2.3 Viet Nam Road Network

2.3 Viet Nam Road Network

Viet Nam Road Network

Viet Nam Roads


84% of Viet Nam’s national roads are currently paved up from 61% in 1997. The current percentage of paved national roads is reasonable by regional standards. In 2002 the condition of the network in good condition was 45% percent and good and average 66%

The improvement in the quality of the network appears to be largely driven by new construction rather than by the maintenance of the existing capital stock because expenditure on periodic and routine maintenance of national roads between 1998 and 2002 were less than half the of the maintenance needs as estimated by the Viet Nam Road's Administration in its 10 Strategic Maintenance Plan.

Local Roads

 About one quarter of the 83,000 km rural road network is believed to be in good or fair condition and 58% of the provincial roads providing connectivity to the main network are in poor condition. The administration of the road sector is complex with different agencies responsible for the financing and implementation and others for investment and maintenance.

For national roads, investment finance is approved by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, implementation is the responsibility of the Project Management Units of the Ministry of Transport, and maintenance is undertaken by the Viet Nam Roads Administration with funds channeled through the Ministry of Finance.

 Road traffic is mainly concentrated on national roads and around the major urban centers. Even though vehicle ownership is rising very quickly, car ownership is still low and road traffic is dominated by motorcycles. Rising levels of motorization is a major challenge to transport planners and policy-makers, especially in large urban areas and primary intercity roads. Traffic accidents increased dramatically from 1999 to 2002, but have shown a decrease from 2002 to 2003 (See figure 1 below)

4.1 Viet Nam Government Contact List

Further generic information on the road network and the road contacts can be found in the following document:

Vietnam Road Assessment Additional Information

Distance Matrix

Road Class and Surface Conditions

The road network in Viet Nam is 210,000 km


Classification Administering Agency Network Length
National Roads
Provincial Roads
District Roads
Urban Roads
Rural Roads