2.3 Burkina Faso Road Network

2.3 Burkina Faso Road Network

For the government, it is essential to open the country by launching road projects to boost the local economy, to expand the regional trade and to reduce transport delays for goods imported and exported through the different main corridors (Togo, Benin & Côte d’Ivoire). In addition, the population will benefit from improved road safety and better access to the regional market. However, the government is facing some delays to achieve projects due to the recent Covid 19 pandemic, security issues in some area or complex coordination among numerous institutions and stakeholders. The past 2016-2020 Plan National de Développement Économique et Social (PNDES) included under the strategic response #3 to “develop quality infrastructure and resilient, to promote structural transformation of economy”. For the next five years, the government is now working on a new plan called 2021-2025 RND up to 19030,70 Billion FCFA and has forecasted 105 billion of FCFA to improve the national road network through different projects:

  • upgrade of the National Road NR#23 Ouahigouya - Djibo and the National Road NR# 10 Tougan - Ouahigouya with asphalt
  • construction and asphalting of the Regional Road RR#11 Kolinka-Fara-Poura
  • rehabilitation of the corridor Lomé-Cinkansé-Ouagadougou
  • construction of the Highway Yamoussoukro-Ouagadougou.

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

Distance Matrix

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km)






Bobo Dioulasso

















































Bobo Dioulasso




































Travel Time from Capital city to Major Towns (hours)

Ouagadougou Kaya Ouahigouya Dori

Fada Ngourma

Bobo Dioulasso

Koudougou Tenkodogo Banfora

2:00 3:00 5:00 5:00 7:00 2:00 3:00 3:00
Kaya 2:00

4:30 3:00 6:00 9:00 4:10 5:00 11:00
Ouahigouya 3:00 4:30

5:20 5:45 6:25 3:00 6:00 7:30
Dori 5:00 3:00 5:20

6:00 12:00 7:00 8:00 14:00
Fada Ngourma 5:00 6:00 5:45 6:00

12:00 7:00 3:00 14:00
Bobo Dioulasso 7:00 9:00 6:25 12:00 12:00

5:00 10:00 2:00
Koudougou 2:00 4:10 3:00 7:00 7:00 5:00

6:00 7:00
Tenkodogo 3:00 5:00 6:00 8:00 3:00 10:00 6:00

Banfora 3:00 11:00 7:30 14:00 14:00 2:00 7:00 12:00

Road Security

According to the Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité Urbaine et de la Sécurité Routière (MTMUSR), the country has recorded 20,871 road crashes with 1060 deaths and 13,763 injured persons in 2020. Main reasons of road accidents are due to over speeding, distracting driving (talking on the cellphone), drunk driving plus violation of the traffic rules (not wearing seat belt, helmet, unsafe line changes….). In addition, poor road conditions and weather conditions (rainy season from June to September) are two factors increasing the cause of road traffic injuries. The promotion of road safety and improvement of the road network conditions are under the Office National de Sécurité Routière (ONASER) who conduct many campaigns to increase awareness within the population about road safety. ONASER also works in close collaboration with the (Centre de Contrôle des Véhicules Automobiles(CCVA) to control and clean up the country’s fleet through eight stations for vehicle inspection. Then, the ONASER is increasing the control of speed limit across the country with six mobile teams equipped with modern technology radar devices. In Burkina, the speed is limited up to 50 km/h in urban area with the possibility for the local authority to reduce it then limited up to 90 km/h in countryside for any type of vehicle (except heavy vehicle limited up to 80 km/h)

In addition, the Direction Général des Transports Terrestres et Maritime (DGTTM) is implementing since 2019 the Licence d’Exploitation de Transport Routier, a mandatory certificate for all the transporter to operate in country. The transporter must submit a set of documents to obtain this certificate then a blue number plate will be assigned for each registered truck. A blue plate is stating that the truck is dedicated for transportation of goods and meet all the mandatory requirements to circulate in country. Target is 2024-2025 to achieve this process with campaign of awareness from the DGTTM regional offices to mobilize the transporters to apply for the licence.

However, the main issue is armed roadside banditry across the country then the number of attacks/kidnappings has been increasing since 2015. There is a risk of armed groups stopping vehicles (including public buses) on major roads to rob them and it is recommended to avoid travelling between towns by road at night, remote and border regions are also particularly vulnerable.

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

The ONASER is in charge of controlling the axe load through their stations checkpoints located across the country and on each land border crossing with a target of 200 000 controls per year. Since June 1, 2009 heavy goods vehicles transporting goods are controlled to check if they are not overloaded, in accordance with the regulation No. 14/2005 / CM / UEMOA, relating to the harmonization of standards and procedures for checking the size, weight and axle load of vehicles heavy goods transport in WAEMU member states. For non-respect of the regulation, a fine of 60,000 CFA per extra ton is applied for national transportation and a fine of 200 000 CFA per extra ton is applied for international transportation.

Then, to reinforce their capacities, the ONASER signed last May 2021 a partnership with a private company Afrique Pesage S.A to manage the weighing stations of Dakola, Tanghin-Dassouri, Bobo-Dioulasso, Banfora and Niangoloko as part of a three-year pilot project (more information here)

Axle Load Limits

Burkina Faso

WAEMU Countries

Truck with 2 Axles

18 MT

18 MT

Truck with 3 Axles

26 MT

26 MT

Truck with 4 Axles

31 MT

31 MT

Semi-trailer with 3 Axles

30 MT

30 MT

Semi-trailer with 4 Axles

38 MT

38 MT

Semi-trailer with 5 Axles

43 MT

43 MT

Semi-trailer with 6 Axles

46 MT

46 MT

Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 4 Axles

38 MT

38 MT

Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 5 Axles

46 MT

46 MT

Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 6 Axles

51 MT

51 MT

Road Class and Surface Conditions


Total distance

Type of Road

National Roads

6728 Km

Regional Roads

3550 Km

County Roads

5026 Km


15304 km

Source : Direction générale de la normalisation et des études techniques (Link here)

Maps (Source: Logistics Cluster Burkina Faso) 

2.3.1 Burkina Faso Border Crossing of Faramana


Due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping), a field visit of this border has not been carried out. (November 2021)

The border between Burkina Faso and Mali is approximately 1000 kilometers long with main crossing points at Faramana and Koloko. Faramana border crossing belongs to the northern route of Ouagadougou – Bamako corridor and is located 2h30 hours drive from Bobo Dioulasso.  

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Burkina Faso: Faramana

Mali: Kouri

Province or District

Houet province / Région des Haut Bassin

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Koundougou – 44 KM via N9





Managing Authority / Agency

Direction Générale des Douanes (DGC)

Direction Régionale des Douanes de l'Ouest

Contact Person

Chef de Poste Frontière de Faramana

70 23 28 48


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Bobo-Dioulasso Airport - 123 km

Truck Travel Time: 4 hours

Car Travel time: 2 hours 30 mins

Nearest Port

Port Autonome d’Abidjan - 922 km

Truck Travel Time: 24 hours

Car Travel time: 18 hours

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Bobo-Dioulasso Airport - 123 km via N9

Truck Travel Time: 4 hours

Car Travel time: 2 hours 30 mins

Other Information


The road was not assessed due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping).

Hours of Operation

Monday to Sunday

Cargo: from 6.30 am to 6 pm

Passengers: 24/7

Since March 2020, Burkina Faso land border is closed for individuals due to the Covid 19 pandemic however a re-opening is expected on December 1st, 2021 as per announced by the Government on November 17,2021.

National Holidays

1st January otherwise open 24/7

Seasonal Constraints


Customs Clearance

Current customs policies apply to Faramana’s border. From Faramana to Bobo Dioulasso, there are several points of control managed by the Brigade Mobile with the aim of ensuring all released trucks will reach Ouagadougou without changing their original itinerary.

In addition, Customs fits each released truck with an electronic transit tracking system provided by COTRACK (service managed by Cotecna) and a police escort is assigned with a truck carrying sensitive goods such as weapons, medicine or chemical products.

For more information on customs in Burkina Faso, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

To complete the clearance process, the forwarding agent must provide some documents issued by the CBC, CCI and/or DGPV when required and depending on the type of goods:


(Conseil Burkinabé des Chargeurs)

Bon de Chargement issued by CBC representative at port of entry to authorize loading of goods by transporters and free of charge. However, a penalty of 200 000 CFA is applied if the truck does not show this document when arriving at border level. This document is implemented in all the corridors since December 2020 and applies only for exported goods and imported goods with destination in Burkina Faso.

BSTRBordereau de Suivi du Trafic Routier – issued at port of entry or at border level, this document applies for both imported /exported goods in transit by road and charged 2500 CFA per truck. In Accra, CBC is not represented therefore this document is free of charge at Dakola’s border.

For more information, please see here.

BSTTBordereau de Suivi du Trafic en Transit – only issued at border level for goods in transit and charged 2500 CFA per truck.

BSVNBordereau de Suivi de Véhicule Neuf - issued for new or used vehicle in transit or with destination in Burkina Faso and charged 2500 CFA per vehicle.


(Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie)

Fond de Garantie paid at border level and represents 0.25% of the total CAF value of goods.

Demande de Travail Rénuméré issued by the CCI and filled by the Customs

DDUDocument Douanier Unique – composed of two types of documents:

  • Segment General to declare a single type of good and charged 2530 CFA
  • Segment Article to be filled in addition of the Segment General document for any extra good to be declared and charged 1030 CFA.

Passage Magasin Sous Douane for goods cleared for home used and charged 1050 CFA per ton.

Déclaration Sommaire ou Etat de Chargement (Cargo Status).


(Direction Générale des Protections Végétales)

Based on samples, DGPV agents are in charge to perform visual /olfactory controls and testing of food/vegetable products. Once completed, an inspection report is delivered then the amount to be paid is calculated according to the volume and type of goods.

Reference documents with scale of price are:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

2.3.2 Burkina Faso Border Crossing of Koloko


The border between Burkina Faso and Mali is approximately 1000 kilometers long with main crossing points at Faramana and Koloko. Koloko border crossing belongs to the southern route of Ouagadougou – Bamako corridor and is located 2h45 hours drive by car from Bobo Dioulasso 

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Burkina Faso: Koloko

Mali: Hèrèmakono

Province or District

Comoé province / Région des Cascades

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Orodara (4 km via N8)





Managing Authority / Agency

Direction Générale des Douanes (DGC)

Direction Régionale des Douanes de l’Ouest

Contact Person

Mr MONÉ, Chef de Poste de Koloko

76 75 66 66


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Bobo-Dioulasso Airport (132 km)

Truck Travel Time: 3H30

Car Travel time: 2H45

Nearest Port

Port Autonome d’Abidjan (823km)

Truck Travel Time: 15H20

Car Travel time: 13H20

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Bobo-Dioulasso Airport (132km)

Truck Travel Time: 3H30

Car Travel time: 2H45

Other Information


National road N8 is asphalted however there are several portions with many potholes which require reducing speed.

Mains cities from Bobo Dioulasso to Koloko are:

  • Koumi
  • Moami
  • Orodara
  • Diéri
  • Mahon

Gas stations are available in Orodara (Petrob Rage SA, Total, Shell, Ola Energy).

Hours of Operation

Mondays to Sunday

Cargo: from 6am to 6pm

Passengers: 24/7

National Holidays

Open 24/7

Seasonal Constraints


Parking area for trucks waiting for completion of customs clearance procedures.

Parking exit gate with Mali border 3km ahead from this point.

Daily Capacity

Depending on the month, the daily capacity is variable with a season peak starting from the end of November with a continuous increase during the whole month of December.

According to the Customs office in Koloko:

  • Average traffic leaving the country is 30-55 trucks per day.
  • Average traffic entering the country is 20-55 trucks per day.

Customs Clearance

Current customs policies apply to Koloko’ s border. From Koloko to Bobo Dioulasso, there are several points of control managed by the Brigade Mobile with the aim of ensuring all released trucks will reach Ouagadougou without changing their original itinerary. In addition, Customs fits each released truck with an electronic transit tracking system provided by COTRACK (service managed by Cotecna) and a police escort is assigned with a truck carrying sensitive goods such as weapons, medicine or chemical products.

For more information on customs in Burkina Faso, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

To complete the clearance process, the forwarding agent must provide some documents issued by the CBC, CCI and/or DGPV when required and depending on the type of goods:


(Conseil Burkinabé des Chargeurs)

Bon de Chargement issued by CBC representative at port of entry to authorize loading of goods by transporters and free of charge. However, a penalty of 200 000 CFA is applied if the truck does not show this document when arriving at border level. This document is implemented in all the corridors since December 2020 and applies only for exported goods and imported goods with destination in Burkina Faso.

BSTRBordereau de Suivi du Trafic Routier – issued at port of entry or at border level, this document applies for both imported /exported goods in transit by road and charged 2500 CFA per truck. In Accra, CBC is not represented therefore this document is free of charge at Dakola’s border.

For more information, please see here

BSTTBordereau de Suivi du Trafic en Transit – only issued at border level for goods in transit and charged 2500 CFA per truck.

BSVNBordereau de Suivi de Véhicule Neuf - issued for new or used vehicle in transit or with destination in Burkina Faso and charged 2500 CFA per vehicle.

Contact Person

Mr. Abdoul Karim TRAORÉ

Chef du Bureau CBC de Koloko

70 44 83 47


(Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie)

Fond de Garantie paid at border level and represents 0.25% of the total CAF value of goods.

Demande de Travail Rénuméré issued by the CCI and filled by the Customs

DDUDocument Douanier Unique – composed of two types of documents:

  • Segment General to declare a single type of good and charged 2530 CFA.
  • Segment Article to be filled in addition of the Segment General document for any extra good to be declared and charged 1030 CFA.

Passage Magasin Sous Douane for goods cleared for home used and charged 1050 CFA per ton.

Déclaration Sommaire ou Etat de Chargement (Cargo Status).


(Direction Générale des Protections Végétales)

Based on samples, DGPV agents are in charge to perform visual /olfactory controls and testing of food/vegetable products. Once completed, an inspection report is delivered then the amount to be paid is calculated according to the volume and type of good.

Reference documents with scale of price are:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

2.3.3 Burkina Faso Border Crossing of Niangoloko


Due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping), a field visit of this border has not been carried out. (November 2021)

The border between Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire is approximately 584 kilometers long with main crossing points at Ningaloo. Ningaloo border crossing belongs to the route of Ouagadougou – Abidjan corridor and is located 2h30 hours drive from Bobo Dioulasso. 

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Burkina Faso: Niangoloko

Côte d’Ivoire: Laleraba

Province or District

Comoé province / Région des Cascades

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Banfora (46 km via N7)





Managing Authority / Agency

Direction Générale des Douanes (DGC)

Direction Régionale des Douanes de l'Ouest

Contact Person


Chef de Poste Frontière de Niangoloko

70 26 47 45


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Bobo-Dioulasso Airport: (131 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4 hours

Car Travel time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Nearest Port

Port Autonome Abidjan: (672 km)

Truck Travel Time: 18 hours

Car Travel time: 12 hours

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Bobo-Dioulasso: 131 km) via N7

Truck Travel Time: 4 hours

Car Travel time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Other Information


The road was not assessed due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping).

Hours of Operation

Monday to Sunday

Cargo: from 6.30 am to 6 pm

Passengers: 24/7

National Holidays

Open 24/7

Seasonal Constraints


Customs Clearance

Current customs policies apply to Niangoloko ’s border. From Niangoloko to Bobo Dioulasso, there are several points of control managed by the Brigade Mobile with the aim of ensuring all released trucks will reach Ouagadougou without changing their original itinerary. In addition, Customs fits each released truck with an electronic transit tracking system provided by COTRACK (service managed by Cotecna) and a police escort is assigned with a truck carrying sensitive goods such as weapons, medicine or chemical products.

For more information on customs in Burkina Faso, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

To complete the clearance process, the forwarding agent must provide some documents issued by the CBC, CCI and/or DGPV when required and depending on the type of goods:


(Conseil Burkinabé des Chargeurs)

Bon de Chargement issued by CBC representative at port of entry to authorize loading of goods by transporters and free of charge. However, a penalty of 200 000 CFA is applied if the truck does not show this document when arriving at border level. This document is implemented in all the corridors since December 2020 and applies only for exported goods and imported goods with destination in Burkina Faso.

BSTRBordereau de Suivi du Trafic Routier – issued at port of entry or at border level, this document applies for both imported /exported goods in transit by road and charged 2500 CFA per truck. In Accra, CBC is not represented therefore this document is free of charge at Dakola’s border.

For more information, please see here.

BSTTBordereau de Suivi du Trafic en Transit – only issued at border level for goods in transit and charged 2500 CFA per truck.

BSVNBordereau de Suivi de Véhicule Neuf - issued for new or used vehicle in transit or with destination in Burkina Faso and charged 2500 CFA per vehicle.


(Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie)

Fond de Garantie paid at border level and represents 0.25% of the total CAF value of goods.

Demande de Travail Rénuméré issued by the CCI and filled by the Customs

DDUDocument Douanier Unique – composed of two types of documents:

  • Segment General to declare a single type of good and charged 2530 CFA.
  • Segment Article to be filled in addition of the Segment General document for any extra good to be declared and charged 1030 CFA.

Passage Magasin Sous Douane for goods cleared for home used and charged 1050 CFA per ton.

Déclaration Sommaire ou Etat de Chargement (Cargo Status).

All Photos: WFP/NB


(Direction Générale des Protections Végétales)

Based on samples, DGPV agents are in charge to perform visual /olfactory controls and testing of food/vegetable products. Once completed, an inspection report is delivered then the amount to be paid is calculated according to the volume and type of good.

Reference documents with scale of price are:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

2.3.4 Burkina Faso Border Crossing of Ouessa


Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Burkina Faso: Ouessa

Ghana: Hamelé

Province or District

Ioba province / Région du Sud-Ouest

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Diébougou (60 km via N20-N12)





Managing Authority / Agency

Direction Générale des Douanes (DGC)

Direction Régionale des Douanes du Sud-Ouest

Contact Person



Chef de Poste Frontière de Ouessa

70 74 97 80


Chef Adjoint

78 87 36 22


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Bobo-Dioulasso Airport: 197 km

Truck Travel Time: 5 hours 30 mins

Car Travel time: 4 hours

Nearest Port

Port of Téma: (866 km)

Truck Travel Time: 72 hours

Car Travel time: 17 hours

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Bobo-Dioulasso: 197 KM

Truck Travel Time: 5 hours 30 mins

Car Travel time: 4 hours

Other Information


Going to Ouessa from Ouagadougou is divided into three legs as below:

  • National road N1 (Ouagadougou – Pâ) Djikologo) is asphalted and in good conditions.
  • National road N12 (Pâ – Djikologo) is asphalted with some portions with few potholes.
  • The national road N20 (Djikologo – Ouessa) is asphalted with some portions with few potholes.

Hours of Operation

Mondays to Sunday

Cargo: from 7 am to 6 pm

Passengers: 24/7

National Holidays

Open 24/7

Seasonal Constraints


Daily Capacity

According to the Customs office in Ouessa, the average traffic entering the country is 30-35 trucks per day and around 25 freight forwarder companies are represented in Ouessa. 75% of the traffic is trucks in transit to Mali and 15% is for a destination in Burkina Faso.

The parking needs some renovations and an extension to accommodate all the trucks. Currently, the capacity is limited to 30 trucks therefore, in case of peak of activity, trucks have to park outside.

Customs Clearance

Current customs policies apply to Ouessa’ s border. From Ouessa to Bobo Dioulasso, there are several points of control managed by the Brigade Mobile with the aim of ensuring all released trucks will reach Bobo Dioulasso without changing their original itinerary. In addition, Customs fits each released truck with an electronic transit tracking system provided by COTRACK (service managed by Cotecna) and a police escort is assigned with a truck carrying sensitive goods such as weapons, medicine or chemical products.

For more information on customs in Burkina Faso, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

To complete the clearance process, the forwarding agent must provide some documents issued by the CBC, CCI and/or DGPV when required and depending on the type of goods:


(Conseil Burkinabé des Chargeurs)

Bon de Chargement issued by CBC representative at port of entry to authorize loading of goods by transporters and free of charge. However, a penalty of 200 000 CFA is applied if the truck does not show this document when arriving at border level. This document is implemented in all the corridors since December 2020 and applies only for exported goods and imported goods with destination in Burkina Faso.

BSTRBordereau de Suivi du Trafic Routier – issued at port of entry or at border level, this document applies for both imported /exported goods in transit by road and charged 2500 CFA per truck. In Accra, CBC is not represented therefore this document is free of charge at Dakola’s border.

For more information, please see here.

BSTTBordereau de Suivi du Trafic en Transit – only issued at border level for goods in transit and charged 2500 CFA per truck.

BSVNBordereau de Suivi de Véhicule Neuf - issued for new or used vehicle in transit or with destination in Burkina Faso and charged 2500 CFA per vehicle.

Contact Person

Mr. Mahamadou SOURIBIÉ

Chef du Bureau CBC de Ouessa



(Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie)

Fond de Garantie paid at border level and represents 0.25% of the total CAF value of goods.

Demande de Travail Rénuméré issued by the CCI and filled by the Customs

DDU  Document Douanier Unique – composed of two types of documents:

  • Segment General to declare a single type of good and charged 2530 CFA.
  • Segment Article to be filled in addition of the Segment General document for any extra good to be declared and charged 1030 CFA.

Passage Magasin Sous Douane for goods cleared for home used and charged 1050 CFA per ton.

Déclaration Sommaire ou Etat de Chargement (Cargo Status).

Contact Person

Mr. Moussa MILOGO

Chef de Bureau CCI de Ouessa

76 54 38 56


(Direction Générale des Protections Végétales)

Based on samples, DGPV agents are in charge to perform visual /olfactory controls and testing of food/vegetable products. Once completed, an inspection report is delivered then the amount to be paid is calculated according to the volume and type of good.

Reference documents with scale of price are:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.


2.3.5 Burkina Faso Border Crossing of Dakola


The border between Burkina Faso and Ghana is approximately 549 kilometers long with main crossing points at Dakola and Ouessa. Dakola is located on the Ouagadougou – Tema corridor and is located 3 hours drive by car from Ouagadougou.

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Burkina Faso: Dakola

Ghana: Paga

Province or District

Nahouri province / Région du Centre-Sud

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Pô (26 km via N5)





Managing Authority / Agency

Direction Générale des Douanes (DGC)

Direction Régionale des Douanes du Centre Sud

Contact Person

Mr. Marc BAMA, Chef de Poste Frontière de Dakola

70 75 70 62

Mr. Théodore KAFANDO, Chef de Brigade Commerciale

70 74 92 72


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Ouagadougou Airport (159 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4H30

Car Travel time: 3H

Nearest Port

Port of Téma (766 km)

Truck Travel Time: 48H

Car Travel time: 15H

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Ouagadougou (159 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4H30

Car Travel time: 3H00

Other Information


National road N5 is asphalted and in good condition.

Mains cities from Ouagadougou to Dakola are:

  • Kombissiri
  • Nobere

Gas Stations are available in Pô (Oleom and Total).

Hours of Operation

Mondays to Sunday

Cargo: from 7am to 6.30pm

Passengers: 24/7

National Holidays

Open 24/7

Seasonal Constraints


Daily Capacity

According to the Customs office in Dakola, the average traffic entering the country is 50-60 trucks per day and around 10 freight forwarder companies are represented in Dakola. The parking can accommodate approximately 120 trucks during a peak of activity.

Customs Clearance

In addition, current customs policies apply to Dakola’ s border. From Dakola to Ouagadougou, there are five points of control managed by the Brigade Mobile with the aim of ensuring all released trucks will reach Ouagadougou without changing their original itinerary.

In addition, Customs fits each released truck with an electronic transit tracking system provided by COTRACK (service managed by Cotecna) and a police escort is assigned with a truck carrying sensitive goods such as weapons, medicine or chemical products.

For more information on customs in Burkina Faso, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

To complete the clearance process, the forwarding agent must provide some documents issued by the CBC, CCI and/or DGPV when required and depending on the type of goods:


(Conseil Burkinabé des Chargeurs)

Bon de Chargement issued by CBC representative at port of entry to authorize loading of goods by transporters and free of charge. However, a penalty of 200 000 CFA is applied if the truck does not show this document when arriving at border level. This document is implemented in all the corridors since December 2020 and applies only for exported goods and imported goods with destination in Burkina Faso.

BSTRBordereau de Suivi du Trafic Routier – issued at port of entry or at border level, this document applies for both imported /exported goods in transit by road and charged 2500 CFA per truck. In Accra, CBC is not represented therefore this document is free of charge at Dakola’s border.

For more information, please see here.

BSTTBordereau de Suivi du Trafic en Transit – only issued at border level for goods in transit and charged 2500 CFA per truck.

BSVNBordereau de Suivi de Véhicule Neuf - issued for new or used vehicle in transit or with destination in Burkina Faso and charged 2500 CFA per vehicle.

Contact Person

Mr. KAM BE, Chef de Bureau CBC de Dakola

25 40 31 50 / 70 23 09 98


(Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie)

Fond de Garantie paid at border level and represents 0.25% of the total CAF value of goods.

Demande de Travail Rénuméré issued by the CCI and filled by the Customs.

Each voucher is charged 150 CFA

DDUDocument Douanier Unique – composed of two types of documents:

  • Segment General to declare a single type of good and charged 2530 CF
  • Segment Article to be filled in addition of the Segment General document for any extra good to be declared and charged 1030 CFA.

Passage Magasin Sous Douane for goods cleared for home used and charged 1050 CFA per ton.

Déclaration Sommaire ou Etat de Chargement (Cargo Status).

Contact Person

Mr. SEDEGO Alphonse, Chef du Bureau CCI de Dakola

76 14 85 56


(Direction Générale des Protections Végétales)

Based on samples, DGPV agents are in charge to perform visual /olfactory controls and testing of food/vegetable products. Once completed, an inspection report is delivered then the amount to be paid is calculated according to the volume and type of good.

Reference documents with scale of price are:

Contact Person

Mr. ZI Issac

Chef du Bureau du contrôle phytosanitaire

70 22 21 93

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.


2.3.6 Burkina Faso Border Crossing of Cinkanse


The border between Burkina Faso and Togo is approximately 126 kilometers long with main crossing points at Cinkansé. Cinkansé is located on the Ouagadougou – Lomé corridor and is a waypoint for most of imports in country.

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Burkina Faso: Poste de Contrôle Juxtaposé (PCJ) de Cinkansé

Province or District

Koulpélogo province / Région du Centre-Est

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Tenkodogo (105 km via N16)





Managing Authority / Agency

SCANNING SYSTEM - specialized in the implementation of innovative infrastructure projects in the transport sector through BOT operations (Build, Operate and Transfer) - is in charge to manage and providing services of the PCJ of Cinkansé. More information on Scanning System company here.

Contact Person

Sidiki BALLO – Deputy Manager

24 71 37 70

66 13 91 93


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Ouagadougou Airport (278 km)

Truck Travel Time: 6 hours 30 mins

Car Travel time: 5 hours

Nearest Port

Port de Lomé (663 km)

Truck Travel Time: 72 hours

Car Travel time: 11 hours

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Ouagadougou (278 km)

Truck Travel Time: 6 hours

Car Travel time: 5 hours

Other Information


Both National road N4 (Ouagadougou-Koupèla) and N16 (Koupèla-Cinkansé) are asphalted and in good conditions.

Mains cities from Ouagadougou to Cinkansé are:

  • Zorgho
  • Koupéla
  • Tenkodogo
  • Bitou (Ghana border crossing by Koulongoungou, Bakou)

Hours of Operation

Mondays to Sundays

Cargo: from 6.30 am to 6 pm

Passengers: 24/7

National Holidays

Open 24/7

Seasonal Constraints


Daily Capacity

According to the Customs office in Cinkansé, the average traffic entering the country is around 100 trucks per day and around 300 freight forwarder companies are represented in PCJ of Cinkansé.

Customs Clearance

Current customs policies apply to PCJ Cinkansé’s border. From Cinkansé to Ouagadougou, there are five points of control managed by Brigade Mobile with the aim of ensuring all released trucks will reach Ouagadougou without changing their original itinerary. In addition, Customs fits each released truck with an electronic transit tracking system provided by COTRACK (service managed by Cotecna) and a police escort is assigned with a truck carrying sensitive goods such as weapons, medicine or chemical products.

Contact Person

Mr Zoubga, Chef de Poste de Cinkansé

70 36 64 65

Mr Ouoba, Chef de Bureau Commercial

70 24 79 71

For more information on customs in Burkina Faso, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

To complete the clearance process, the forwarding agent must submit additional documents issued by the CBC, CCI and/or DGPV when required and depending on the type of goods:


(Conseil Burkinabé des Chargeurs)

Bon de Chargement issued by CBC representative at port of entry to authorize loading of goods by transporters and free of charge. However, a penalty of 200 000 CFA is applied if the truck does not show this document when arriving at border level. This document is implemented in all the corridors since December 2020 and applies only for exported goods and imported goods with destination in Burkina Faso.

BSTRBordereau de Suivi du Trafic Routier – issued at port of entry or at border level, this document applies for both imported /exported goods in transit by road and charged 2500 CFA per truck. In Accra, CBC is not represented therefore this document is free of charge at Dakola’s border.

For more information, please see here.

BSTTBordereau de Suivi du Trafic en Transit – only issued at border level for goods in transit and charged 2500 CFA per truck.

BSVNBordereau de Suivi de Véhicule Neuf - issued for new or used vehicle in transit or with destination in Burkina Faso and charged 2500 CFA per vehicle.

Contact Person

Mr. Soungalo COULIBALY, Chef de Bureau CBC de Cinkansé

70 39 45 38

Mr. Kawiyu AMOUSARA, Comptable

71 28 98 64


(Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie)

Fond de Garantie paid at border level and represents 0.25% of the total CAF value of goods.

Demande de Travail Rénuméré issued by the CCI and filled by the Customs.

DDUDocument Douanier Unique – composed of two types of documents:

  • Segment General to declare a single type of good and charged 2530 CFA.
  • Segment Article to be filled in addition of the Segment General document for any extra good to be declared and charged 1030 CFA.

Passage Magasin Sous Douane for goods cleared for home used and charged 1050 CFA per ton.

Déclaration Sommaire ou Etat de Chargement (Cargo Status).

Contact Person

Mr. Clément TENKODOGO, Chef de Bureau CCI de Cinkansé

71 58 96 10


70 59 07 00


(Direction Générale des Protections Végétales)

Based on samples, DGPV agents are in charge to perform visual /olfactory controls and testing of food/vegetable products. Once completed, an inspection report is delivered then the amount to be paid is calculated according to the volume and type of good.

Reference documents with scale of price are:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

All Photos: WFP/NB

2.3.7 Burkina Faso Border Crossing of Nadiagou


Due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping), a field visit of this border has not been carried out. (November 2021)

The border between Burkina Faso and Benin is approximately 306 kilometers long with main crossing point at Nadiagou.

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Burkina Faso: Nadiagou

Benin: Porga

Province or District

Kompienga province / Région de l’Est

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Pama (20 km via N18)





Managing Authority / Agency

Direction Générale des Douanes (DGC)

Direction Régionale des Douanes de l’Est

Contact Person

Mr SALOU, Chef de Poste Frontière de Nadiagou

70 32 40 14


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Ouagadougou Airport: (344 km)

Truck Travel Time: 10 hours

Car Travel time: 7 hours

Nearest Port

Port Autonome de Cotonou (672 km)

Truck Travel Time: 24 hours

Car Travel time: 11 hours

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Fada Ngourma (105 km via N18)

Truck Travel Time: 4 hours

Car Travel time: 2 hours 30 mins

Other Information


The road was not assessed due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping).

Feedback from transporters is a road very damaged with plenty of potholes.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Sunday

Cargo: from 6.30 am to 6 pm

Passengers: 24/7

National Holidays

Open 24/7

Seasonal Constraints


Customs Clearance

Current customs policies apply to Nadiagou ’s border. From Nadiagou to Ouagadougou, there are several points of control managed by the Brigade Mobile with the aim of ensuring all released trucks will reach Ouagadougou without changing their original itinerary.

In addition, Customs fits each released truck with an electronic transit tracking system provided by COTRACK (service managed by Cotecna) and a police escort is assigned with a truck carrying sensitive goods such as weapons, medicine or chemical products.

For more information on customs in Burkina Faso, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

To complete the clearance process, the forwarding agent must provide some documents issued by the CBC, CCI and/or DGPV when required and depending on the type of goods:


(Conseil Burkinabé des Chargeurs)

Bon de Chargement issued by CBC representative at port of entry to authorize loading of goods by transporters and free of charge. However, a penalty of 200 000 CFA is applied if the truck does not show this document when arriving at border level. This document is implemented in all the corridors since December 2020 and applies only for exported goods and imported goods with destination in Burkina Faso.

BSTRBordereau de Suivi du Trafic Routier – issued at port of entry or at border level, this document applies for both imported /exported goods in transit by road and charged 2500 CFA per truck. In Accra, CBC is not represented therefore this document is free of charge at Dakola’s border.

For more information, please see here.

BSTTBordereau de Suivi du Trafic en Transit – only issued at border level for goods in transit and charged 2500 CFA per truck.

BSVNBordereau de Suivi de Véhicule Neuf - issued for new or used vehicle in transit or with destination in Burkina Faso and charged 2500 CFA per vehicle.


(Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie)

Fond de Garantie paid at border level and represents 0.25% of the total CAF value of goods.

Demande de Travail Rénuméré issued by the CCI and filled by the Customs.

DDUDocument Douanier Unique – composed of two types of documents:

  • Segment General to declare a single type of good and charged 2530 CFA.
  • Segment Article to be filled in addition of the Segment General document for any extra good to be declared and charged 1030 CFA.

Passage Magasin Sous Douane for goods cleared for home used and charged 1050 CFA per ton.

Déclaration Sommaire ou Etat de Chargement (Cargo Status).


(Direction Générale des Protections Végétales)

Based on samples, DGPV agents are in charge to perform visual /olfactory controls and testing of food/vegetable products. Once completed, an inspection report is delivered then the amount to be paid is calculated according to the volume and type of good.

Reference documents with scale of price are:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

2.3.8 Burkina Faso Border Crossing of Kantchari


Due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping), a field visit of this border has not been carried out. (November 2021)

The border between Burkina Faso and Niger is approximately 600 kilometers long with main crossing points at Kantchari and Seytenga. Kantchari is located on the Ouagadougou-Niamey Road and is a waypoint for most of Niger’s imports, especially those arriving via the main ports of West Africa: Accra, Lomé and Abidjan. The road to Kantchari is increasingly targeted by terrorist attacks during the last months therefore the security has become a top priority of border management.

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Burkina Faso: Kantchari

Niger: Torodi

Province or District

Tapoa province / Région de l’Est

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Fada-Ngourma (152 km via N4)





Managing Authority / Agency

Direction Générale des Douanes (DGC)

Direction Régionale des Douanes de l’Est

Contact Person


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Niamey Airport (148 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4 hours 30 minutes

Car Travel time: 3 hours

Nearest Port

Port Autonome de Cotonou (895 km)

Truck Travel Time: 24 hours

Car Travel time: 16 hours

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Fada-Ngourma – 152 KM via N4

Truck Travel Time: 5H

Car Travel time: 3H00

Other Information


The road was not assessed due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping).

Feedback from transporters is a road very damaged with plenty of potholes.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Sunday

Cargo: from 6.30 am to 6 pm

Passengers: 24/7

National Holidays

Open 24/7

Seasonal Constraints


Customs Clearance

Current customs policies apply to Kantchari ’s border. From Kantchari to Ouagadougou, there are several points of control managed by the Brigade Mobile with the aim of ensuring all released trucks will reach Ouagadougou without changing their original itinerary. In addition, Customs fits each released truck with an electronic transit tracking system provided by COTRACK (service managed by Cotecna) and a police escort is assigned with a truck carrying sensitive goods such as weapons, medicine or chemical products.

For more information on customs in Burkina Faso, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

To complete the clearance process, the forwarding agent must provide some documents issued by the CBC, CCI and/or DGPV when required and depending on the type of goods:


(Conseil Burkinabé des Chargeurs)

Bon de Chargement issued by CBC representative at port of entry to authorize loading of goods by transporters and free of charge. However, a penalty of 200 000 CFA is applied if the truck does not show this document when arriving at border level. This document is implemented in all the corridors since December 2020 and applies only for exported goods and imported goods with destination in Burkina Faso.

BSTRBordereau de Suivi du Trafic Routier – issued at port of entry or at border level, this document applies for both imported /exported goods in transit by road and charged 2500 CFA per truck. In Accra, CBC is not represented therefore this document is free of charge at Dakola’s border.

For more information, please see here.

BSTTBordereau de Suivi du Trafic en Transit – only issued at border level for goods in transit and charged 2500 CFA per truck.

BSVNBordereau de Suivi de Véhicule Neuf - issued for new or used vehicle in transit or with destination in Burkina Faso and charged 2500 CFA per vehicle.


(Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie)

Fond de Garantie paid at border level and represents 0.25% of the total CAF value of goods.

Demande de Travail Rénuméré issued by the CCI and filled by the Customs

DDUDocument Douanier Unique – composed of two types of documents:

  • Segment General to declare a single type of good and charged 2530 CFA.
  • Segment Article to be filled in addition of the Segment General document for any extra good to be declared and charged 1030 CFA.

Passage Magasin Sous Douane for goods cleared for home used and charged 1050 CFA per ton.

Déclaration Sommaire ou Etat de Chargement (Cargo Status).


(Direction Générale des Protections Végétales)

Based on samples, DGPV agents are in charge to perform visual /olfactory controls and testing of food/vegetable products. Once completed, an inspection report is delivered then the amount to be paid is calculated according to the volume and type of good.

Reference documents with scale of price are:


For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

All Photos: WFP/NB

2.3.9 Burkina Faso Border Crossing of Seytenga


Due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping), a field visit of this border has not been carried out. (November 2021)

The border between Burkina Faso and Niger is approximately 600 kilometers long with main crossing points at Kantchari and Seytenga. Seytenga border crossing belongs to Niamey-Terra- Dori -Seytenga Ouagadougou-Abidjan corridor. The road to Seytenga is increasingly targeted by terrorist attacks during the last months therefore the security has become a top priority of border management.


Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Burkina Faso: Seytenga

Niger: Pétèl-Kolé

Province or District

Séno Province / Région du Nord

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Dori (51 KM via N23)





Managing Authority / Agency

Direction Générale des Douanes (DGC)

Direction Régionale des Douanes du Nord

Contact Person

Mr Boukari OUADRAOGO, Chef de Poste Frontière de Seytenga

71 72 41 31 / 76 63 87 49

Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Ouagadougou Airport (320 km)

Truck Travel Time: 8 hours

Car Travel time: 6 hours 30 minutes

Nearest Port

Port Autonome de Cotonou (1157 km)

Truck Travel Time: 48-72 hours

Car Travel time: 24 hours

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Ouagadougou Airport (320 km via N23 & N3)

Truck Travel Time: 8 hours

Car Travel time: 6 hours 30 minutes

Other Information


The road was not assessed due to the increase of the insecurity in this area since the past months (presence of terrorist groups with risk of ambush and kidnapping).

Hours of Operation

Monday to Sunday

Cargo: from 6.30 am to 6 pm

Passengers: 24/7

National Holidays

Open 24/7

Seasonal Constraints


Customs Clearance

Current customs policies apply to Seytenga’s border. From Seytenga to Ouagadougou, there are several points of control managed by the Brigade Mobile with the aim of ensuring all released trucks will reach Ouagadougou without changing their original itinerary.

For more information on customs in Burkina Faso, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

To complete the clearance process, the forwarding agent must provide some documents issued by the CBC, CCI and/or DGPV when required and depending on the type of goods:


(Conseil Burkinabé des Chargeurs)

Bon de Chargement issued by CBC representative at port of entry to authorize loading of goods by transporters and free of charge. However, a penalty of 200 000 CFA is applied if the truck does not show this document when arriving at border level. This document is implemented in all the corridors since December 2020 and applies only for exported goods and imported goods with destination in Burkina Faso.

BSTRBordereau de Suivi du Trafic Routier – issued at port of entry or at border level, this document applies for both imported /exported goods in transit by road and charged 2500 CFA per truck. In Accra, CBC is not represented therefore this document is free of charge at Dakola’s border.

For more information, please see here.

BSTTBordereau de Suivi du Trafic en Transit – only issued at border level for goods in transit and charged 2500 CFA per truck.

BSVNBordereau de Suivi de Véhicule Neuf - issued for new or used vehicle in transit or with destination in Burkina Faso and charged 2500 CFA per vehicle.


(Chambre du Commerce et de l’Industrie)

Fond de Garantie paid at border level and represents 0.25% of the total CAF value of goods.

Demande de Travail Rénuméré issued by the CCI and filled by the Customs.

DDUDocument Douanier Unique – composed of two types of documents:

  • Segment General to declare a single type of good and charged 2530 CFA.
  • Segment Article to be filled in addition of the Segment General document for any extra good to be declared and charged 1030 CFA.

Passage Magasin Sous Douane for goods cleared for home used and charged 1050 CFA per ton.

Déclaration Sommaire ou Etat de Chargement (Cargo Status).


(Direction Générale des Protections Végétales)

Based on samples, DGPV agents are in charge to perform visual /olfactory controls and testing of food/vegetable products. Once completed, an inspection report is delivered then the amount to be paid is calculated according to the volume and type of goods.

Reference documents with scale of price are:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.