2.2.3 Turkmenistan Daşoguz Airport

2.2.3 Turkmenistan Daşoguz Airport

Airport Overview

The airport of Dashoguz is used for flights in Turkmenistan and for service transit and charter flights. The airport terminal allows to serve to 300 passengers per hour.

Dashoguz is the administrative center of the most extreme region of Turkmenistan, located on the earth of ancient Khoresm. Dashoguz totals almost 330-year-old history. In 100 km from Dashoguz there are ruins of an ancient city, in former times capitals of powerful Khoresm - Kunja-Urgench - a monument which is property of UNESCO and the state historical reserve of Turkmenistan.

Airport Location and Contact



Province or District

Nearest Town or City

with Distance from Airport

Airport’s Complete Name





Elevation (ft and m)



Managing Company or Airport Authority

Management Contact Person

NGO and/or UN Presence at Airport?

For a list of companies available, see:

4.3 Turkmenistan Airport Company Contact List


Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

2,835 m X 42 m

Runway Orientation

Runway Surface


Runway Condition

Reconstruction of a runway, platform and parking of aircrafts, and also the airport terminal has been made in 2010. All necessary conditions for comfortable stay in halls of the terminal of the airport and in the store for the passengers who were registered are created. In the nearest time it is planned to increase runway to 3500 meters and equip it with modern aeronavigation automated meteorological means of navigation. For further runway information, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Daşoguz Airport Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Airport Infrastructure Details


Passenger / Cargo Security Screening

Runway Lighting

Refueling Capacity

Ground Handling Services

Air Traffic Control

Fire Fighting Equipment


Weather Information

Aircraft Parking Space

Navigation Aids

Perimeter Fencing


Single Point Refueling


 Customs  Yes  Air Starter Units  Yes


 Yes   Ground Power (mobile)  Yes 
 Terminal Building   Yes  De-icing Equipment   Yes
 Passenger Terminal  Yes   Latrine Servicing  Yes 
 Cargo terminal   Yes  NDB   Yes
 Pax transport to airfield


 Parking Ramp Lighting


 Control Tower  Yes  Approach & Runway Lights  Yes
 Weather Facilities  Yes   VOR  Yes 
 Catering Services   Yes  Base Operating Room   Yes
 Airport Radar  Yes