1 Azerbaijan Country Profile

1 Azerbaijan Country Profile

Azerbaijan Country Profile

Azerbaijan Country Map

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures.

Generic Information:

Azerbaijan, officially the Republic of Azerbaijan, is the largest country in the Caucasus region located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. It is bounded by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west and Iran to the south. The exclave of Nakhchivan is bounded by Armenia to the north and east, Iran to the south and west, while having a short borderline withTurkey to the northwest.

Source: Wikipedia (publisher), Azerbaijan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azerbaijan 29 Jan 2014

Find the country in the generic links below:

Wikipedia Information on Azerbaijan

IMF Information on Azerbaijan

Economist Intelligence Unit Information on Azerbaijan*

(*note - this is a paid service)


Humanitarian Info:

WFP Information on Azerbaijan

UNOCHA Information on Azerbaijan


Facts and Figures:

Wolfram Alpha Information on Azerbaijan

World Bank Information on Azerbaijan

World Population Review Information on Azerbaijan

1.1 Azerbaijan Humanitarian Background

Azerbaijan Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Disasters

Yes / No

Comments / Details


n/a n/a



25-Nov-2000 , No Killed : 31

4-Jun-1999 , No. Killed : 1 , No Total Affected: 9,170

9-Jul-1998, No. Killed : 1, No Total Affected 700,010


n/a n/a

Extreme Temperatures

Yes Feb-2012, No. Killed : 5



4-May-2010, No. Killed : 3 , No Total Affected: 70,000

5-Jun-1997 , No Killed : 11 , No Total Affected : 75,000

5-Oct-1995, No. Killed : 5 , No Total Affected: 6,000

Insect Infestation

n/a n/a


n/a n/a

Volcanic Eruptions

n/a n/a

High Waves / Surges

n/a n/a


n/a n/a

High Winds

n/a n/a

Other Comments

Mass Movement Wet: Dec-2000 , No. Killed : 11

Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife

n/a n/a

International Conflict

n/a n/a

Internally Displaced Persons

n/a n/a

Refugees Present

n/a n/a

Landmines / UXO Present

n/a n/a

Other Comments

Transport Accident -

17-Mar-1994 No. Killed 32

28-Nov-1995 , No Killed 337 , No Total Affected 270

5-Dec-1995, No Killed 49 , No Total Affected 33

17-Mar-1997, No. Killed 46 , No. Total Affected 9

17-Mar-1997, No. Killed 46 , No. Total Affected 9

Industrial Accident -

7-Sep-2007 , No. Killed 25

For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters:

EMDAT Information on Azerbaijan

Calamities and Seasonal Affects

Seasonal Affects on Transport



From (month) to (month)

Primary Road Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Secondary Road Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Rail Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Air Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Waterway Transport

The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area n/a

Seasonal Affects on Storage and Handling (economic, social, climate...)



From <month> to <month>


The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area



The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area



The Climate forms has no major obstacle for any logistics operation except if it is in mountain area


For additional information on Azerbaijan temperature and climate, please see the following document: 

Azerbajian Temperature & Climate Information

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


The Ministry of Emergency Situations, the activity of which is organized and supervised by Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a body of executive authority involved in the development and implementation of the state policy and regulation in the area of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of natural (geophysical, geological, meteorological, hydrological, maritime, natural fires, etc.) and anthropogenic (fires, explosions, building and facility collapses, catastrophes involving discharge and emission of chemical, radioactive and biologically hazardous substances, failures in electro-energy systems, housing infrastructures, treatment facilities, hydro-dynamic installations, oil and gas production and refining facilities, trunk pipelines, transport vehicles, etc.) nature (hereinafter referred to as emergency situations), prevention and elimination of the consequences of emergency situations, fire safety, safety of people in water basins and safety of movement of small-sized ships, safety in the implementation of industrial and mining operations, safety in construction, establishment of state funds of material reserves dealing with management, coordination and control over these areas, organization of emergency response measures in the event of a possible or actual occurrence of emergency situations, protection of enterprises, facilities and installations of strategic importance which come under natural, man-made and terrorist threats.

For information on the Azerbaijan Ministry of Emergency Situation, please see the following document:

Information on The Ministry of Emergency Situations

For details on Azerbaijan Government Agency Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List

Humanitarian Community

For details on Azerbaijan Humanitarian Agency Contact details, please see the following link: 

4.2 Azerbaijan Humanitarian Agency Contact List


1.2 Azerbaijan Regulatory Departments

Azerbaijan Regulatory Departments



State authority is organized in the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of principle of division of the authorities. Under the constitution Executive authority belongs to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Milli Mejlis of Republic of Azerbaijan - Parliament implements the legislative authority liament of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan consists of 125 deputies.

Members of the Milli Mejlis are elected by way of free, private and secret voting on the basis of majority election system, universal, equal and direct election.

Elections of the each convocation of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan are held at each 5 years on first Sunday of November.

Powers of the members of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan become limited with duration of powers of convocation of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Every citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan not younger than 25 may be elected the deputy of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan in an established order.

Persons having double citizenship, those having obligations to other states, those working in the bodies of executive or judicial power, persons involved in other payable activity except scientific, pedagogical and creative activity, religious men, persons whose incapacity has been confirmed by law court, those condemned for grave crime, serving a sentence due to verdict of law court may not be elected the deputies of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

For information on Azerbaijan Regulatory depatment contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List

1.3 Azerbaijan Customs Information

Azerbaijan Customs Information

Since 1929 year Customs activity was regulate with the relevant decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars dated December 19, 1928.

In the beginning of 1946 year Baku Customs structure was expanded. The new structure was consisting from the following divisions:

  • General department;
  • Accounting;
  • Judicial-Confiscation Department;
  • Department of the cargo;
  • Department of Post-passenger;
  • Marine Department

In 1955 year, the ship and cargo divisions turn into a single ship-cargo department and the Judicial-Confiscation department with the loosing of some of the repressive functions turn into fight against smuggling department.

In 1956-1988 at the Baku customs structure regularly have been carried out various changes.

In January 27, 1989, with the command of No. 17 of the State Customs Control Department under the USSR Soviet of Ministers on the basis of the Baku Customs was created Republic of Azerbaijan Customs Republic with the subsequent subordination of other customs in Republic (Julfa and Astara).

After the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan by presidential decree in January 1992, the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan Republic was established.

Duties and Tax Exemption

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 

4.1 Azerbaijan Government Contact List

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to 'crisis' times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes - 17 Jun 1992

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

Yes - 03 Feb 2006

OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)

Azerbaijan is an observer government of the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

Prohibited Items:

  • Weapons, pornography, drugs, political literature

General Restrictions:

  • Commercial equipment, mobile phones, and satellites only permitted with authorization by the Ministry of Communication. Medicines and medical equipment only permitted with authorization by the Ministry of Health. Food, foodstuffs, animals, and seeds only permitted after an hygenic inspection.

Items may be imported exempt from import duties :

There are certain items , identified below which may be imported into the Azerbaijan republic exempt from import duties :

  • Assets imported by a foreign investor as a contribution to the charter capital of an azerbaijan legal entity
  • Property of foreign employees of locally registered companies , which are imported for personal use
  • Goods imported for use as grants and loans under inter-governmental agreements
  • Goods imported by physical persons for gratuitous distribution ( humanitarian aid )
  • Goods imported under special regimes

For information on Azerbaijan Customs Exemption Regime additiona details, please see the following document:

Azerbaijan Customs Requirements For Household And Personal Effects

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements


  Food Shelter,Wash and education Medicines Vehicles and Spare parts Staff and office supplies Telecoms equiment
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
AWB, BoL, or Other Transport Documents
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Donation Non-Commercial Certificate
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Packing List
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
Other Documents
Certification of origin
Certification of origin
Certification of origin + approval from the Ministry of Health
Certification of origin + approval letter from The Ministry Of Transport
Certification of origin + fumigation certification if required for wooden goods
Certification Of Origin + Approval from The Ministry Of Internal Affairs &The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology


Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs inward manifest completed upon entry to Azerbaijan should be kept and presented at departure

No special authorization is needed for bringing in a video camera for personal use, save that us it is necessary to note it in the manifest

With a view of protecting of national and public safety, social morality, human life and health, animals and plants, environment, historic, archaeological, and artistic values of Azerbaijan and other nations, ownership rights, intellectual property rights, and in certain other cases prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan or internation treaties to which it is the party import and export of certain items may be prohibited

Carriage of personal belongings is not subject to any duties: up to 125 grams of caviar, three blocks of cigarettes, three liters of alcoholic beverages and medicines as required.

The export of any antique items (including gems, coins and other works of art) without the permission of relevant bodies is prohibited.

For information on Azerbaijan Customs Clearance additiona details, please see the following document:

Azerbaijan Customs Clearance Additional Information

Customs Information

Document Requirements

Vat Number of the importer/ Exporter + Commercial Invoice in Russian + Packing list in Russian + BL + Certification of Origin



Prohibited Items

Weapons, pornography, drugs, political literature

General Restrictions

Commercial equipment, mobile phones, and satellites only permitted with authorization by the Ministry of Communication. Medicines and medical equipment only permitted with authorization by the Ministry of Health. Food, foodstuffs, animals, and seeds only permitted after an hygienic inspection.

Customs Clearance Document Requirements


Food Shelter,Wash and education Medicines Vehicles and Spare parts Staff and office supplies Telecoms equiment
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
Combined commercial invoice must be translated in to the Russian language
AWB, BoL, or Other Transport Documents
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Depending on the mode of transport used, it is needed a copy of TIR and CMR, Bill of Lading or MAWB
Donation Non-Commercial Certificate
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Original Translated into Russian
Packing List
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
packing list forms must be translated in to the Russian language
Other Documents
Certification of origin
Certification of origin
Certification of origin + approval from the Ministry of Health
Certification of origin + approval letter from The Ministry Of Transport
Certification of origin + fumigation certification if required for wooden goods
Certification Of Origin + Approval from The Ministry Of Internal Affairs &The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology