2.3.1 Liberia Border Crossing of B'Hai (Cote d'Ivoire)


Last road works were carried out on the road between Toe Town & B’Hai in 2018. Road is difficult but passable throughout the year. Border crossing point on Cote d’Ivoire side is called Pekan.

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Liberia: B'Hai

Cote d’Ivoire: Pekan

Province or District

B’Hai District, Grand Gedeh County

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Toe Town (8km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Immigration - LIS

Contact Person

Major Austin Teah

(+231 886 935 967)

Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Airport – Roberts International Airport / Monrovia

Distance: 262 km (255 Toetown-Monrovia + 7 Toetown-B’Hai)

Truck: 2 days in the dry season

Light Vehicle: 2 days in the dry season

Nearest Port

Port: Greenville

Distance: 166 (159 Toetown – Greenville +7 Toetown B’Hai)

Truck: 2 Days in dry season

Light Vehicle: 2 days in dry season

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Market: Toetown

Truck: 30 mins

Other Information


Hours of Operation


6 am - 6 pm


6 am - 6 pm


6 am - 6 pm


6 am - 6 pm


6 am - 6 pm


6 am - 6 pm


6 am - 6 pm

National Holidays

6 am - 6 pm

Seasonal Constraints

Border access is difficult during the rainy season for both HGV and light vehicles. Commercial vehicles normally approach the border from the Ivorian side and offload their goods onto motorcycles for onward transport to Toe Town.

Daily Capacity

There is a small number of pedestrians crossing per day (+/-5). However, no commercial goods trucks. 

Customs Clearance

B’Hai customs officials have the capacity to levy taxes on the importation of commercial goods. For more information on customs in Liberia, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

Other Relevant Information

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

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