

Country name:


Official country name:


Table of Contents

Chapter Name of Assessor Organization Date updated 

1 Turkmenistan Country Profile

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
1.1 Turkmenistan Humanitarian Background Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
1.2 Turkmenistan National Regulatory Departments Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
1.3 Turkmenistan Customs Information Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13

2 Turkmenistan Logistics Infrastructure

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.1 Turkmenistan Port Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.1.1 Turkmenistan Port of Turkmenbashi Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.2 Turkmenistan Aviation Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.2.1 Turkmenistan Ashgabat International Airport Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.2.2 Turkmenistan Mary International Airport Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.2.3 Turkmenistan Daşoguz Airport Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.3 Turkmenistan Road Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.4 Turkmenistan Railway Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.5 Turkmenistan Waterway Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
2.6 Turkmenistan Milling Assessment Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13

3 Turkmenistan Logistics Services

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
3.1 Turkmenistan Fuel Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
3.2 Turkmenistan Transporters Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
3.3 Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
3.4 Turkmenistan Manual Labor Costs Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
3.5 Turkmenistan Telecommunications Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
3.6 Turkmenistan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13

4 Turkmenistan Contact Lists

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
4.2 Turkmenistan Humanitarian Agency Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
4.3 Turkmenistan Airport Company Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
4.4 Turkmenistan Transporter Contact List Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
4.5 Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13

5 Turkmenistan Annexes

Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13
5.1 Turkmenistan Acronyms & Abbreviations Ahmed Abu Elkheir WFP Jun-13

1 Turkmenistan Country Profile

Turkmenistan Country Profile

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures.

For a generic country overview, please consult the following sources:

Turkmenistan Country Map

Generic Information:

Turkmenistan, formerly also known as Turkmenia, is one of the Turkic states in Central Asia. Turkmenistan is bordered by Afghanistan to the southeast, Iran to the south and southwest, Uzbekistan to the east and northeast, Kazakhstan to the northwest and the Caspian Sea to the west.

Present-day Turkmenistan covers territory that has been at the crossroads of civilizations for centuries. In medieval times Merv (today known as Mary) was one of the great cities of the Islamic world and an important stop on the Silk Road. Annexed by the Russian Empire in 1881, Turkmenistan later figured prominently in the anti-Bolshevik movement in Central Asia. In 1924, Turkmenistan became a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (Turkmen SSR); it achieved independence upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Turkmenistan's GDP growth rate of 11% in 2012 comes on the back of several years of sustained high growth, albeit from a very basic undiversified economy powered by export of a single commodity. It possesses the world's fourth largest reserves of natural gas resources.Although it is wealthy in natural resources in certain areas, most of the country is covered by the Karakum (Black Sand) Desert.

Find the country in the generic links below:

Wikipedia Country Information Website of Wikipedia on Turkmenistan

IMF Country Information Website of the IMF on Turkmenistan

Economist Intelligence Unit Website of the Economist on Turkmenistan

(*note - this is a paid service)


Facts and Figures:

Wolfram Alpha Website of Wolframalpha on Turkmenistan

World Bank Website of the Worldbank on Turkmenistan

Population Information: Website of the Worldpopulationreview on Turkmenistan

1.1 Turkmenistan Humanitarian Background

Turkmenistan Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Disasters

Yes / No

Comments / Details


No -


Yes Year: 2000, Killed People: 11


No -

Extreme Temperatures

No -


Yes Year: 1993, Affected People: 420

Insect Infestation

No -


No -

Volcanic Eruptions

No -

High Waves / Surges

No -


No -

High Winds

No -

Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife

n/a -

International Conflict

n/a -

Internally Displaced Persons

No -

Refugees Present

No -

Landmines / UXO Present

Yes 7-Jul-2011 / Number Killed : 15

Other Comments

Transport Accident:

18-Sep-1998 / Number Killed : 40

For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters:

Website of Emdat - Disaster Database

Calamities and Seasonal Affects

The climate is continental with scarce rainfalls throughout the year. Summers are dry and blistering (40°C) and winters are cold, sometimes freezing (-25°C). Springs and autumns are pleasant, with mild temperatures. The air is dry in the center of the country and wetter on the shores of the Caspian sea. The desert region of Karakoum is often subject to strong winds which case sandstorms.

For further informaiton on seasonal effects, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Humanitarian Background Additional Information

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


For information on the Emergency Management Center, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Humanitarian Background Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For information on Turkmenistan Government contact details, please see the following link:

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

Humanitarian Community

For information on Turkmenistan Humanitarian Agency contact details, please see the following link:

4.2 Turkmenistan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

1.2 Turkmenistan National Regulatory Departments

Turkmenistan Regulatory Narrative

Turkmenistan’s government nominally has three independent branches. However, after winning an uncontested presidential election in 1992 President Saparmurad Niyazov effectively dominated governance in all branches and at all levels until his death in late 2006. Political opposition reportedly is nearly non-existent. Harsh, arbitrary punishment of administrative “mistakes” and unforeseen shifts in top government positions have discouraged competent individuals from seeking government appointments.

For further detailed information on the national regulatory branches in Turkmenistan, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan National Regulatory Departments Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For information on Turkmenistan Regulatory Department contact details, please see the following link:

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

1.3 Turkmenistan Customs Information

Turkmenistan Customs Information

Technically, Turkmenistan does not levy tariffs except on imports by individuals. However, in practice, the excise tax system applies higher rates to imported goods than domestic, effectively putting an unspoken tariff in place. Additionally, certain domestic products are exempted from the value-added tax (VAT) and, by special presidential decree, government regulatory agencies have the power to go into certain markets and determine the prices of domestically produced goods and the prices for which importers pay for foreign products. Certain imports from countries outside the rural area are prohibited or require a license.

Turkmenistan is not a member of any free trade agreements and is not a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States customs union. It has signed trilateral agreements with Iran and Ukraine, Iran and Armenia, Iran and Bangladesh, and Iran and the Philippines and is pursuing more such agreements. Turkmenistan has most-favored nation status with the United States and Austria. Duties run from 10% to 100%, the average being 30%.

Duties and Tax Exemption

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to ‘crisis’ times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes, 17May1993

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention


OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

Import Tariffs - Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan does not apply tariffs per se on imported goods. However, in practice the Government of Turkmenistan levies customs duties and higher excise taxes on imports which are significant barriers to trade.

Turkmenistan’s value added tax (VAT) is 15 percent.

Samples/Temporary Entry--Turkmenistan customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into Turkmenistan of items such as carpets, jewelry, musical instruments, pieces of art, archaeological artifacts, antiques, protected animals, etc

Standards - Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan uses National Standards of Turkmenistan (TDS) and General Interstate Standards (GOST). Turkmenistan’s national standards are developed to meet international standards. GOST standards have been developed by 12 FSU countries and incorporate former Soviet Union standards. Standards and metrology are governed by the Law on Standardization and Metrology of 1993 and a series of by-laws.

The Main State Inspectorate “Turkmenstandartlary” is the regulating agency in the area of standards and metrology and publishes national standards updates.

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)




(Shelter, WASH, Education)




Spare Parts


& Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment


Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

3 Originals

3 Originals

3 Originals

3 Originals

3 Originals

3 Originals

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

Packing Lists

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

Other Documents

special permission from the Ministry of Nature and Environment.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa

diplomatic card

confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa

diplomatic card

confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Car title. Technical passport of the car. Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Right hand cars are not allowed. Permission of Ooperation department of Ashgabad Customs Office Permission from Transinpspection Certificate standard of state Temporary import declaration

All kind of electronic and electrical appliances should be clearly marked on the packing list along with their serial numbers.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

All kind of electronic and electrical appliances should be clearly marked on the packing list along with their serial numbers.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Additional Notes


Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs Information

Document Requirements

Company Papers / Passport & Valid Visa ,Original Invoice & Packing List in English or Russian , Original BL, Cert. Of Origin


Weapons of all kinds. Pornography. Narcotics. Toxic material Radioactive material. Export of antiques, such as carpets, paintings, books, icons or any other items, which is considered to be of Turkmen cultural and historical value. Right hand cars.

Prohibited Items

 Narcotics • Pornography (please consider the term as used under the Islamic law) • Counterfeit items • Cultural artefacts and other objects of cultural importance • Henna • Palm tree and any products thereof • Explosive material

General Restrictions

Live animals – health certificate required along with complete and valid inoculations. • Endangered species and any products or parts thereof as outlined by CITES maybe be brought in only with CITES permission. • Medication • Local currency - Tunisian Dinar (TND) – cash import available only with permission. • Foreign Currency declarable when exceeding the below amounts: * Foreigners - the equivalent of TND 5,000 * Residents - the equivalent of TND 25,000

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

For detailed information on import regulations, please see the following document:

Turkmenistan Customs Information Additional Information

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity)




(Shelter, WASH, Education)




Spare Parts


& Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment

D&T Exemption Certificate



n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a


Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies


Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies Pro forma invoice in English or Russian / 3 Copies

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

3 Originals


3 Originals 3 Originals 3 Originals 3 Originals 3 Originals

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

1 Original for review / 1 Copy

Packing Lists

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

3 originals / 3 Copies

Phytosanitary Certificate







Other Documents

special permission from the Ministry of Nature and Environment.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Car title. Technical passport of the car. Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Right hand cars are not allowed. Permission of Ooperation department of Ashgabad Customs Office Permission from Transinpspection Certificate standard of state Temporary import declaration

All kind of electronic and electrical appliances should be clearly marked on the packing list along with their serial numbers.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

All kind of electronic and electrical appliances should be clearly marked on the packing list along with their serial numbers.Copy of the passport. Copy of the valid visa / diplomatic card / confirmation of employment (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Power of attorney (to be issued by the client’s organization in the country of destination) Valued inventory in English or Russian.

Additional Notes


2 Turkmenistan Logistics Infrastructure

Logistics Infrastructure Narrative

The following sections contain information on the logistics infrastrucre of Turkmenistan.

2.1 Turkmenistan Port Assessment

The main port at Turkmenbashi on the Caspian Sea is being renovated. Main shipping lines cross the Caspian to Astrakhan in Russia and Baku in Azerbaijan. Smaller Caspian ports are Alaja, Chekelen, and Ekarem. Plans call for expansion of Ekarem into a second major Caspian port. In 2006 Turkmenistan had eight merchant marine vessels of more than 1,000 tons displacement, of which four were cargo ships, two were oil tankers, one was for refrigerated cargo, and one was a combination ore and oil ship.

Turkmenistan Ports

2.1.1 Turkmenistan Port of Turkmenbashi

Key port information can also be found at: Website of the Maritime Database on Turkmenbashi Port

Port Overview

Turkmenbashi port was found in October, 1896 at the east coast of the Caspian Sea. In order to combine and regulate cargo and passenger transportation on 1st January 1903 The Merchant marine port Authority was established. The freight flow had been increased after a number of years, therefore, there an idea occurred to build a ferry terminal. Since 1959, the ferry terminal construction has commenced on the port territory. The ferry terminal commenced to receive regular voyages on the Krasnovodsk-Baku route in 1962. The ferry terminal transportation has allowed to significantly accelerate cargo delivery.

Turkmenbashi port on the Caspian Sea is of geopolitically important in Eurasia. Being on a trading way Europe-Caucuses-Asia (TRACECA) it is capable to receive vessels throughout a year and to carry out cargo handling operations round the clock. The port is “a sea gate” connecting Central Asia and Europe with sea, road and rail ways and it performs the functions of the largest transit junction of the region. Considering these possibilities, in 2000-2003 the scale reconstruction of the port was carried out: old berths were reconstructed; new vessel berths as well as warehouses and a number of other objects were constructed; up-to-date equipment was purchased. This, in its turn, has given the possibility to render the port services at higher level. The main kinds of works which are carried out in the port are as follows: organization of works on cargo unloading/loading, placement and storage of cargo at warehouses, towing services for a safe entry/exit of the vessels calling to the port and other port operations.

Turkmenbashi International Seaport is equipped with up-to-date cargo handling equipment, vessel berths and various adaptations. Thus, the following is available in the port: terminal for shipment of oil and oil products of the throughput capacity 9 million 200 thousand tons of cargo a year; ferry terminal of the throughput capacity 4 million tons of cargo a year; dry-cargo terminal equipped with 5 portal cranes and mobile crane of the carrying capacity of 500 tons of the throughput capacity 1 million 450 thousand of tons of cargo a year, covered warehouses of the area of 17000 sq.m. and ground storages of the area of 21000 sq.m. as well as Aladja port-point and Ekerem port-point.

Export/import cargo, transit cargo, cargo of national economic importance, oil and oil products, industrial and building equipment and other cargo are transported through Turkmenbashi International Seaport. The equipment available in the port meets the requirements of the modern standards and allows to carry out cargo handling services at high level. Freight movement transported by vessels is carried out at such directions as: port Turkmenbashi - ports Astrakhan and Olya, in the Russian Federation, port Turkmenbashi - port Baku, in Azerbaijan, port Turkmenbashi - ports Enzeli, Nowshahr, Amirabad, in Iran, and port Turkmenbashi - port Aktau, in Kazakhstan. Turkmenbashi International Seaport has a high potential for delivery of riches of the Turkmen land to all points of the world by sea ways.

Port website: Website of the Port of Turkmenbashi

Port Location and Contacts



Province or District


Town or City (Closest location) with Distance (km)

Name: n/a

km: n/a

Port's Complete Name






Managing Company or Port Authority (If more than one operator, break down by area of operation)

The state service of Maritime & River Transportation

Management Contact Person


Closest Airport and Frequent Airlines to / from International Destinations

Airport Name: n/a

Airlines: n/a

Port Picture

Port Performance

Handling Figures

Year 2011

Vessel Calls

2,000 (estimate)

Container Traffic (TEUs)

1,200 (estimate)

For further port performance information, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Port Assessment Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Berthing Specifications

Turkmenbashi International Seaport is equipped with up-to-date cargo handling equipment, vessel berths and various adaptations. Thus, the following is available in the port: terminal for shipment of oil and oil products of the throughput capacity 9 million 200 thousand tons of cargo a year; ferry terminal of the throughput capacity 4 million tons of cargo a year; dry-cargo terminal equipped with 5 portal cranes and mobile crane of the carrying capacity of 500 tons of the throughput capacity 1 million 450 thousand of tons of cargo a year, covered warehouses of the area of 17000 sq.m. and ground storages of the area of 21000 sq.m. as well as Aladja port-point and Ekerem port-point.

Port Handling Equipment



(Yes / No)

Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage

Portal Electric Crane


5 - 60 tons


Container Gantries




Mobile Cranes


5 - 40 tons






RoRo Tugmaster (w/ Trailer)




Grain Elevator w/ Bagging Machines










12 - 40 tons


Container Facilities


20 ft

40 ft

Container Facilities Available



Container Freight Station (CFS)



Refrigerated Container Stations



Other Capacity Details

Daily Take Off Capacity (Containers per day)


Number of Reefer Stations (connection points)


Emergency Take-off Capacity (Give an indication)


Off take capacity of gang shift (in Containers per shift)



Customs Guidance

For information on Turkmenistan Customs Guidance, please see the following link:

1.3 Turkmenistan Customs Information

Terminal Information

Main Storage Terminal

Warehouses of the area of 17000 sq.m. and ground storages of the area of 21000 sq.m


2.2 Turkmenistan Aviation

Turkmenistan Aviation 

Turkmenistan Airports

Key airport information may also be found at: Website of the Worldaerodata on Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan has seven airports, of which four have permanent-surface runways between 1,200 and 2,500 meters in length. The main international airport in Ashgabat includes a new terminal complex constructed by companies from Turkey, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Plans call for using Boeing aircraft alongside the current stock of Aeroflot aircraft belonging to Turkmenistan Air Lines. Current routes provide service to China, India, Pakistan, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Slovakia, and Italy. The two other international facilities, located at Chärjew and Dashhowuz, serve mostly flights within Central Asia. Local airports also exist at Mary, Nebitdag, and other locales. The national administration of Turkmenistan Civil Aviation has been admitted as a member of the International Commercial Aviation Organization.

For further information on the Civil Aviation, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Aviation Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

4.3 Turkmenistan Airport Company Contact List

2.2.1 Turkmenistan Ashgabat International Airport

International airport named after S. Turkmenbashy is on crossing of the international air lines. It has been constructed in 1994. Capacity of air terminal is 1600 passengers per hour. There are two artificial runways equipped on second category ICAO and platform, allowing to accept aircrafts of all types. Annually its services use more than one and a half millions passengers on local and international air-lines. On the area near the station are located stops of a municipal transportation and a taxi, allowing to deliver passengers in any point of capital. There is a round-the-clock parking of cars. For visitors and inhabitants of Turkmenistan in a building of an aerostation complex are located and work in a round-the-clock mode:

  • spacious waiting rooms;
  • business club;
  • a mother-and-child room;
  • help information;
  • the international telecommunication;
  • cash desks on sale and booking of tickets;
  • shops, restaurants, bars, fast food points;
  • exchanges;
  • halls the VIP and CIP
  • offices of representations of airlines

For further generic information on the airport, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Ashgabat International Airport Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Location Details
Country Turkmenistan Latitude 37.98694
Province / District Ashkhabad Longitude 58.36083
Town or City (Closest) n/a Elevation (ft and m) 692 ft / 211 m
Airfield Name Ashkhabad IATA and ICAO Codes



Open From (hours) 00:00 Open To (hours) 24:00


Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

3,800 m x 46 m





Runway #2

Runway Dimensions

1,524 m x 35 m





For further information on runways, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Ashgabat International Airport Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Companies Available 

4.3 Turkmenistan Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found at: Website of Azfreight on Ashgabat International Airport 

2.2.2 Turkmenistan Mary International Airport


The international airport of Mary has been completely reconstructed and equipped by the newest radio engineering systems, allowing to accept aircraft of all types on two runways:

  • First runway ИВПП (18L/36R) has extent of 2800 meters and width of 45 meters
  • Second runway (18R/36L), length of 3800 meters and width of 45 meters

The new terminal of the airport allows to serve to 300 passengers per hour. There is all for creation of comfortable conditions of expectation of a departure in an air terminal hall:

  • services of post and a domestic long distance communication
  • exchange
  • baggage offices
  • information bureaus
  • cafeterias
  • cash desks of local and international airlines

Mary has been based in 1884, on the bank of Murghab river, in the middle of the heated sand of desert Kara Kum, in 30 kilometers from ancient Merv. Ancient Merv is a dream of the travelers who are fond of ancient culture and disappeared civilizations. Today this territory contains the rests of at least five ancient cities of the various periods. The country Margush is legally considered one of the most ancient civilizations on the Earth and under assumptions of the modern historians it is applying for occurrence in the four of the ancient cultural world centers, along with Egypt, Mesopotamia, China and India. Merv is entered in the list the World heritage of UNESCO, as the most well remained ancient centre of the Great Silk way.

Location Details
Country Turkmenistan Latitude 37.60167
Province / District Mary Longitude 61.89167
Town or City (Closest) Mashhad ; Ashgabat; Qarqin Elevation (ft and m) 728 ft / 221.884 m
Airfield Name MARY NORTHEAST IATA and ICAO Codes



Open From (hours) 00:00 Open To (hours) 00:00

For further Airfield Details, please select the following documents:

Turkmenistan Mary National Airport Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.


Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

2405 m x 30 m





Runway #2

Runway Dimensions

2,775 m x 45 m





For further runway details, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Mary National Airport Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights










Companies Available 

4.3 Turkmenistan Airport Company Contact List

2.2.3 Turkmenistan Daşoguz Airport

Airport Overview

The airport of Dashoguz is used for flights in Turkmenistan and for service transit and charter flights. The airport terminal allows to serve to 300 passengers per hour.

Dashoguz is the administrative center of the most extreme region of Turkmenistan, located on the earth of ancient Khoresm. Dashoguz totals almost 330-year-old history. In 100 km from Dashoguz there are ruins of an ancient city, in former times capitals of powerful Khoresm - Kunja-Urgench - a monument which is property of UNESCO and the state historical reserve of Turkmenistan.

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

Nearest Town or City

with Distance from Airport

Airport’s Complete Name





Elevation (ft and m)



Managing Company or Airport Authority

Management Contact Person

NGO and/or UN Presence at Airport?

For a list of companies available, see:

4.3 Turkmenistan Airport Company Contact List


Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

2,835 m X 42 m

Runway Orientation

Runway Surface


Runway Condition

Reconstruction of a runway, platform and parking of aircrafts, and also the airport terminal has been made in 2010. All necessary conditions for comfortable stay in halls of the terminal of the airport and in the store for the passengers who were registered are created. In the nearest time it is planned to increase runway to 3500 meters and equip it with modern aeronavigation automated meteorological means of navigation. For further runway information, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Daşoguz Airport Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Airport Infrastructure Details


Passenger / Cargo Security Screening

Runway Lighting

Refueling Capacity

Ground Handling Services

Air Traffic Control

Fire Fighting Equipment


Weather Information

Aircraft Parking Space

Navigation Aids

Perimeter Fencing


Single Point Refueling


 Customs  Yes  Air Starter Units  Yes


 Yes   Ground Power (mobile)  Yes 
 Terminal Building   Yes  De-icing Equipment   Yes
 Passenger Terminal  Yes   Latrine Servicing  Yes 
 Cargo terminal   Yes  NDB   Yes
 Pax transport to airfield


 Parking Ramp Lighting


 Control Tower  Yes  Approach & Runway Lights  Yes
 Weather Facilities  Yes   VOR  Yes 
 Catering Services   Yes  Base Operating Room   Yes
 Airport Radar  Yes 

2.3 Turkmenistan Road Assessment

Turkmenistan Road Network

Turkmenistan Roads

Road conditions in Turkmenistan make driving difficult and sometimes dangerous. Most roads outside of major cities are narrow, riddled with potholes, unlit at night, and without proper road signs. Frequent construction projects, dilapidated roads, unlighted highways, and camel crossings all present particularly unique challenges to drivers used to U.S. or European roadways. Driving at night on these roads should be avoided. City roads are better in comparison to rural routes but may be hazardous due to potholes, uncovered manholes, poor lighting, and heavy pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians frequently cross against traffic and create dangerous conditions. Traffic accidents involving serious injury to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians are common. If you drive in Turkmenistan, you will need to drive defensively and use an abundance of caution. Drivers pay little attention to lanes and other road markings, with weaving and sudden lane changes a common occurrence (usually without use of a turn signal). Drivers will often encounter cars going the wrong way on one-way streets or divided highways. Cars also frequently make left-turns from the right lane and vice-versa. Pedestrians regularly walk or stand in the middle of busy streets during the day and night, often without paying attention to oncoming traffic.

Roadside assistance does not exist in Turkmenistan, where vast stretches of highway are often unmarked. Police checkpoints (where cars are required to stop and register) are a common feature on major routes between cities. The U.S. Embassy in Ashgabat has received reports that police stationed at checkpoints may arbitrarily fine motorists. Local law requires that traffic fines be paid within 12 hours. If a fine is not paid within that period, the amount may double every 12 hours up to 72 hours, after which time the vehicle in question may be seized. Driving while intoxicated is illegal in Turkmenistan and will result in the driver having their license revoked, a fine, and possible jail time. Driving while operating a cell phone is illegal and perpetrators will be fined. If you plan to drive in Turkmenistan, you must have a valid international driving permit. Foreigners who plan to reside in Turkmenistan must apply for a local driver's license with the Road Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan.

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

Road Security

Main Roads in larger towns are usually in acceptable condition and main roads across the country are satisfactory by Central Asian standards though the Darvaza – Kunya Urgench road is in poor condition in places. Smaller roads are likely to be in poor condition , especially after bad weather. Away from towns the roads will generally be in a poor state of repair, and will be unlit. You should therefore avoid travelling after dark. There are other hazards to beware of such as unlit, overloaded vehicles in a poor state of repair and camel crossings on some rural roads. Driving standards will be variable and you should drive defensively and expect the unexpected from other road users and pedestrians

For further information on Road Contstruction / Maintenance and on Road Corridors, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Road Assessment Additional Information

2.4 Turkmenistan Railway Assessment

Turkmenistan Railway Assessment

Turkmenistan Railways

In 2005 Turkmenistan had 2,440 kilometers of rail line, most of which runs close to the northern and southern borders. The Tejen–Serakhs–Mashhad railway, built in 1996 by Turkmenistan and Iran, has become a vital link of Central Asian, Russian, and European rail systems with South Asia and the Persian Gulf. In February 2006, the final construction phase began on the Trans-Garagum Railway, a direct link between Ashgabat and Dashhowuz that will halve travel time between the southern and northern borders. Urban transportation systems are being upgraded in Ashgabat, Dashhowuz, and Mary.

In May 2013, a new rail link opened between Uzen (Kazakhstan) and Serhetyaka (Turkmenistan), crossing the border at Bolashak. The railway is 146km long and cost 65bn tenge. It is part of a larger project to link Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Iran.

Railway links with adjacent countries

  • Iran - yes, cargo only - 1,520 mm (4 ft 11 5⁄6 in)/1,435 mm (4 ft 8 1⁄2 in) break-of-gauge
  • Afghanistan - yes - very short to Towraghondi, no passenger service
  • Kazakhstan - new rail link opened in 2013.
  • Uzbekistan - yes, service halted indefinitely
  • Caspian Sea - irregular ferry, passenger only

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

2.5 Turkmenistan Waterway Assessment

Turkmenistan Waterways Assessment

Turkmenistan Waterways

The main inland waterways are the Amu Darya River, which runs along the northern border, and the Garagum Canal, which runs from east to west from the Amu Darya near the Afghanistan border through Mary and Ashgabat to Turkmenbashi on the Caspian coast. The 1,400-kilometer canal, designed mainly for irrigation, is navigable for 450 kilometers from its Caspian terminus. Because water is withdrawn for irrigation, the Amu Darya is navigable only about 250 kilometers downstream from the Afghanistan border to Turkmenabat.

1873 is considered as the official beginning of the organized navigation on Amudarya. In 1890 the military dam was based on Amudarya. In 1917 20 self-propelled and 50 non-self-propelled vessels as well as 1500 boats were operated on Amudarya.

In 1923, the Central Asian Shipping Company was established in Turkmenabad. The shipping company rendered services to Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and 10 areas of Kazakhstan. The shipping company vessels transported economic cargo at the distance 1.5-2 thousand kilometers by waterway.

The Turkmen River Shipping Company was established on 15th August 1992 by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan and in 2003 it was reorganized in Production Association “Deryayollary”.

The main objectives of the Production Association “Deryayollary” are as follows: cargo and passenger transportation by river transport across Amudarya, maintenance of navigable ways, organization of work of landing stages and port points, cargo handling operations, shipbuilding and ship repair, civil-and-erection works, production of structures and materials, in particular, brick, extraction and sale of river sand as well as training of specialists for work on river transport.

The Production Association “Deryayollary” serves a navigable part of Amudarya of the length of 813 kilometers as well as Karakum canal of the length of 200 kilometers within the territory of Turkmenistan. The Association has universal and specialized vessels capable to transport various cargo and passengers. For transportation of national economic cargo as well as for carrying out passenger-and-freight automobile traffic through the Amudarya River the float pontoon crossings and barges are under operation.

The ship-repair - ship-building facility which has grown in the large enterprise from semihandicraft workshops has more than 100-year-old history. The facility is equipped with powerful slip economy, up-to-date equipment and required number of building berths.

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

2.6 Turkmenistan Milling Assessment

Turkmenistan Milling Assessment

Milling Company UNIONMATEX Industrieanlagen GmbH TURKMENISTAN BRANCH

Processing of Plant Raw Material

  • mills for production of flour, grist and semolina
  • bakeries and pastry production
  • production for pasta, macaroni and pelmeni
  • mills for vegetable oil production
  • canned fruit and vegetable, fruit juice, ketchup
  • breweries, restaurant breweries, production of champagne
  • potato processing to French fries and chips

Processing of Animal Raw Material

  • butcheries / meat processing to sausage, meat for trade, canned sausage and meat
  • milk processing: dairies, cheese factories

capacity of 50 thousand tons of grain and a workshop for production of the same amount of flour per year.

Company Name & Address

Contact Names & Email

Telephone & Fax

B. Annanov (1955), No. 12

744036 Aschgabat

Name: n/a

Title: n/a

Email: n/a

Web: n/a

Tel: + 993 12 43 8940

Mobile: + 993 658 171 74

Fax: + 993 12 43 8940

Summary of Role and Services:

see above

For a short list of other mills, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Milling Companies

3 Turkmenistan Logistics Services

Turkmenistan Logistics Services

The current stage of socio-economic transformations in Turkmenistan is a period of institutional reforms aimed at the creation of efficient market mechanisms. The main national interests in the economy are concentrated in the following areas: increase in economic competitiveness and its effectiveness and sustainability, elimination of structural disparities and integration into the global economy. The transport system is becoming the basis for Turkmenistan’s effective integration into the global community with a status that corresponds to the level of a highly developed state.

At present, a steady increase in the role of the transport industry in the country’s economy is being observed. The share of transport and communications in the country’s GDP equates to 4.5% in 2011.

Turkmenistan has a wide variety of modern transport and possesses a widely ramified network of rail, air, road and sea transport and a well developed system of pipelines. The overall length of railway tracks is more than 3,500km, and the length roads is 13,700km,12,300km of which have hard road surfacing. Large-scale works are being carried out in Turkmenistan to modernise its road transport infrastructure in order to activate trade and economic cooperation not only in the Central Asian region but also on a global scale. A clear example of modern advanced construction is the flyover constructed on the highway connecting the international airport in Turkmenbashi City and the Avaza national tourist zone. Chandybil Avenue, which has been attested by the CETE APAVE Cudeurope Certificate and which conforms to the standards of the American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and European standards is another infrastructure project that has been commissioned.

 Modern types of transport are regularly purchased in the country, including the Boeing aircraft, diesel locomotives and railway cars, sea transport (tankers, bulk carriers, etc.), various kinds of road transport vehicles and agricultural machinery. A new, state-of-the-art airport has been put into operation in Turkmenbashi City that accommodates 800 passengers per hour and up toxic aircraft at one time. The airport is equipped with the latest technologies and provides passenger and crew comfort, which significantly promotes the development of tourism in the region. This airport serves airliners flying from South and South-West Asia and is set to become an important transit point. Taking into account the commissioned freight terminals, the Turkmenbashi airport is also a major modern freight hub.

The reconstruction of landing strips in accordance with international standards and the recommended ICAO practice is being carried out at all airports in Turkmenistan. In addition, the works to further develop the competitive international airport in Ashgabat are continuing The main objectives of water transport are the execution of state orders and assignments for freight transport in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea and along the inland waterways of Turkmenistan, ensuring normal operation of the fleet, pontoon and ferry crossings and marine and river landing stages in the transport and handling of freight, which are of strategic importance for the national economy and necessary in order to ensure the activities affecting the daily lives of the country’s population

3.1 Turkmenistan Fuel

Turkmenistan Fuel

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

For a historical overview of the fuel sector in Turkmenistan, the organisational strucutre of Turkmenistan's Oil and Gas Industry and for further information on Fuel Authorities, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Fuel Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Fuel Pricing

In 2008, there was an immense price hike in Turkmenistan, bringing prices up to 2000% of the old price. At the same time the government intruduced a regulation, that every car owner gets the first 120 litres of Diesel or gasoline for free every month

For further information on Fuel Supply and Storage as well as on Fuel Demand, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Fuel Additional Information

Fuel Prices as of: Jun 2013 (local currency and US$)

Petrol (per litre)

0.22 US$

Diesel (per litre)

0.20 US$

Paraffin (per litre)


Jet A1 (per litre) n/a

Seasonal Variations

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (Yes / No)


Is there a rationing system? (Yes / No)


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized? (Yes / No)


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? (Yes / No)


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs? (Yes / No)


Fuel Transportation

How is internal transportation of fuel products carried out?

Fuel & Gasoline distributed with Tank Trucks , Gas distributed with a wide network of pipelines

Is the transportation infrastructure and fleet sufficient to handle current domestic needs as well as increased demand from the humanitarian community? Yes

 Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel

(Yes / No)


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft

(Yes / No)


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks

(Yes / No)


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment

(Yes / No)


Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority? (Yes / No)


If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? (Yes / No)


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No)




Mr. Palvan Taganov, Director of the Co-ordinating Unit


92, Kemine Str., Ashgabat 744000, Turkmenistan

Telephone and Fax

Tel: +993 12 351020

Tel 2: +993 12 353114

Fax: +993 12 393120



Standards Used


3.3 Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers

Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs

For information on Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers contact details, please see the following link: 

4.5 Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers

Vehicle Rental

It currently appears impossible to rent a self drive car in Turkmenistan. you have to take a Government approved guide when travelling outside Ashgabat

Taxi Companies

For a list of taxi companies operating in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, please select the contact list above.

Freight Forwarding Agents

For a list of freight forwarding agents operating in Turkmenistan, please select the contact list above.

Handling Equipment 

For a list of freight forwarding agents operating in Turkmenistan, please select the contact list above.

Electricity and Power 

Installed power generation capacity : 4,104MW. About 40% is constituted of gas-turbine generators. Apart from the Russian Federation, Turkmenistan has the largest proven gas reserves of any of the former Soviet republics – believed to be the fourth largest in the world at 22.9 trillion m3. Many gas fields have been discovered in the west near the Caspian Sea but the most significant resources are located in the Amu-Daria Basin in the east. The natural gas deposits have so far proven too risky for international oil and gas companies to exploit.

Virtually all electricity and heat are generated from natural gas because of the country’s significant reserves. The Power Sector Development Strategy stipulates that electric power production will be increased up to 35.5 billion kWh by 2030, supported by the construction of three gas-fired plants with a combined capacity of 1.12GW. Large sections of the population do not pay for electricity because of state subsidies. These subsidies tend to render market conditions for renewable energy (RE) projects unfavourable.

Electricity Generation

 The electrical grid system is inefficient, poorly maintained and requires upgrade. In February 2010, Schneider Electric of France and ENEX of Belgium were contracted to upgrade the electricity networks in the capital, Ashgabat. The modernization of the system will be conducted in three phases and is expected to be completed in 2017. For further information on Hydro, Wind, Solar, BIomass and Geothermal Energy generation as well as on Energy Distribution and Supply Electricity, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Turkmenistan gained access to the Internet in 1997 through a contract with MCI Communications (later became MCI WorldCom). A small number of independent Internet Service Providers were forced out of business in 2001 when TurkmenTelecom was granted a monopoly over data services. Dependence on expensive satellite channels limited the availability of Internet to only two thousand subscribers. To upgrade the Internet backbone, Ministry of Communication signed a contract with TATA Communications for routing traffic through Transit-Asia-Europe fiber optic channel. As a result of this development, TurkmenTelecom started offering an access to the higher speed Internet with ADSL to the consumers in Ashgabat. In 2008, MTS started offering Internet service to mobile subscribers via GPRS. Altyn Asyr was first to launch 3G and 2 mpbs mobile internet service in March 2010. Move surprised mobile customers as the provider was known for inferior but cheaper service. Country code (Top level domain): TM

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government


Dial-up only (Yes / No)


Approximate Rates


2Mbps = USD6,821 per month.



Max leasable ‘dedicated’ bandwidth


3.4 Turkmenistan Manual Labor Costs

Turkmenistan Manual Labor Costs

The labor force comprised 1,923,000 people, of whom 1,571,000 (almost 46 percent of the population) were employed in the national economy. Over half of this number worked in state enterprises--a number that is expected to decline in general and to vary radically from sector to sector during the transitional phases of privatization.

37 percent of the workforce was in agricultural and 15 percent in industrial employment; however, one-fourth of industrial employment was in industries related to agriculture. Between 1970 and 1990, the percentage of the workforce employed in industry decreased slightly from 23.4 to 20.0 percent. The share of the agricultural sector within the workforce rose slightly in this period from 38.4 to 41.1 percent. In transportation and communications, the percentages were 7.0 and 6.3, respectively, while in the sectors of health, education, social services, arts and sciences, they rose from 16.5 to 18.6 percent. The state apparatus maintained a share ranging from 2.9 percent of the labor force in 1970 to 2.5 in 1989.

In 1989, some 62.5 percent of all workers were employed at state enterprises, 22.3 percent on collective farms, 1.1 percent in cooperatives (up from 0 in 1986), 0.1 percent in individual labor (a constant percentage since 1970), and 14.1 percent in private plots (up from 8.5 percent in 1970, largely at the expense of the collective farm percentage).

Figures from 1989 for the distribution of the populace according to source of sustenance show that of the entire population of Turkmenistan, 40.6 percent worked in the national economy, 1.9 percent held stipends, 10.9 percent were pensioners and others receiving state welfare, 46.5 percent were dependents and those employed only on individual supplemental endeavors, and 0.1 percent had other unspecified means of subsistence.

The national minimum wage is a critical component of the macro-level "price-wage feedback" in inflationary processes; this wage is established by presidential decree. The basic wage structure is set by a cross-classification of occupations and physical exertion levels, which determines relative minimum wages for various sectors. After a negotiating process, minimum wages can be set above the national minimum in profitable sectors. Wages in agriculture and industry were similar until 1991, when agricultural wages declined relative to average wage.

Plans call for the Ministry of Labor to be replaced by a State Corporation for Specialist Training, with the bulk of the ministry's nontraining functions to shift to the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Banking. Those functions include oversight of unemployment, salary administration and minimum wage determination, and labor protection. There is no independent labor union movement in Turkmenistan. Trade union leaders are appointed by the president, meaning that no true collective bargaining can occur.

3.5 Turkmenistan Telecommunications

Turkmenistan Telecommunications

The telecommunications network remains underdeveloped and progress toward improvement is slow; strict government control and censorship inhibits liberalization and modernization.

Domestic: Turkmentelekom, in cooperation with foreign partners, has installed high-speed fiber-optic lines and has upgraded most of the country's telephone exchanges and switching centers with new digital technology; combined fixed-line and mobile teledensity is about 80 per 100 persons; Russia's Mobile Telesystems, the only foreign mobile-cellular service provider in Turkmenistan, had its operating license suspended in December 2010 but was able to resume operations in September 2012.

International: country code - 993; linked by fiber-optic cable and microwave radio relay to other CIS republics and to other countries by leased connections to the Moscow international gateway switch; an exchange in Ashgabat switches international traffic through Turkey via Intelsat; satellite earth stations - 1 Orbita and 1 Intelsat (2012)

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?

(Yes / No)



Does it allow international calls?

(Yes / No)



On average, number and length of downtime periods


Mobile phone providers (List)


Estimated availability and coverage

(Approximate percentage of national coverage)


For additional telecommunications information, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Telecommunications Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Telecommunication Regulation

International Calls : linked by cable and microwave radio relay to other Commonwealth of Independent States republics and to other countries by leased connections to the Moscowinternational gateway switch; a new telephone link from Ashgabat to Iran has been established; a new exchange in Ashgabat switches international traffic through Turkey via Intelsat; satellite earth stations - 1 Orbita and 1 Intelsat


Regulations on usage or import of:

Yes / No

Regulating Authority




HF Radio



UHF/VHF/HF radio: handheld, base and mobile



UHF/VHF repeaters









Individual Network Operator Licenses Required


Frequency Licenses Required

The launch of the first Turkmen communication satellite is scheduled in 2014 for a 15 years lifetime and will be carried out using a Chang Zheng-3B (“Long March”) rocket. The satellite is currently under construction by the French Thales Alenia Space and is from the Spacebus 4000 family.

Analog TV signal feed of 5 national channels are receivable over-the-air in all living areas across the country. Foreign TV channels are watched with digital satellite receiver. In some places of Ashgabat, cable service is available where satellite dishes are not allowed to be installed.

List of broadcast stations:

  • Altyn Asyr (Golden Age)
  • Ýaşlyk (Youth)
  • Miras (Inheritance)
  • TV4 Turkmenistan - News channel broadcast in 7 languages.
  • Türkmen Owazy - Turkmen Music channel, launched in 2009.
  • Aşgabat
  • Türkmen sport - sport channel, launched in 2012.

All 7 of national channels are aired on Yamal satellitle for international audience.

3.6 Turkmenistan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Turkmenistan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

In 2011 the president, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, raised wages, pensions and other social allowances by 10%. At the start of 2012 he authorised a similar increase in salaries and social spending as part of official plans to reduce poverty and improve living standards. As basic foodstuffs and utilities are heavily subsidised in Turkmenistan, consumers will have been less affected by the global increases in fuel and food costs in 2011, which eroded private consumption more forcefully in other countries in the region.

4.5 Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers 

Main Food Suppliers

For information on supermarkets and local markets, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Food Suppliers Additional Information


For a list of accommodation providers in Turkmenistan, please select the contact list highlighted above.

4 Turkmenistan Contact Lists

In the following subsections the contact details for Turkmenistan will be presented. 

4.1 Turkmenistan Government Contact List

Turkmenistan Government Contact List

Ministry Department

National or


State Authority

Street /

Physical Address

Name & Title Email & Website Phone Number (Office)

Ministry of


n/a n/a

Azady Köcesi 63,

744001 Ashgaba




+993 12 356-691

Fax: (12) 350-518

Ministry of


n/a n/a

Bitarap Turkmenistan

Köcesi 40, 744000





+993 12 352-153

Fax: (12) 210-419

Ministry of

Culture &

State Media

n/a n/a

1984 (Pushkin) Köcesi 14,

744000 Ashgabat

n/a n/a

+993 12 354-105

Fax: (12) 353-500

Ministry of

Economy &


n/a n/a

2008 Köcesi 4,

744000 Ashgabat


 Babamyrat TAGANOW


+993 12 511-134

Fax: (12) 350-939

Ministry of

Energy &


n/a n/a

Nurberdy Pomma

Köcesi 6,

744000 Ashgabat




+993 12 353870

+993 396039

Fax: (12) 393-512

Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

n/a n/a

Bitarap Turkmenistan

Köcesi 14, 744000





+993 12 394-709

+993 12 394897

+993 12 356321

+993 12 356211

Fax Numbers:

(12) 351463/

(12) 353583

(12) 511430

Ministry of


n/a n/a

Alisher Navoi Köcesi 56,

744000 Ashgabat


 Jumageldi BAYRAMOW


+993 12 356060

Fax: (12) 393-590

Ministry of


n/a n/a

Galkynysh Köcesi 4,

744000 Ashgabat




+993 12 402-764

Fax: (12) 391-944

Ministry of


n/a n/a

Gorogly Köcesi 2,

744000 Ashgabat




+993 12 355803

Fax: (12) 398-811

Ministry of Finance n/a n/a

Nurberdy Pomma

Köcesi 4, 744000 Ashgabat


 Dowletgeldi SADYKOW


+993 12 510-563

Fax: (12) 510-687

Ministry of

Oil and Gas

Industry and

Mineral Resources

n/a n/a n/a


 Bayramgeldi OWEZOW


+99312 352153

Fax: (12) 35 52 06

Ministry of



n/a n/a n/a


 Muhammetnur HALYLOW


+993 12 403001

Fax: (12) 40 30 82

Ministry of

Railway Transport

n/a n/a n/a




+993 12 350536

Fax: (12) 35 05 36

Ministry of Health

and medical industry

n/a n/a n/a


 Gurbanmammet ELYASOW


+993 12 400571

Fax: (12) 40 04 16

Ministry of Culture

and Teleradio-


n/a n/a n/a




+993 12 353061

Fax: (12) 35 35 60

Ministry of

Nature Protection

n/a n/a n/a




+993 12 393737

Fax: (12) 39 31 84

Ministry of

Social Welfare

n/a n/a n/a Minister n/a

+993 35 2137

+993 35 2083




Ministry of Justice


n/a n/a n/a




+993 380891

Fax: 394410

Ministry of

Water Resources

n/a n/a n/a Minister sarmos@online.tm

+993 39 0615


Fax: 398539





Main State

Inspectorate “Turkmenstandartlary” 

n/a n/a n/a ggigns@online.tm +993 12 495859



Customs State Authority n/a   customs@online.tm

+99312 380600

Fax: +99312 35-22-07

The state service of

Maritime &

River Transportation

n/a n/a


Shagadam street 8

n/a turkmendeniz@online.tm

+993 243 20799

+993 243 20360

Fax: +993 243 2-07-44

National Civil

Aviation Authority

n/a n/a

Chary Nurymov St.,

3A 744000 Ashgabat

n/a avianspec@online.tm

+993 12 351052

fax: +993 12 354 402

n/a Road Construction AUTOSTARDA



n/a n/a 244107
n/a Road Construction BRIDGE-CONSTRUCTION



1 KM

n/a n/a 1512, 1729
n/a Road Construction EXPERIMENT DASHOGUZ n/a n/a 72419
n/a Road Construction KUVVAT


8-DISTR , 36 R. 66

n/a n/a 465048
n/a Road Construction MAGISTRAL



n/a n/a 390165
n/a Road Construction



ASHKHABAD n/a n/a 479913

Ministry of

Railway Transport

n/a n/a


Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy the

Great Ave, 7.Ashgabat City, Turkmenistan




+993 12 352518

+993 12 273140

+993 12 942332


+993 12 510632

+993 12 392874


Turkmendenizderyayollary -

Turkmen maritime and

river traffic

n/a n/a n/a n/a

+993 24 320360

Fax: +993 24 320744

Ministry of

Oil and Gas Industry

and Mineral Resources

n/a n/a

56, Archabil Str.,

1939,Ashgabat 744036,







+993 12 403000

+993 12 403001

Fax: +993 12 403044

Ministry of

Oil and Gas

  Industry and

Mineral Resources




56, Archabil Str., 1939,

Ashgabat 744036,


n/a combody@online.tm

+993 12 403800

+993 12 403803

+993 12 403812

Ministry of Oil

and Gas Industry

and Mineral Resources


56, Archabil Str., 1939,

Ashgabat 744036,


n/a n/a +993 12 355161

Ministry of Oil and

Gas Industry and

Mineral Resources





56, Archabil Str.,

1939, Ashgabat 744036,


n/a gphazar@online.tm

+993 12 403400

+993 12 403401

Ministry of

Oil and Gas

Industry and

Mineral Resources






56,Archabil Str.,

1939, Ashgabat 744036,


n/a n/a

+993 12 403400

+993 12 403401

Ministry of

Oil and Gas Industry

and Mineral Resources




56, Archabil Str.,

1939, Ashgabat 744036,


n/a turkmengas@online.tm

+993 12 403400

+993 12 403401

Fax: +993 12 403254

Ministry of

Oil and Gas Industry

and Mineral Resources


56, Archabil Str.,

1939, Ashgabat 744036,


n/a nebitout@online.tm

+993 12 403620

+993 12 403621

Fax: +993 12 403622

Ministry of Oil

and Gas Industry

and Mineral Resources





56, Archabil Str.,

1939, Ashgabat 744036,


n/a n/a

+993 12 403400

+993 12 403401

Ministry of Oil

and Gas Industry

and Mineral Resources




56, Archabil Str.,

Ashgabat 744036,


n/a n/a

+993 12 403400

+993 12 403401

Fax: +993 12 403449

Ministry of Oil

and Gas Industry

and Mineral Resources




56, Archabil Str.,

1939, Ashgabat 744036,


n/a tngs@online.tm

+993 12 403400

+993 12 403401

Fax: +993 12 403578

4.2 Turkmenistan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Turkmenistan Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Organization Physical Address Name Email & Website

Phone Number

(Office, Mobile, Fax)

UNHCR 40, Galkynush Street, 744013 Ashgabat Turkmenistan

UNHCR Representative

 Ms. Milagros Leynes





+993 12 425684

 +993 12 425687

Mob: + 993 12 42 56 91


United Nations Building 40, 1995(Galkynysh) St.,

744004 Ashgabat,






+993 12 425250

Mob: +993 12 425317


UN Building, UNICEF 40 Galkynysh Street Ashgabat,

Turkmenistan 744000




+993 12 425681

+993 12 425682

+993 12 425685

+993 12 425686

Fax: +993 12 420830

40, Galkynysh Street Ashgabad, 744013 Turkmenistan  Mihail Rahmanov



+993 12 42-89-92

 +993 12 42-59-87

Fax: +993 12 425987

40 Galkynysh street, 744004, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan n/a




+993 12 425250

Fax: +993 12 425337

P.O. Box 30 744000 - Krugozor; Ashgabat, Turkmenistan n/a




+993 12 425250

Fax: +993 12 262798


International Organization for Migration (IOM) Atabajeva Street

40 745000 Ashgabad Turkmenistan




+993.12 420816  

+993.12 420817 

  +993.12 425690

Fax: +993.12 420816

NGO "Keik Okara"

Turkmenbashy Avenue 83/2 Mir 4/1 Building 5 Ashgabat

7440011 Turkmenistan



+993 12 44 54 69

 +993 12 44 39 15

4.3 Turkmenistan Airport Company Contact List

Turkmenistan Airport Company Contact List

Airport Company Physical Address Email

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Description of



National Civil Aviation


Chary Nurymov St., 3A 744000 Ashgabat TURKMENISTAN avianspec@online.tm

+993 12 351 052

Fax: +993 12 354 402

Ashkabad Airport Ashkabad Airport Petrozavodskaya Street Ashkhabad 744000





+993 12 25-60-64

+993 12 29-39-64

+993 12 25-44-02

Ashkabad Airport






+971- 4-6091929

Fax: +971- 4-6091930

Ground Handling


Ashkabad Airport RUSAERO n/a



+7 495 755 5600

+7 495 7555601

+7 495 7555615

+7 495 7555619

Fax: +7 495 755 5606

Ground Handling


Mary International


International Airport


Bayramali avenue




+993 522 32443

+993 522 63501

+993 522 63502

Fax: +993 522 32407

Dashoguz Airport n/a c. Dashoguz





+993 322 5-73-80

Fax: +993 322 5-48-20

Turkmenabat Airport n/a st. Gagarina





+993 422 3-92-10

Fax: +993 422 3-77-43


4.4 Turkmenistan Transporter Contact List

Turkmenistan Transporter Contact List

Company Physical Address Email & Website Phone Number (office) Fax Number
AKYOLTRANS Mizan Business Center, 55 Archabil Shayoli, Suite 404, - Turkmenistan akyoltrans@online.tm  +993 1 248-86-23  +993 1 248 86-23

Ashkhabad, Khalifa Center, Turkmenbashy Avenue 124, 74000 Ashgabat, Ahal -


bertling@online.tm +993 993-66-309400    n/a



+993 12 351 613 +993 12 350 480



+993 12 46-14-27  +993 12 46-14-26


Ashkhabad, St.Saparmurat Turkmenbashi, 15b Apt 2, 744007 Ashkhabad -




+993 1 239 4189 

+993 86 631 1509


Ashkhabad, H Deryaev Street 108, Ashkhabad - Turkmenistan


+993 1 235-1918  



Ashkhabad, Building 93/2, TM - 744 036 Asghabat - Turkmenistan



+993 12 35-28-23

+993 12 35-71-06


Turkmenbashi, 31 Mollanepesa Street, 745003 Turkmenbashi - Turkmenistan



+993 243 212-60


4.5 Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers

Turkmenistan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Type of Service Company Physical Address Name & Title Email

Phone Number

(office & fax)

Taxi Companies Taxi Achkhabad, TURKMENISTAN n/a n/a 254919
Taxi Companies Airport Taxi Achkhabad, TURKMENISTAN n/a n/a 510024
Freight Forwarding Agents

ABC Best International

Freight Management

Ashkhabad No 1, Suite 34B, Mir 2/1

Emperial Business Center Yunus

Empre Street Ashgabad

General Manager

 Dmitry Bruhanova



+993 +98 913 760 5125
Freight Forwarding Agents Beyik Yupek Yoly

Ashkhabad Gorogly 130

Ashgabat 744000




+993 12 90-84-11

Fax: +993 12 34-34-38

Freight Forwarding Agents Bir-Dunya

Ashkhabad Airport 104, 1916

(Baba Annanova)

St Ashgabat 744000

Manager of Logistics

 Karen Petrosov



+993 12 43-93-18
Freight Forwarding Agents BYYTM UPS SCS

Ashkhabad Gorogly 130

(BMW Autohaus)

Ashgabat Ahal 744000

Managing Director

 Mele Bekmuradov




+993 12 90-84-11

Fax: +993 12 90-92-02

Freight Forwarding Agents DGT Logistics

Ashkhabad Bitarap Turkmenistan

Shayoli 108 BC 'JOSHGUN',

4th Floor Ashgabat



 Arsena Zhamkochyan




 +993 12 21-84-50/1

Fax: +993 12 21-84-18

Freight Forwarding Agents Globalink Logistics Group

Ashkhabad Mir 2/1

Emperial Business Center

Yunus Empre (1951)

Street No 1, Suite 33A

Ashgabad 744000

General Manager

 Leily Dzhepbarova




+993 12 46-14-27

Fax: +993 12 46-14-26

Freight Forwarding Agents Goni Yol Company

 Ashkhabad Atamorat

Niyazof Shayoli No 120



 Leyla Khahlova


+993 12 22-53-70

Fax: +993 12 22-56-26

Freight Forwarding Agents Oskar Uluslaras Ve Tic Ltd

Asghabad Golcur

Karhana N Andalip 333

Asghabad 1958

Branch Manager

 Artur Gabibov


+993 1 232 66 53

Fax: +993 1 232 43 38

Handling Equipment Apogee Operations Ltd n/a n/a



+971- 4-6091929

Fax: +971- 4-6091930

Handling Equipment Aeroflot

Turkmenistan Söwda merkazi,

Magtymguly sayoli 73

n/a n/a 398792
Handling Equipment Aerosovit Ukrainian Airlines

Turkmenistan Söwda merkazi,

Magtymguly sayoli 73

n/a n/a 350164
Handling Equipment Armavia Turkmenbasi sayoli 15 n/a n/a 390548
Handling Equipment British Airways

Grand Turkmen Hotel,

Görogly köcesi 71

n/a n/a 510799
Handling Equipment Iranian Airlines Magtymguly sayoli 71 n/a n/a 510641
Handling Equipment Pakistan International Airlines Magtymguly sayoli 71 n/a n/a 511838
Handling Equipment Turkmenistan Airlines Magtymguly sayoli 82 n/a n/a 352643
Handling Equipment Uzbekistan Havo Yullari

Main Concourse,


Turkmenbashi Airport,

n/a n/a 378203
ISP Providers Companies  MCI Communications n/a n/a n/a +993 12 401700
ISP Providers Companies  TurkmenTelecom ISP Network n/a n/a






Fax: +99312401700

Accommodation Hotel Nissa Atabaeva Street, 18B n/a ahal@online.tm

+993-12 22-10-25

Fax: +993-12 22-10-23

Accommodation Hotel President Новоарчабильское шоссе 54 n/a presidenthotel@online.tm

+993 12 400000

Fax: +993 12 40 00 41

Accommodation Hotel Grand Turkmen

(Гостиница "Грант Туркмен Отель"),

ul. Georogly 7 (ул. Героглы, 7)

744000 Ашхабад

n/a grandhtl@online.tm

+993 12 51-05-55

Fax: +993 12 511251

Accommodation Hotel Ak Altyn Magtumguly ave 141/1, n/a akaltyn@online.tm

+993 12 36 37 00

+993 12 363701

Fax: +993 12 363543

Accommodation Hotel Azatlyk n/a n/a ahal@online.tm

+993 12 48 87 00

Fax: +993 12 48 81 55

Accommodation Hotel Ahal n/a n/a ahal@online.tm

+993 12 48 87 37

Fax: +993 12 48 01 92

5 Turkmenistan Annexes

The following section contains annexes for additional information for the Turkmenistan LCA

5.1 Turkmenistan Acronyms & Abbreviations

Acronym Full name of the Agency / Organization
AASHTO American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials 
AWB Airway Bill
BL Bill of Lading
C&F Cost & Freight
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CFS Container Freight Stations
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
DLCA Digital Logistics Capacity Assessment
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation
FSU Former Soviet Union
GOST General Interstate Standards
GPRS General Pocket Radio Service
GRT Gross Register Tonnage
GW Gigawatt
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
ILS Instrument Landing System
IMF International Monetary Fund
INGO International NGO
IOM International Organisation for Migration
ISPs Internet Service Providers
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere
LCA Logistics Capacity Assessment
MOU Memorables of Understanding
MT Metric Tons
MW Megawatt
n/a not available
NDB Non directional beacon
NFI Non Food Items
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
OCHA Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
RC Resident Coordinator
RE Renewable Energy
RoRo Roll on Roll off
SSR Soviet Socialist Republic
T Tons
T&D Transmission and Distribution
TDND Tunisian Dinar
TDS National Standards of Turkmenistan
TEUs Twenty Foot Equivalent Units
THC Terminal Handling Charge
TRACECA Trading way Europe Caucasus Asia
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNCT United Nations Country Team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund
VAT Value Added Tax
(V)HF (Very) High Frequency
VOR VHF omnidirectional radio range
V-SAT Very Smart Aperture Terminal
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WCO World Customs Organisation
WFP World Food Programme
WHO World Health Organisation
WVI World Vision International