2.3.2 Afghanistan Land Border Crossing of Chaman (Pakistan)


Kandahar is the centre of the South Western Region. It is located in proximity of Pakistan border.  Spinboldak in Afghanistan and Chaman in Pakistan are the two border cities. The Pakistani border (Chaman) serve as the main entry point for most goods entering to the South Western Region through the port of Karachi in Pakistan. As per Afghanistan regulation foreign trucks cannot travel in the country and the cargo needs to be transshipped to nationally registered trucks. The transshipment is done at customs office premises, at Spinboldak.

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Pakistan: Chaman

Afghanistan: Spinboldak

Province or District


Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Spinboldak City (5km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Spinobldak Customs Department

Contact Person

Aimal Bassam

Customs Supervisor


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Kandahar International Airport (96 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4 hrs

Car Travel time: 1.5 hrs

Nearest Port


Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Kandahar (109 km)

Truck Travel Time: 5 hrs

Car Travel time: 2 hrs

Other Information


There are several fuelling stations en route from Spinboldak to Kandahar. Weigh bridge available at each entrance of Spinboldak and Kandahar City.

Accommodation and food are available in hotels and restaurants close to Spinboldak,

Hours of Operation


8 am  to 5 pm


8 am  to 5 pm


8 am  to 5 pm


8 am  to 5 pm


8 am  to 12 pm with a prayer break until 3 pm to 5 pm


8 am  to 5 pm


8 am  to 5 pm

National Holidays


  • Prophets Birthday*
  • Tenth of Moharram*
  • Eid ul Fitr for three days*
  • Eid ul Azha for three days*
  • Independence Day 19 Aug
  • Nawroz Holiday 21 March

(*) Days are reliant on Lunar calendar and observed as per Government Official announcements.

The offices are closed and there is no operation on these days.

Seasonal Constraints

The road from Spinboldak to Kandahar is paved and flat. No seasonal constraints either in winter months or rainy season.

Daily Capacity

Congestion is ordinary at the border crossing due to high number of heavy and light vehicles transiting both sides of the border. Cars are provided a separate lane. Security checks slow down the operation.

Customs Clearance

Custom Clearance Documents: Exemption Certificate, packing list, invoice, WB.

Trucks are security checked by the border Police or AFs. Average clearing time is at least two days to complete the clearing process.

For more information on Afghanistan Customs, please see the following link: 1.3 Afghanistan Customs Information.

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