1 Afghanistan Country Profile

1 Afghanistan Country Profile

Afghanistan Country Overview

Generic Information

Afghanistan is a landlocked country forming part of South Asia, Central Asia, and to some extent Western Asia. Its area covers approximately 647,500 km2 (250,001 sq mi), making it the 41st largest nation in the world. It is bordered by Pakistan in the south and the east, Iran in the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the north, and China in the far northeast.

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a generic country overview, please consult the following sources:

Afghanistan - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghanistan

Afghanistan - Economist Intelligence Unit Information* http://country.eiu.com/Afghanistan (*note - this is a paid service)

Humanitarian Info

Afghanistan World Food Programme Information https://www.wfp.org/countries/afghanistan

Afghanistan UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Information  http://www.unocha.org/country/afghanistan

Facts and Figures

Afghanistan Wolfram Alpha Information http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=afghanistan

Afghanistan World Bank Information http://www.worldbank.org/en/country/afghanistan

Afghanistan Population Information http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/afghanistan-population/

1.1 Afghanistan Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Disasters



Comments / Details



There have been several seasons of drought in Afghanistan in recent decades. According to an analysis of climate and drought records by Asia Development Bank, localized droughts have a periodicity of three to five years. Droughts covering large areas recur every 9-11 years.

South and central areas are more affected. Dry season is July to September.




Afghanistan is situated on a major plate boundary. The location of the country is on the boundary where two tectonic plates, the Iranian Plate and the Eurasian Plate, meet.

List of events: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_earthquakes_in_Afghanistan



  • 21 June 2005- Cholera in Afghanistan
  • 29 August 2003 - Diphtheria in Afghanistan
  • 21 January 2003 - Pertussis in Afghanistan - Update
  • 8 January 2003 - Pertussis in Afghanistan
  • 17 July 2002 - Acute watery diarrhoeal syndrome in Afghanistan
  • 22 May 2002 - Leishmaniasis in Afghanistan
  • 26 July 2001  - Cholera in Afghanistan
  • 12 September 2000 - Cholera in Afghanistan
  • 24 August 2000 - Acute haemorrhagic fever syndrome
  • 11 July 2000 - Acute haemorrhagic fever syndrome in Afghanistan
  • 19 June 2000 - Acute haemorrhagic fever syndrome in Afghanistan
  • 24 February 2020 - Covid 19


Extreme Temperatures


Recurrent. Several documented events. Cold waves and extreme winter conditions affects thousands people.



74 documented events since 1900. Flash Flood and General flood. Most probable between February and May. Northern, Western and North Eastern regions are prone to severe flooding resulting in erosion, destruction of infrastructure and agricultural land.

Insect Infestation






Volcanic Eruptions




High Winds



Other Comments

Afghanistan is prone to earthquakes, floods, droughts, landslides, and avalanches. Over three decades of conflict, coupled with environmental degradation, and insufficient investment in disaster risk reduction strategies, have contributed to increasing vulnerability of the Afghan people to cope with the sudden shock of natural disasters. On average, such disasters affect 200,000 people every year.

Source: http://asdc.immap.org/dashboard/?page=naturaldisaster    

Other Information Sources:


Man-Made Issues

Internally Displaced Persons


Cumulative figures of people displaced by conflict over the past 15 years amount to approximately 1.1 million people. Because of widespread and increased conflict, figures for 2015 suggest that the number of people who fled their homes to escape armed violence and seek refuge had increased by 64% compared to the same period in 2014; this amounts to almost 200,000 people in one year. The reporting and verification of the total numbers displaced is constrained due to the ability of humanitarian actors to access insecure and contested areas.


Refugees Present

Yes, internal returnees

In the second half of 2016, there was a sudden surge in the number of Afghan refugees returning from Pakistan. Some 370,000 Afghan refugees returned from Pakistan, compared to some 55,000 in 2015, marking a ten-year high. The massive increase of returns from Pakistan was due to a combination of complex factors. UNHCR post-return monitoring showed that returnees face many reintegration challenges, including lack of land, shelter and livelihood opportunities.


Landmines / UXO Present


Afghanistan is one of the most heavily mined countries in the world. Landmines pose an ever-present danger to civilians.



Afghanistan has been in protracted conflict for over four decades, which has seriously hampered poverty reduction and development, strained the fabric of society and depleted its coping mechanisms.  

Since 2001, international aid efforts have considerably scaled up and so has international military intervention. Human development indicators show some improvement in absolute terms particularly over the last ten years.  However, Afghanistan remains ranked in the bottom decile of countries in the global Human Development Index at 169 of 189.      

Afghanistan is prone to recurrent natural disasters.  Given this underlying fragility – at the economic, political and security levels – the country is not able to cope with the consequences of such disasters, which puts additional strain on humanitarian actors working on the ground.


Seasonal Effects on Logistics Capacities

Seasonal Effects on Transport

Transport Type

Time Frame

Comments / Details

Primary Road Transport

October - April

In general, transportation is hindered due to heavy winters. In some areas the landslide and flooding slowdown the transportation.

Secondary Road Transport

October - April

Secondary roads transportation is hampered due to rain, snow and floods. Heavy weight vehicles traffic associated with rain/snow, in mountain areas deteriorates the road condition. Due to mountainous topography of the country, the road network is poor with muddy, Low-lying areas are prone to blockage by landslides/avalanches and destruction by floods during the rainy periods.

Rail Transport


Afghanistan has three short distance railroad lines in the north of the country. The first is between Mazar-i-Sharif and the border town of Hairatan in Balkh province, which then connects with the rail network of neighbouring Uzbekistan. The second links Toraghundi in Herat province with Serhetabat in Turkmenistan. The third is between Aqina in Faryab province and neighbouring Turkmenistan.

The country currently lacks a passenger rail service.

The three lines operates nonstop throughout the year with no seasonal hindrance.

Air Transport


Flights are taking place throughout the year, however during the harsh winter season some small domestic airports are blocked whilst the international airports reopens shortly. Another point to take note of is the huge congestion of passengers in international airports during Haj season.

Waterway Transport


The only city connected to a navigable waterway is the Northern city of Hairaton.

Meteorological Conditions

Afghanistan has four seasons. In the mountains and a few of the valleys bordering Pakistan, a fringe effect of the Indian monsoon, coming usually from the southeast, brings moist maritime tropical air in summer. Summers are hot and winters can be bitterly cold. Summer temperatures as high as 49° C (120° F) have been recorded in the northern valleys. Midwinter temperatures as low as -9° C (15° F) are common around the 2000-m level in the Hindu Kush. The climate in the highlands varies with elevation. The coolest temperatures usually occur on the heights of the mountains. Temperatures often range greatly within a single day. Variations in temperature during the day may range from freezing conditions at dawn to the upper 30° C (upper 90° F) at noon. Most of the precipitation falls between the months of October and April. The deserts receive less than 100 mm rain a year, whereas the mountains receive more than 1000 mm of precipitation, mostly as snow. Winds sweeping in from the west may bring large sandstorms or dust storms while the strong solar heating of the ground raises large local whirlwinds. 

Western & South Western Region

Winter is usually severe with of up to two meter high snow in mountainous areas resulting in inaccessible roads. Summer period are extremely hot reaching temperatures in excess of 50° Celsius causing water shortages. The weather and rain during springtime is moderate. During autumn, all roads are still accessible.

Eastern Region

Winter is usually severe with high snow in mountainous areas of Nuristan Province, resulting in inaccessible roads. Summer period is an extremely hot reaching temperature in excess of 50 Degree Celsius causing water shortages. The weather and rain during springtime is moderate. During autumn, all roads are still accessible.

Northern Region

The climate is typical of an arid or semiarid savannah, with cold winters and dry summers. The climate of the Turkistan plains, which extend northward from the Northern Foothills, represents a transition between mountain and savannah climates. Aridity increases and temperatures rise with descending altitudes, becoming the highest along the lower Amu Darya and in the western parts of the plains. Every year the snowfall in Faryab, Sar I Pul and Samangan becomes hardly accessible whilst some remote districts of Faryab and Sar I Pul provinces become inaccessible.

Central/Central Highland

Central Highland is a cold and winter hit area with a long winter period. It has four seasons, which is dry in fall and very cold winter with heavy rains at the beginning of spring. The temperature gets hot during the summer time.

UN agencies in Afghanistan/UN Country Team

  • UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
  • OCHA (UN Office Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)
  • UN-HABITAT (United Nations Centre for Human Settlements)
  • UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
  • UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund for Afghanistan)
  • UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees)
  • OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights)
  • UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)
  • UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
  • UN WOMEN (United Nations Development Fund for Women)
  • UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
  • UNOPS (UN Office for Project Services)
  • UNMAS (United Nations Mine Action Service)
  • WHO (World Health Organization)
  • WFP (World Food Programme)
  • ILO (International Labour Organization)
  • IOM (International Organization for Migration)
  • FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)
  • MACCA (Mine Action Coordination Centre of Afghanistan)
  • FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)
  • UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan)

1.3 Afghanistan Customs Information

Duties and Tax Exemption

UN agencies and registered NGOs are exempted from import duty and excise duty in accordance with the convention of the privileges and immunities of UN (1946). However, there are exemption procedures, which must adhered to by the agency or organization.

While the main approval for tax exemption is issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, various other line Ministers may be involved in the approval and standards checking process depending on the type of goods being imported. For example, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology for Import of Telecommunication equipment such as HF/ VHF/UHF and Satellite equipment.  All border crossing points, including International Airports and land crossing borders follow the same customs procedures. Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kabul endorse the documents before submitting to the Customs and Revenue Department for further processing and approval. A complete set of approved documents from the Customs and Revenue Department's main office in Kabul will then be provided to respective entry point upon which access will be granted.

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the links below: 

World Customs Organization

4.2.1 Afghanistan Government Contact List

Emergency Response

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to 'crisis' times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes, 10 August 2004

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention


OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)

YES, SAARC, 2007

Reference: http://saarc-sec.org/areas_of_cooperation

Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status


INGOs registration procedure:

  1. A formal request by the foreign non-governmental organization to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Economic Cooperation or to the Afghan Diplomatic Mission abroad.
  2. An official recommendation letter from country of origin.
  3. Organization applying for registration and work permit, must fill the form and provide mentioned documents including NGO Bylaws, structure, Organization chart objective in Afghanistan, a list of local and international personnel and List of assets greater than $500.

    All documents should be prepared and translated in one of the two languages (Pashto or Dari) in two copies (One original and one copy) and shall be submitted to the Economic Cooperation Department.
  4. After reviewing of the documents (which usually takes two days) of the organization, according to the field of its activities, it will be introduced to the Ministry of Economy or Ministry of Justice for registration and issuance of Work Permit.

    It should be noted that Associations will be introduced to the Ministry of Justice in order to be registered.
  5. Following, the procedures, Higher Commission of Evaluation will be conducted by the Directory of Ministry of Economy and with the members from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Finance.
  6. Based on the decision of the Higher Evaluation Commission, the NGO will be accepted or rejected based on some rational reasons.
  7. At the end, Ministry of Economy through an official letter will let know Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the rejection or acceptance of the NGOs
  8. Registered NGO can start its work in their side of activity.

Once obtained the Duty Free Status it is necessary to sign the NGO Registration/MOU with the Government of Afghanistan through Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

Tax Exemption  procedure – previous to Custom Clearance

United Nations Agencies and NGOs

Complete set of relevant documents should be submitted for the endorsement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Once endorsed the documents are submitted to the Customs and Revenue Department for further processing and approval.

Duties and Taxes Exemption Application Procedure

Generalities (include a list of necessary documentation)

  • All imports will be cleared from customs on presentation of the following documents - please note that not all of the following documents may be required. 
  • Ministry of Finance Duty/Tax Exemption Letter.
  • Bill of Lading / WB, non commercial invoice / supplier invoice / Packing List.
  • Certificate of Origin and Certificate of Conformity.
  • Fumigation Certificate, Phytosanitary Certificate and a Plant Import Permit (PIP) (food imports only).
  • Rail Consignment Note (RCN - for rail transport).
  • Certificate of Manufacture / Expiry Date.
  • Fumigation Certificate.

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicle & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment


Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Packing Lists

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs Information

Document Requirements

Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, Packing list,

Health and quality certificates, Certificate of Origin, Certificate of Fumigation, Phytosanitary Certificate



Prohibited Items

Alcohol, alcoholic beverages, ammunition, animal skin, materials offensive to Islam, pork, pornography, gambling devices. Note: alcoholic drinks are permissible by diplomatic mission with prior permission.     

General Restrictions

  1. Importation of Telecommunication apparatus comes under the rules and regulation of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. 
  2. Importation of foodstuff is regulated by the Ministry of Public Health. 
  3. Importation of Drugs, Medicines comes under the rules and regulation of Ministry of Public Health.
  4. Importation of Weapons, Ammo, Military Equipment, Chemical Fertilizers; Ammonium Nitrate, Explosive Materials, are to be regulated by the rules and guidelines of Ministry of Interior Affairs and Ministry of Defence.
  5. Importation of Chemical Fertilizers and Animal, Vegetable Products are regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock.
  6. Exportation of Minerals and Mines is regulated by Ministry of Mines.
  7. Exportation of Wild Animal Membrane/Skins is regulated by the Ministry of Trade and Commerce.
  8. Importation of Chemical precursors is regulated by the Ministry of Anti Narcotics.
  9. Importation of printed books, magazines, CDs and DVDs are regulated by the Ministry of Information and Culture.
  10. Importation of Hydrochloroflorocarbon gases are regulated by the National Directorate of Environmental Protection.

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity)



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicles & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment

D&T Exemption Certificate

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original


Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Packing Lists

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Phytosanitary Certificate

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Yes, Original

Other Documents







Transit Regime

Even though Afghanistan is a landlocked country, its strategic location that connects the Middle East with Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent makes it a major gateway. However, due to a slowly developing road network and continued insecurity, little to no cargo is transiting through the country. When required, the procedure in place is as follows:

The transport companies that are contracted to undertake the cross border (transit) operations are required to:

  • Submit a bond of 110% of the commodity invoice value at the Customs Office at the border entry point.
  • Have the required permit to undertake cross border operations (usually issued by the country where the company is registered.
  • Toll fees may apply.

The bond is released back to the transporters upon confirmation by the Customs office at the border exit point confirming the complete consignment has left the country.

UN agencies using their own vehicles may write a letter of guarantee instead of submitting a bond. All other formalities apply.

Prohibited Goods

  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • Live pigs and all pork products.
  • Cotton seeds
  • Narcotics / drugs
  • Chemical fertilizers; ammonium nitrate as per Presidential Decree No. (28) Dated 21/01/2010, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
  • Plastic Bags (Carry bags) as per Ministerial Cabinet Act No (1) Dated 28/03/2011.
  • Importation of destructive gases of the Ozone layer included in the heading no. 2903.76 &2903.77 of Tariffs.


