50% stake in the Vanuatu Gas Joint Venture which was formed to explore and develop offshore gas fields in Vanuatu with the aim of supplying gas to the local market for electricity generation and industrial use. The Pango gas field is located approximately 7 km offshore from Port Vila. The use of natural gas as a fuel source has allowed Vanuatu to reduce its reliance on imported diesel fuel. [Source:]  

Increasing fuel prices and inflation are continuously highlighted as a shared concern across the Pacific pre- and post-COVID-19. Vanuatu’s energy sector is characterised by low access, high relative prices, and significant reliance on imported fuels. Vanuatu imports over 60 million litres of fuel/petroleum per year, with approximately 33 million litres of diesel for transport and there are no regulations on petroleum standards, pricing and fuel. Vanuatu is already importing Euro 5 quality fuel. Vanuatu’s dependence on imported fuel creates security of supply risks (potential for fuel supply interruptions) as well as affordability problems for customers. [Source:,standards%2C%20pricing%2C%20and%20fuels.]  

For more information on government and fuel provider contact details, please see the following links:  4.1 Government Contact List and 4.7 Fuel Providers Contact List

Fuel Pricing 

There are no regulations in Vanuatu on petroleum standards, pricing and fuels. 

Fuel Prices per Litre as of: 30 / 08 / 23 

(Local currency and USD - $) 

Petrol – Premium Unleaded Petrol 95 Octane 

VUV 192 (US$ 1.58) per litre 


VUV 179 (US$ 1.47) per litre 

Jet A-1 

VUV 215 (US$ 1.76) per litre 

AVGAS 100 

VUV 291 (US$ 2.39) per litre 

Seasonal Variations  

Seasonal Variations 

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (i.e. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military?) 

Yes, e.g. Port Vila – 80% for electricity generation and 20% for transport 

Is there a rationing system? 


Is fuel to lower income / vulnerable groups subsidized? 


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? 

Yes, surge capacity is available from New Caledonia and Fiji 

Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to directly contract a reputable supplier / distributor to provide its fuel needs? 


Fuel Transportation 

  • Port Vila: Every 50 days a 45,000 tonnes fuel ship arrives. 

  • Santo: Every 100 days a fuel ship arrives. 

  • Port Vila and Santo airports: AVGAS and Jet A1 fuel are delivered by trucks to the airports. 

  • Emergency aircraft re-fuelling: A 24-hour notice must be given to request fuel to be delivered to the aircraft. 

  • <100 m3 capacity ship: Fuel is delivered by truck to the wharf. 

  • >100 m3 capacity ship: Planes are used to refuel the ship. 

The current capacity can meet the local needs as well as any increases in demand from the humanitarian community. 

Standards, Quality and Testing 

Fuel testing facilities are limited in Vanuatu. To meet international requirements, aircraft fuel samples are sent to New Zealand for quality assurance testing.  


Industry Control Measures 

Do tanks have adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel? 


Are there filters in the system which monitor where fuel is loaded into aircraft? 


Is there adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks? 

Yes, for aviation fuel 

Is there a presence of suitable firefighting equipment? 

Yes, at airports and depot 


Standards Authority 

Is there a national or regional standards authority? 


If yes, please identify the appropriate national and/or regional authority. 

National: Department of Energy 

Regional: Office of the Pacific Energy Regulators Alliance 

If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? 



Testing Laboratories 

Are there national testing laboratories? 

No, fuel samples are sent to Independent Petroleum Laboratory Limited in New Zealand for testing. No fuel is released from the tank until results are received.  


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory 


Independent Petroleum Laboratory Limited 


Information not available 


C/o Channel Infrastructure NZ 

12 Ralph Trimmer Drive 


Northland 0171 

New Zealand 

Telephone and Fax 

+64 9 432 8567 


Information not available 

Standards Used 

NZ/ISO/IEC 17025 


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider. 


Vanuatu - 3.2 Transporters


Land transportation services in Vanuatu is dominated by individual business owners operating public transport services, such as buses and taxi services. The major road transport/logistics companies are limited and are in Port Vila on Efate Island and in Luganville on Espiritu Santo Island where the international ports and airports are located. 

The current capacity meets domestic needs for now. During the twin cyclones in March 2023, the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) used land transportation from both government and the private sector to transport relief items from the ports of entry to the warehouse and on to the distribution centres. 

During an emergency, access to hard-to-reach areas, such as where base transceiver stations (BTS) are located in the outer islands, would require helicopters. This can be facilitated by foreign military assets (if these have been deployed to Vanuatu). 

For more information on transport company contact details, please see the following link: 4.8 Transporter Contact List. 

The Government of Vanuatu Public Works Department (PWD) has a few trucks and heavy lifting / earthmoving equipment positioned in Efate and Espiritu Santo which can be used for road clearance and other emergency response needs. All requests for assistance during an emergency must be coordinated through the NDMO who will liaise with the PWD. 


KBI Ltd Transport Capacity Summary 

Regions Covered 



Number of 


Capacity per 

Vehicle (MT) 

Comments / Condition of Vehicles 

Flatbed truck 

3 T 


Flatbed truck 

12 T 

KBI Ltd also have 1 x 120T crane, 1 x 3.5T forklift, 1 x 2.5T forklift and 1 x 7T forklift available for hire 

Total Capacity 




South Sea Cargo Transport Capacity Summary 

Regions Covered 

Currently Efate, Santo, Malekula and Tanna but vessels can go to any island 


Number of 


Capacity per 

Vehicle (MT) 

Comments / Condition of Vehicles 

Freezer truck 

4 T 


Flatbed truck 

12 T 


Total Capacity 




DHL / FR8 Logistics Transport Capacity Summary 

Regions Covered 

Efate, Santo, Tanna, Epi, Ambrym, Malekula, Gaua, Banks, Torres and Ambae 


Number of 


Capacity per 

Vehicle (MT) 

Comments / Condition of Vehicles 

Flatbed truck 


DHL / FR8 also has 1 x forklift available for hire 

Total Capacity 




FARSELO Transport Capacity Summary 

Regions Covered 



Number of 


Capacity per 

Vehicle (MT) 

Comments / Condition of Vehicles 



Both trucks were used during the response in March 2023 

Total Capacity 




Express Rubbish Removal Transport Capacity Summary 

Regions Covered 



Number of 


Capacity per 

Vehicle (MT) 

Comments / Condition of Vehicles 


2.5 T 

Both trucks were used during the response in March 2023 


1 T 

Total Capacity 




Pits and Cleaning Enterprise Transport Capacity Summary 

Regions Covered 



Number of 


Capacity per 

Vehicle (MT) 

Comments / Condition of Vehicles 


3.5 T 

Truck was used during the response in March 2023 

Total Capacity 




Netvol Construction & Joinery Transport Capacity Summary 

Regions Covered 



Number of 


Capacity per 

Vehicle (MT) 

Comments / Condition of Vehicles 


1 T 

Truck was used during the response in March 2023 

Total Capacity 




Some suppliers who can assist during an emergency response to provide transportation of goods purchased from their stores to the ports and airports are given below. Note that this is not an exhaustive list. 

Au Bon Marché, Port Vila 

Au Bon Marché (ABM) is a family-owned company that has grown from a small store to a leading supermarket chain on Efate Island. ABM’s wholesale division distributes throughout Port Vila and a few other bigger islands in Vanuatu with ten delivery trucks. ABM has assisted the NDMO in the past in delivering food supplies purchased from ABM for emergency response to the wharf. 

Wilco Hardware, Port Vila and Espiritu Santo 

Wilco Limited is in Port Vila on Efate and Luganville on Espiritu Santo. Considered as one of the largest hardware suppliers in Vanuatu, Wilco supplies over 10,000 products and serves over 60% of Vanuatu’s population. Wilco Hardware has delivery trucks available. 

Port Vila Hardware, Port Vila 

For the last 35 years, Port Vila Hardware has been meeting requests for hardware materials from the local building companies, government ministries, public and private schools, local companies and private individuals. Port Vila Hardware has delivery trucks available. 

Santo Hardware, Espiritu Santo 

Santo Hardware began in the early 1990’s. The company has grown steadily over the years to now a comprehensive range of items with good stockholdings. Santo Hardware has delivery trucks available. 

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider. 


Vanuatu - 3.3 Additional Service Providers

Food and Additional Suppliers 

Increasing local food production can assist with emergency response in Vanuatu and this would require creating mechanisms to ensure that communities have access to sufficient food immediately after a disaster hits. Following Tropical Cyclone Harold in 2020, three food baskets were established: Sara food basket in North Pentecost, Namaram food basket and Malolo food basket in South Pentecost. The Malolo food basket has since assisted a lot of people in Penama Province during the Manaro volcano ash fall and other natural disasters. Following the twin cyclones Judy and Kevin in March 2023, 300 Vanuatu Golden Hybrid yams were ready for harvest from the Sara food basket which greatly assisted communities in Penama Province. [Source:]  

Top exports in 2021 were non-fillet frozen fish, special purpose ships, passenger and cargo ships, perfume plants and molluscs exporting mostly to Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Cyprus and China. In 2021, the merchandise exports increased by 16.7% nominally. 

Top imports in 2021 were refined petroleum, fishing ships, poultry meat, delivery trucks and sawn wood importing mostly from China, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Singapore. In 2021, Vanuatu’s merchandise imports increased by 12.9% nominally. 

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a general overview of country data related to the service and supply sectors, please consult the following sources: 

The Observatory of Economic Complexity – MIT (OEC):  


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider. 


Vanuatu - 3.4 Manual Labour Costs

Manual Labour 

There are two main categories of employment contracts in Vanuatu: 

  • Fixed term contracts – definite start and end date; and 

  • Open-ended contracts – start date but no set end date. 

Although employers in Vanuatu often refer to full time, part-time and casual employees, Vanuatu’s law does not define these terms and benefits such as paid leave and severance allowance are only available to employees in continuous employment. 

Find below the normal working hours. 

  • Normal maximum working hours a week: 44 hours per week 

  • Maximum working hours a day: 8 hours per day excluding break times 

  • Maximum number of days a week to work: 6 days 

If the employee is required to work extra hours, e.g. during an emergency response, the total hours worked must not exceed 56 hours per week. 

The key national legislation for employment and labour in Vanuatu is the Employment Act. The key legislation for wages is the Minimum Wages and Minimum Wages Board Act. In 2023, the Government of Vanuatu, employers’ and workers’ organisations and civil society are working together on the development of a National Employment Policy to address issues such as skills development, labour market information and analysis systems and social protection. 

The Vanuatu Council of Trade Unions (VCTU) is the sole national trade union center, and it is affiliated to the International Trade Union Confederation. The VCTU is active. 

Volunteers are usually engaged during an emergency response to work at the storage and distribution sites. 

Labour Rate(s) Overview 


(Local Currency & USD - $) 

Rate as of MMM YY 

Daily General Worker (Unskilled casual labour) 

VUV 300 (US$ 2.48) 

Jun 23 


Daily General Worker (Semi-skilled labour) 

VUV 300 (US$ 2.48) 

Jun 23 

Skilled Worker 

VUV 300 (US$ 2.48) 

Jun 23 


Vanuatu - 3.5 Telecommunications


For Vanuatu’s telecommunications sector, mobile internet has created opportunities for doing business and accessing life enhancing services. COVID-19 reaffirmed the importance of internet connectivity and digitisation of services in Vanuatu. 

Telecommunication operators play a vital role in supporting the Government of Vanuatu to provide important services and robust networks during an emergency response. The telecommunications sector has witnessed an improvement in data packages and bundling confirming the continuous investments by operators to meet the increasing demand. 

Generally, the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) in Vanuatu is only activated 24 hours before an emergency or disaster such as a cyclone. The ETC is led by the Office of Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and co-led by the Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR). The Chief Information Officer within the OGCIO reports directly to the Prime Minister. 

The National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) currently uses the Vanuatu Government National Broadband Network which consists of HF and VHF. In the outer islands, HF and VHF equipment are only located in the police stations. 

For more information on telecommunications contacts, please see the following link: 4.11 Additional Services Contact List

Telephone Services 

Is there an existing landline telephone network? 


Does it allow international calls? 


Number and Length of Downtime Periods (on average) 

Outer islands – once or twice a month 

Mobile Phone Providers  

  • Digicel 

  • Vodafone 


Approximate Percentage of National Coverage 


Telecommunications Regulations 

The TRBR is the statutory body that regulates telecommunications, radiocommunications and broadcasting services in Vanuatu under the Telecommunications, Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulations Act 30 2009. 

A radio licence, issued by TRBR, is required for every radio transmitting equipment and radio frequency emitting device except for certain categories of telecommunications equipment and radiocommunications transmitting devices which fall under the General User Radio Licences. 

For the importation and licensing of humanitarian communications equipment: VSAT, HF, VHF, Thuraya, etc, humanitarian agencies must submit a request to TRBR for an exemption before bringing equipment into Vanuatu (including equipment being brought in for trainings). This will enable the agency to bring the equipment through Customs. The TRBR will also require that the agency apply for a Radio Apparatus License. Note that there may be a fee for obtaining the license. 

Regulations on Usage and Import 


Regulations in Place? 

Regulating Authority 




HF Radio 



UHF/VHF/HF Radio: Handheld, Base and Mobile 



UHF/VHF Repeaters 









Individual Network Operator Licenses Required 

  • Telecom license 

  • Radio Apparatus License 

Frequency Licenses Required 

Radio Apparatus License 


Existing Humanitarian Telecoms Systems 

Existing UN Telecommunication Systems 








UN Women 



VHF Frequencies 










HF Frequencies 










Locations of Repeaters  










VSAT (and other satellite services 

1 x Kacific VSAT, Vanuatu Electoral Office 


1 x Kacific VSAT, Bellevue residence 


1 x Iridium satellite Phone: 9575 

2 x Iridium Satellite Phone: 9575 


2 x Garmin in-Reach device 

2 x Iridium sat Phone: 9555 


1 x Inmarsat ISat pro 


4 x Inmarsat ISat 2 


6 x Delorme in-Reach device 

1 x Iridium satellite Phone: 9575 

1 x Iridium satellite Phone: 9575 

1 x Iridium satellite Phone: 9575 

2 x Iridium satellite Phone: 9575 

Apart from the above, Vanuatu Red Cross Society has some VHF equipment including 12 handhelds and two portable repeater kits. 

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 

Wantok, Pacific Link Limited, SPIM, 3 Link and Aelan Internet currently provide fixed internet services in urban and rural areas. 

Humanitarian agencies and staff can easily access the internet through affordable data subscriptions with either Digicel or Vodafone. Staff members would only have to purchase a SIM card and select a data bundle that would meet their specific needs. Digicel and Vodafone kiosks are located at the Bauerfield International Airport. Average costs for a Vanuatu SIM card are given below: 

  • Digicel: VUV 200 (US$ 1.70) 

  • Vodafone: VUV 250 (US$ 2.10) 


Internet Service Providers 

Are there ISPs available? 


If yes, are they privately or government owned? 

 Privately owned 

Dial-up only? 


Approximate Rates (local currency and USD - $) 





Max Leasable ‘Dedicated’ Bandwidth 



Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) 

Digicel and Vodafone continue to serve both urban and rural areas through the provision of mobile and fixed internet services. 

As part of the response to Tropical Cyclone Judy and Tropical Cyclone Kevin in March 2023, the Vanuatu Government also disbursed cash relief to affected communities through Vanuatu Post. The assistance required that heads of households register using their national identification card. The Government used Starlink Internet to cope with connectivity challenges during the cash distribution. 

For information on MNOs please visit the GSM Association website.  


Number of Agent Outlets by Area 

Network Strength by Area 

Contracted for Humanitarian or Government Cash Transfer 


Services Offered 

(i.e. Merchant Payment, 

Bulk Disbursement, 

Receive & Make Payment) 

Vodafone Vanuatu (formerly TVL) 

12 dedicated outlets throughout Vanuatu  

Efate – 100% 

Santo – 99% 

Available for contracting  

Through mVatu, customers can make merchant payments, bulk disbursement, receive and send money (local and overseas) 

Digicel Vanuatu 

 25 outlets throughout Vanuatu 

100% in Efate, Erromango, Espiritu Santo and Malekula 

Available for contracting 

Through MyCash, customers can make merchant payments, bulk disbursement, receive and send money (local and overseas) 


Vanuatu - 3.5.1 Food Suppliers



Vanuatu’s population is primarily engaged in agriculture for subsistence and small-holder farming. Subsistence agriculture accounts for 71% of rural household income. In Port Vila, increasing consumption of imported foods is based on economic and social factors. 

Imported foods available from suppliers and local retailers for purchase during an emergency response include rice, flour, sugar, poultry meat, milk, canned fish, baked beans, crackers, etc. Some major food and water suppliers are Au Bon Marché (ABM), Chuan Store, Punjas, Wong Sze Sing, Esah Corporation, Unity Store, Vanuatu Beverage Ltd and Nambawan Wota Blong Vanuatu Limited. 

Vanuatu’s main trading partners for imports are Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Singapore and China. 

Additional information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For more specific and detailed overviews of food availability and market conditions, please consult the following sources: 

WFP Vulnerability and Analysis Mapping (VAM):…;

For more information on food supplier contact details, please see the following link: 4.10 Supplier Contact List. 

Retail Sector 

In the retail sector there are a range of local retailers present. Retailers generally have well established relationships with national and regional wholesalers which is important. 

Types of Retailers Available 

Type of Retailer 



Supermarket – concentrates mainly in supplying a range of food, beverage, cleaning and sanitation products; have significant purchasing power; are often part of national/regional/global chains. 

Convenience Store/Mini Market – medium sized shop; offers a more limited range of products than supermarkets; usually has good/stable purchasing power; may be part of chain or cooperative. 

Permanent shop with strong supply capacity – individually/family-owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; good storage and reliable supply options. 

Permanent shop with limited supply capacity – individually/family-owned store; offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; limited storage and unstable supply options. 

Mobile Shop/Market Stand – individually/family-owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; may be found at outdoor markets, camps or unstable environments. 

Wholesale – Au Bon Marche 

Au Bon Marche is a family-based company that has been in operation for more than 40 years. The wholesale division has one main outlet which distributes throughout Port Vila and the outer islands.  

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Au Bon Marche 


Nambatu Area, Port Vila, Efate Island 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 

Yes, Au Bon Marche has retail outlets spread throughout Efate 

Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate Turnover in MT 


Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, card and Local Purchase Order 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Efate Island 

Manples Area 

Downtown Area 

Freshwater Area 

Tassiriki Area 


Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.) 



01 - Meat and meat preparations 

Beef, lamb, chicken, pork 


02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs 

Milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs 


03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs… 

Fish (chilled or frozen) 


04 - Cereals and cereal preparations 

Wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta 


05 - Vegetables and fruit 

Vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juice, canned fruit and vegetables 


06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 

Sugars (cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar 


07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 

Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, salt, pepper, etc 


09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 

Ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeast 


41 - Animal oils and fats 

Lard, fats and oils 


42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated 

Soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil, etc 



Wholesale – Punjas 

A family-run business in Fiji that has now grown into one of the Pacific’s largest privately-owned companies, employing over 1,200 people in the region. Punjas has established subsidiaries in Kiribati, Tonga and Vanuatu to import, warehouse and distribute food, beverage and household goods. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 



Nambatri Area, Port Vila, Efate Island 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 

Not in Vanuatu. All manufacturing is done in Fiji 

Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate Turnover in MT 


Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, card and Local Purchase Order 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Espiritu Santo 



Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.) 



01 - Meat and meat preparations 



02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs 

Milk (powdered) 


03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs… 



04 - Cereals and cereal preparations 

Rice, flour of maize 


05 - Vegetables and fruit 

Fruit juice, canned fruit and vegetables 


06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 



07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 



09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 

Biscuit crackers, sauces 


41 - Animal oils and fats 



42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated 




Wong Sze Sing Store 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Wong Sze Sing 


Luganville, Espiritu Santo 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate Turnover in MT 


Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, card and Local Purchase Order 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.) 



01 - Meat and meat preparations 

Beef, lamb, chicken 


02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs 

Milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs 


03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs… 



04 - Cereals and cereal preparations 

Wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta 


05 - Vegetables and fruit 

Vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juice, canned fruit and vegetables 


06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 

Sugars (cane) raw, natural honey 


07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 

Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, salt, pepper, etc 


09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 

Ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, yeast 


41 - Animal oils and fats 

Fats and oils 


42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated 

Soya bean oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, etc 



Esah Corporation Ltd 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Esah Corporation Ltd 


Luganville, Espiritu Santo 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate Turnover in MT 


Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, card and Local Purchase Order 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Efate Island 

Manples Area 


Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.) 



01 - Meat and meat preparations 

Beef, lamb, chicken, pork 


02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs 

Milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs 


03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs… 

Fish (chilled or frozen) 


04 - Cereals and cereal preparations 

Wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta 


05 - Vegetables and fruit 

Vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juice, canned fruit and vegetables 


06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 

Sugars (cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar 


07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 

Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, salt, pepper, etc 


09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 

Ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeast 


41 - Animal oils and fats 

Lard, fats and oils 


42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated 

Soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil, etc 



Sunshine Shopping Centre 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Sunshine Shopping Centre 


Luganville, Espiritu Santo 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate Turnover in MT 


Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, card and Local Purchase Order 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.) 



01 - Meat and meat preparations 

Beef, lamb, chicken, pork 


02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs 

Milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs 


03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs… 

Fish (chilled or frozen) 


04 - Cereals and cereal preparations 

Wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta 


05 - Vegetables and fruit 

Vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juice, canned fruit and vegetables 


06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 

Sugars (cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar 


07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 

Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, salt, pepper, etc 


09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 

Ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeast 


41 - Animal oils and fats 

Lard, fats and oils 


42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated 

Soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil, etc 



Lo Chan Moon Store (LCM) 

A family-run retail and wholesale business located in the heart of Luganville Town. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 



Higginson Boulevard, Luganville, Espiritu Santo 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate Turnover in MT 


Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, card and Local Purchase Order 

Other Comments or Key Information 

Online shopping also available  


Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.) 



01 - Meat and meat preparations 

Beef, lamb, chicken, pork 


02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs 

Milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs 


03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs… 

Fish, seafood (chilled or frozen) 


04 - Cereals and cereal preparations 

Wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta 


05 - Vegetables and fruit 

Vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juice, canned fruit and vegetables 


06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 

Sugars (cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar 


07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 

Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, salt, pepper, etc 


09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 

Ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeast 


41 - Animal oils and fats 

Lard, fats and oils 


42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated 

Soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil, etc 



Bill Iapsen Enterprise 

With over five branches in Tanna Island, Bill Iapsen Enterprise is the main supplier of food products and hardware in Tanna. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Bill Iapsen Enterprise 


Lenakel, Tanna 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate Turnover in MT 


Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, card and Local Purchase Order 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.) 



01 - Meat and meat preparations 

Beef, chicken 


02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs 

Milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs 


03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs… 

Fish (chilled or frozen) 


04 - Cereals and cereal preparations 

Wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta 


05 - Vegetables and fruit 

Vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juice, canned fruit and vegetables 


06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 

Sugars (cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar 


07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 

Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, salt, pepper, etc 


09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 

Ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeast 


41 - Animal oils and fats 

Lard, fats and oils 


42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated 

Soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil, etc 



**For non-FOOD products please see section 3.5.2 Additional Suppliers, and for FUEL/PETROLEUM products please see section 3.1 Fuel. 

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider. 

Vanuatu - 3.5.2 Additional Suppliers



Operational support equipment (e.g. tents, water pumps, pipes, water tanks, computer / IT equipment, office furniture, potable water) are available locally and can be bought in bulk if needed. Find below a few suppliers of operational support equipment but note that this list is not exhaustive. 

For more information on suppliers’ contact details, please see the following link: 4.10 Supplier Contact List. 

Wholesale – Fiberglass (Vanuatu) Ltd & Pacific Polytanks 

Fiberglass Vanuatu Ltd has been operating in Vanuatu for about 32 years. The company manufactures 7 m and 5.8 m fiberglass boats and different sized plastic polytanks to store water. The fiberglass boats manufactured by Fiberglass Vanuatu Ltd were the first locally designed products to be approved and registered by the Registrar of the Vanuatu Intellectual Property Office when they were registered in July 2020. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Fiberglass Vanuatu Ltd & Pacific Polytanks 


Mele Road, Port Vila 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 

Yes, supplier manufactures fiberglass boats and plastic polytanks 

Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 

Yes, the supplier can provide commodities directly to the consumer 

Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate turnover in USD - $ 

Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, Card and LPO 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Shefa Province 

Port Vila 


Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


24/27 - Crude materials, inedible, except fuel 



51 to 59 - Chemical and related products 



61 to 69 - Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 

Fiberglass boats, plastic polytanks, plastic buckets 

Raw materials are imported but the boats and tanks are manufactured locally 

71 to 79 - Machinery and transport equipment 



81 to 89 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles 



91/93/96/97 - Commodities not classified elsewhere 



Wholesale – Computer World 

Computer World started in 2006 and it is 100% locally owned. Computer World services individual families, businesses private and public sector. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Computer World 


3235 Champagne Estate, Port Vila 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 

No, products are imported 

Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 

Yes, 550 m2 of retail space 

Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 

Yes, 1,500 m2 of warehouse space 

Approximate turnover in USD - $ 

Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, Card and LPO 

Other Comments or Key Information 


Main office is at 3235 Champagne Estate, Port Vila. 


Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Shefa Province 

Port Vila 


Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


24/27 - Crude materials, inedible, except fuel 



51 to 59 - Chemical and related products 



61 to 69 - Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 



71 to 79 - Machinery and transport equipment 



81 to 89 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles 



91/93/96/97 - Commodities not classified elsewhere 

Drones, laptops, phones, printers, air conditioners, fridges, washing machines, ovens, electrical fittings, water dispenser 

All items are imported 


Wholesale – Port Vila Hardware 

Wholesaler and retailer and able to advise on tools, building and hardware, garden and pool amenities and kitchen, bathroom and plumbing facilities.  

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Port Vila Hardware 


Nambatu Area (next to Au Bon Marche) 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate turnover in USD - $ 

Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, Card and LPO 

Other Comments or Key Information 


Main office is in Nambatu Area (next to Au Bon Marche). Tagabe Branch is next to Apco Coatings. 


Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Shefa Province 

Port Vila 

Shefa Province 



Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


24/27 - Crude materials, inedible, except fuel 

Sand/stone/gravel, treated wood, etc 


51 to 59 - Chemical and related products 

Chlorine, plastic pipes/tubes, paint, etc 


61 to 69 - Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 

Wood pallets, cement, iron/steel pipe fittings, copper wire, metal tanks, iron/steel bars, etc 


71 to 79 - Machinery and transport equipment 

Generators, pumps, building tools, etc 


81 to 89 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles 

Lighting fixtures, bathroom fixtures, gas cooktop, air conditioners, etc 


91/93/96/97 - Commodities not classified elsewhere 

PVC canvas, tarpaulins, black netting, electrical items, etc 


Wholesale – Rotomould (Vanuatu) Limited 

Rotomould (Vanuatu) Limited was first established in Fiji in 2000 and have since set up manufacturing plants in Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Kiribati and Vanuatu. Rotomould manufactures a range of products including rainwater tanks, rubbish bins and septic tanks. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Rotomould (Vanuatu) Limited 


Korman Erakor Road, Port Vila 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 

Yes, Rotomould manufactures plastic rainwater tanks, rubbish bins and septic tanks 

Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate turnover in USD - $ 

Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, Card, LPO 

Other Comments or Key Information 


Rotomould is based in both Port Vila and Santo. 


Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Shefa Province 

Port Vila 

Sanma Province 



Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


24/27 - Crude materials, inedible, except fuel 



51 to 59 - Chemical and related products 



61 to 69 - Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 

Plastic rainwater tanks, rubbish bins, septic tanks 

Raw materials imported and then tanks are manufactured in Vanuatu 

71 to 79 - Machinery and transport equipment 



81 to 89 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles 



91/93/96/97 - Commodities not classified elsewhere 



Wholesale – Santo Hardware 

Santo Hardware was established in the early 1990s and has since grown to over 70 employees including three expatriates. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Santo Hardware 


Luganville, Espiritu Santo 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate turnover in USD - $ 

Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, Card, LPO 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Sanma Province 



Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


24/27 - Crude materials, inedible, except fuel 

Sand/stone/gravel, treated wood, etc 


51 to 59 - Chemical and related products 

Chlorine, plastic pipes/tubes, paint, etc 


61 to 69 - Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 

Wood pallets, cement, iron/steel pipe fittings, copper wire, metal tanks, iron/steel bars, etc 


71 to 79 - Machinery and transport equipment 

Generators, water pumps and filters, welder, building tools, etc 


81 to 89 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles 

Lighting fixtures, bathroom fixtures, gas cooktop, air conditioners, etc 


91/93/96/97 - Commodities not classified elsewhere 

PVC canvas, tarpaulins, black netting, electrical items, etc 


Wholesale – Trade & Farm 

Trade & Farm provides construction, hardware, agriculture and home improvement supplies. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Trade & Farm 


Champagne Estate, Port Vila, Efate Island 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate turnover in USD - $ 

Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, Card, LPO 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Shefa Province 

Port Vila 


Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


24/27 - Crude materials, inedible, except fuel 

Sand/stone/gravel, treated wood, etc 


51 to 59 - Chemical and related products 

Chlorine, plastic pipes/tubes, paint, etc 


61 to 69 - Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 

Wood pallets, cement, iron/steel pipe fittings, copper wire, metal tanks, iron/steel bars, etc 


71 to 79 - Machinery and transport equipment 

Generators, water pumps and filters, welder, building tools, etc 


81 to 89 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles 

Lighting fixtures, bathroom fixtures, gas cooktop, air conditioners, etc 


91/93/96/97 - Commodities not classified elsewhere 

PVC canvas, tarpaulins, black netting, electrical items, skip bin truck with bins, etc 


Wholesale – Vanuatu Agricultural Supplies 

Supplier of products, repair and maintenance services for all agricultural inputs and garden supplies. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Vanuatu Agricultural Supplies 


Lini Highway, Port Vila, Efate Island 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate turnover in USD - $ 

Information not available 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, Card, LPO 

Other Comments or Key Information 



Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Shefa Province 

Port Vila 


Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


24/27 - Crude materials, inedible, except fuel 



51 to 59 - Chemical and related products 



61 to 69 - Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 

Poly pipes, PVC pipes, mesh wire 


71 to 79 - Machinery and transport equipment 

Generators, power tools, garden tools, lawn mower, chainsaw 


81 to 89 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles 



91/93/96/97 - Commodities not classified elsewhere 

Seedlings, seeds, PVC canvas, tarpaulins, black netting, personal protective equipment 



**For FOOD products please see section 3.5.1 Food Suppliers, and for FUEL/PETROLEUM products please see section 3.1 Fuel. 


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider. 

Vanuatu - 3.6 Food Suppliers, Accommodation and other Markets



Whilst it must be acknowledged that capacity may be reduced during an emergency, other services as may be required by agencies coming into Vanuatu for an emergency response are available.  

For more information on company contact details, please see the following link: 4.11 Additional Services Contact List


Accommodation in the major towns such as Port Vila on Efate Island and Luganville on Espiritu Santo Island is readily available although during an emergency response and peak season for tourism, accommodation may be relatively hard to find. 

Electricity and Power 

Electricity is generated and supplied under four private sector contracts which operate standalone island grids. About 75% of energy in Vanuatu is from diesel combustion. The hydropower plant in Santo generates about 11% of electricity while windmills and solar panels contribute the remaining 14%. Where electricity is available in the provinces, it is largely diesel generated. Outages are normal following natural disasters such as tropical cyclones as powerlines and power sources may be damaged. 

Financial Services 

Financial services available include banks, accountancy firms, etc. Humanitarian partners coming into Vanuatu can use debit and credit cards for local purchases. Cash can be accessed via ATMs. Banks operating in Vanuatu are ANZ Bank (Vanuatu) Limited, BRED (Vanuatu) Limited, Bank South Pacific, National Bank of Vanuatu and Wanfuteng Bank Limited. 


ANZ Bank (Vanuatu) Limited 

ANZ Bank (Vanuatu) Limited is a subsidiary of the Australian and New Zealand Banking Group and has operations within and outside the Pacific region. 

Company Overview 

Company Name 

ANZ Bank (Vanuatu) Limited 


Kumul Highway, Port Vila, Efate Island 




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.) 

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number? 



Provides currency exchange? 



Will initiate / receive wire transfers? 



Provides Loan / Credit services? 



Other Comments or Key Information 


*Basic details for the main office should be shown here, additional contact details for local/regional offices and full contact details for the main office to be included in 4.11 Additional Services Contact List. 


Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Sanma Province 

Luganville, Espiritu Santo Island 


BRED (Vanuatu) Limited 

BRED (Vanuatu) Limited is part of the second largest banking group in France and has outlets in New Caledonia, Tahiti, Vanuatu, Fiji and Solomon Islands.  

Company Overview 

Company Name 

BRED (Vanuatu) Limited 


Kumul Highway, Downtown Port Vila, Efate Island 




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.) 

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number? 



Provides currency exchange? 



Will initiate / receive wire transfers? 



Provides Loan / Credit services? 



Other Comments or Key Information 


*Basic details for the main office should be shown here, additional contact details for local/regional offices and full contact details for the main office to be included in 4.11 Additional Services Contact List. 


Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Sanma Province 

Luganville, Espiritu Santo Island 


Bank South Pacific (Vanuatu) 

The Bank South Pacific (Vanuatu) is a subsidiary of a Papua New Guinea Bank and has operations in Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu. 

Company Overview 

Company Name 

Bank South Pacific (Vanuatu) 


Kumul Highway, Downtown Port Vila, Efate Island 




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.) 

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number? 



Provides currency exchange? 



Will initiate / receive wire transfers? 



Provides Loan / Credit services? 



Other Comments or Key Information 


*Basic details for the main office should be shown here, additional contact details for local/regional offices and full contact details for the main office to be included in 4.11 Additional Services Contact List. 


Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Sanma Province 

Luganville, Espiritu Santo Island 

Shefa Province 

Freswota Main Road, Port Vila, Efate Island 


National Bank of Vanuatu 

Known as Vanuatu’s own bank, the National Bank of Vanuatu is the only commercial bank in Vanuatu that also operates outside of Port Vila and Luganville. 

Company Overview 

Company Name 

National Bank of Vanuatu 


Rue de Paris, Port Vila, Efate Island 




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.) 

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number? 



Provides currency exchange? 



Will initiate / receive wire transfers? 



Provides Loan / Credit services? 



Other Comments or Key Information 


*Basic details for the main office should be shown here, additional contact details for local/regional offices and full contact details for the main office to be included in 4.11 Additional Services Contact List. 


Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Torba Province 

  • Vanua Lava Island 

  • Gaua Island 

  • Motalava Island 

Sanma Province 

  • Luganville, Espiritu Santo Island 

  • Port Olry, Espiritu Santo Island 

Penama Province 

  • Maewo Island 

  • Ambae Island 

  • Pentecost Island 

Malampa Province 

  • Malekula Island 

  • Ambrym Island 

  • Paama Island 

Shefa Province 

  • Epi Island 

  • Tongoa Island 

  • Port Vila, Efate Island 

Tafea Province 

  • Erromango Island 

  • Tanna Island 

  • Aneityum Island 


Wanfuteng Bank Limited 

Wanfuteng started operations in Vanuatu in 2018 and now offers a full range of retail and commercial banking solutions. 

Company Overview 

Company Name 

Wanfuteng Bank Limited 


Churchill House, Kumul Highway, Port Vila, Efate Island 




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.) 

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number? 



Provides currency exchange? 



Will initiate / receive wire transfers? 



Provides Loan / Credit services? 



Other Comments or Key Information 


*Basic details for the main office should be shown here, additional contact details for local/regional offices and full contact details for the main office to be included in 4.11 Additional Services Contact List. 


Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 

Sanma Province 

Luganville, Espiritu Santo Island 

Clearing and Forwarding Agents 

Clearing and forwarding agents are available in Vanuatu to clear items brought in by sea and air. Freight forwarding agents include FR8 Logistics / DHL, Ifira Shipping and A21 Logistics, to name a few. 

Postal and Courier Services 

Vanuatu Post provides access to services through a network of over 60 Post Offices and Postal outlets around Vanuatu.  

Printing and Publishing 

Printing services are available by providers such as Sharper Image, Ricoh Vanuatu Limited and Colorite Graphics Printers, to name a few. 

Taxi Companies 

Taxis are readily available at the international airport. Taxis also operate within the major town like Port Vila. 

Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance/Workshops 

Vehicle and equipment maintenance workshops are also available in Vanuatu, some of which are Asco Motors Vanuatu, AutoZone Vanuatu and Star Auto Repairs & Shop, to name a few. 

Vehicle Rental 

Vehicles available for hire/rental in Vanuatu include SUVs, twin cabs, vans, etc. There is a wide range of rental car companies to choose from. Refer to 4.11 Additional Services Contact Details for contact details for some car rental agencies available in Vanuatu. 

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider. 

Vanuatu - 3.7 Waste Management Infrastructure Assessment 


1. Waste collection: Solid household waste collection is carried out by the Port Vila Municipal Council (PVMC). PVMC has five trucks (3 x 5 ton and 2 x 3.5 ton) for waste collection to service the five wards within Port Vila. 

2. National legislations and policies: National Environmental Policy and Implementation Plan (2016-2030), Waste Management Act 2014, Pollution Control Act 2013, Public Health Act, Environment and Conservation Act. 

3. Government bodies responsible for waste management: Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation. 

4. Service provision (government or private companies): Municipal and provincial councils. 

5. Status of the landfills in the country: There are three waste disposal sites in Vanuatu, Etas Bouffa landfill (PVMC), Luganville dumpsite (Luganville Municipal Council) and Lenakel dumpsite (Lenakel Municipal Council). In other provincial centres, waste is disposed of in assigned areas. 

Port Vila: The Etas Bouffa landfill in Port Vila is the only managed sanitary landfill in Vanuatu and has separate sections for the different types of waste collected. The site is approximately 48 hectares in size. Waste collected by the PVMC and the Shefa Provincial Council are all disposed of at Etas Bouffa landfill. 

Luganville: The Luganville dumpsite was extended in 2017 and the site is now approximately 4.2 hectares with the capacity to last an additional 20 years. Japan International Cooperation Agency donated a bulldozer and a rubbish truck in 2020 and these are currently being used by the Luganville Municipal Council. 

Tanna: All waste collected in Tafea Province is disposed of at the Lenakel dumpsite. There are no facilities at the site. 

6. Recycling programme in the country (including both private and public/governmental recycling facilities): Recycling in Vanuatu is undertaken by RecycleCorp with bases in Port Vila, Efate Island and Luganville, Espiritu Santo Island. RecycleCorp’s main activities are collection, processing, and export of scrap metal. A mobile setup is also available which can facilitate offsite operations in local or remote locations as necessary. Over the last decade, RecycleCorp has exported over ten thousand tonnes of material including scrap steel, lead acid batteries used beverage cans, machinery, used gas bottles, vehicles and electronic waste. [Source:]  

7. Challenges: Local population pressures, rapid population growth, water pollution, inappropriate land-use practices. 

Hazardous Waste Disposal 

Hazardous waste (including batteries, household appliances, lighting equipment, e-waste, medical waste, lubricants, tyres, etc.) is separated at Etas Bouffa Landfill in Port Vila. RecycleCorp regularly collects metal waste from Etas Bouffa Landfill for processing and export. For more information on waste types, please refer to the WREC project.  

Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal 

Non-hazardous waste is separated at Etas Bouffa Landfill according to the waste type. Green waste collected from residents is taken to the Seaside Facility to be converted to compost and firewood. Septic waste is also disposed of separately at Etas Bouffa Landfill. It undergoes a process where water and waste are separated. 


Disclaimer: Registration does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP/Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please Note: WFP/Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.