4.3 Philippines Port and Waterways Company Contact List

4.3 Philippines Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Philippines Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Name Company Physical Address Title Telephone number (office)
South Harbour n/a VP South Harbor, ICD and Engineering

Management Contact

Ricardo Alvarez

Port of Baybay n/a n/a

City Mayor

Carmen L. Cari

Port of Baybay

Philippine Port Authority

Stalla Laguna n/a 09268341306
Port of Cebu Cebu Port Authority CIP Complex, S. Osmena Blvd., North Reclamation Area, Cebu City, Philippines Office of the General Manager

Tel 1: 231-6856

Tel 2: 412-9026

Fax: 231-6848


Port of Cebu Cebu Port Authority CIP Complex, S. Osmena Blvd., North Reclamation Area, Cebu City, Philippines Port Management Department

Tel: 232-6365

Fax: 232-6365


Port of Cebu Cebu Port Authority CIP Complex, S. Osmena Blvd., North Reclamation Area, Cebu City, Philippines

Port Security, Safety, &

Environmental Mngt.


Tel: 232-3083

Fax: 232-3083


Port of Tacloban Port Contact n/a


Raffy Lauron

Tel: +93 917 502 6471

Email: pmotacloban@ppavis.com