4.1 Cameroon Government Contact List

4.1 Cameroon Government Contact List

Please see the attached Humanitarian and Government contact list from OCHA - April 2019

Source: Humanitarian Response

Name and Address

Contact Names / Email

Tel / Fax

Telecom Regulatory Board (ART)

PO Box 6132 Yaoundé

Name: Philemon ZO’O ZAME

Title: General Director

Email: info@art.cm

+237 222 23 37 48

+237 222 23 03 80


Direction Protocole et Affaires Consulaires


Name: Tainokari Alain Desire

Title: NGO department Assistant

+237 677 87 00 33

+237 661 841 095

+237 222 203 948


Direction Nations Unies et Coopération décentralisée

Name: NGODWE Alain

Title: Sous directeur coop decentralisee et ONG

Email: a.godwe@yahoo.fr

+237 697 99 04 30

+237 222 202 120


Division Aff. Juridiques et Traites

Name: Ambassa Ntede Richard

Title: Director

+237 222 21 19 93


Direction Protocole et Affaires consulaires

Name : Ntaribo Ashu Agbor Ngah

Title : Director

Email: ari4361@yahoo.fr

+237 661 256 535

+237650 050 412


Sous-Direction Libertés Publiques

Name: Ousmanou Douada

Title: Chef de service ONG

Email: alhadjidaouda17@gmail.com

+237 699 24 87 56

Ministry of Public Works

Directorate of Roads

Name: Patrice Amba Salla

Title: Minister

+237 222 22 19 18

+237 222 23 22 70

Ministry of Transport

Directorate of Land Transport

Name: Mbamome Nkendong Divine

Title: Director

+237 222 22 87 10

Cameroon Road Fund

SNI building (11th and 13th floor), BP 6221 Yaoundé

Name: Mbousnoun Simon Pierre

Title: Director

+237 222 22 47 52

+237 222 22 09 27

+237 222 22 47 89