Tanzania, United Republic of - 1.2 Regulatory Departments & Quality Control

Tanzania, United Republic of - 1.2 Regulatory Departments & Quality Control

Tanzania's regulatory framework is a complex system of laws, regulations, and policies that govern a wide range of economic and social activities. The primary responsibility for developing and implementing the regulatory framework lies with the Government of Tanzania. However, the government also delegates regulatory authority to several independent agencies. The framework is designed to protect consumers, promote competition, and ensure the safety and quality of goods and services.


Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA)

The Tanzania Revenue Authority is the government agency of Tanzania, charged with the responsibility of managing the assessment, collection and accounting of all central government revenue. It is a semi-autonomous body that operates in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.

The major functions of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) consist in assessing, collecting and accounting for Government Revenue; administrating revenue laws; advising Government on fiscal policy; promoting voluntary tax compliance; improving quality of service; counteracting fraud-tax evasion; producing trade statistics and publications.


Tanzania Revenue Authority

Telephone Number

Email and Website

28 Edward Sokoine Drive,

11105 Mchafukoge,

Ilala CBD,

P.O.Box 11491,

Dar es salaam,


Free: 0800110019

Free: 0800110020


E-mail: info@tra.go.tz


Website: https://www.tra.go.tz/index.php





Land Transport Regulatory Authority (LATRA)

The Land Transport Regulatory Authority (LATRA) is a Government Authority established by the Act of Parliament No. 3 of 2019. This law repealed the former Surface and Maritime Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA) Act. LATRA has been tasked with regulating the transport sector on the ground, particularly freight and passenger transport (long-haul buses, urban buses, freight cars, taxis, two- and three-lane motorcycles) rail transport and wire transport. LATRA's headquarters is in Dodoma the Authority has offices in all twenty-six (26) regions of mainland Tanzania.

Increasing use of modern technologies is revolutionizing transportation sector, LATRA has implanted two technological solutions with the participation of public and private sector stakeholders. One key system has been the Vehicle Trend Tracking System (VTS) for public service vehicles (PSV), this system has been in operation since 2017 and has shown positive results in saving lives and property. LATRA has also introduced a Railway & Road Information Management System (RRIMS), this system monitors PSV’s movements and driver behaviour and is mandatory on all PSVs. RRIMS is currently fitted to 18 wagons of TAZARA’s rolling stock to monitor the movement of rail on the southern rail corridor and will be extended to the central corridor after a trial period.  


Land Transport Regulatory Authority

Telephone Number

Email and Website

SLP 174241104


Dodoma, Tanzania


Free: 0800110019 – 800110020

Tel: +255262323930

Mob: +255738000069

E-mail: info@latra.go.tz


Website: https://www.latra.go.tz/


Energy And Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA)

This is an autonomous multi-sector regulatory Authority established by the Energy and Water Utilities Authority Act, Cap 414 of the Laws of Tanzania. EWURA is responsible for technical and economic regulation of the energy (electricity, petroleum, natural gas) and water sector in Tanzania. The Authority’s functions among others include licensing, tariff review, monitoring performance and standards regarding quality, safety, health and environment. The authority is also expected to establish standards for goods and services provided, regulate rates and charges, make rules and monitor the regulated sectors performance. EWURA publishes the national Cap Prices for petroleum products applicable in Tanzania Mainland on a monthly basis, for the lates Petroleum Fuel Prices see link Tanzania fuel-prices





Telephone Number

Email and Website

EWURA House, 

3 EWURA Street,

41104 Tambukareli, 

P.O Box 2857,

Dodoma, Tanzania.


Tel: +255-26 2329003

Tel: +255-26 2329004

Fax:  +255-26 232900


E-mail:  info@ewura.go.tz

Website: www.ewura.go.tz


Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS)

The main functions of Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) are:

  • formulation and promulgation of Tanzania Standards in all sectors of the country economy; implementation of the promulgated standards through third party certification schemes
  • improving the quality industrial products both for export and local consumption through various certification schemes.
  • promotion of standardization and quality assurance service in industry and commerce through training of personnel Company Standardization, Quality Assurance and Management system, Quality Assurance and Management System, Quality Improvement, Laboratory Techniques and Accreditation, Packaging Technology and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).
  • undertaking tasting of product sample drawn by TBS inspectors in the course of implementing standards (certification samples), requested by manufacturers themselves (type testing samples) brought by consumers (customer complaints samples) or for checking laboratory proficiency (proficiency testing samples).
  • undertaking calibration of industrial and scientific measuring equipment and instrument in the areas of mass, length value, energy, temperature, etc.

The Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) has implemented a product conformity assessment programme for the control of certain categories of imported consumer goods. The programme, known as Pre-Export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) to standards implemented from 01 February 2012. The objective of the PVoC is to ensure that all imports of regulated products comply with the approved Tanzanian technical regulations, (i.e. Tanzanian or other approved international standards), prior to shipment. (TBS, 2017)




Telephone Number

Email and Website

Headquarters Office

P O Box 9524,

Sam Nujoma Road / Morogoro Road,


Dar es Salaam.


Ph: 0800110827


Fax No:0800110827

Toll Free No: 0800110827

E-mail: info@tbs.go.tz



Website: https://www.tbs.go.tz/




Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) is an Executive Agency under the Ministry of Health (MOH). TMDA which was formerly known as Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) was established in 2003 after enactment of the Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act, Cap 219 by the Parliament. This Act was later amended in 2019 to Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Act, Cap 219 after the shift of responsibilities of regulating food and cosmetics to Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS). The change in legislative framework, which was done through the Finance Act, No. 8 of 2019 also resulted into the change of name to TMDA


TMDA is now responsible for regulating quality, safety and effectiveness of medicines, medical devices, diagnostics, biocidal and tobacco products. To improve public service delivery, TMDA is managed as an Executive Agency in accordance with the Executive Agencies Act, Cap. 245 which was also amended in 2009.

The Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) is an executive agency under the Ministry of Health, (MoH). It was established under the Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act (TFDCA) Cap. 219 as amended by the Finance Act of 2019. TMDA provides for the efficient and comprehensive regulation and control of safety and quality of medicines, medical devices, diagnostics, biocidal and tobacco products. To improve public service delivery, TMDA is managed as an Executive Agency in accordance with the Executive Agencies Act, Cap. 245 as amended in 2009.


The TMDA is responsible for regulating the safety, quality, and efficacy of human and veterinary medicines, herbal medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics in Tanzania. It also regulates the safety of biocidal products and tobacco products.

The TMDA's core functions include:

  • Registering medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics
  • Regulate Imports and Exports
  • Inspecting manufacturing and distribution facilities
  • Monitoring the safety of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics
  • Investigating adverse drug reactions and medical device incidents
  • Providing information and advice to the public on medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics
  • The TMDA is governed by a Board of Directors, which is appointed by the President of Tanzania. The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the TMDA and overseeing its operations.
  • Registry of Manufacturers, Wholesalers and importers.
  • Supervises disposal of unfit and expired products.


The TMDA has a staff of over 200 people. The staff is responsible for carrying out the day-to-day operations of the TMDA, including registering medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics; inspecting manufacturing and distribution facilities; monitoring the safety of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics; investigating adverse drug reactions and medical device incidents; and providing information and advice to the public on medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics.

The TMDA has several zonal offices located throughout Tanzania which are each responsible for several of regions. Zonal offices are responsible for providing services to manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics in their respective regions.

The TMDA is a member of several international and regional organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH), the Africa Medicines Agency (AMA)and the East African Medicines Regulatory Authority (EMRA).

The TMDA has played a key role in improving the quality and safety of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics in Tanzania. It has also played a key role in promoting the development of the pharmaceutical and medical device industries in Tanzania.

The TMDA is facing several challenges, including the increasing number of counterfeit and substandard medicines on the market, the emergence of new and emerging diseases, and the need to keep up with the latest technological developments. The TMDA is also facing challenges in regulating the online sale of medicines and medical devices.

The TMDA is committed to ensuring the safety, quality, and efficacy of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics in Tanzania. It is also committed to promoting the development of the pharmaceutical and medical device industries in Tanzania.

Here are some of the ways that the TMDA is contributing to the improvement of the quality and safety of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics in Tanzania:

  • Registering medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics only after they have met the required standards of safety, quality, and efficacy.
  • Inspecting manufacturing and distribution facilities to ensure that they meet the required standards.
  • Monitoring the safety of medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics after they have been marketed.
  • Investigating adverse drug reactions and medical device incidents and taking corrective action where necessary.
  • Providing information and advice to the public on medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics.
  • Supervise the disposal of medical products.

The TMDA is an important institution in the healthcare system in Tanzania. It plays a key role in protecting the public from unsafe, ineffective, and poor-quality medicines, medical devices, and diagnostics.


Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority

Telephone Number

Email and Website

P.O. Box 1253,



P.O. Box 77150,

Dar es Salaam,


Hotline: +255 22 262961989        +255 22 262961990
Fax: No: +255 22 2450793

E-mail: info@tmda.go.tz


Website: https://www.tmda.go.tz/




The Tanzanian National Roads Agency (TANROADS)

The Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) was established on 1st July 2000 by an order published in the Government Gazette, Notice No. 293 of 2000 under Section 3(1) of the Executive Agencies Act No. 30 of 1997, with the expectation of witnessing a significant improvement in road maintenance and development with respect to quality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Agency is responsible for the management of 35,000 Km of roads made up of 12,786 Km of trunk roads and 22,214 Km of regional roads according to the Roads Act No. 13 of 2007 and subsequent reclassification up to June 2015.


Tanzania National Roads Agency

Telephone Number

Email and Website

3rd Floor,

10 Shaaban Robert Road/Garden Avenue Junction.


Tel: +255 22 2926001/6
Fax: +255 22 2926000

E-mail: tanroadshq@tanroads.go.tz

Website: https://www.tanroads.go.tz/



Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA)

Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) is a statutory regulatory body responsible for regulating the electronic and postal communication sector in Tanzania. It was established under the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority Act, No.12 of 2003, which merged the Tanzania Communications Commission (TCC) and the Tanzania Broadcasting Commission (TBC).

Tanzania Communications Commission (TCC) was established in 1993 with the mandate of regulating the telecommunications and postal services. Tanzania Broadcasting Commission (TBC) was established in 1993 with the mandate of regulating the broadcasting sector.

Following technological advancement, there was a need to streamline government services to enhance public service delivery, minimising bureaucracy and increase efficiency, the two regulatory bodies (TCC and TBC) were merged in 2003 to form Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA).

The Authority became operational on 1st November 2003 and effectively took over the functions of the merged two Commissions. This is mandated by section 4 (1) to (7) of the TCRA Act, 2003.

he Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) is an independent regulatory authority for the postal, broadcasting, and electronic communications industries in the United Republic of Tanzania. It was established under the TCRA Act No. 12 of 2003 by merging the Tanzania Communications Commission (TCC) and the Tanzania Broadcasting Commission (TBC).

The TCRA is responsible for promoting competition and protecting consumers in the communications sector. It also plays a key role in the development of the communications sector in Tanzania.

The TCRA's core functions include:

  • Licensing and regulating communications service providers.
  • Promoting competition and protecting consumers in the communications sector.
  • Developing and implementing policies and regulations for the communications sector.
  • Monitoring and enforcing compliance with communications laws and regulations.
  • Resolving disputes between communications service providers and consumers.


The TCRA is governed by a Board of Directors, which is appointed by the President of Tanzania. The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the TCRA and overseeing its operations.

The TCRA has a staff of over 300 people. The staff is responsible for carrying out the day-to-day operations of the TCRA, including licensing and regulating communications service providers, monitoring, and enforcing compliance with laws and regulations, and resolving disputes.

The TCRA has several regional offices located throughout Tanzania. The regional offices are responsible for providing services to communications service providers and consumers in their respective regions.

The TCRA is a member of several international and regional organizations, including the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the African Telecommunications Union (ATU), and the East African Communications Regulatory Authority (EACA).

The TCRA has played a key role in the development of the communications sector in Tanzania. It has issued licenses to several new communications service providers, which has led to increased competition and lower prices for consumers. The TCRA has also implemented a number of initiatives to promote the development of broadband internet in Tanzania.

The TCRA is facing several challenges, including the rapid growth of the communications sector and the need to keep up with the latest technological developments. The TCRA is also facing challenges in regulating the online content and social media platforms.

The TCRA is committed to promoting competition and protecting consumers in the communications sector. It is also committed to developing the communications sector in Tanzania and making it more accessible to all Tanzanians.

Here are some of the ways that the TCRA is contributing to the development of the communications sector in Tanzania:

  • Issuing licenses to new communications service providers.
  • Promoting competition and innovation in the communications sector.
  • Implementing policies and regulations that support the development of the communications sector.
  • Investing in research and development.
  • Collaborating with other stakeholders to develop the communications sector.
  • The TCRA is an important institution in the communications sector in Tanzania. It plays a key role in promoting competition, protecting consumers, and developing the communications sector.



Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority


Telephone Number

Email and Website

Mawasiliano Towers

20 Sam Nujoma Road,

14414 Dar Es Salaam

P.O Box 474


+255 22 2199760 - 9 +255 22 2412011 - 2  +255 784558270 – 1

+255 22 2412009 - 10

E-mail: barua@tcra.go.tz


Website: https://www.tcra.go.tz/






The Tanzania Shipping Agencies Act, 2017 was enacted to regulate, coordinate, and promote shipping agencies and related operations in Tanzania. It aims to ensure compliance with international maritime standards, improve safety and security in Tanzanian waters, and enhance the efficiency of port and maritime trade activities.

Key Provisions and Functions of the Act

The Act establishes the Tanzania Shipping Agencies Corporation (TASAC) as the regulatory authority responsible for overseeing shipping agencies and port operations. TASAC is mandated to:

  • License and regulate shipping agencies.
  • Promote safety and security in Tanzanian ports and waters.
  • Ensure compliance with international maritime standards.
  • Facilitate and promote maritime trade activities.

The Act also outlines the powers and functions of TASAC, including its role in:

  • Granting and revoking licenses
  • Setting fees and charges
  • Conducting inspections and investigations
  • Specifying penalties and offenses related to shipping agency operations and activities

Benefits of the Act

The Tanzania Shipping Agencies Act, 2017 is expected to provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved safety and security in Tanzanian ports and waters
  • Enhanced efficiency of port and maritime trade activities
  • Increased compliance with international maritime standards
  • Increased competitiveness of the Tanzanian maritime sector
  • Reduced shipping costs for businesses and consumers.

Overall, the Tanzania Shipping Agencies Act, 2017 is a progressive piece of legislation that seeks to modernize and regulate the Tanzanian maritime sector. It is expected to play a key role in promoting the growth and development of the sector.


Tanzania Shipping Agencies Corporation

Telephone Number

Email and Website

PSSSF Tower Building

8th Floor,

Plot No. 20/21,

Garden Avenue/Ohio Street,

P.O. Box 989,

Dar es Salaam,


Free: 0800 110 107

Ph: +255 22 2127314

Fax +255 22 2127313

E-mail: barua@tcra.go.tz

Website: https://www.tasac.go.tz/





For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List.

Tanzania, United Republic of - 1.2.1 Tanzania Medical Logistics - Regulatory Departmentsand Quality Control

Assessment Details


August 2020


August 2020

Name of Assessor

Alexandra Parisien

Title and Position

Emergency Preparedness & Response Officer – Supply Chain, WFP



Below are the main regulatory government agencies responsible for regulating both private and government suppliers and quality of health commodities. Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) and Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) have laboratories to conduct quality control. A list of companies is provided in the 4.3 Tanzania Laboratory and Quality Testing Companies Contact List.

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)

TMDA is a governmental executive agency under Ministry of Health Community Development Gender Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) with the mandate to ensure the quality, the safety and the effectiveness of medicines and medical devices in order to protect and promote public health. It conducts laboratory analysis and testing to confirm and validate information provided on the health commodities and produce recommendations based on the outcomes. The major functions of TMDA as stipulated in the amended TFDA act 2003 include:

  1. Regulating the manufacture, importation, distribution and selling of medicines, medical devices and diagnostics;
  2. Prescribing standards of quality, safety and effectiveness for medicines, medical devices and diagnostics;
  3. Inspecting manufacturing industries and business premises dealing with regulated products and make sure the standards required are attained;
  4. Evaluating and registering medicines, medical devices and diagnostics so as to reach the required standards before marketing authorization;
  5. Issuance of business permits for premises dealing with regulated products;
  6. Assessing the quality, safety and efficacy of controlled drugs.

TMDA complies with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and WHO Good Practices for Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories to ensure that laboratory services rendered are of quality and efficient. TMDA has two main laboratories whereby one is based in the Sub-office in Dar es Salaam and the other in Mwanza at the Lake Zone.

Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)




PSSF Building, 10th Floor, Makole Road,

P. O Box 1253, Dodoma, Tanzania.

Hotline: +255 22 2450512 / 2450751 / 2452108

Fax: No: +255 22 2450793 



Government Chemist Laboratory Agency (GCLA)

GCLA is a government agency with a mission to provide quality and cost-effective laboratory and regulatory services to the government, institutions, private sector and the general public for the purpose of safeguarding human health, environment and for execution of justice. One of its main objectives is to contribute to the protection of the environment and health of people of Tanzania, by participating in the establishment of integrated chemicals management systems and regulating consumer and industrial chemicals. GCLA perform laboratory analysis of pharmaceutical products to conformity of national and international standards.

Government Chemist Laboratory Agency (GCLA)




Chief Government Chemist

5 Barack Obama Drive

P.O.Box 164, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Tel: +255 22 2113383/4

 Fax: +255 22 2113320;



National Health Quality Laboratory Assurance Training Centre (NHLQATC)

NHLQATC has been established since 2008 under the MOHCDGEC for the purpose of improving quality of laboratory services all over the country. The NHLQATC is accredited under IEC/ISO 15189:2012 Medical laboratories requirements for quality and competence by Southern African Development Community Accreditation Services (SADCAS) in 2014 with certificate number MED 001.

Some of the services provided include:

  1. Certification of biosafety cabinet to verify integrity equipment so as to provide protection for personnel, product and environment.
  2. Laboratory diagnostic services for patient management and research purposes.
  3. Work as an advisory and specialist in outbreak situations as well as offering required laboratory   support during outbreaks.
  4. Research and evaluation to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results from specific test methods and testing equipment.
  5. Training and facilitation of public health laboratory science to in service personnel.
  6. Quality assurance and compliance; oversee all medical laboratory functions in Tanzania.

National Health Quality Laboratory Assurance Training Centre (NHLQATC)




NHA-QATC Building

Mandela Road, Mabibo external, next to TMDA Building, P.O.Box 9083, Dar es Salaam.

+255 22 2126390 /1/2/3/4



For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List.