Cameroon - 4.12 Waste Management Companies Contact List
Name of Company Physical Address Focal Person Telephone Number Email Address Website Does the company have an Environmental, Health and Safety certification (e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or equivalent) or self-certified management plan for facilities and personnel? (List all available) Business License Validity Dates  Years of experience Campany main business Facility is well maintained (roof/walls)? (Y/N) Hazardous materials are processed and stored separately from non-hazardous waste? (Y/N) Facility has adequate ventillation? (Y/N) PPE provided to staff (hard hats, overalls, boots, etc.)? (Y/N) Processing capacity (e.g. max tonnes/day or month)* Collection provided (Y/N) Any transport capacity constraints (geographical, volumes, frequency)? Non hazardous waste accepted Select from dropdown menu Non hazardous waste Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Hazardous Waste Accepted           Select from dropdown menu Hazardous waste disposal Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Admin Waste Accepted    Select from dropdown menu Admin Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Comments
RED-PLAST Sarl  BP: 2701 Douala  Bonaberi  Alain NGONDE   (237) 75348515 / 690403895      Permis environemental    12 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y NA Y // Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  physical recycling     General Office Waste     
OK PLAST  BP:3033 Douala  SEBASTIEN MBUUH (237) 690965529 / 691699898 Permis environemental    15 storage, recycling of non hazardous waste Y Y Y Y NA N // Plastic PT other         Selling to other recycling companies 
AVIMAR OIL CAMEROON  BP 18681 Douala BONAJO  EDY NTSAMA NGUELE (237) 677777591     Permis environemental    8 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of e-waste  Y Y Y Y   Y     incineration Electrical and electronic equipment (e.g. cameras, smoke detectors) unknown      
ETS NATIONAL TRANS AND SERVICES LTD  BP: 12174  Douala  CLAUDE ONDOUA (237) 699 57 61 92 / 674 20 61 80     Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, of non hazardous waste   Y Y Y Y // Y   Paper (office)  physical recycling   unknown     the recycled paper is used to make packaging for eggs.
BERYO INTERNATIONAL Enironment and safety solutions SARL BP: 11975 DOUALA  Bernard YOSSA (237) 33432763 / 77 86 24 58 Permis environemental    4 Sorting, Collection and transport of hazardous waste, medical waste, pharmaceutical waste  Y Y Y Y   Y //   landfill Medical Waste (e.g. soiled medical items, used sharps, glasswear, etc.) unknown General Office Waste  unknown  
SERVICES CAMEROUNAIS D'ASSAINISSEMENT (SECA) 2172 Douala Steve NANA (237) 693945277 / 690716082 / 243809700 Permis environemental    8 Sorting, Collection and transport and recycling of batteries  Y Y Y Y   Y //     Batteries of different types (e.g. lithium ion, lead acid) unknown      
SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION PROVIDER (2SP) 2125 Douala Jean Pascal FOKAM SOH (237) 696630787     Permis environemental    8 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of e-waste  Y Y Y Y   Y       E-waste: IT Hardware (e.g. servers, routers, external drives, CPUs)  physical recycling      
SOCIETE WASCO SARL 15363 Douala Jean Albert Kembe (237) 694565362     Permis environemental    2 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  N Y   Y   Y // Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  other          
BOCAM SARL  BP: 5422 Douala  Olivier BAO (237) 33 39 37 15 / 33 39 31 13/ 675433042   Permis environemental      Waste management  Y Y Y Y   Y       Batteries of different types (e.g. lithium ion, lead acid) other General Office Waste    car batteries- copper is melted and sold and the plastic is shredded  
JARDIN DES ARTS  BP: 248 Kribi  MINEE RACHEL (237) 696 369 419      Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   Y   Plastic PT unknown          
MARINE AND INDUSTRIES SUPPLIES AND SERVICES BP: 6769 AKWA DOUALA GAEL CHRISTIAN FOTSO (237) 675153564/ 656818814/ 697476082     Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste and hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   Y       Medical Waste (e.g. soiled medical items, used sharps, glasswear, etc.) unknown General Medical waste (e.g., used masks, office use latex gloves w/o bodily fluids) unknown  
TOULA COMPANY SARL  BP: 9002 Douala  RODRIGUE DJEUMI (237) 699 18 30 10 / 677 49 43 75      Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of  hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   Y           Used engine oil, lubricants unknown  
TROPICA INDUSTRIES SARL  BP: 5140 Douala  KAMAL (237) 693 892 575     Permis environemental    4 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of  hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   Y           Used engine oil, lubricants unknown  
SOCIETE GANESHA CAMEROUN SARL  BP : 4406 Douala  Sécrétaire (237) 699999891 / 679202260     Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of  hazardous and office waste  Y Y Y Y   Y       Batteries of different types (e.g. lithium ion, lead acid) unknown General Office Waste  incineration  
CLEAN SEA SERVICES HOLDING (CSS) SA  BP: 12961 Douala  MULOT BRUNO ALAIN (237) 695 968 222 / 242 096 624      Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of e-waste  Y Y Y Y           Electrical and electronic equipment (e.g. cameras, smoke detectors) unknown      
TROPICAL FOUNDATION ON BIODIVERSITY (TFB) BP 8678 Douala  TSAGUE FELIX (237) 699 32 99 89 / 22 03 00 49    Permis environemental    8 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   Y   Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  unknown          
ETS 2X ENVIRONMENT & SUPPLY BP : 81 DOUALA  Sécrétaire (237) 22136686 / 677677982 environnementdeuxx@yahoo;fr    Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   Y   Packaging (paper) physical recycling          
ETS KEKIYA  BP: 5366 Douala Bruno KEKIYA (237)679805988 / 699764075     Permis environemental    4 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   Y   Plastic PT unknown     Tyres unknown Also metal 
ETS ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY COMPANY BP: 7813 Douala   (237) 675858210 / 695202489      Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   Y   Plastic PT unknown          
SOCIETE DE COLLECTE ET DE RECUPERATION POUR LE RECYCLAGE (SC2R) 9002 Bonaberi Douala Gerard SIANKAM ( 237) 699955817 / 656576479
676676242 Permis environemental    4 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y // Y // Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  physical recycling   unknown      
FUTURA UNDUSTRIESSARL 17955 Douala Patrice SEUDIEU (237) 699666391/670452872     Permis environemental    4 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y   Y Y   Y   Plastic PT unknown          
SOFAMAC 57 Soa, Yaoundé Sécrétaire (237) 679520308/79520840   Permis environemental    8 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste    Y Y Y   Y   Packaging (paper)            
SOCIETE CAMEROUNAISE DE RECUPERATION ET DE RECYCLAGE   12872 Douala  Philippe Gérard LOUI LIGNY (237)696 56 96 71 / 690 93 01 45     Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   N   Paper (office)  incineration          
CAMEROON ALERT SYSTEM  3147 Douala Bonaberi  NGALLE NBEN Adrien  (237) 33 39 40 72 / 694 817 260 Permis environemental    26 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y       Plastic PT unknown          
OYENAFI SARL Bertoua BAHETEN OYEN Serges (237) 696795937 / 677736747 christoyen@yahoo,fr   Permis environemental    9 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y   Y   Y   Packaging (paper)            
AFRIK METAL SERVICES Sarl   395 Rue King Akwa Douala      (237) 699 50 97 41/ 6 33 42 69 08 Permis environemental    17 Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of non hazardous waste  Y Y Y Y   N   Aluminum** physical recycling          
SOLIDARITE TECHNOLOGIE BP: 8793 Awae-Escalier Yaoundé POUGHELA Armel ( 237) 691532668/690031417 recyclage@solidarite-technologique,org   Permis environemental      Sorting, collection, transport, storage, recycling of e-waste  Y Y   Y   Y       Electrical and electronic equipment (e.g. cameras, smoke detectors)        
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