2.3.3 Peru Border Crossing of Desaguadero (Bolivia)


The new Binational Border Service Center (CEBAF), located in Desaguadero, Bolivia and Peru, seeks to organize and expedite border transit at the main border crossing they share. The new facilities, fully equipped in terms of infrastructure, connectivity and services, allow the safe and orderly transit of passengers, vehicles and cargo 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Likewise, with the implementation of Integrated Cargo Control, waiting times will be substantially reduced, avoiding congestion and saturation of access roads.

The CEBAF facilities are presented as an intelligent infrastructure for the unified attention of immigration and customs procedures, with buildings for the attention to the public and the administration of the CEBAF, ways to control the transport of cargo, warehouses, electronic scales, scanners, and security perimeter.

The new Center will also have sectors for officials of the National Superintendence of Tax Administration (SUNAT), General Directorate of Migration and Naturalization, National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA), General Directorate of Environmental Health (DIGESA), National Institute of Natural Resources (INRENA), National Police and the Ministry of Transport and Communications, all of them from Peru.

The integrated control will imply a single stop of the flow of people, luggage, vehicles, and cargo passing through the passage, using procedures that will avoid duplication of procedures and records at the entrance and exit. This control will be carried out sequentially, beginning with the procedures of the country of departure and ending with the procedures of the country of entry, intervening the transport and communications, health, police, immigration and customs authorities, in that order.


Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Peru: Desaguadero

Bolivia: Desaguadero

Province or District


Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Puno (147 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

CEBAF Desaguadero

Contact Person

Raúl Bravo Revilla

Administrator CEBAF Desaguadero (SUNAT)

Tel. +511599400 Ext. 47540

Tel. +5151-362616


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Juliaca International Airport (196 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4 hours

Car Travel time: 3. 30 hours

Nearest Port

Puerto de Ilo - Moquegua (391 km)

Truck Travel Time: 7 hours

Car Travel time: 6 hrs

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

City of Puno (147 km)

Truck Travel Time: 3 hours

Car Travel time: 2.30 hours

Other Information


To all this movement also need to be added the local border traffic, which develops an intense commercial activity with different degrees of informality, which consists of the transport of merchandise by means of human traction across the bridge, and in loading and unloading operations truck unloading on both sides of the border.

Hours of Operation


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


09:00 to 21:00 Hours


08:00 to 20:00 Hours


08:00 to 20:00 Hours

National Holidays

CEBAF works 365 days a year

Seasonal Constraints

In July and December, increase the transit of people and cars.

Daily Capacity

The Desaguadero border crossing is one of the busiest border points in Peru. In 2018, it was ranked fourth in the country's migratory movement, with around 800,000 registered people. Of this total, 500,000 people were of Peruvian nationality and 300,000 foreigners. These values, which have been more or less constant since 2010, represent the completion of around 2,000 migratory procedures daily, only in terms of the transit of people.

Customs Clearance

The largest traffic through the border customs of Peru occurs through the Desaguadero border crossing, and represents 80.6% of the total traffic of merchandise that crosses the borders land of the country. In 2016, exports from Peru to Bolivia through the Desaguadero border crossing amounted to a FOB value of US $ 325.38 million, which represented 58% of total Peruvian exports to Bolivia for that year (of US $ FOB 562.4 million).

The main ten products mobilized were baby diapers, ethylene polymers, perfumes, yarn fibres, bakery products, cement, silicones, petroleum bitumen, cleaning products and seats. Meanwhile, Bolivian exports to Peru through Desaguadero for the same period amounted to a FOB value of US $ 289.73 million, being the main ten products mobilized: cakes and other soybean milling residues, bean flour, petroleum and gas liquefied, propane gas, beans, milk, oilseeds and crude oil, gold ore, and peanuts.

Almost all shipments have Peruvian territory as their final destination, which can be verified at present with the almost non-existence of Bolivian cargo shipments in the nearby ports of Ilo and Matarani. If the contribution of the Bolivian Department bordering La Paz in the total exports to Peru via Desaguadero is analysed, these reached a FOB value of US $ 18 million in 2016, which represents only 6.21% of the total exported by the pass.

For more information on customs in Peru, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

This situation reflects the importance that the new CEBAF will acquire to consolidate the important flows of goods that currently exist between the two countries through Desaguadero, whose implementation will speed up and boost the transport of land cargo, improving trade at the regional level. This will not only happen through the improvement of controls and reduction of processing times in transit operations and customs clearance, but also with the possibility of providing attractive conditions for the establishment in the future of a multimodal logistics platform in both associated countries. To the passage and to the flows of export cargo originating in the Departments of the interior of Bolivia that have as their point of departure the Peruvian ports of the region.

The main objectives of CEBAF according to the CAN are:

- Reduce paperwork times in transit and customs clearance operations.

- Facilitate the crossing of export and import information.

- Increase the flow of cargo movements.

- Make foreign trade operations transparent.

- Fight against Smuggling.

- Immediate identification of customs illicit jointly (technical and / or documentary smuggling, ghost exports).


Carretera 36A Desaguadero – Moquegua 21610

Puno - Perú

Raúl Bravo Revilla

Administrator CEBAF Desaguadero (SUNAT)

Tel. +511599400 Ext. 47540

Tel. +5151-362616

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.


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