1.2 Angola Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

1.2 Angola Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

ANGOLA institution that regulates the standardization and quality is under umbrella of the Ministry of Industry under the Angolan Institute of Standardization and Quality (IANORQ), Ministry of Industry.

Reinforced by the Angola Institute of Accreditation (IAAC) committed to create regulations and inspect laboratory activities related to standardisation and quality analysis which as the oversight of  SADCAS

The Southern African Development Community Accreditation Services (SADCAS) a multi-economy accreditation body established in terms of Article 15 B of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Annex to the SADC Protocol on Trade with the primary purpose of ensuring that conformity assessment service providers (calibration/testing/medical laboratories, certification and inspection bodies) operating in those SADC Member States which do not have national accreditation bodies are subject to an oversight by an authoritative body. Within the SADC region only South Africa and Mauritius have national accreditation bodies. 

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Angola Government Contact List

Links to visit which may contain information on trade agreements

Southern African Development Community (SADC)   

Common Market for Southern and Eastern Africa (COMESA) 

Community of Portuguese Speaking States (CPLP)

WTO September 2015 Review of Angola’s trade regime 

international organisation for accreditation bodies


  • Bromangol is the only quality inspection private company authorised by Angolan government (Servicos Nacionais de Alfandega) to perform quality inspections (microbiology + chemistry & physics analysis) for all food consignments on arrival. 
  • Apparently no other laboratory performing such analysis (or/and standards of quality under ISO/IEC17025 certification) are operational in the country. HOWEVER AS OF 10/10/2017 BY DRECREE PRESEDENTIAL WAS ANNOUNCED THE END OF BROMANGOL MONOPOLY THEREFORE, MARKET OPEN FOR OUTSIDE PRIVATE INVESTMENTS IN THIS AREA.
  • Main Superintendent companies in Angola as follows:
    • Bureau Veritas
    • SGS
    • Cotecna
    • Intertek

In line with the above the superintendent companies who can perform quality surveys are until now only supported by outside country labs however with end of the monopoly of Bromangol is likely that as details of the new Angola Government policies are known,  is expected more private companies/state institutions or companies investing in the sector.