1.1 Peru Humanitarian Background

1.1 Peru Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Hazards



Comments / Details




Yes Earthquakes are common because the country is located in a seismic zone.


Yes Peru is still dealing with a dengue fever epidemic that it has not been able to control, with 56,400 confirmed cases as December 2020. The country is suffering its worst dengue epidemic since 2017.

Extreme Temperatures



Yes El Niño weather patterns over Peru have caused heavy rainfall, floods, landslides, hail, and lightning storms. The northern coastal regions are hardest hit, but all of Peru’s 24 departments have experienced heavy rains. Floodwaters have caused extensive damage, including to houses, medical and educational centers, and crops.

Insect Infestation




Volcanic Eruptions


High Waves / Surges




High Winds


Other Comments


Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife


The 2020 Peruvian protests were a series of demonstrations sparked after the removal of President Martín Vizcarra, beginning on 9 of Nov. and finished 17 of Nov. 2020.  The protests have been described as the largest demonstrations in Peru in the past two decades and are organized by grassroots groups of young Peruvians on social media.

International Conflict


Internally Displaced Persons


Refugees Present

Yes Peru hosts more than 800,000 refugees and migrants from Venezuela, second only to Colombia in terms of numbers in South America region. Despite the Government of Peru’s welcome of Venezuelans, the lack of sufficient social services has led to an increased risk of trafficking, exploitation, and abuse for Venezuelan women, adolescents, and children in particular. 

Landmines / UXO Present


Other Comments


For a more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters Country Profile

Seasonal Effects on Logistics Capacities

Seasonal Effects on Transport

Transport Type

Time Frame

Comments / Details

Primary Road Transport

January to March

It is due to the phenomenon of El Niño on the north coast of Peru and occurs in the areas of the Andes mountains range and Amazon jungle, which is also the rainy season.

Secondary Road Transport

January to March It is due to the phenomenon of El Niño on the north coast of Peru and occurs in the areas of the Andes mountains range and Amazon jungle, which is also the rainy season.

Rail Transport


Air Transport


Waterway Transport


The climate of Peru is determined by its geographical situation, since the country is located within the intertropical zone of the Earth, which is, at low latitude and near the Earth's equator. This implies that there are not great differences between the average temperatures of winter and summer in the whole country; it also determines that the east has a tropical rainy climate. The imposing presence of the Andes mountain range determines a variety of high-altitude climates that range from the temperate mountain climate to the icy high-mountain climate. Finally, the cold sea currents and the trade winds from the South Pacific anticyclone determine that the arid subtropical climate prevails on the coast.

The factors that determine the climate in Peru are four, the position or location of Peru in the world as a tropical country, the influence of marine currents, the influence of the winds and the influence of a topography dominated by the Andes mountain range. These factors should be added to anomalies or extraordinary climatic phenomena such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation or cold. The months where the rains predominate in different areas of the country are between the months of January to March, we have the north coast from the city of Chiclayo to the city of Tumbes, and this is due to the El Niño phenomenon where there are intense rains and floods. In the mountain range and the jungle there is also the rainy season and it affects these regions as well.

Seasonal Effects on Storage and Handling

Activity Type

Time Frame

Comments / Details


From January to March and July to August

Peru has several possible fronts with potential problems of natural phenomena, in the area of the north coast the El Niño phenomenon, in the Amazon jungle with heavy rains and the high Andean areas with cold and snowfalls. They usually occur in the first months of the year from January to March, that is, they are seasonal. There is another window of bad weather, which is from July to August.


From January to March and July to August Peru has several possible fronts with potential problems of natural phenomena, in the area of the north coast the El Niño phenomenon, in the Amazon jungle with heavy rains and the high Andean areas with cold and snowfalls. They usually occur in the first months of the year from January to March, that is, they are seasonal. There is another window of bad weather, which is from July to August.

INDECI is managing warehouses in each region of the country with materials for immediate response, in addition it is working on renewing these materials from time to time. However, we are seeing more emergency preparedness work in the country. The problem really arises when the supply chain are interrupted and no emergency can be attended in the affected area. It was demonstrated in 2017 with the El Niño phenomenon that hit the north coast of Peru strongly, the shipments of food and essential materials were managed by sea in ships of the Peruvian Navy. There is a more preventive work on this phenomenon of the Niño Current, the banks of the rivers are being worked more, and cleaning the channels of the rivers without water, so when the excess water comes they can receive the greatest amount of water without overflowing and cause damages.

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


The National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI) is a public body, dependent on the Ministry of Defense, whose task is to ensure an optimal response of society in the event of disasters, supervise the attention of the people affected by them, coordinate with the entities responsible for the actions required to address the emergency, rehabilitate the affected areas, and coordinate with regional and local governments the assessment of damages and needs in case of disaster. Responsible for formulating the proposal of norms, guidelines and strategies related to the Preparation process.

Likewise, they coordinate and conduct preparedness actions in order to minimize damage and perform an optimal response to emergencies or disasters. It is in charge of the Response process as an integral part of the Reactive Management component, of Disaster Risk Management, it is constituted by the set of actions and activities, which are carried out in the event of an emergency or disaster, immediately after it occurs, as well as before the imminence of it. It includes the set of actions and activities carried out mainly to safeguard the life and heritage of the people and the State, to serve the affected population and provide humanitarian assistance.

The General Office for International cooperation and Aid Promote, coordinate and strengthen alliances and national and international cooperation with strategic partners in the preparation, response and rehabilitation processes of disaster risk management.

INDECI's Strategic Partners are:

  • The agencies of the United Nations System.
  • Institutions responsible for disaster risk management and cooperation agencies from other countries.
  • Multilateral organizations.
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  • Private and academic sector.

Headquarters Address in Lima:

Calle Dr. Ricardo Angulo Ramirez No. 694

Corpac – Lima 15082

Tel. +5112259898

Web. https://www.gob.pe/indeci

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

Humanitarian Community

One of the consequences of inequality is the generation of conditions of vulnerability to natural and other hazards. On the coast, the main dangers are earthquakes and tsunamis, which would mainly affect the poorest population, who live in the most exposed areas, in homes that are not in a position to withstand an earthquake, being in turn the population that it does not have the capabilities to cope with these events.

In the mountains, there is the highest amount of poverty and extreme poverty in the country; its inhabitants in a large proportion live in rural areas. In high Andean areas, the population is exposed to the effects of frosts that affect their crops very frequently and low temperatures affect the health of the population because their homes are precarious and do not provide protection against extreme climates.

There are also many populated centers that are exposed to the impact of mass movements (mudslides, landslides, etc.), which are recurring events that are activated by the rains that occur between December and March of each year. Inequality and poverty is an important factor that limits the response capacity of citizens to a disaster and limits the rehabilitation capacity for many families.

Taking as an international framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Peru has formed the National Platform for DRR, with the aim of expanding the space for participation of actors in DRR. At the end of 2010, the National Accord (AN) forum approved policy No. 32 on Disaster Risk Management, as a state policy. In February 2011, Law No. 29664 was enacted to create the National Disaster Risk Management System (SINAGERD), which proposes the approach and legal framework of DRM in Peru.

Its reference is to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM) as the governing body, the National Council for Disaster Risk Management is the highest level body of political decision and strategic coordination for the functionality of DRM processes in the country, and as national executing agencies, the National Center for the Estimation, Prevention and Reduction of Disaster Risk (CENEPRED) and the National Institute of Civil Defence (INDECI).

The Coordinator of Foreign Entities for International Cooperation (COEECI) is a network founded in 1994. It brings together 48 private international development cooperation organizations working in Peru. Its main objective is to act as an organized interlocutor of these entities before the Peruvian State, as well as before the private and public institutions related to the subject.


Communications Office : Av. Bolognesi # 321, Miraflores – Lima 15073

Email.   coeeci@coeeci.org.pe

Tel.       +51988899103

Web.    www.coeeci.org.pe


Office in Peru of ACNUR: Av. Pardo # 1540 – Miraflores – Lima 15074

Tel. +5113021753

Email. perli@uncr.org

Web. www.acnur.org/peru.html


Agencia Española de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarrollo

Oficinas en Peru: Av. Jorge Basadre # 460 – San Isidro – Lima 15073

Tel.       +5112027000

Fax.      +5112212301

Email.   otc.peru@aecid.es

Web.    www.aecid.pe


Oficina en Lima: Av. Javier Prado Este # 476, Piso 9, Oficina 140 – San Isidro – Lima 15073

Tel.       +5112011440

Email.   información.peru@ayudaenaccion.org

Web.    www.ayudaenaccion.org.pe

For more information on humanitarian agency contact details, please see the following link: 4.2 Humanitarian Agency Contact List.