4.7 Oman Storage and Milling Company Contact List

4.7 Oman Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Oman Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Port Name Company Physical Address Name Title Website  Email

Phone Number


Phone Number


Fax Number Key Role

Oman Flour Mills Company



Mr. Ali Habaj

Mr. Faisal Basheer

Chief Executive officer 

Export Manager 



+968 24711155

+968 24717237 

+968 99435931

+968 24711801

n/a Salalah Mills CO. (S.A.O.G)  n/a Mr Ahmed Alawi Al Dhahab Chief Executive Officer  www.salalah-mills.com  aldhahab@salalah-mills.com 

+968 23219944

+968 23219190

+968 99492115  +968 23219196  n/a
n/a Salalah Mills CO. (S.A.O.G)  n/a Mr. Ahmed Amer Al Shanfari,  General Manager  www.salalah-mills.com  ahmedamer@salalah-mills.com  +968 23219193/4 +968 99483655  +968 23219196  n/a
n/a Salalah Macaroni CO. SAOG  n/a Mr. Aloysius Wicket Finance Manager  www.salalahmacaroni.com accounts1@salalahmacaroni.com 

+968 232 19452

/453/ 457/ 446

Ext. 202, 

+968 99 280 024  +968 232 19447  n/a