1.2 Gambia Customs Information

1.2 Gambia Customs Information

Gambia Customs Information

Most of the transnational transport is done via two routes. One is via Barra-Banjul and one is via Soma-Farafeni. The last route is used more often as the ferry crossing at Banjul can take up to a week without priority crossing. In general, it does not take more than an hour to cross the border. However, it might take much longer if the documents are not properly done. At examination areas Amdallai post, Farafeni post, Basse Custom post, Jiboro custom post.

Duties and Tax Exemption

For information on Gambia Customs contacts, please see the following link: 

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to ‘crisis’ times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member


Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention


OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

Since everything is duty free on import for humanitarian mission, only notifications and payment for overtime is necessary

Report the import to commissioner general. They will clear the goods, sent documents back to the port. No taxes, duties, or any other money should be paid for imports of food for humanitarian purposes.

Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status

United Nations Agencies

WFP is exempt from paying any taxes so it is not very relevant issue. The government cooperates fully and provides all service free of charge.

Non Governmental Organizations

It applied to all UN bodies and UN Agencies and also to all organizations involved in United Nations relief operations

Customs Clearance

General Information 

All goods are cleared at the first entry point
  • Amdalai
  • Farafeni
  • Basse
  • Soma
  • Jiboro

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

The Objective with respect to import are:

Allow admission free of import duties and taxes or equivalent charges all relief consignments imported for distribution free of charge, in particular where such consignments consist of food, medicaments, clothing, blankets, tents, prefabricated houses or other goods of prime necessity , and professions of disaster relief personnel delivering humanitarian assistance:

Allow operators and importers to submit manifest and entry details to customs prior to arrival of the relief consignment in order to facilitate immediate release:

Accomplish physical examination of cargo, when required, on a sampling or selective basis, and carry out such examination as rapidly as possible:

Make arrangements whereby the maximum number of relief consignments can be released promptly after arrival upon presentation of a provisional entry document or a legally acceptable electronic equivalent, subject to complete fulfillment of Customs and other requirement within a specified time limit.

For information on Gambia customs additional information, please see the following documents: 

Gambia Customs Information by Entry Points

Gambia Farafeni Custom Post

Gambia Farafeni Custom Post 2

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For information on Gambia Customs contacts, please see the following link: 

4.1 Gambia Government Contact List